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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄
💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


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Two minutes passed and they were still locked in their intense gaze

“Are you getting off her or you want me to push you?” Arthur asked, his face stone cold as he fixed his gaze on them.

He’d followed Sande home cos she called him.

He could feel rage boiling inside him, thr_@tening to overwhelm him but he forced himself to keep his cool. He’d seen when Micheal tackled Sande to the ground, at least he was grateful that the mother fûçker saved the day but why was he still on top of her?

What was he doing still on top of her? And the fact that she didn’t say anything or push him away added to his furry.

Melisande shoved Micheal off her, he fall to th side, getting back to his feet while she stood, dusting herself.

Arthur glanced at Micheal before walking towards her.

“Babe, you okay?” he asked then held her shoulder, checking her out.

She looked at him before taking her gaze to the hole on the wall created by the bûllet

Whoever the $h00tet is, she’s gonna find him or her and made then pay for this, she wasn’t gonna let it slide. Never!!

then she nodded gently.

“I’m fine,” she replied

Melisande glanced back at Micheal who was still staring at them without saying a word.

“We need to talk,” he took a step forward but Arthur stood in the way, blocking Sande with his large male body, his muscle’s high and strong.

“I think you have done enough for the day, I will take it from here,” he said, staring Micheal directly in the eyes.

He has heard enough of the guy already, he didn’t even know why Sande kept him around but he wasn’t gonna take shît from him.

“Sande, I said we need to talk!” Micheal’s tone was stern, leaving no room for argument.

Arthur felt a touch on his shoulder before Sande fully walk out from his shield.

“I will speak with him…”

“Babe,” he cut her off, the look in his gaze gently and calm as if pleading with her not to let him down. And truly he was!

He has been there for her from the beginning and he will be right beside her till the very end.

the only thing he wanted was for her not to let him down…

“Sande!” Micheal called again in a warning tone and she took a step forward but Arthur pulled her back by her wrist

He glanced at Sande before shifting his gaze to Micheal then at Sande again.

He’d known her for a long time, she wasn’t one to bend to someone’s rules, even in the cult she never bend to big daddy’s rules so why was she so weak whenever he opens his mouth?

Something isn’t right, something is wrong somewhere.

“Babe, what’s going on?” he asked

Melisande hesitated, she knew he was gonna get hurt. He’s been by her side from the first day and now she’s going to break his heart….


“We are dating,” she released the bombshell

For a brief moment Arthur didn’t move, didn’t speak. It was like a movie to him expect he wasn’t much of an actor. He swung his gaze to Micheal who’s still waiting for her.

“What did you just say?” his voice came as a muffle as he fought to keep his cool

“he found one of the pic I took with big daddy then he blackmailed me with it, we started dating that day I asked you to wait for me but never came back,” she replied calmly.

Sande was staring him in the eyes but Arthur’s gaze was on Micheal. Deep down all he wanted to do was design the mother-fûçker’s face.

He knew something was odd with the way the guy was asking series of questions, he just know nothing good could come out of this guy

The mistake he made was not keeping eye on him.

The thought of Micheal touching Sande creep into his mind and he closed his eyes, he didn’t want to imagine it, she was he’s for peter’s sake and he didn’t want to share her with anyone, it might have been long since he touched a woman romantically and that is because he didn’t want to cheat on Sande.

He’d love her with all his heart….

“Did you… I mean you two, have you done it? Did you have s*x with him?” he asked, meeting her gaze this time

Melisande gulped emptiness then nodded

“Yeah, twice,”

“Oh” he roughed his hair, slowly shifting away from her.

“i know it most be hard but I just did what I did and I didn’t have any good reason for doing it aside from the blackmail,” she replied.

It was on like her, she never give reasons or explain herself to anyone. She always does her things her own way but seems the reunion with her baby changed something in her.

“You son of a côçk,” Arthur matched towards Micheal with one thought at the back of his mind.

He didn’t give a shîtâss if the guy was gonna sue him but one thing is certain, he was gonna design the fûçking idiots face’s with blood, his very own blood.

“Arthur, Arthur, please don’t get violence,” she grabbed his strong arm from behind making him to stop and look at her.

“he’s blackmailing you!! someone needs to put him in his place….”

“I Know that and I plan to do that but it’s one after another, I still have five people to take down and an assassin invade my home, don’t you think I have more pressing issues than him?” she said, more like a question, Arthur glanced at Micheal then nodded.

This wasn’t over at least not yet!

“I need a breathing space,” he began walking away, many thoughts running through his mind.

He’d waited all these years just for someone else to claim her, should he fîght for her love? Should he just let go?!

Sande is seen with a shot of tequila, turning the drink inside the bottle with a spoon.

She was so gently the drink not to spill.

She was still doing it when the door opened and Morgan entered, stopping just by the door. She glanced at Sande then at the drink before turning to leave

“Running away?” Melisande asked, her gaze fixed on the tequila as her hand kept moving.

Morgan scoffed.

“I wasn’t running and there’s is no reason for that,” she replied.

Sande stretched out her hand, passing the drink to her but she hesitated. She raise her brows in question so Morgan took the wine glass, taking a sip.

Sande pick up the second glass, pouring a little quantity of tequila before stirring it just as she did the first one.

“You look like someone I know from highschool,” Morgan said, taking the last sip of drink from the glass then sat in on the table but Sande refill it.

“Really?!” She opened her eyes wide.

Morgan nodded, taking another sip from her glass.

“Yeah, her name was Melisande and she was a book worm,” Morgan added.

She’s knows what she’s doing, if she keep talking Sande was gonna come out clean and then she will prove it to Opal and Linzy that this girl was Melisande.

“She must be really good,” Melisande said.

The door opened and Opal stepped it.

“Looks like you two are having a good time,” She said from the door, walking towards them.

Opal took the glass from Sande then drank it all in one gulp them gave it back to her.

Sande chuckled

“Nice,” Opal nodded, she made to grab the bottle but Sande bêât her to it, she poured some in her glass but Opal insisted it wasn’t enough so Sande emptied half the bottle

“That Melisande read all the books in the library in our school but wasn’t Satisfied so she has to go to the biggest library in the city just to read,” Morgan said then groaned.

Opal stepped on her toe.

“What? Is true! Argh,” she winched again, looking at Sande.

“My stomach hurts, what did you give me?” She asked, tightening her grip on her belly then staggered.

Opal didn’t know when the glass she was holding fell from her.

“Keep going, I want to hear the whole story,” Melisande pulled Morgan up right.

They’d been so stupid to accept a drink from someone they had doubts about.

“Y….” Morgan groaned “you’re Melisande,” she completed her sentence, her eyes wide with her breathing coming rapidly.

She’d had her suspicious.

“This is she,” Melisande smirked, she held Morgan’s collar, dragging her towards the window.

“That’s not possible, you dîêd!! The cops said it, even th doctors!!” Opal shouted unbelievably

Melisande looked at her

“I’m coming to tell you what actually happened,” she winked at her then lowered her mouth to Morgan’s ear

“Rule no 1; if you’re trying to mûrdêr someone, make it look like suicide,” she flung Morgan out through the window

“No!!!!!” Opal ran to the window “Morgan!!!” She screamed, watching as her friend drowned in the pool below.

Morgan could actually swim but what Sande added in the drink weaken her bones and muscles.

“You!!” Opal glared at Sande with fire in her eyes

Melisande smirked, taking steady steps towards her.

“Remember kicking my face?”

“Don’t come any closer,” Opal grabbed a flower vex, throwing it at her.

Sande shifted to the side and the vex flew past her.

“No, don’t kîll me, I don’t to dîè!!!” Opal Cried out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She’d didn’t want to dîè now, she’d felt pity for the poor girl years ago but she said nothing cos they would have turn on her.

This was like a horror movie. At this moment she prayed and wish someone would just walked in on them

Sande looked scary.

“Melisande please…..”


Opal turned around swiftly, taking off. She wasn’t able to take up to two steps when she collided with Linzy who’s just coming out from her room and she went rolling down the long stairs.

“Are you blind or something?!” Linzy spats.

“You better come fix this dress you ruined after this your exercise,” Linzy rolled her eyes and went back into the room.

“Oh, my goodness!” Sande rushed out from the same room where she’d pushed Morgan out through the window.

“Somebody call 911!” She rushed down the stairs

She didn’t even bother to touch Opal, Instead she went and disconnected the home phone.

“Somebody!!!” She took Joy’s phone that was on the table, dumping it into the fish water.

“Why are you yell….argh!!!!” Joy screamed at the top of her lungs, hands clasping over her mouth as she stared at Opal in horror.

Blood was oozing out from her head, her neck twisted to the side. She looked like she’d broken her bones and….

“She’s barely,” Joy said after checking her pulse

“Where is my phone? Somebody call 911!! LINZY!!!”

Juliet sat across the table with Micheal, legs crossed with hands resting on the table.

He’d called her saying it was important so here she was.

Micheal, dropped a big brown envelope on the table, gesturing for her to pick it up, she looked at him before reaching for it.

Juliet opened the files, going through it one after another.

“You have just one child and her name is Melisande, your husband dîêd of heart attack, you dated 3 different men within the space of 9 years and broke up with them cos they cheated,” Micheal began, his voice gently yet stern.

Juliet didn’t say a word, she was just going through the files.

“Your daughter was said to be dêâd and she’s the mother of your grandchild Maverick but apparently, Maverick belong to Melisande whom everyone knows as Sande and she never actually dîêd, you lied to the cops together with the doctor,” Micheal took the files from her without Even asking

“Over here,” he pointed at the one he needed, dropping the others one on the table.

“It says here that she had triplets, baby A was a boy and he went missing that same day, I will presume he’s Maverick, Baby B, a girl you gave up for adoption in your daughters name and baby C a boy and he’s the one you gave my mother……”

“I did not give anybody anything!!!” Juliet slammed her fist against the table.

She was already thinking of how to confront her daughter for taking money from Mrs. Stafford and she won’t have him sit here and say shît to her.

She only took one child, they were all her grandkids but she only had enough Chance to stêâl one and she didn’t regret it.

“Tell me what I need to know then…”

“Why not go ask your mother and stop bothering me….”

“d@mn it JULIET!!” Micheal suddenly snapped, it was now his turn to get infuriated.

He’s trying everything he could to get his kids back but the woman isn’t helping him, he needed answers.

“This are my kids, my flesh and blood….”

“Did you say your flesh?” Juliet laughed at him “Your flesh and blood? You mean the blood you painted her with?” Juliet cut him off and he frowned.

What was she talking about? He’d only come here so the woman could explain not confused him.

“What do you mean?”

“Stop acting as if you don’t know!!” Juliet yelled, tears rolling down her eyes

Recalling what she saw that day when the cops called her was hard, the state she found her precious little girl Into.

The day her little girl dîêd and was replaced… Her Melisande never liked trouble, her little girl prefer to read books than go out and have fun. it wasn’t just that råpe part that hurt but it was him of all people

She could still remember when Sande made her take a train out of town just to get a book for her, she’d came back with the book only for her little girl to give the same book to this bâstârd sitted right in front of her and at the end he betrayed and destroyed her.

He’d come to their house either in the morning or walk Sande back from school, she’d thought he was a good boy until the day she saw his witch of a mother and next….. He kîllêd her little girl with his friends.

“Juliet! Juliet! Juliet answer me!!!” Micheal yelled into her ears.

She blinked, unable to stop the tears.

She felt like picking up the fork and shoving it directly on his heart and watch him bleed to dêâth.

“Coming after Maverick is a waste of time, if I were you, I would be getting my lawyers prepared,” Juliet stood, taking her handbag with her.

“And why should I do that?”

“Cos you’re about to lose Mateo, that’s his name right? Good!” She began walking away

Micheal glanced at the files in his hand then at the woman walking away to the one on the table.

He just didn’t get it, he needed answers but no one is willing to tell him anything.

He isn’t gonna put that thr_@te to mind cos Mateo was he’s and it’s just a matter of time before he gets Maverick.

He gathered all his stuff, packing them in his briefcase before walking away.

“Whoa, look who we have here,” Melisande said with Maverick by her sides.

Looks like they came to eat, their first time coming out together.

She’d left the house after the cops arrived, Charlotte and Benedict were surveying the building.

Michael’s face lit up, he glanced at Maverick, lowering himself to the little boys level.

He wanted to hug him tight, to spend every seconds with him until he make up with all the daysz weeks, months and years he was absent in his life.

He wanted to make things right, to remember him being born as a baby, to remember making love to Sande.

It was odd, does she actually know about Mateo or she’s just pretending? How was their love making? Did they break up? Were they married?

No man in their rights state of mind would divorce Sande.

She’s hot, pretty, Rich, curvy and a badâss so why would anyone think of that?

“Are you just gonna squat there or move out of our way?” Melisande said, her voice harsh as always.

She wasn’t even acting as though he just saved her from a gun shot.

Micheal held Mavericks hand, those hands of bravery.

“Hi, remember me?” He said softly

“I don’t forget crîmînàls so easily,” Maverick replied

He chuckled

“I’m not a crîmînàl….”

“Then what are you? A home lifter? Well you need a little bit of training cos next time it won’t be your head that I will be hitting, it’s your generations,” Maverick glanced at his dîçk

Micheal chuckled again

“You have got you a big mouth haven’t you?” He asked but Maverick rolled his eyes

“There won’t be next time, I was thinking more of always, would you do me the Honor of letting me be your Dad?” He asked like a gentleman

Maverick’s eyes flashed brightly and he quickly stared up at Sande as if seeking permission.

TBC 😁😀😍💖
As e dey hot 🥵

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