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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄


💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


Like before reading, reply to my comments, share after reading, drop a comment and let us know what you think.


I know this is a new story and so many readers are new here but this is where it ends, if the engagement doesn’t improve then I’m taking down this book and deleting this page for good.

We all have something we do to earn a living, I can’t divide my day to entertain you and at the end you will be ungrateful. If you don’t know what to comment drop a heart, like… it won’t take much of your time, share so others can read, comment!!

The story is just starting yet I’m losing interest already, I will just paused for now and upload it later on my main page when I finish my ongoing story there cos I h@ťě what I don’t like.


Peterson bolted out of his office in full speed, rushing into the elevator he came out on the last floor.

He ran to the parking lot but didn’t see anyone, not even a moving vehicle so he ran back into his company, taking out his phone as he made a quick phone.

“911 what’s your emergency?” A female voice came through the speaker.

“Hunter, he came to my office with a thr_@t letter”



Holland, dragged his suitcase outside rolling it towards his already packed car.

He’d dismissed his staffs as he will be out of the country till Hunter is apprehended.

He touched his suit pocket but couldn’t find his car keys so he touched his trouser pocket and still couldn’t touch it.

“Did I leave it on the table?” He asked himself, not quite sure.

Letting go of his suitcase he walked back into the house in a rush, his phone buzzed and he reached for it.

“Peterson,” he called, looking at the living room in search of his keys. When he didn’t see it he went into his bedroom.

“What? Hunter sent you a fûçking letter?” He screamed unbelievably.

“Thanks goodness man,” he said over the phone.

“That’s why I’m leaving California, I dunno why he’s targeting our friends but I better fine another country far away,” he said still on the phone.

Holland saw his car keys laying on his drawer then walked over and took it.

“Yeah man, I gotta go, right! Right! Will branch at the station, okay, yeah, alright bye,” He ended the call

“d@mn, I will miss my flight, I better hurry,” he said to himself, descending the stairs but he met a visitor on his couch.

Wait… Hold on! Wait a minute.

He’d just gone up not up to five seconds so how in the hêll did this person get in here?

“Y… You’re Hunter?!” He stammered, trying to keep his cool.

Judging by the dress and appearance, he could tell the person was the popular Seria Kîllêr.

“This is she!” Melisande in all her glory stood from his couch, walking towards him.

Holland smirked, there are cameras in his house so she will be caught.

Melisande took four steps forward.

“What is my crime to make you visit me like this?” He asked in his usual calm voice.

“9 years ago, 9 October, Wednesday 4:24. A girl named Melisande, do you remember?” She asked in a robotic voice.

Holland frowned his brows, 9 years is a long time ago, if he’d offended her why wait for so long before coming? What has she been doing all these years.

His eyes flashed with remembrance. He looked closely at her…

“No way! She dîêd, we were all told that she dîêd! How come?” His eyes widened.

She smirked under the mask.

“Wait! You’re her sister? Mom? Her Dad? Who are you exactly?” He shouted frustratedly.


“How? You dîêd,” his eyes wide widened insanely.

“Let’s says Virgin marry spoke to her son and her son spoke to his father and here I am,” she picked up a blade that was laying beside her, throwing it at him then she pick one for herself.

Holland snorts as he caught the sword, it was shape and shiny, reflecting the lights in his mansion.

“Don’t go easy cos I won’t,” she position herself.

He smirked dangerously.

“Have been waiting for you, what took you so long? Yaaaaahhhh!!!!” He charged at her with full force but she sidestepped his attack, his blade met the air and he turned with fury in his eye.

“You bîtch!!” He roared, charging at her again but she lowered herself to the ground, slicing through his thighs.

It was so quick that he failed to notice but he charged at her again, ignoring the stinging pain.

The sound of steel on steel filled the air as Holland furiously wants to take her down.

How dare she kîll his friends over a râpe that happened years ago?

He swung his sword with all his might, but Hunter blocked the blow with a practiced ease. Their swords clashed again and again as they kept testing each other’s strength and ski||.

Hunter suddenly lunged forward, her sword aiming for the his heart, but Holland jumped back just in time, avoiding the fatal blow, But Hunter kept coming, her sword swinging wildly.

It was now his turn to duck.

He ducked and dodged, but he knew he couldn’t keep this up for much longer.

She’s a ski||ed fîghter…

With a swift move Holland knocked her sword off her hand then smirked but Hunter surprised him with a back kick which sent his blade flying to the ceiling and it stuck there.

“We gotta do it the old fashioned way,” he said folding his long sleeves tailored shirt.

She was a woman and no matter how strong she might be, she can’t bêât a man. Definitely not!

Holland threw a punch, hitting her jaw and she staggered back, before she could regain herself he was on her again.

He punch her three times consecutively and laughed.

“Women! I thought you were some dude but here you are,” Holland twisted his fist, bouncing up and down as he got ready for more.

“My turn,” Hunter lunged at him, throwing two punching his way but he ducked them with ease.

Raising her knees, she jammed his members

“Uhhh,” Holland squatted, she gave him a long kick, the blade on the ceiling falling off so she leap in the air and caught it, coming down she sank it in his heart.

“Argh!!” Holland cried out

“I let you hit me cos I didn’t want your male ego to be wounded,” she twisted the blade, pushing it deeper.



A man could be seen puffing out smoke in the thick air, he dragged a long smoke again then puff it out, stamping his foot on the floor.

Marcus, Hunters rival walked in.

“Big boss,” he called, stopping some feet away from the man.

His face not seen.

“What?” Came the stone cold voice.

“I know you already picked Hunter for the job cos she’s your favourit….”

“Big daddy has no favorite,” thick dark voice cut him off.

Marcus nodded.

“I want to be assigned for this job, I can do it better. Hunter is only Interested about her revenge but if you can….”

“Skip the speech, what do you want?”

“I want to partake in this job and I will deliver,” Marcus replied

There was silence as the big boss kept smoking, finally, he dropped his cigarette in the ashtray then glance at Marcus.

“Hunter rejected it but Arthur said he can convince her, give it a shot,” He said in his deep dark voice.

A sinister smile appeared on Marcus lips instantly.

“I will not disappoint….”

“Get lost!!”


Walnut High School

Blaise stood in front of the school gate, watching as students came out in numbers, some where with their friends while some was alone.

Three girls was glaring at him but he wasn’t interested, finally, he saw her… The one he came for.

He was about walking over to her when a boy grabbed her wrist so he slowed his steps, watching them closely.

“And who do we have here if not my crush, Melissa,” the young student shouted.

Everyone began laughing, Cherry tried taking her hand from him but he’s hold on her tightened.

“What were you thinking when you asked me out with a letter? Huh? You think I was gonna look your way? Wake up girl I am Richard Gates and you’re just a nobody,” he spats pushing her off.

She staggered but didn’t falls, Richard reached for her again but another hand grabbed his wrist so he looked back to see a guy he have never met holding him.

He scoffed.

“And who are you?” He asked, turning to his friends before staring at Blaise.

Without saying a word, Blaise took Cherry’s hand, praying she don’t move away and she didn’t.

All the students watched in awe as he took her to his bike then gave her one hair met.

She climbed behind him then he sped off.

Danm he h@ťěs bullies, and why will she let anyone bully her like that? She asked him out so what? The guy is not even that handsome.

“You okay?” Blaise asked casually, after dropping her off few feets away from their house, just where she asked him to stop.

“Thanks for the ride,” she smiled.

“I’m Blaise, the guy you ran into last night and this must be yours,” he brought out the phone.

Her eyes lit up instantly and she quickly reached for it.

“Thanks for bringing me back my phone,” she said politely.

He chuckled

it wasn’t really from his heart, the fact that she let them bully her was what he doesn’t like. He h@ťěs weaklings!

“No problem,” He replied with a smile, showing off his cute dimples then He reverse

“Please don’t tell anyone that you saw me at the strip club,” she suddenly shouted and be nod

If her uncle find out then he’s definitely turning her into a sêx worker.



Holland woke up by the sound of a coming train

“Where am I?” He asked himself looking around.

He expected to see himself in his house, or hospital but the train he saw coming his way told him everything there is to no.

“No! Some body! Get me out!” Screamed of horror tore through his throat, he didn’t know when he peel on his pants.

He began shaking violently, trying to move, to fall to just get off the rails but his body couldn’t move.

“Some body! Help me! No!! Please!” He screamed horrifically.

“Having fun?” Hunter asked walking up to him

“Please! I beg of you, I will give you anything just name it, please don’t let me dîê like this,” He pleaded tearfully.

He was weak from stab she gave a d his whole body felt like led, as though she was injected with a medicine to weaken his bones.

“911 what’s your emergency,” He heard a female voice from the burner phone in her hand.

“You have 5 minutes before he lose it,” she replied and dropped the phone in his lap, walking away.

Holland glanced at the phone which is still connected then at the coming train.

“Hello are you there?” The female voice came again

“Yes, I am……” His voice and the burner phone dîêd down as the train crushed them…

Melisande smiled with satisfaction from where she’s watching, she turn to leave but notice her phone was ringing so she picked up.

“Juliet,” she called.

“Come home now, we need to talk!” Her mother’s voice came through the speaker.

“And why should I do that?” She asked rudely, her other hand tucked in her pocket.

“Melisande, there is something important I have to tell you,” Juliet replied, her voice a little bit restless.

Melisande snorts.

“I won’t fall for that again,”

“Melisande, it’s important,” Juliet screamed into the phone.

“Tell me now, is it about that Bastard…”

“Don’t ever call him that! He’s your son and yes it’s about him,” Juliet snapped Interrupting her.


“Melisande, you didn’t just have one kid, I was forced to go away with one and they paid me to shut up but you have money now, we could get them back, and I saw… Hello… Hello.. Melisande!! Melisande!!” Juliet removed her phone from her ear and quickly dialed her daughters line again.

it sent her directly to voicemail.

“Why is she so stubborn?” Juliet mumbled to herself, she began pacing around the room in thought.

“Why can’t she just listen? How long will it take for her to heal? I can’t let them keep my grandkids,” she mumbled to herself, calling Melisande again but it sent her directly to voicemail.

Melisande had ended the call cos her mother made mention of her son. She h@ťěs that boy more than anything else in this world.



Melisande sip from her wine as she watched their target walking into the restaurant with a guy who happens to be her supposed boyfriend.

She was dressed in a Rich elegant black handless gown with an opening that stops on her cleavage.

“She’s the one,” Arthur whispered besides her.

Blaise just sat and watch without saying a word but all of a sudden he saw Marcus walking into restaurant.

“Boss, Marcus is here,” he said, keeping a close eye on him.

“This shît isn’t gonna go the way I want,” Melisande mumbled

Arthur touched her hand from under the table.

“Baby patience, it will work out trust me,” he said softly.

She scoffed.

“I dunno what you guys sees in kîdnâping,” she rolled her eyes and stood, she was about walking away when she notice something strange about the girl.

She glanced at her crew.

“Did you say they are dating?” She asked to be sure.

“Yeah, but her brother thinks he’s not good for her,” Arthur replied

“He’s rich and handsome, what more could he want?” Blaise asked, Arthur didn’t reply so he glanced at Melisande but her gaze was fixed on the girl.

“She looks uncomfortable,” Melisande began walking towards that table. She haven’t taken up to Ten steps when a girl bumped into her.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” the girl quickly apologize, going to her knees.

“Are you blind? Or you’re natural stupid?” Melisande asked rudely

“Hey,” Blaise rushed forward, he glanced at Melisande’s ruined dress then at the girl who happens to be Cherry (Melissa)

“Boss, she’s with me,” he quickly said, lowering himself to help Cherry up.

“I’m sorry,” Cherry said again.

“Oh, my,” a man gasped, walking towards them.

“Did you do this? You’re fired!!” He spats furiously.

“How come you decide for me when am the one that got ruined?” Melisande asked, shifting her gaze to the man.

He raised his brows.

“I was…”

“Keep it to yourself!” She rolled her eyes “She stays,” she said the last part in a commanding tone.

“Thanks boss…”

“Keep it to yourself!” Melisande snapped harshly and Blaise gulped emptiness.

“Sande, they are on the move,” Arthur reported, he stood from his chair and followed the girl with her boyfriend as they left the restaurant.

“Copy that,” Melisande replied through the airpod

She rushed out of the restaurant only to see the last person she wanted to come across. Micheal!

“Have you made up your mind already?” Micheal asked Ç0çƙily as he approached her.

She completely ignored him.

“Your net worth is 12B but your hotel and restaurant doesn’t make that a year so how come?” He asked, following her.

“I see someone went to Google,” she mumbled, not stopping to look at him.

“What’s the main source of your income? How come you wear luxury dress yet your bank account is loaded?” He asked as though he wanted to hear something from her.

“If you keep following me I would have to call the cops,” she replied and made to take a turn but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her back.

Her heart pounded in her chest as rage covered her like a blanket, without a warning she raised her heels to his chest, digging her 9 inches heel directly on his chest then leave it there.

“You wanna dîê?” She spats

Micheal chuckled. Gwad! No woman has ever intrigued him like this one. The more she fîght the more he gets triggered…. Isn’t that crazy?

he glanced up at her face slowly thrilling his nails in her foot before caressing it tenderly then he leaned closer and kissed her feet.

“You taste good, makes me wanna have you for dinner,” He smirked dangerously, bring his lips back to her feet again but she quickly withdrew back.

Micheal chuckled, just what he wanted.

Enraged, Melissa began walking away, like, why the fûçk does he have to followed her when she’s on a mission? Is he stalking her now? What is wrong with him?

“How about having you as dessert?”

“How about having your face on my fist,” A voice came from behind, startling him.

Turning around to know who it was a hard punch landed on his jaw and he….

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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