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HomeBOUNDBOUND – Episode 11

BOUND – Episode 11

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[ # 2 in the DE LUCA SERIES]
♟️ Spark’s libary 2022


✍️By authoress lenity Faithful

©️ Spark’s libary 2022


Tags ☠️: Mafia , love , arrogant , billionaire , EX Lovers , Marriage contract .

©️ Copyright [ Do not copy or Repost without permission from me the writer or else …You’d not like my actions ]




? Frederico ?

She sat down on the chair whilst sniffing back her tears as she cried bitterly .

” Fred just let me go please ….” She said as her voice shook with hurt .

” Am I really that horrible in your imagination ? Aria it’s not like you’d die if you say yes to marrying me …! I said Angrily .

” I can’t marry you , the marriage would end up hurting the both of us because I don’t love you anymore ,there is no love or trust between the both of us ” she said camly .

I bent down to her level and she shifted backwards .

” Marry me….” I said again and she pushed my face as she stood up .

She ran towards the door and tried to open it .

” Help me …. somebody please help me , Frederico let me out of here please ….! She screamed whilst hitting the door .

I sat down as I watched her cry …whilst trying to unlock the door .

I can’t believe she can’t even breath in the same Air as me .

I pretended not to notice any of her madness as I scrolled through my phone .

Kissing her was the worse mistake I have ever done …I shouldn’t have kissed her .

” Aria ” I called and she sat besides the door as she cried bitterly .

” You’re not leaving this place untill I get a yes from you ” I said and she looked at me.

” I need to see my son first ” she said softly after some time .

” Don’t test my patience I’m not here for your silly games ” I said and her voice shook .

” I’m not testing your patience I’m serious” she said and I got up .

” Fine let’s go ” I said and she stood up immediately as she wiped her tears .

I knew she what she was planning ,but I’m gonna let her get away with it because I have a bigger and better plan for her madness .

I drove towards Anna’s Restaurant and when we got close , I noticed I was being followed .

” f-__-k ” I cursed under my breath .

” What is it ? She asked in pannick .

” I think we’re being followed ” I said and her eyes widened immediately.

” What Oh my goodness Frederico what if they know about your relationship with Red ? Oh my God ! She pannicked straight away .

” They don’t know about Red …..But …” I trailed .

” But what ? Fred you just said they don’t know about our son right. ? I can’t loose Red he’s All I’ve got Rico” she said calling me my nicknames twice .

Too much for someone who doesn’t wanna breath in the same Air as me .

I stopped driving and walked out of the car .

” Drive off ” I said and she looked at me like I’ve lost it .

” Are you for real right now or you’re kidding me ? It’s getting late I can’t just abandon you here ! She screamed in fear .

” I’m a criminal remember ” I said throwing her words back at her .

” You shouldn’t waste your time worrying about one ” I added and she glared at me .

I walked out and the other car packed as three guys walked out .

I couldn’t help but smirk .

They sent three guys to finish me up ?

I wonder who sent them ? But that was the least of my worries right now.

” Get out of here Arianna” I said and she drove off immediately .

“Seriosely ? I muttered under my breath and dodged the gunshot of one of the thugs .

” Where’s the Girl ? One of them asked and I knew at that point that they hadn’t come for me but for Aria .

” She left already ” I said as I wiped my hands on my pants and We got Into a fight immediately.

They’d given me minor wounds here and there but I ended them all ..

I ran my fingers in my hair as I heard sirens And sucked my lower lips the cops are on their way.

I ran immediately and heard her voice .

” Hop in ” she said and I looked in suprise.

” Aria ” I said suprised .

” As much as I want you in jail, I still have to save your silly A*s ” she said smirking .

” You want me in jail ? I asked suprised.

” That’s the home for Criminals like you Deluca’s remember’ she said and I glared at her .

” You know what ? I asked.

” What ? She asked smiling .

” Shut up ” I said and she scoffed

She drove and stopped in front of Anna’s Restaurant .

” Hey ..
..” Anna said teasingly as she walked over to us and exchanged cheek kisses with Aria then shook my hand.

” Hi Mr Deluca ” she said and I smiled .

” Quit the formalities Anna you can address me as Frederico just like old times” I said and she smiled .

” For a mafia man you are such a gentleman” Anna grinned.

” Anna ” Aria scolded and she grinned.

” Mummy ! We heard Red’s voice as he ran into her Arms .

” I love you mummy ” he said as she carried him in her arms .

” I love you too Red danger , how have you been ? Did you have fun with aunt Anna ? She asked .

” Hmm m ….I had lots of ice cream and chocolate and chips then we went to field ….to play fetch with Her friend’s Dog ” he said clapping excitedly .

” An….” Aria trailed.

” Before you scold me , I figured the cutie needed some outdoor time you guys have been indoors since you came back to Italy. ” Anna complained .

” You know it’s not safe …” Aria trailed .

” Why ? Red asked curiously .

” Elders are talking Red ” she scolded him .

” Sorry momma” he said pouting cutely.

” Hey …Rick” he waved at me .

Can’t believe my son calls me Rick

He doesn’t even acknowledge me as his Dad not to talk of calling me dad ,he’d gotten so used to his mom .

” Mom are You friends with Rick again ? He asked looking from his mom to me with his big innocent eyes .

” Huh ….” She trailed .

” Yes champ we’re friends again ” I said and he clapped excitedly .

” Yeah ” he said excitedly which made Anna chuckle.

” I can’t wait to do many cool stuff with you ” he said excitedly.

He said and walked close to me .

” You’re so tall and handsome I wanna be like you when I grow up ” he said and I chuckled .

I bent to his level and hell I was already feeling emotional .

” I want you to be better when you Grow up champ ” I said and he chuckled .

” How about we spend the whole day together tommorow ? I asked and he gasped .

” Really ? Do you have lots of toys and games and foods and ….” He trailed.

” Anything you want champ ” I said with a chuckle .

” Mummy please ….let me go with Mr Rick I promise to be a good boy …I’d be back home so you don’t worry about the monsters at night …” He said and Anna and I frowned .

Whilst Aria rubbed her forehead in frustration.

” Monsters ? I asked

” Yes mummy is scared of the dark and she cries a lot some nights even in her sleep” he blurted innocently

” Red that’s enough” she scolded him .

” He’s still a kid ” I said and she frowned .

” Don’t tell me how to raise my son ” she fired Angrily .

” He’s my son too Aria and I’d appreciate if you stop making it seem like I’m not needed ” I fired back .

” guys that’s enough ” Anna scolded the both of us .

” You guys keep Arguing like an Old married couple , we’re in front of a kid ” she added .

” Hahahaha ” Red laughed cutely .

Aria walked out on us immediately .

My phone rang and I looked at Anna .

” I gotta go , tell Aria to get him Read by eight tommorow I’d be here to pick him up ” I said and Red chuckled .

” Hey Uncle Rick ” he called .

.” Yes champ ” I said and turned to him .

” Do you have a girlfriend ? He asked curiously and I nearly chocked on my saliva .

” Wait what ….? I asked with a chuckle .

” Do you have a girlfriend ? He asked again .

Okay the Five and a half years old is definitely smarter than his Age .

” Nope ..” I popped.

” Good ” he grinned .

” Why ? I asked

“I want you and momma to stop fighting so we can become one big family again” he said and my eyes soften as I walked over to him and kissed his forehead .

” I love you champ ” I said meaning every word of it .

Immediately I left the place my phone rang Again and it was my Assistant giving me a report of everything happening at my office I cut the call and not too long my phone rang again and this time it was Veronica .

” Nica” I said immediately I picked .

” Frederico ” she said teasingly .

” You stood me up the previous time ” she said and I chuckled softly.

” Was busy something came up ..” I said and she fell Quiet.

” How about tonight ? She asked and I laughed.

” Why do I feel like you have other plans other than dinner ? I asked and she chuckled .

” I definitely have naughty plans Frederico that’s if you’d come ” she said and I smirked .

” What if I say I’d be there tonight ? I asked and she laughed .

” I’d be waiting ” she said and I ended the call .

I drove to one of my mansions to get ready for the night .

” Emelio ” I said in suprise as I walked in to see him drinking from a glass of of wine.

” You’re here ? I said suprised .

” I’m here and don’t you dare tell anyone not even Kris ” he said pointing at me and I chuckled

” Sure no problem” I said and walked passed him .

I got ready and as I walked out After about an hour later he was on the dinner table.

” Wait you’re going out again ? He asked with eyebrows raised.

” Ya. ” I said and I looked at me.

” I thought you are getting married soon Rico don’t tell me you wanna sleep around ” he sat disapointedly .

” Goodnight ” I said as I walked out then drove over to the Address she gave me , prepared just Incase it was a trap .

” Hey ” she said immediately I got there .

she catwalked over to me and kissed both sides of my cheeks .

” You look hot ” she said and I looked behind her .

” C’mon ” she said and led me in purposely swaying her A*s to entice me .

I chuckled because I’d seen better .

She showed me the dinner table and I shook my head .

” I’m not hungry ” I said and she waved it off .

” No problem I won’t force you to eat anyways ,I promised you a movie night before ” she said and we walked into her penthouse .

She switched on the movie , We where not even half way through the film when she kissed my lips softly .

I reciprocated as I moved in between her legs ripping her dress in the process .

” Oh Rico ” she Mõ@ɲed as the kiss got heated .

” Strip ” I said and she obeyed just like every other woman .

” Rico ”

She cried out the moment I drove in and that was the beginning of a crazy night .


Don’t leave without Dropping mouthwatering comments guys .

This only gets crazier .

So he f-__-ked Veronica

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