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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄


💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


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“You have ten minutes to meet me outside, if you do otherwise you will see yourself online and cops surrounding this building and searching for you,” the call ended.

Melisande slowly removed her phone from her ear, her heart thumping rapidly. She was going to kîll that son of a bîtch and smoke his body like cigarettes.

“Is everything alright?” Arthur asked worriedly, holding her protectively by her waist.

Slowly she removed his hand, plastering a fake smile in her face.

“Will be right back,” she leaned in and pecked his lips

His heart did a back tumble, she’d pecked him… She didn’t!

He smiled to himself and released her, the peck was enough proof that she wanted him and he was gonna give her all of him.

Melisande met Micheal waiting by his car.

“What do you want this time?” She asked, approaching. She stopped two fee away from him, staring in directly in the eyes but the look on his face wasn’t funny at all.

“Did I not make myself clear when I said I didn’t want to see you around that guy?” He asked, leaning on his car with both hands in his trouser pocket.

She scoffed.

“Are you serious? He’s my boyfriend, do I need to spell the word out to you and also explain it?” She asked rudely.

He was silent.

“I dunno what your problem is but I have already signed your papers that’s why I’m in this mess but I will fix this before the end of the month…”

“Get in the car,” Micheal suddenly ordered, cutting her off.

She glared at him.

“Now! Don’t make me repeat myself,” he went I to the car.

Melisande continue standing there for a few minutes, reluctantly, she reached for the door handle, pulling the door open and she went in.

The drive home was silent, Melisande kept staring out through the window and after what seemed like forever, the car drove Into a mansion, parking at the lot.

Michael alighted from his side the rushed over to her, Opening the car door.

“Ha,” she rolled her eyes.

“You might wanna put a smile on your face,” he said but it wasn’t a request.

“Daddy,” Mateo called from the main door, rushing over to them. Michael lowered himself the the Little boys size, embracing him in a tight hug then kissed his hair.

“How are you?” He asked noticing how Mateo was struggling to pull away.

“Just wait old man, I need to see her,” Mateo freed himself from his father’s embrace then turned to the lady who looked pale.

“Hello,” Mateo wave at her nevertheless.

He was so excited his father finally got a fiancee and she was so pretty, tall and curvy, his father sure have good eyes. Are you sure he won’t steal away? No, he’s too small and the lady won’t notice him like that…. But she can make a good mom, she’s pretty.

“Hello,” he Wave at Melisande again but she didn’t move, didn’t blink, just staring at the boy.

“Sande,” Micheal nudged his shoulder and that was when she blinked but still didn’t stop staring.

This was Maverick, she was fûçking sure this was Maverick…. No, it wasn’t him. She might have it take. A better good at her son but she knows she never dyed his hair yellow.

Heck, she will kîll him if he triy and this boys speaks with boldness, Maverick cowered at her, shivered at her sights…. Could he be someone that looks like her kid?

She doesn’t like it and good thing she only has one and that one will be sold soon… This boy is Maverick doppelganger, definitely.

Well, wh@ťěver, she doesn’t like kids and that hasn’t changed.

“Lady,” Mateo called again

“I don’t like kids,” Melisande suddenly snapped them rolled her eyes, making her way u to the house.

Mateo glanced at her father then at woman walking Into their house confused….



James was seat in his car which is parked outside the hotel premises when a knock sounded on his window.

He alighted from his car, walking side by sides with Jane without saying a word to her till they got I to the hotel, they entered their reservation.

Jane sat across from him.

“What is this about?” He asked impatiently, checking his wrist watch as though they already spent the whole day today.

“Now calm down will you,” Jane said flirtatiously, slapping his thigh playful.

James scoffed, if the lady wanted a fûçk she would have just said it and he will give it to her, what’s with the touching and voice change?

“You said you knew something about my fiancee,” James said but it was more like a question.

Jane nodded, biting her lips while staring seductively at him.

He had broad shoulders, strong arms and body, he was hot super hot.

“Charlotte had been keeping a secret from you,” Jane said then lick her lower lips.

James sat up.

“A secret?”

“Yes, and am about to tell you,” she left left her chair then sat on his lap.

“She had been hiding it and I know because I work for her friend Sande, and I don’t know why a handsome guy like you shouldn’t know a thing like that,” she held his jaw, leaning in for a kiss.

James was enjoying where this was going cos his hand was already caressing her thighs and going up to her underwear.




Marcus walked straight to a table where eight men where seen playing cards, some were losing while some were groaning.

He touched the person he came for in his shoulder, startling him.

“You,” Cherry’s uncle dropped the drink he was about to sip from. Taking his attention off the table.

Marcus smarked dangerous.

“When I paid for my goods she was perfectly fine so why did you fûçk her and give her a black eye?” His voice was firm, leaving no room for argument of any kind.

Cherry’s uncle laughed sarcastically, as though Marcus was a joke and maybe he was.

“I out a roof over her head, I put food in her belly and what do you think I get in return? I out a fûçking clothes on her body and you….” A hard punch landed on his mouth, bursting his lips.

Cherry’s uncle staggered to another table, getting back to himself Marcus was already in him.

“When I pay for something I expect it to be brand new,” he threw another punch at the man’s jaw.

Cherry’s uncle staggered backwards, rushing forward he punch Marcus but he sidestepped his attack, placing his leg in the way and Cherry’s uncle falls heavily.

He grabbed the man by his hair, hitting his face in the ground continually till he got tired, he turned around to see everyone single person in the bar staring at him but he doesn’t give a fûçk!

Marcus rough his hair, twisting his fist but a stick landed on his back from behind….

“Fûçk!” He spun around, Cherry’s uncle was about to hit him again when he caught the stick, lashing it back at the man and tears rushed out if his eyes together with the blood oozing out if his face.

“Bastard, how dare you touch what is mine? How dare you???” He spats furiously, grabbing the man by his collar, Marcus punched him 18 times consecutively before letting him go.

Disfiguring his face and painting in with blood.

“Touch her again,” he added lastly and walked out, everyone making ways for him as he leaves

Not that they were afraid of him but they knew he was one of big Daddy’s boys

He didn’t bother to go home, he went straight to the strip club, alighting from his car he made way Into the club and A bike pulled up almost immediately and followed him.

“If I find out he’s seeing someone, hmm,” Regina chocked out a laughter.

Cherry was already on stage, dancing crazily, doing what she knows how to do best while the men scream she rain money on her.

Marcus couldn’t take his eyes off as he stared, from the corner of his eyes he noticed a guy also watching her as if he knew her from someone.

Other men were throwing money and cheering her but the guy was focused as though he loved what she was doing but didn’t want her doing it in front of all these people.

The music came to an end and Cherry left through the back stage, as usual the whole place went nooo!! One more!! Will be double!!! Take all my money!!!

The guy who happens to be Blaise stood, going through the back door and Marcus also did the same.

“So she’s seeing a slût,” Regina nodded, thinking of ways to get her out of the picture and out of Marcus sight.



“Excuse me, I’m looking for Ms. Sande,” Harrison approached the table were the girls were with their friends.

They all looked at him but Joy smiled.

“Sweetheart, come seat,” she pulled the chair next to her.

Harrison completely ignored her and she grinned.

“Is she here or not? It’s urgent,” he said now staring at Charlotte.


“Why not sit down baby boy, even though you don’t wanna appreciate my efforts,” she winked at him.

He ignores her again.

“She’s not here at the moment, is there a problem?” Arthur asked.

“It’s personal,” Harrison replied.

he’d come to return the money as instructed by his boss.

“I’m afraid she’s not here at the moment but I can be your Cinderella,” Joy remove her shoe and flung it away. ” Look, I lost shoe,” she added.

Harrison began walking away, completely ignoring her, but she wasn’t just gonna back down cos she race after him, catching up with him outside

“What do you want?” Harrison snapped, turning around to face her.

“That voice,” she took in a deeper breath, more like Mõ@ɲing out the words. “I want you to grab my neck and kîll me with your dîçk,” she flick her tongue at him

“Geez girl, get a grip…”

“I’m trying but it kept running away,” she replied, shifting closer to him and he moved back

Was the lady out of her mind? Can’t she see that he doesn’t want her?

“You know you want me?” She whispered, moving closer and closer to him and he kept shifting backwards.

“Lay me down and spread my thighs, out your hammer inside me and hit me hard,” she leaned on him.

He’s now leaning on his car.

“Make me scream, make me juicy, you love milk or juice? I have a lot of them? Plug yourself and rode me to the road of heaven…”

“Geez girl,” he shoved her away, rushing I to his car and slamming the door.

Fûçk it, his stupid cøçk was responding to her dirty words.

Joy giggled happily, she will get him next time.



James is seen walking over to his car while Janes spry new perfume and waiting for a taxi.

The feel of James cøçk inside her at that open space was wonderful, she didn’t even care if someone saw them or not but she enjoyed it.

“Where are you coming from?” Her boyfriend, Chris asked walkie over to her with two of his friends.

“Chris,” her eyes widened.

He went closer and sniffed her, trying to persevere sêx scent… Jane closed her eyes tight, seizing her breathing as she awaits his responss.

“You’re lucky you’re not smelling like a fûçk,”



Melisande sat on the couch, leg crossed and hands resting in her knee.

Mrs Stafford was staring at her and she was staring back, she didn’t give a shît since the woman can’t look away.

She’d tried to look away but the woman had her gize fixed in her and it was annoying.

“I brought you juice,” Mateo said regardless of her rudeness

She was prettier than Raya.

“She should be the one bringing the juice,” Mrs Stafford said, still staring at Sande.

She didn’t want to take the drink but cos of the woman’s comment, she reached for it.

“Aren’t you just like your father? You both live serving me,” Sande took a sip then close her eyes.

“Wonderful my favourite,” she commented.

Mateo’s eyes brightened and Mrs Stafford clinched her first.

Of all the people why does it has to be her? Does Michael know who is she? She might have grown over the years but she still recognizes her.

Maybe it’s time to double his dose of medicine.

The two women kept staring at themselves, and all the while many thoughts were running into their head.

Melisande wasn’t sure but the woman looked familiar. She just can’t figure out where she has seen her before…

“Come with me,” Mrs Stafford grabbed Mateo’s hand, taking him into the room then slammed th door.

“That lady is evil,” she said almost immediately

“Ma, she’s dad’s fiance,” Mateo let out shocked at her grandmother’s words.

She just got a pretty soon to be mom, well, the plan was to make his father get a fiance then make him get married so he could have a mom, a nice and pretty one… The lady might not be nice but she was pretty.

“That lady is evil, you saw her character, didn’t you?” Mrs Stafford asked.

Mateo nodded.

“Good, stay away from her and stop speaking to her if possible, will let your father know so he can end wh@ťěver he has with her and get a new woman, there are thousands of them alive,” she said.

Meanwhile, Melisande is scrolling through her phone when Mateo return, he did give her that charming smile as usual and she didn’t seem to care unless a part of her felt as though she has seen him before but just don’t know were.

Even when he touched her when he wad giving her the drink, his touch felt familiar… Where? How? Maybe it’s reflection from Maverick since they have the same face.

Micheal return into the living room, looking around he didn’t see Mateo or his mother, only Sande

Had she sent them way, the woman can do all things no doubt.

“Where did they go?” He asked walking towards her.

“What am I? Your watch man?” She asked then rolled her eyes.

Micheal chuckled, she has no idea what’s coming for her, she should just enjoy the happy moments while it lasts.

He went upstairs, after 10 minutes he came back down the toon her purse and began walking away.

She followed him without questioning, they went into a different building in the East side of the large compound.

She watched him insight a key card, gesturing for her to go in, Melisande glanced at him, for some reason she didn’t want to but the agreement… d@mn it!

She went in

Micheal dropped her purse on the white couch in the luxury bedroom, leaving the door unlocked.

“What is this place?” She asked, trying hard to to look around and take in the beauty of the room.

“Our place for three months,” he replied, settling down in the bed.

Melisande scoffed.

“You’re not serious are you? Cos there is no way am…”

“Take off your dress or should I say strip?” He interrupted wh@ťěver she was saying, his expression blank.

She snorts. Both him, his mother and his kid are all high.

“You have three seconds then you will choose between ruining your life or doing as told,” he lay in the bed, crossing both hands below his head.

Melisande continue standing, not moving. This shît wasn’t her kind of thing, why didn’t she read that file to the last…. Even if she did will it make any difference? He will keep blackmailing her with that picture

A picture she took with big Daddy when she newly joined the court, she’d ask Arthur to take care of it and he assured her he would, so why is Micheal holding a copy of it?

If the cops see her with the trafficker, a murdêrêr, drug lord and law breaker, they will definitely send their squad, both the FBI and LAPD will be on her back and front.

d@mn! she can’t fall now, she can’t be hold hostages cos of another’s man’s crime and a picture… she can’t have the cops digging about her past life, she still has 9 people to waste and until they are down, she can’t go down.

“Time up,” Micheal sat up

“Wait!” She shouted and he smirked

She’s not that tough after all.

“Are you into råpe?” She asked the least expected question, the question that cut through him like razor blade, the question that made his blood boil with both rage and fury.

“Take the d@mn clothes off or I will ripe it off!!!”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

As w dey hot 🥵

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