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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 4

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?(Story of the dark angel of lust)?

.?ON GOD ?


After an hour of hard work
Well it didn’t take much work cause this guys face is beautifully sculpted anyway

I finally did it

I give him the combination of beautiful,hot and Șëx¥

He looked at himself in the mirror with the same old facial Expression and looked at me one more time before standing on his feet

His height was quite intimidating cause he was like 6.3 feet tall while I was 5.8

So tall

‘You can go now ‘ he said as he removed his shirt while I started drooling over his body again

I was having that wierd feeling again

That pure lust

I have to get myself under control

I hesitantly grabbed my bag and turned my back to leave but Zohar grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him making my hand land on his bare chest

Oh no

What the heck is this again

Why do I feel like Zohar is trying to seduce me

‘W….w….wha…what are…yo…you……doing ?’I stammered

His hand slowly went to my back as I felt the zipper of my gown being pulled up with his finger slightly brushing my skin giving me unexplainable feelings

This is so crazy

We stare at each other for awhile with our faces so close to each other and a very awkward silence between us

‘Helped you with the zipper ‘ he said as he moved away from me and went back to examining his outfit for the concert

‘oh thanks ‘I said as I turned my back to leave

I looked back at him one more time before I finally turned my back to leave the room

I exhaled immediately i left the room

I felt like I was just relieved from a really big bondage

Like I can like a normal human again

What the heck did that guy do to me

Why is he making me feel like that

After the whole contact with Zohar I went to work the other day just to receive a good news

‘Everyone is talking about Zohar and how great his face looks …like his face is the new trending topic on social media and magazine’ my boss Anna naratted ‘you deserve a promotion, that why you going to be the head of department A ‘


Head of my department

That a good news

‘But am the head of department A ‘Jessica said

‘Yea I know but you haven’t really fetched us any money in a long time and pheobe is way better than you so sorry ‘she said while others laughed

Nobody likes Jessica anyway

She is like a complete mean head

‘And another good news is black Angels is visiting our company today ‘

‘What!’ Everyone exclaimed

‘Yes,the CEO just made them the brand Ambassadors of our new cosmetic line’

‘That is so radical’

Our company is a very big cosmetic company anyway

They could have just done this earlier

But I am extremely happy that means the Black Angels get to visit this place more often till their contract is terminated

‘Hey pheobe can you helo me get coffee in the shop next door’one of my colleague asked

‘Okay no problem ‘ I said with a smile on my face

‘Yea and help me pick up my pet when you coming please, it just along the road’another one said

‘Yea and please make photocopies of all this docvments ‘another one said


‘And don’t forget to water my plant ‘another one said

‘Sure ‘

‘And yeah bring me water from the dispenser ‘

‘Okay ‘

I have a problem when it comes to saying no to people and they often use that to their advantage

‘Why dont you all do your things yourself and beside she is your boss now so you have no right ‘ Madison said and they all apologized immediately

‘Better ‘ she said as she dragged me away ‘you really need to learn how to say no to people ‘

‘Yea ,you right ,I have a problem ‘ I said and she smiled

‘Hey pheobe…I heard you were with Zohar yesterday…tell me how does it feel being with such beauty and touching his beautiful face ‘zoya, the office prettiest and richest girls group leader asked me whereas she never talks to me

‘This is strange ‘Madison said

‘What ‘

‘You never talk to us so why now ?’

‘Are you gonna answer my question or not ‘ channel asked rudely

They are actually three in the group

Zoya,channel and lisa

And zoya happens to be the boss

Richest and prettiest

And also the CEO daughter

‘Well Zohar is a cool person, he is not really a talker and he is way more handsome than you see him on T.v and maybe we kinda friends ‘

‘Woooooow….look who is talking like you know him personally ‘ Lisa said

‘I mean you only met once ‘Channel added

‘Jealous much’Madison mocked

‘Forget about her…here they come ‘Zoya announced as we all look to the left and saw the seven Angels

They should be the hottest guys have ever seen in my entire life






Rocky and Zohar the man of my dreams

Everyone in the office gathered welcoming and Admiring this beauties including the CEO,DIRECTOR ,paparazzi and few fan girls all welcoming the stars

‘Now prove to us that you know Him,wave at him and if he acknowledges you then we will believe you ‘she said and I sighed

Zohar was walking as he looked towards my direction while I waved at him with a smile on my face but he simply walked past me like I didn’t exist and that really broke my heart

‘Ohhhhh ..that hurts ‘Zoya said as she and her girls laughed mockingly and walked away

I am a super sensitive person as tears almost fell from my eyes but I walked into the restroom to pee

I walked out of the toilet, washed my hand and also bend my head a little to wash my face and when I raised it back up to dry it with a towel,I was extremely to see Zohar’s reflection in the mirror standing behind me staring at me

I flinched and turned around immediately while resting my back on the sink

‘What are you d… ‘ I stammered

He focused on me for awhile without blinking before finally saying ‘you waved at me …why?’

‘And you snubbed ‘ I answered confidently which is something I do not do

‘You wanted to show those girls ,that you know me …you wanted to feel important for once right …you wanted them to think we are friends right ‘ he said

But what ?!

‘How d…di..did you know this ?’I asked as I adjusted my glasses

‘But I do not want friendship from you ,I want something else ‘

‘And what is that ?’ I asked

He moved closer to me while I just stood there resting on the sink

He bent his head a little as his hand slowly went around my waist using it to pull me close to him

My heart was beating very fast

I was getting turned on again

He breathe on my bare skin feels so great

He moved his mouth to my ear and whispered ‘I want your body ‘ his hand slowly went to my butt and grabbed it softly

‘I want to f-__-k you’


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