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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄


💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


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Cherry walked into the class with her head down, slowly she made her way to the back chair and settled down.

Three girls by the corner chuckled, the one who happens to be their leader began walking towards her and two other followed.

“Settle down everyone,” A teacher said, walking in

They smirked, going back to their desk.

“Bring out your text book and open to page 11,” He said, standing in front of the class while resting both hands in the long single desk in front of him.

It was more like a stool.

“I’m disappointed at all of you, in all this class only one person knows exactly what she’s doing here,” He said.

Cherry lowered her head.

“Melissa Anderson,” he called and everyone gasped. Written by Rosy Johnson.

The three girls frowned but kept quiet.

“keep up the good work,” he said added with a smiling face.

Cherry smiled back but it didn’t last long cos she got a glare from almost everyone in th class.

Her three bullies are know as the 3M, they all came from a wealthy home and derived joy in bulling others.

Jazmine the leader of the crew is the daughter of a minister, Elisa and Regina are her minions and from wealthy families too.

The teacher walked out of the class and Jazmine smirked as she walked over to Cherry (Melissa)

Her real name is actually Melissa while her stage name is Cherry.

“I copied from your homework so tell me why you’re the only one that got it and I failed?” She slammed her fist on the desk.

Cherry lowered her head.

“Answer me you punk!”

“Why not just leave me alone? If you want good grades then work for it!” Cherry suddenly snapped, she made to stand but Elisa and Regina pushed her back on the chair

Each holding her shoulder.

Jazmine smirked.

She walked over to another Students table then took his lung box, opening it. She brought out a bottled Pepsi then began walking over to Cherry, not without throwing the lunch box away.

She has already unclipped the cover.

Jazmine raise the bottle, emptying the whole container on Cherry.

Everyone gasped while some laughed, making videos.

Cherry just sat there without saying a word, Jazmine hit her face with the empty bottle when she was done before walking away.

Regina and Elisa followed instantly.



Melisande was seated in her office when the door opened and Charlotte strode it, behind her was Melisande’s assistant (Jane)

“Am I under arrest?” She asked, staring at Charlotte.

Charlotte Wave a hand

“Oh, please,” she rolled her eyes.

Melisande frowned her brows.

“You don’t look too good,” she mumbled, turning to her assistant.

“WTF is wrong with you two? Jane why the black eye?” She asked confused

Did they get into a fîght? But cops don’t fîght.

“Me?” Jane touched her chest

“No, you!” Charlotte hissed loudly.

“It’s nothing, just hit my face on the door,” she replied, she moved behind Melisande, opening the drawer as she reached for the files inside, ready to start work.

Of course she knows she lied, her boyfriend bêáts the crap out of her, she knows if she tells them about him they will simply tell her to leave him but she loves him and he will change.

“Charlotte what’s with the long face?” Melisande asked

The front door opened and a black lady (Joy) walked in, she’s part of the group and has been trying to get a single case since the past six months but all failed.

Charlotte face lit up instantly while Melisande began singing, slamming her hand on the desk as the lady approached.

“Black lady lawyer,” Melisande hipped, using her desk as drum beats

“Uh-huh,” Joy nodded

“Black lady lawyer,” Charlotte joined, also hitting the desk, While Joy dance to them.

“Uh-huh,” Joy dance

“Black lady lawyer!”


“Black lady lawyer!!”


They all laughed, Charlotte forgetting her worries in the moment.

Jane was now watching them.

“Guess what bîtches?” Joy said in a deep African American voice.

“Hit us,” Both Charlotte and Melisande said in unison

“I got my first case!!”

“Whoa!!! Gal!” Charlotte screamed excitedly.

“You Rock!” Jane added

“I Know right?” Joy gave her a thumb up.

“I can just snap someone’s neck and Charlotte will arrest the person and black lady lawyer will sue, Melisande the president,” Melisande said winking at Joy before shifting her gaze to Charlotte. Written by Rosy Johnson

They all laughed

“Charlotte, you don’t look too good?” Joy finally said, after settled down.

“It’s James, I don’t know what is wrong with him?” She frowned again.

“Is he sick?” Jane asked curiosily.

She might be Melisande’s assistant but she always join in their chat and they seem to allow it.

“Nah! He have been fûçking me like he’s on drug or something,” she added.

Joy sat up straighter, this was exactly her kind of thing.

“And what?” She asked impatiently.

Gwad! She love juicy gossip.

“I don’t like it, last night we went five times….”

“Well, then pass him to me Coach,” Joy said seriously.

Melisande who’s closer smacked her head.


“Joy, it’s not funny” Charlotte frowned, she relax back on the chair, resting her hand on the chair armrest before placing her head on it.

“How many times do you guys normal go?” Jane asked.

“Twice a week, two rounds or three maybe. But this one has been the whole week and even last week, I don’t think I will marry him if he keep up like this….”

“Charlotte!!” Both Melisande and Joy called in unison.

WTF! She just got engaged and now she’s talking of dumping him? Who does that?!

“What? Have removed his engagement ring and will return it soon,” she rolled her eyes.

The glanced at her fingers and truly she wasn’t wearing her engagement ring.

This is serious!

“Maybe you should talk to him about it,” Melisande suggested with a shrug.

“Virgin,” Joy teased.

“Oh, please. I’m even more experienced than you,” she rolled her eyes.

That was a big fat lie and she knew it!

“The thing is, he was never like this but after he put that diamond ring on my finger he started demanding, at first it was three and every night when I will be busy trying to catch Hunter, that evil Seria Kîllêr. from there to four then he upgrade to five and last night was five and half,” she crossed and uncrossed her legs.

“Coach, all am saying is this; if you’re done please pass him to me cos I can do ten rounds. I can even do all night straight up to sun raise and sun fall,” Joy said with hand gestures.

Melisande threw a book at her and it landed on her head.

“Ouch, it was just a suggestion and it’s in my blood, black people are strong so I can take him,” Joy added with a shrug.

Charlotte was the one who hit her this time and she giggled.

“You should talk to him, maybe he’s on drug or can’t seem to get enough of his wife to be, it happens sometimes,” Joy suggested with a shrug.

They were all silent. Joy might be crazy but she always makes sense when she’s serious.

“What’s with the black eye Jane?” Joy asked the same Question Melisande had asked earlier.

“She hit her face,” Charlotte replied as though the question was for her.

“Looks like a blow to me,” Joy mumbled.

Jane smiled.

“No, it’s not, Chris will never hit me,” Jane replied.

“Of course he won’t,” Joy rolled her eyes.

Who is she tryna fool? She familiar with black eyes and can recognize a punch when she see one.

“Bîtches, I got my first case!” Joy screamed happily

Charlotte and Melisande began banging their fist on the desk while Jane walked out of the room to take record from the manager.

“Black lady lawyer!”


“Black lady lawyer!”


“Black lady lawyer!”




Michael lean besides his Limo, waiting patiently for the plane to land.

His mother had called him earlier and he came directly after meeting with Melisande.

“Daddy!” A boy who couldn’t be more than 9 called excitedly as he alighted from the jet, he took off instantly and Michael lowered himself then spread both arms wide.

“Daddy!” The little boy called, hugging him tightly.

“I miss you buddy,” Micheal said as he made to pull away but the boy held him tight.

“Not yet, hope you found Mom already? Cos if not then I’m going back and never speaking to you again,” the boy Whispered.

he disengage from the hug wrapping himself up with a large frown on his face.

“Told you I lost your mother during childbirth, the doctor’s couldn’t save her so she bleed to dêâth, but I have a girlfriend now….”

“I want a fiancee?” The boy began walking away furiously.

He went into the limo and scoffed immediately Micheal joined him.

“Mateo, she’s pretty,” Micheal said calmly.

He threw his face outside the window.

“Fine, I will propose to her in five days…”

“1 day,” Mateo glared.


“You have three and that’s it!” Mateo said seriously

“It’s not that easy to ask woman to marry you in such little period,” He tried to make him understand. Written by Rosy Johnson

“Mr. Micheal, do you think it’s easy for me to grow up without a Mom? Come on old man, I need Mom, a pretty one to show off. The boy need to save face,” Mateo said proudly and Micheal glared.

Who the fûçk is he talking to? How come a 9 years old knows all This? And what did he just call him? Old…. Old what?

“Who are you calling an old man?” He asked instantly

“I guess I’m not part of the trip,” Mrs. Stafford said by the door.

She joined them in the limo before the chauffeur drive off.

“Dad has a fiance,” Mateo said without delay.

Mrs. Mateo’s eyes widened.

“Really? Who is she? Is she a model? An actress? Lemme see her picture!” She demanded, taking Michael’s phone from him.

“Don’t have her pic, but you will meet her in person,” he replied

Fûçk! Why does his son has to be obsessed with having a mother? Can’t he just be like a normal kid?

Melisande haven’t even accept his offer. Fûçk! He will have to hold her with something.

“Stop, I need ice cream,” Mateo suddenly ordered, glaring out through the thick window.

The Limo pulled over at the lot and he jumped down.

“Stay back Mateo, I will go get it,” Micheal said but the little boy was already rushing into the supermarket.


Juliet, Melisande’s mom and her grandson Maverick was in the same mall.

Maverick made to pick a toy but another hand grabbed it, rushing away.

For a brief moment he didn’t move, he stood there watching the back view of the boy that has his face, they were the same height and…

He took off, running after the boy only to bump into a girl and they both fall.

“Sorry,” he apologized, resuming his race.

By the time he got to the cashier the boy was already heading outside so he ran after him. He wasn’t careful so he bumped into a woman and fall, hurting her knees.

“Sorry,” he stood up and made to ran past the woman but she pulled him back by his arm, slapping him hard across the face.

“Maverick!!” Juliet screamed from where she’s standing and looking around for him.

“Watch where you’re going little shît if not next time won’t just be a slap,” Mrs. Stafford snapped then turned around walking away.

A hand touched her arm from behind and she looked back only to be rewarded with a deafening slap, it took her unaware.

She staggered back but the slap came again, harder than the first one.

Everyone around gasped in shock.

“How dare you!!” Mrs Stafford yelled but Juliet smacked her again. Written by Rosy Johnson

She didn’t know when her back hit the wall.

“This is just me in my happy day, try touching my grandkid or any kid again cos of a minor mistake and you will see me in my pissed off day,” Juliet grabbed Maverick’s wrist, pulling him away.

Mrs. Stafford’s lips was quivering, it’s not the slap that stinks but the face And the boy.

The deal was for her to disappear and never show her face again so why is she in California? When did she get here? How long has she been leaving in California? The boy! No? Micheal most not set eyes on the boy.

If this person is in California that could only mean one thing…. Her daughter was in California, no! Micheal most not set eyes on her or the boy. Never! She will never let that happen.

Not after all these years.

She quickly reached for her phone, making a quick phone call.


“Which family adopted the girl child?” She asked almost immediately.

“Mrs. Stafford….”

“Which family fûçking adopted the girl child?” She snapped impatiently.

“One went missing, you kept one and one was adopted by a family in London,” a male voice came over the phone.

“London, London… Yes! That’s a good idea, London! I just need to get rid of this one,” she ended the call.



“Grandma Juliet I saw a boy that looks like me,” Maverick said while staring at her face.

She kept quiet.


“It’s just someone with your face,” She cut him off in a high pitch voice.

He looked at her, she never spoke to him in such manner so why now?

“Granny, he’s also my size….”

“Maverick,” she called interrupting him.

“Yes, grandma Juliet,”

“Don’t go running after people, you might get in trouble next time, okay?” She asked, trying to cover the questions and it seemed to work cos he began checking his toys.



Peterson had just finished a conference meeting when he entered his office.

“Sir, you ordered for something?” His secretary asked by the door.

He shook his head negatively.

“No, why?” He asked casually.

She walked in and handled him an envelope.

“It came in just five minutes ago,” she said as he took it from her.

“You can go,” he wave a dismissive hand and she nodded.

He unwrapped the envelope, wondering what could be inside when he saw….

EXODUS 22:18: Suffer not the wicked to live.

Your days are numbered..


Peterson’s hand was already shaking when he finished reading the letter, if this was sent five minutes ago then the delivery guy will still be around, right?

“Melody!!” He rushed out his office.

His secretary stood instantly.


“Who sent this?” He demanded, impatiently, he wanted to see the mother fûçker.

“Some guy, Hunter was written at the back of his jacket…..”


Peterson bolted out of his office in full speed and there….

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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