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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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?Bloody Cravings?
{ Her scent, his weakness}

CHAPTER 33? 34

Written By; Chioma Melody.

Subtitle: Be My Girlfriend!





Kitten quickly ran to the woman who had picked up her baby. Good thing she had picked him up on time.

” Is he okay?. Does he have a cut?. Lemme see his body?” Kitten quickly asked timelessly.

” I don’t think so. He’s not crying afterall. He seems very fine, but it was wrong of those men to leave him alone like that” She said and walked away, a little bit disappointed.

Kitten fisted her palm as she stared at the boys who were still drunk to sleep. She walked to a nearby shop and ordered for a bottle of chilled, icy water.

She ran back to them and opened the cap with a strong look on her face. Instantly, she hovered the bottle over their faces, pouring it all over them carelessly.

” Two Idiot, wake up!” She yelled and they both sat up immediately, choking on their breath.

Lucas wiped his face with his palm, part of the water dripping off his blonde hair.

He slowly looked up and found Kitten glaring at him so much that he could feel the heat coming from her.

” Kitten?. What the f_ck happened?” He asked.

” Where’s the baby!” She yelled and the two boys searched themselves only to find out the little bro wasn’t with them.

Frankie quickly looked at Lucas.

” The baby was with you, isn’t It?” He spat.

” I was carrying him for over thirty minutes, my arm was aching me badly, man!. Do I look like a baby trolley!” He yelled.

” God!. So the ground swallowed up the baby??!” Frankie snapped back.

” Who knows. He was supposed to be here on my lap!” Lucas said and kitten poured more content of the icy water on their heads.

They both sprang up from the chair immediately and they started coughing.

” It’s like you both are still asleep. You need something to wrap your senses together huh?” She spat.

Lucas sighed as his hands went to his pocket. He couldn’t believe an ordinary baby stressed the hell out of him.

He had no idea how he fell asleep, it was very odd of him. He glared at frankie and frankie rolled his eyes, turning away from his face.

” I returned back here only to find the baby on the roadside. What if a car had hit the child, who’s gonna pay for it” She continued to yell.

” We’ll just have another baby for her. We might even bless her with twins” Lucas winked at her and her jaw fell openly.

” Look kit, It was Lucas fault that the babysitting went wrong!” Frankie said.

” You fell asleep first and I decided to close my eyes for just two seconds too.” Lucas spat.

” Two seconds turned to thirty minutes. Perhaps, the sleeping fairy took your soul away to the Lulu dreamland, huh?” Frankie grinned.

Kitten palmed her head as she chuckled loudly. This guys wouldn’t stop making her laugh and yell at the same time.

” You guys are just too hilarious. See how cute you guys look while arguing like toddlers” She laughed, holding her waist.

” She said I’m cute” Frankie laughed, taking his fingers into his hair.

” She was literally talking to both of us.” Lucas snapped back.

” So about the job interview” Kitten finally spoke.

” Did you get the job?” The two boys asked at once.

Kitten bit her lips as she looked down sadly.

” I got the job” She said. Frankie started clapping his hands.

” Oh, Woah. That’s good news!. I trust you girl” He praised her.

” When do you fully resume?” Lucas asked.

” I got fired thereafter” She said, biting her lower lips tightly and the two guys stared at her, looking very puzzled.

After the ten seconds of pure silence, She looked up and saw the puzzled look in their faces.

” It’s a long story, guys. I couldn’t contain the chef’s behaviour. She was too harsh, too much rules. Do this, don’t do that. She behaves like I came to work as a prisoner. I’m not a prisoner am I?” She said and Lucas palmed his eyes tiredly.

Frankie picked the chilled water bottle from her hand and sprinkled the last content on her head.

” You need to wake up, kit. Wake up” He said.

” Hey. Why would you do that to her hair!. I brushed those myself this morning!” Lucas spat.

” Oh, What are you gonna do about it?. The victim didn’t even complain!” He said and Lucas gave him that one scary stare.

” Don’t even dare come after us” He said and picked kitten’s hand and started to pull away quickly.

Frankie remained in his spot as he watched them walk away. There was this pain in his eyes he’d been trying to hide for long.

” Kitten!. I love you so much!. Twice of Lucas feelings for you, okay?. Bear that in mind!” He said aloud but she had walked far off to even hear him.

He sighed loudly and kicked the bottle of water on the floor.

” Being the second lead sucks. We are always much better but no one cares or notice” He spat and turned over towards his car.



” Ou. Leo!” Kelly bit her lips as her fist squeezed the duvet fabric tightly.

Leo was eating her up, sulking and licking her like she had turned into an ice cream.

He raised his tongue and palmed her p@zzy skin, going round in large circles.

Her head was running insane at that moment and he started swirling faster and faster, causing her body to level above the bed.

” Ahh baby!”

” Oh f_ck, Leo!”

Her body shook repeatedly as waves of pleasure ran through her.

He looked at her face while doing it and her cute reaction was turning him on the more.

He sank his tongue deeper, in and out and started tongue f_cking her crazily with it.

Her thighs merged up, leaving Leo’s face inbetween.

” F…f….uck!!! Leopard!!.” She screamed and her hot wetness rushed out in multiple folds.

” Please slow down” She pouted but he increased his pace twice, not listening to her.

He started swirling his tongue on her little pud and then his fingers slid in and started playing on her ćƖĩť lips, adding volume to her pleasure.

Kelly was on cloud 9.

He pulled out his face and started fínģƐŕing her crazily, watching her crisp and pant in front of him.

He madly loved watching her while he made her feel this good.

He leaned over her and kissed her soft lips, making her have the taste of her own wetness.

He pulled out his finger and broke the kiss, hugging her tight before staring at her flushed, red face.

He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

” How was it?” He asked, looking at her.

She sulked her lower lips as she lowered her gaze nervously.

” You are so naughty. How can you even make me scream that way. I felt so so weird” She pouted guiltily.

” You think so?. But we haven’t gotten to the real game yet.”

” Huh?” She raised her lashes, looking at him. He adjusted and laid next to her, turning her towards him.

” Have you flew to the nine planet and then back at Cape Tower but flew to the sun in the next second?” He asked.

” How’s that even possible?” She blinked.

” Leo can make it possible, sweetheart” He said with a little grin in his lips.

” Really?. Show me then!” She said determinedly and he palmed her cheeks.

” We should probably wait till we tie the knot, baby”

” You want us to get married before we travel to the nine planet?” She asked innocently and Leo started chuckling.

” Geez, you are just so naive. Just forget I said anything I like that. Okay?”

” But can you tell me how one can travel to the nine planet and to the sun in seconds, Please?” She begged and Leo leaned closer.

” segz” He whispered and she held her breath, feeling the hotness coming from him.

” You mean you’d…

” Shh.” He smiled and leaned closer, capturing her lips as he started kissing her lovingly.

She slowly Mõ@ɲed out and her hands started pulling his head closer. She wanted more, more of his sweet lips.

After what seemed like forever, He finally pulled out and stared at her.

” I wouldn’t be at school tomorrow, little”

” Huh?. Why?”

” We usually go audition in other part of Cape Tower. And sometimes, our agent would want us to come over as well” He said.

” But I’ll come with you right?” She asked and his face left out no emotion.

” Not yet, little. You have to become a full member first” He said and she sat up, crossing her arm under B-__-bs.

He chuckled and went to sit next to her.

” Are you upset? Mn?” He drew her close from behind.

” Why not!. Don’t you know I’ll feel lonely when you’re gone!” She pouted.

” But it’s just for a day sweetheart”

” 24 hours in a day!. That’s enough for someone to get a panic attack!” She spat and Leo chuckled.

” Okay, How about I make a promise. Our next visit, I’ll talk to the boys and allow you to come along with us, mn?” He asked.

She smiled and turned to him.

” Really, You would?”

” Of course”

” Awn, Thank you leo!” She wrapped his hands around him and he stroke her silk hair fondly.

” Give me a nickname, baby?” He said and she looked at him.

” Muffin?” She blinked and he smiled, pulling her against his chest again.

” I love it” He said.

The door opened rascally and blue tripped in wearing only his rare underwear.

” Have you seen my__” His words hung in the air when he met Kelly in the room too, hugging Leo.

” Get out!” Leo spat and blue lowered his face as he paraded his eyes at his body. He was on pant alone.

He played ‘WORK’ by cardi B and turned his back twerking.

” Work..Work.. Work..!!” He danced playfully as he strolled out of his room and Leo palmed his face horribly.


Karen walked down into the hotel corridor as stared at her phone screen.

” Miles said they lounged in here. I just hope this is the correct hotel room number” She said and stopped in front of a large door.

Everything about the hotel was screaming of luxury, even the mere door knob was made of gold.

She sighed and plastered a strong look on her face as she thought about what Miles told her.

” If he doesn’t want me to meet the CeCe family then definitely, they might be related to me somehow. They might be my real parent, I just can’t wait to know the truth” She said and knocked on the door.

She took a deep breath and stepped back as the door slowly opened.

A tall man in a black tuxedo came in view and she looked up at the face. Her heart skipped immediately she saw who it was.

” Miles!” She gasped.

” Surprised, huh?” He grinned and dragged her arm, pulling her into the room quickly.

He locked up the door and turned to face her.

” I was only trying to trick you and test your fate by lying to you, mimi. I wanted to see if I could trust you very well but you’ve finally shown me who you truly are” He smiled.

” Tell me the truth, The CeCe are my family, isn’t It!” She yelled, fisting her palm.

” You are not part of their family. You come from the royal family of the Newton!”

” But Kitten told me they had a third twin. Kelly has same pendant with me. We share the same birth mark as well!. That’s enough prediction for me, I’m not a fool,you know!” She yelled.

” Those are all coincidence.”

” They are not!. You hid me from my families for all this years and filled my young ears with lies. Lies everywhere!” She cried, rubbing her lids tearfully.

” You belong to me, Karen. And anything I say is what you must do!.”

” I won’t do anymore. I’m done working for you and your f-__-king royal people. I’m going out there and I’m searching for my family!. And then, I’ll come back for revenge for torturing me and making my childhood a mess!” She yelled and Miles brought out his gun.

She saw him with the gun and her foot lost balance immediately.

” Say one more word and you’ll get this!” He thr_@tened and she quickly covered her face.

” Please don’t hurt me, please” She cried.

” We are running out of time, we need Lucas with immediate effect!”

” What do you need him for?!” She yelled, turning to look back at him.

He got on his kneels and held up her chin, staring into her dark eyes.

” We need him… to mark the queen’s daughter” He said and her eyes sank into her soul immediately.


Lucas walked down his stairs, wet from shower and he halted when he met kitten on the sofa.

She was hugging a pillow to her face and he could hear her sob.

His face turned calm as he walked till he got to her.

” Kit?” He called and tried pulling off the pillow from her face but she was struggling with him.

He took up her legs and sat down, placing her legs back on his thighs.

” Kit?” He called gently.

” Leave me!. I want to cry alone!” She sobbed like a kid and he chuckled.

” Is it cos you couldn’t get the job?” He asked and she nodded.

” Come over” He drew her up and she sat up but she was still hugging the pillow to her face, hiding her teary eyes.

” It’s just a matter of your character, kitten. I’m sure if you’re a bit nicer, you could have gotten the job” He said.

She dropped her pillow and her lewd face showed up.

” But the chef was not nice to me at all!. I didn’t even do anything wrong and she fired me!” She sobbed.

His palm cupped a side of her cheek while he stared at her daringly.

” How about we go back there, you apologise and see if she gives you back the job?, huh?”

” What!. Go back to that slot that thinks she is a God!”

” See what I’m saying. You should probably be nice with your choice of words” He said and her shoulders fell.

She pouted her lips as she stared at him.

” Do you think I’m crazy sometimes?” She asked.

” Not sometimes, Everytime” He said and pulled her up till she was straddling him.

He adjusted her wet hair off her face and smooched her forehead gently before looking at her eyes.

” I want you to change for me, kit. Not totally, I mean, change in the aspect you know you feel isn’t right” He said and she stared at her thumb.

” Alright. I’ll try. But Just for you” She pouted and Lucas smiled at the corner of his lip.

He stared at her for a moment and all he could do was fall for her over and over again. She could be crazy, but her beauty was top notch.

Her hair strand fell out of place again and he tucked it next to her ear.

” Will you be my girlfriend, kitten?” He suddenly asked and her heart skipped instantly.

” Be your girlfriend?” Her eyes swelled with so much excitement.

” Yea, Let’s extend this affection for eachother to a whole new level” He said and she curled her lower lip into her mouth happily.

She stared at her fingers as she moved her upper body sideways.

” I will. But only on one condition” She said, raising her finger to his face.

” I’m ready” He said.

” Let’s I and Karen switched sides in the hostel” She said and lucas raised his gaze.

” What do you mean, switch sides?”

” Let’s Karen go stay with Kelly and let me stay here with you. I mean it” She said and lucas jaw fell in surprise.



The professor was still teaching when he realise kitten wasn’t concentrating.

He looked up and found out she was busy writing something down on her book.

” Kitten CeCe!” He called and she instantly looked up, covering up her book quickly.

Psalm noticed she was hiding something and she quickly snatched the book from her.

” Hey!” Kitten yelled.

Psalm flipped the book until she found out what kitten had been busy doing.

” Awwn. She drew a love heart and wrote lucas name in it, with sweet quote. Awn, Sweet love, too early for breakup” She laughed and every student watching joined in.

Lucad finally stood up and smiled maturely.

” Since most of you don’t know. I have decided to make it public today. I and kitten have started dating,yes. And some jealous fools will always want to procrastinate. It’s fine. Especially the PP’S but it’s fine since they’re not used to minding their business.”

” How do we believe you’re dating. You both were enemies last time we checked” Peach said.

” He should kiss her, lips to lips, to Let’s us be sure you are really dating” Psalm said sarcastically and kitten’s eyes surged out for a moment.

“Sure. I’ll do it” He smiled and left his seat quickly.

He walked up to kitten’s table and palmed it thereafter, locking his eyes with her.

” Let’s prove it to them, kit. Let’s kiss”

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