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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💎 Blackmailed 💄


💸 Mr. Billionaire 🎩

By Rosy Johnson


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“It says here that you agree to be ine which means I’m now in charge of you, in other words…. you’re my slave,” Micheal replied with a Ç0çƙy smile lingering at the corner of his lips.

“What!!” Melisande’s eyes widened insanly and shes reached for the file, taking it up she quickly went through it again then glance at him, she returned her gaze to the file, taking her time to read through it and d@mn he was right.

She suck in a deep breath, biting her lower lips as she stared at the file in her hand. She’d just signed her freedom away to him for three month…. her peaceful thoughts was interrupted by Micheal’s words.

“You shall accompany me in every meetings, you shall wear something appealing to me, we shall get engage cos I’m doing this for my son, you shall come to my place if possible move in with me, you’re not allowed to be with any other man….”

“Are you kidding me?” she interrupted, eyes still wide.

“I’m not done,” he replied casually as though he wasn’t blackmailing her.

She scoffed. This was his own way of appreciation, isn’t it? She save him from embarrassment and this was how he repays her?

“You must break up with your so called boyfriend cos I don’t like to share and everything I own belongs to me…”

“You must be out of your mind,” she grabbed her purse from his desk, spring up to her feet she bolted towards the door.

“take another step and watch your hard work go into the drain,” Micheal’s sudden cold words made her pause, slowly she turned to face him and he was coming out of his chair.

Melisande shook her head in disbelieve.

“is this your own way of appreciation? I f-__-king saved you from…”

“Take off your dress let’s start there,” he cutting her off, his tone hard and raw, leaving no room for argument but she was not one to bend to another’s will, especially a man. Those gender that ruined her life.

Without saying a word she began heading towards the door but Micheal figured she wanted a fight so he grabbed her arm from behind, slamming her back against the wall.

she gasped but it was quickly replaced with a cruel smirk cos she kneeled his members

“f-__-k!! Ɓîtçh!!!!” he let go of her

He should have known better, d@mn it!

Pain screamed through him with both hands holding his manhood, he groaned and falling to his kneels.

Melisande completely walked out of his office, ignoring him.

Harrison bolted up right upon seeing her, he glanced h@ťěfully at her but she don’t give a rat âss so she maintained a straight face, shoulders high till she left the building.

Meanwhile, Micheal already managed to crawl over to his desk but was still on the floor.

“Boss,” Harrison pushed the door open.

f-__-k it! He didn’t want anyone at this moment so why does his f-__-king secretary has to come? Micheal gritted his teeth, sucking in the pain that was almost unbearable as he forced himself off the floor.

“Are you aright?” Harrison asked worriedly.

Micheal nodded

“I’m fine, go to Mateo’s school and know how its going with that boy’s family,” he ordered, knowingly opening his laptop and focusing his attention on it.

Seeing that he wasn’t looking at him Harrison nodded then left, he could tell that his boss wasn’t find, not after that psycho’s visit.

Micheal rested his head on his hair head rest, willing the pain to go away. If he ever see Sande again she will pay dearly for this, he was trying to be a gentleman but she wants it rough….

“You slammed her against the wall, that wasn’t gentle,” his subconscious mind whispered at the back of his mind.

“shut up!!” he snapped, fisting his fingers and imagining what he will do to Sande, she won’t get away with this.

>>><<< FIVE STAR RESTURANT “Sande is not back yet?” Charlotte asked walking in, she dropped her purse on the table then settled down. “Nope,” Jane replied, flipping through the files in her hand and taking record. Charlotte stood and went into the small door that was in the office so Jane continued what she was doing, she was still on it when Charlotte's phone buzzed, she ignored it but it buzzed again so she reached inside Charlotte’s handbag, her gaze fixed on the door as she took out the phone. On the scream was written SWEETHEART with heart emoji, she didn’t need a seer to tell her who it was. James! “I thought they ware fighting? Why did he send her a text massage?” Jane mumbled to herself, clicking on the massage. The phone had a password making it difficult for her. She held her jaw in thoughts then CHARLOTTE crossed her mind and she quickly entered it but the phone didn't open She Tried Melisande but still nothing so she tried Joy and yet again, nothing. She let out a breather if frustration, wishing Charlotte doesn't come out soon. She tried THREE-HOT-GIRLS and the phone opened instantly. She has the same password as Melisande does Joy has the same too? There were more than twenty unread massage, she was still scrolling down when another massage popped up and she quickly opened it BABE, LET’S TALK PLEASE. I’M LOSING MY MIND ALREADY, YOU LOVE ME AND I LOVE YOU, WE CAN FIX THIS, IT WILL WORK OUT. Jane’s eyes flashed with menace and jealousy. “I’m the only unhappy person in a relationship,” she murmured and reached for her phone, without a second thought she took his number and made to drop back the phone but another massage popped in. Jane heard the toilet being flushed so she quickly put back the phone and smiled to herself, not without deleting the massage from her recent activities so Charlotte won’t notice. “Jane, tell her I came by and will see her at home, I need to run along and meet Ben for our ongoing investigation, alright?” Charlotte said, walking out of the restroom. Jane smiled with a nod. “Of course, be safe,” she waved at her. By the time Charlotte was out of the door Jane glance at her phone then giggled dialing the number. ~~~~ HIGH SCHOOL Outside the school building and leaning on his bike was Blaise, He watched as students trop in and out of the school building. Suddenly a girl coming from a far caught his gaze, a fellow student had his hand crossed on her shoulder and he is openly brushing the back of his palm against her brêâst, laughing with his friends as he does that while the girl had tears in her eyes. he stood up straighter. The boys laughed sarcastically as though she was a joke. The one holding her shoulder nodded and the other one reached for her brêâst but another hand grabbed his arm, twisting it roughly. “Argh!!!” the guy let out a painful scream, gaining the other students attention. The one holding her shoulder withdrew from her but didn’t walk away, he simply tug both hands in his trouser pocket then grimiest. “You again,” he brushed his hair backwards, an hand still in his trouser pocket. Blaise pushed the one he was holding off and he landed on the ground, without saying a single word, he took Cherry’s hand and began walking away with her. The other guys rushed towards him but the one holding Cherry earlier stopped them by grabbed the one closer to him by his arm. “Let him go, I plan to fûçk her tomorrow so let him have today,” he said arrogantly “Frank!” Jasmine called with her crew as they approached them. • The bike halted few blocks away from Cherry’s house, just they way it has done before and she alighted, giving Blaise back his helmet. “Thank you,” she said softly. He didn’t respond so she turned to walked away, maybe he was mad at her, maybe he knew she was a stripper, maybe he also h@ťěd her just like everyone else… “Hey,” Blaise suddenly called as if reading her mind, she turned instantly. “I don’t like weaklings, learn to fight for yourself,” he said seriously. “I can’t, their family is rich and powerful but I have got only me,” it was just at the tip of her mouth to tell him that, to tell him how risky it was to challenge the rich but she swallowed it and simply nodded. “Will try,” she faked a sad smile “Bye,” she waved at him. Blaise speed off and she began the walk to her house since it was just five blocks away, she passed their neightbours house and was about to enter their building when she saw the same guy who’d paid to f_ck her waiting for her, except he didn’t come with bike but with a fancy car. That wasn’t her problem anyways. “My money,” Marcus called but she ignored him. She walked past but he pulled her forcefully making their chest collide together and that was how he got a good look at her. Gripping her jaw up he stared into her eyes. “Who did this?” he demanded, referring to her black eyes and the mark near her ear. She knew fighting him will be fruitless, I mean the guy looks so much older compared to the one that dropped her off and he’s stronger with muscles but she wasn’t gonna just let him toy with her the way he wanted. Her uncle knows about her job and she’s already a s*x worker all because of him. “Get your hands off me!” Cherry pushed his chest back but he tightened his grip on her jaw. it began to hurt. “Let go, you’re hurting me,” she shouted, tears building up in her eyes. “Who touched your face and leave a mark on it?” Marcus asked in an angry voice. “Who else?” she finally broke free from his hold, tears cascading down her cheek. “Isn’t it what you wanted? Aren't you happy?” she spats “Answer my question,” “You wanna know or you’re here to f-__-k me since you paid to f-__-k me anyways….” “Answer the d@mn question!!” he snapped, slamming his fist on his car bonnet. Cherry flinched back in fear, her uncle was scary but this man was more. “My Uncle, after you left he whipped me with folded wire and f-__-ked me till I passed out,” she replied fearfully. Marcus didn’t wait for her to finish cos he already got what he wanted, he went into his car and speed off. Cherry watched as the car disappeared out of sight, wondering why he left just like that… he came to f-__-k her so why leave? ~~~~ A LITTLE WHILE POLICE CUSTODY “Where is my client?” Joy demanded walking in. The officer on the desk pointed inside and another came over, leading her to where Juliet and Maverick was kept. “keeping my client here without calling her lawyer is unjust and if care is not taken I will sue this entire department,” she spats, walking furiously till she got the the room where Juliet was being interogated Joy pushed open the door, her head popping in. “let’s go,” she ordered, standing between the room and outside. “What do you mean let's go?” Harrison said from his position and stood, Mrs Stafford nodded in support. Benedict had notify Charlotte about seeing Melisande’s mom in the interrogation room so she quickly called Joy, she’d called Sande first but her line wasn't going through that’s why she called Joy afterward. “What I mean is keeping my client here cos of children’s fight is outrageous, we have a footage of your kid or wh@ťěver speaking trash to my client’s kid and your kid happens to be the first to hit my clients kid and there is no law against self defence,” Joy explained Seriously, her gaze shifting from one officer to another. The officer’s exchanged glances before staring at Mrs Stafford. “You said that kid hit your kid?” the fist cop asked. “And did you even ask my client what happened? Cos she mentioned the name of her son and you see that he’s a billionaire that’s why you didn’t even bother to hear from my client point of view,” Joy barked even before Mrs Stafford could speak But she went too far cos Mrs Stafford spring to her feet. “It doesn’t matter who hit who first, that child is evil and he said shît to my grandchild, and have you got any evidence to back up your claim that my grandchild truly hit him first?” she asked, both hands going to her waist. Joy let out a small laugh “I might be black but my brain is not black, is as white as your âss,” she placed the flashdrive on the single desk in the room. One of the cops took it handing it over to the one that just walked into the room with a laptop In his hand, they placed the video. “Are you seeing that? Are you?” Joy asked, now opening her eyes wide as if to intimidate them In the next minutes Juliet was seen outside the building with Joy who won’t stop smiling, "Bye, Momma Sande," Joy Wave at her "Thank you again, and be safe," Julii flaged down a taxi. So Melisande had a Mom, not like she thought she came out of the tree but she'd never spoke of her mother and who was that kid? He couldn't be more than 9 or 10. Wait... Juliet called him her grandchild, how many children does she have? For sure the boy can't be Sande's baby cos she's just 24 and he's too old then then again who's kid? "Joy stop thinking," she told herself, walking over to her car but Harrison blocked her. "So you're a lawyer," he said, staring her directly in the eyes. She giggled. "Was I a bad girl in there? You can make me a good girl in the other room big doggy," she bite her lips seductive, winking at him as she does that. Harrison gulped and turn, walking away instantly. She giggled ~~~~~ SAME NIGHT ~ BAR Raya picked up the cup of liquor then gulped it down, she sat the empty glass on the table. Raya picked up her purse with the internation to pay since the guy she called isn't coming. Three girls walking into the bar caught her attention, one of them happened to be the same girl that'd said she looked like a peanut paper in a prison cell. Her fist tightened around the glass, just like that she began imaging what she will do to The lady. Meanwhile, "Ladies," Arthur dropped a vodka bottle at their table coupled with three liquor glasses. "How do you know I wanted to get waisted?" Joy grabbed the bottle but Arthur took it from her. "Women aren't allowed to open drinks so allow me," he popped it open and Charlotte giggled. "Ladies, may I join," Benedict joined the table, admiring Charlotte outfit but couldn't compliment her. "Don't be silly you're already sited," Charlotte said with an eye roll and he smiled. "Breaking News, my half cousin Linzy is coming to town next week," Charlotte said, taking the drinks from Joy. "Linzy," Melisande's eyes snapped with Interest. "Yeah, remember the one I told you guys murdered someone with some thugs and escaped, she's coming back," Charlotte replied. "You have a cousin?" Joy asked then glance at Melisande. What more don't she knows about them both? How come they didn't tell her Charlotte had a cousin? "I didn't know, she's just saying it now," Melisande shrugged, behind her stood Arthur who's caressing her neck as if giving her a signals. "Charlotte!!" They all called in unison "Geez!! I said half cousin, don't y'all know the meaning of half cousin?" She asked, glaring from one person to another. "So what now?" Benedict asked "Well, was hoping if she could stay with Sande for a couple of weeks before going back," she replied. All eye tuned to Melisande. "What? Why are you all staring at me? She wants a mûrdêrer in my place I have enough rooms," Melisande shrugged. "Seriously? Girl she Mûrdêred her best friend in the past...." Joy was still saying but Arthur cut in. "Can we just wait until she's here, right babe," he glanced down at Melisande. She looked up at him then the memories of what Micheal told her came rushing Into her head, she shake her head as if to wave if off but it was still there. "Babe, babe are you alright?" Arthur asked worriedly She blinked, how exactly is she going to cut all ties with him? They'd been friends and the guy is patience. She have never even kissed him yet he kept waiting for her to get over wh@ťěver she's getting over. A goodbye sêx won't hurt or will it? Gwad! She was gonna do it after all these years. It's scary considering how painful it was back then... Melisande reached for his head that was on top of hers. He bend over. "Let's do it, have sêx tonight," she said but it wasn't a whisper cos Joy heard it. "Girrrrrrrrrrrrrl!!" "Crazy Joy," Arthur pushed her head and she laughed making others wonder what was so funny. Melisande stepped out from her chair, Charlotte looked at her confused. "Going somewhere?" "Yeah...." "She will be back," Joy interrupted naughtily and Charlotte nodded, not quite convinced but she did ask again. "Let's go," Arthur took her hand, his heart pounding, joy, happiness... He was over joyed. Finally, the awaited moments have come. At last all the wait was worth it. He glanced at her then smiled, tugging her closet to him as the Walk out of the bar. Melisande's phone buzzed and she checked to see a message from an unknown number, before she could click it her phone began ringing, the same unknown number so she picked. "H...." "Get his hands off your waist and meet me outside, now!" "Who is this?" "You have ten minutes..." TBC 😁😀😍💖 As e dey hot 🥵🥵

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