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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄


💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


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♟️ THE BOY♟️

“Everyone loves me so are you in or what?” he boosted proudly.

Maverick was silent, giving it a quick thought. If Mateo was truly loved by everyone that means he got to share his love for one day…. wait! It’s a day right?

“How may days and how do we go about it?” he asked.

Mateo smirked, just what he wanted. He will do this and at the end get the girl, she’s pretty and he will have her at all cost.

“We will discuss that but not here, meet me after school,” Mateo tapped him gently on his back as he walked away.

Maverick remained standing, many thoughts going through his mind.



“It was him, I’m sure of it! He’s this HUNTER.” Peterson barked furiously while standing.

Micheal is currently seated with two officers in the room with them. A single desk was demarcating them so Micheal rested his hand on the desk, not saying a single word.

“Talk! Malcolm called your name before his dêâth, he said it was you!” Peterson spats furiously, all he really wanted was for them to take it outside so he could deal with Micheal himself, who the h*ll does he think he was? He’d been pretending to be their friends all these while so he could kîll them slowly.

“Mr. Stafford,” one of the cops called.

Micheal didn’t make a sound, he just sat there, staring at them one after another. They’d taken him from Sande’s place this morning and that was when Harrison came to get him so he saw it all.

Walking through the door was a man dressed corporately in a black suit.

“I’m attorny Mark, his lawyer,” the man said, showing the cops his ID. He walked over to Micheal then placed his hand on the desk.

He’d already returned the ID in his suit jacket.

“Are you alright?” He asked in a whisper.

“Get me out of here,” Michael’s tone was code, making his lawyer to turn around and face others yet again.

“Now, would you mind telling me why you have my client detained?” he asked, staring at them.

“he is the Seria Kîllêr, tell him to speak the truth. Maclcom called his name but he’s still denying it,” Peterson snarled furiously.

The cops weren’t doing what he wanted, he wants Micheal gone and he must achieve that.

“Any evidence to back that up?” Michael’s lawyer asked.

Peterson scoffed.

“Are you kidding me? Malcolm called his name. Which other evidence is greater than that?” He asked, walking towards the door and back at them

He put a hand in his trousers pocket, his gaze fixed on the man.

“From what I heard, the dying man said ” M” It doesn’t practically mean “M” is for Micheal, M is also for Mark, for Malcolm… Your friend who dîêd. And there is no evidence that prove that my client was there at the time of the mûrder,” he added

The cops exchange glances

“My client is a businessman, now if you excuse us, he will like to open his business,” he added.

Micheal stood like a boss that he was and began walking towards the door, Peterson rushed forward, standing in front of him.

A tiny little smile touched Michael’s lips but he did nothing, both hands were his pocket as he watched his friend…. Not his friend, not anymore.

“You can’t just let him leave,” Peterson pointed out.

“We have nothing against him….”

“But the M,”

“It’s not enough,” the other cops replied.

Peterson glared hard at Micheal, gritting his teeth furiously.

“Just wait and see, I will prove it,” he stormed out of there.

By the time Micheal walked out of the police station Harrison was waiting for him.

“How did it go boss?” He asked, cheerfully but Micheal simple ignored him, going into the car.



The clattering sounds of heels could be heard as Melisande walked into the large hall, she got to a door and press a button then a flashlight came on her face, after scanning her eyes the light retracts and she placed both hands on the wall.

The door which looked nothing like a passageway opened and she made her way inside it.

She took another corner by her left then another by her right before coming across yet another passageway. She took a turn to her left yet again, coming across a small door.

Melisande walked straight up to it, pushing it open. In front of her was two teenagers fîghtîng, it looked like a training but the girl had the upper hand.

🗣️ It’s Hunter.

🗣️ Why have she come?

🗣️ She looks prettier.

🗣️ She speaks to boss alone, never fought anyone else.

Melisande could hear the murmurs and whispers but she chose to ignore them.

“She is just like you,” Regina suddenly said out loud.

The whole room became silent. And Sande paused but didn’t turn to look at them.

“Why? You can’t even look at your carbon copy?” Regina added, walking towards her but didn’t get too close.

Seeing that Melisande wasn’t gonna look at them she nodded at the girl and she took off at high speed, rushing after Melissa with a long blade in her hand.

Getting close she raised the blade but with a swift move, the girl bounced back, hitting the wall opposite them before dropping with a loud thud and spiting blood.

They all gasped in shock, staring at the leg still hanging in mid air.

“She’s nothing like me,” Melisande lowered her heels, and continue her walk into the Inner chamber.

She’d kicked her in the tummy.

“Wîtch,” Regina rushed towards the girl, followed with others.

“Are you alright? Are you okay?”

“She’s too strong…”

Melisande walked into the dark room, stopping just by the door, her eyes scanning the whole place.

“Hunter, you came,” their boss spoke up.

Finally she saw him walking towards her then she smirked and began walking towards him too.

“What’s still holding the trip to Spain?” He asked, slowing down his steps.

He had a cigarette in his mouth, his tone rough and bloody that anyone who hears his voice alone will shievers and hide.

“The mission involve kids,”

“It’s a teenager, 19,”

“I don’t harm kids and I have no business with the innocent,” she replied.

The man smirk cruelly.

“Melisande,” he began walking around her, puffing smoke in the air as he walks.

“Have you forgotten your deal?” He chuckled “seems someone has to remind you,” he puffed out smoke at her face

Her expression remind cold, making it hard for him to read her mind.

“With just a flick of my fingers I can take him down…” Swiftly, Melisande grasped his kneck,the force from her shoving him backwards and slamming his back on a desk five feet away.

He flung her away but she landed on her feet.

He smiled, just what he wanted, rage, furry, those fire in her eyes was exactly what he wanted.

“He’s mine! You will not touch him!” Melisande roared, the clattering sounds of her teeth echoing around the room.

He laughed.

“Or I can just replace you with him….”

“You will not harm him! You promised me, you said if I do wh@ťěver you wanted that you will leave him out of my business and yours,” she remained.

Had he forgotten so soon? Was he doing this on purpose?

He began laughing like a lunatic, walking towards her again he caressed her cheeks.

“Motherhood,” he mumbled, going behind her back. “I have always have my eyes on him but kept calm cos you’re humble…”

“I swear with my life if you touch him I will end you myself,” she shoved his hand away, swiftly turning to face him. “This is not a thr_@t, it’s a promise! No one touches what’s mine and you’re no exception,” she began matching towards the door.

Arthur and Marcus came in just that moment but she didn’t even look at them.

“Baby, what’s happening?” Arthur asked rushing after her.

“Hunter!!!” That same deep voice roared, forcing Marcus and Arthur to look back but Melisande didn’t stop.

Suddenly a bullet came flying towards her and she swiftly turned, releasing her own and both bullet clashed together, dropping down.

Shocking both Marcus and Arthur.



“Wait for me, will be right back,” Charlotte said to Benedict and he nodded.

She got down the car, walking over to another one that was parked seven feet away. The front door was opened from inside so she went in.

Melisande haven’t dropped the charger yet and They are still trying to convince their chief that they’re good for the case and the man is still denying them.

They were at work earlier when James called so she came to meet him.

“You look prettier today,” James said but she noticed something in his tone, something different.

“You said you wanted to see me,” she said, ignoring his compliment.

“I just said you looked prettier,” he said again, maybe she didn’t hear it the first time so he has to get it into her head.


He chuckled Ç0çƙily.

“Where’s your ring?” He asked, glaring at her fingers

Charlotte glanced at her palms too but said nothing, already getting uncomfortable in this situation.

She just had to tell him what’s on her mind and she the reason she took it off.

“Here, I came with it. I figured you forget it on the dressing table so I brought it for you,” he reaching inside his pocket, pulling it out and presenting it to her.

She hesitated.

“Is there a problem, we make such a good couple, don’t you think? We getting married on Friday?” He asked but it was more like a sentence.

Her eyes widened.

“James….” She gulped emptiness, gathering her courage, she has to tell him, she must let him know.

“Is there a problem?”

“I don’t think I want to marry you anymore, let’s break up,” she finally release the load she has been carrying, she’d already made up her mind to break up with him when he became demanding and after he hit her she added another zero to it and she’s not going back to her words no matter what he says or does.

James began laughing like ahe was insane, he laughed so loud, Benedict outside heard his laughter.

Without replying, he pointed at the small iPad screen, adjourned to his car.

More like a monitor.

He took his phone and played a video, Mõ@ɲs and whimpers erupted in the backgroun. Charlotte eyes widened, nearly popping out from their socket, her hands clasping over her mouth.

Never will she ever believe what she was seeing, her sêx tape… The son of a bîtch had record them, edit it by covering his face and left hers, her fûçking sêx tape! Oh gwad! How did he record it? When? Where? How come? Her life was over.

“Now be a good girl and marry me,” he caressed her thighs, sliding his hand up to her waist and under her dress.

She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, she was literally shaking as she watched herself.

“Dome worry babe, I Know of your sins and I will get you know about the. After the wedding,” he smirked dangerously

Her head was already spinning, if he was speaking she wasn’t listening, all she could see was herself being fûçked by her fiancee in a video, slowly, ever so gently, reality faded away and she collapsed.



“Hey, Maverick!” Mateo shouted, rushing towards him, his backpack jingling on his back as he ran.

Maverick was about walking over to the parking lot when he heard his name and turn only to see Mateo rushing towards him.


“About the deal, it’s tomorrow okay,” Mateo said, breathing heavily.

The little run had taken a little strength from him.

“Is there anything that is required of me?” Maverick asked.

They are now walking side by side.

“Yeah, bring a picture of your Mom and granny and I will bring a picture of my Dad and granny too, write down the things you like and the things they like, just like your daily routine and I will do the same, that way there won’t be any mistake and we won’t be discovered,” Mateo suggested

Maverick glanced at him from the corner of his eyes.

“I must warn you, Mom doesn’t like me,”



Arthur was standing with a group of people when he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind, he swiftly turned only to see Micheal standing there.

He hissed as though Micheal was the last person he wanted to see.

“Do you have a moment?” Micheal asked returning his hand in his trouser pocket

In the next minute they were seen outside the Casino with many thoughts going through Arthur’s head.

Like, why the fûçk will the guy come looking for him? What does he want? Why is he here?

“Dude, I no we haven’t been in a good path but I really need your help and you’re the only one that can help me with this,” Micheal said seriously.

Arthur lifted his gaze.

“What is it?” He crossed his hands on his chest.

Micheal cleared his throat

“It’s about Sande…..”

“What about her?” Arthur asked, putting on his protective mood.

Micheal seem to notice that but didn’t back down, he needed answers cos none of the things he’d been getting about her make since.

“Who is she? Really, who is she?”

“A hotel and restaurant owner… Oh, you guys calls it CEO or should I use the word president?” He raised one of his brows

“Do you know the amount of money in her bank account? Have you seen her networth? It’s flying higher…. ”

“Are you here to cry cos she’s richer than you?” Arthur cut him off.

Michael’s gaze flashed to his face.

“No… No! No! No!”

“Wait! I get it now,” Arthur mumbled, nodding his head in agreement to his statement.

“You’re among those men that doesn’t like it when women are richer than them? Is that it?” He added

“That’s not the point d@mn it!” Micheal barked, can’t the guy just see?

The last time he checked Sande’s net worth it was 12B but now it has skyrocketed to a higher amount, it’s not even a year yet she topped too much.

There’s nothing about her in the internet and she has a son, I mean does that make sense? He might have been busy to get back to her that morning but he saw a glimpse of a grown boy and she’s the only child Juliet has so if she’s 24 like her mother said that morning how come she has a son that big?

Where is her money coming from? There is something suspicious about her.

“So you know that she has a son?” Micheal asked, clearing his throat again.

“You also have a son,” Arthur raised his brows.

“Are kids now illegal?….”

“Why are you covering her?” Micheal bellowed, ruffling his hair.

Why is the guy making it so difficult?

“Are we done here? Can I go now?” Arthur asked nonchalantly.

The stupîd guy just goes around asking stupîd questions.

Seeing that Micheal didn’t say a word he began walking back Into the casino.

“Hey, listen….” Michael’s words were cut short cos he went in, slamming the door behind.

“Fûçk! Fûçk it!” Micheal cursed out loud.

Meanwhile Arthur was by the door, his phone in his ear as he made a quick phone call to Melisande.

Her phone began ringing but no answer, the call ended and he tried again, this time she picked up.

“Baby, listen….”

“It’s not her,” he heard another voice, a female voice. Melisande never leave her phone to anyone, how strange!

“Where is Sande?” He demanded instantly.

“She left in a hurry?” The person at the other end replied.

“In a hurry….”

“Yes, I think she’s going to James place,” the person cut him off and now he recognizes the voice.

“Charlotte, what’s going on? What do you mean she left? Did something happen?” He asked, walking out of the casino again

His mind was screaming at him, telling him to end the call and go get her before she gets in trouble. He’d already heard when Big daddy told Marcus to keep an eye on the boy and the guys he saw meeting with big Daddy this afternoon weren’t familiar faces.

“She went to James place and I think they are both gonna get into it, I already called Benedict to stop her but I don’t think he can. Please you need to get her before she gets hurt,” Charlotte’s breaking voice came over the phone.

Ha, if there is anyone to get hurt then it’s definitely James. There is no way Hunter will get hurt. Nah, not possible.

But why would she go to James house? What’s going on?

“Charlotte what’s going?”

“James has something that of me that is nasty…”

“What is that?”

“I can’t tell you I’m ashamed of myself, I think Sande went to get it back,” Charlotte voice turned teary.

He heard her sniffed before continuing

“She visits me this even at the hospital so I told her about it and she just stormed off,” she hiccupped.

“Charlotte where is…..”

The call already ended.

“Fûçk!” Arthur roughed his hair, she wasn’t with her phone so how will he reach her?

He put a call across Blaise, he needed to get the boy and Juliet to safety.

The stupid idiot weren’t picking his calls, fûçking bâstârd!!!

“Dude, I think we should…..”Micheal was still saying while walking over to him.

“Look here Mr. Fancy Rich Pants,” Arthur Interrupted, pushing his hand forward.

“Now you go to Juliet…. I mean Sande’s mother’s house, keep guard, that’s if you can and keep any intruder you see busy, there will be many of them I must warn you. You keep Juliet and the boy safe while I go after Sande,” he climbed his bike

“Hey, wait! What do you mean… Hey!! I said wait!!!!” The bike speed out of sight

“Son of a raging bîtch!!!!” Micheal yelled

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As e dey hot 🥵

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