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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(A New Tale of an angel of love)

❤️?Licia Tife ❤️?
.?ON GOD ?

Months passed and Zohar soon got over the death of his precious aunt,Tony was power was taking from me by Zohar cause it a dark power thati might not be able to handle while aunt’s Marianne power remained in me ..Kendall found a nice girl in Konica that he fell in love with…just like i predicted Zack fell in love with Warren and now they are a couple..just like every typical love story the boy and girl meets…h@ťě each other and fall in love later on .

‘Where are you taking me to Zack ?’ I asked Zack who blindfolded me taking me somewhere i do not know

‘Just calm down pheebs we almost there ‘Zack said

‘Okay we here now’

‘Where?’i asked as i removed my blindfold. The place was decorated with candle lights and roses as i smiled to myself knowing who planned all this. I looked around but couldn’t find Zack anywhere

‘Hey ‘ A voice called as i turned around to see who it was

‘Zohar…why am i not surprised ‘i said with a smile

‘Well suprise’

‘Why did you plan all this..what the occasion ?’i asked

‘You see years ago..i met the most beautiful human …we started off on a real rough cause i was a total jerk
Phoebe started having flashback of the past as tears rolls down her eyes while he continues his speech

*And who are you ?’ He asked again but all I could do was stare At him like an idiot

‘Are you deaf ?’ He asked in a very low cold tone

‘Make up artist ,I am your make up artist ‘*
ZOHAR: cause i saw her as the key back home then

cause i saw her as the key back home then

*He moved his mouth to my ear and whispered ‘I want your body ‘ his hand slowly went to my butt and grabbed it softly

‘I want to f-__-k you’*


ZOHAR:but with time i realized she was the key to my heart..with time i realized she mean’t everything to me ‘


*’I do not want a contract with a bad person, i am a good person you a bad angel we just don’t fit

‘Then why don’t you teach me to be good,forget the entire contract and be my real girlfriend ‘*

ZOHAR:With time i realised that i can die for her


*’I cannot leave her like this …she has to come back ‘ i said as i moved closer to her

‘Zohar stop…this is a big risk you might die while trying to save her’ Kendall said but i turned deaf ears on wh@ťěver he is about to say

‘ i do not care Kendall.. ‘I said as i moved my mouth closer to hers *


ZOHAR: we fight a lot


*I owe no one an apology ‘ he said

‘Okay …fine ,since your anger always taking over ,here’s what i do not owe you ….a relationship ‘

‘What?’Zohar asked

‘It is over Zohar …i do not want to be with someone who settles everything with anger’*

ZOHAR: she went through pains and heart break for me


*What is going on ,why should i leave?’

He looked into my eyes and said ‘ because i do not need you anymore, that why i want you to leave ‘

‘Excuse you ..Zohar,what going on,why are you suddenly talking like this ‘

‘What part of leave don’t you understand, i do not want you anymore ,i already got what i need from you anyway ‘he said as he removed his jacket and hanged it *

ZOHAR: she stood by me through thick and thin


‘Well ,believe what you want to, am done with you,i am ‘ i said as i turned my back to leave

‘Zohar until you tell me what is trully going on ,i swear i will not move from this spot and that is a promise ‘ she said and i stopped walking *
ZOHAR: we even got separated
‘I will be back Phoebe’

‘I will be waiting Zohar ‘ He answered as he entered the Portal *

‘ But at the end of the day, despite all the difficulties, we are back together ..we are Phoebe ans Zohar…our love is stronger than ever…i have realise that i am only Zohar because i have my better half…that is why ‘ he deeped his hand into his pocket while i wiped my tears ‘that why is why i am going to go down on one knee and ask you the question..will you marry me?’he asked as he brought out a beautiful ring

Tears ran down my eyes as i stared at Zohar

‘Well Phoebe will you marry me ?’

‘Yes Yes Zohar..i will marry you ‘i answered as Veronica, kendall, zack and the black angels boys came out of their hiding spot clapping and cheering for us

He slid the ring into my finger, stood on his feet and pulled me close for a kiss

Few day after the wedding, i was now in Konica

‘Do you think i look pretty ?’ I asked my maiden

‘You are very beautiful my queen ‘ she answered

This planet is trully a site to behold. it looks absolutely beautiful, with beautiful lakes ,waterfalls, flowers etc and the kings castle was so unique and beautiful even castles in Disney is not this pretty .even the people here are extremely beautiful

‘Are you ready?’Zohar asked as he kissed my cheek

‘I don’t know Zohar, am kind of nervous, will they like me…i am human ‘

‘They will are their queen remember ‘ he said ‘their beautiful queen ‘ Today Zohar is going to introduce me to everyone as his queen

‘Let go ‘he said as he held my hand

I inhaled deeply when i reached the castle exist with thousands of Konicans waiting outside

‘Are you ready?’Zohar asked

‘I am ‘i held his hand

‘Open the door ‘ he told the guards who opened the door as i stepped out

They all were shocked when they saw me but it was soon replaced with a smile as i started hearing words like she is extremely beautiful

‘All hail the king and queen ‘ they chorused while i smiled broadly

This is my life

I got the man of my dreams

The once ugly and simple girl found her prince charming and now she is a queen

I am am married to the most powerful BLACK ANGEL

This is really a happy ending for me ?

……….THE END …………..

Thanks for reading and supporting me

Hope you enjoyed this story

Who else will miss black angels

Cause personally I myself, i also miss the story alot?

Authoress Ari loves you all so much

Thank y’all once again

Good bye to black angel

I believe I gave it a wonderful ending

Expect our next story ?❤️?

Encourage ur writer.. ?
Please Encourage Me By Sharing This story.

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