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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 19

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?(Story of the dark angel of lust)?

.?ON GOD ?
Rated ?

Read at your own risk


Not edited

I turned my back to leave

‘Are you seriously breaking up with me ,because i refused to apologize ‘

‘This is not about you refusing to apologize, this about you not considering how i feel,you always let your anger lead you like basically all the time and it so not fair towards me ‘

‘You have no idea what he said ,i didn’t punch him in the face for no reason ‘

‘Wh@ťěver the reason might have be ,i begged you to try to control your anger …i also wanted to punch him so hard but i didn’t do that did i?’

‘We are not the same Phoebe, i am different, unlike you am not really good at controlling my anger ,i have never been good at doing that you do not expect me to just change it one day’ he said

‘This isn’t even about your inability to control your anger ,it about your pride and ego always getting in the way …i asked you why you did it ,you said you owe no one an explanation and i asked if you willing to apologize you also said no …your pride is the problem and it always getting in the way of everything…i really do not want to see your face until you learn to apologize to people and cultivate the habit of saying sorry when you wrong’ i said as i walked out of the room

That psychotic angel

‘Hey you okay ‘Rocky asked as i climbed down the stairs

‘Yea ..i am …talk to your brother…he has serious problems ‘ i said as i walked away

I angrily picked up my flower vase and threw it against the wall as i ran my hand through my hair aggressively like i was about to go crazy anytime

‘Hey will you just calm down’ Kendall said as he sat down on my sofa

‘Look Kendall am not in the mood to listen to your nonsense, just leave me alone okay’

‘Now tell me what is wrong again ‘

‘I seriously do not know what is wrong with that human girl …she is as annoying as her kind …like what the f-__-k am i suppose to do ‘

‘Why didn’t you just tell her why you did that ‘

‘Why should i explain myself…it her problem if she doesn’t trust me ‘

‘She is new to the relationship, she is just getting to know you ,so you should know she is just trying to adjust ‘

I sat down on the sofa and said ‘i couldn’t just stand by and watch another guy talk nonsense about her ‘

‘Well …true ‘

‘And why do i feel this relationship is one sided ,i feel like i am the only one interested in this and she is not ‘

‘Oh come on ,i know Phoebe is totally into you …you the angel of love and you do not know that’ Kendall

‘If she was ,she wouldn’t have broken up with me so easily ‘

‘She was in a state of dilemma, she had no choice ‘
‘That nonsense ‘

‘I have a way i can prove to you that she is trully into you ‘

‘And that is ‘

‘Make her jealous ‘

‘Waw …that your greatest idea ,make her jealous ‘

‘Yes ,it will be fun and her reaction will prove to you that she truly cares about you’

‘What am i 11th graders …no way i will involve myself in such child play’

‘Look it will be fun,it just a way to mess around with her and in the process you get your girl back’

‘Never ‘

‘It either that or you apologize to kyle’.

‘Fine i will do it ,will rather die than apologize to kyle’




‘I really hope kyle is fine’ Catherine said as we entered the hospital Kyle was treating himself

He had broken his arm when he fell on the floor and loosed a few teeths


can’t believe Zohar did that ,i do not like Kyle but that doesn’t mean i want him to loose an arm and five teeths’
We arrived in front of kyle hospital room and stopped at the entrance when we heard him saying something to one of his guy friend

‘I mean i do not know why that guy is so hot tempered and super possessive of his girlfriend, all i did was tell him that i would love to have a taste of his girlfriend super p**sy …you know the girl is really hot and she got big @zz …i also told him that the girl doesn’t want his status that she is too low for him and i told him that when he is done f***king her, he should pass her to me so i can dispose her sister Catherine and f-__-k her instead…that all i said and he got so upset’

‘Well that was too much bro, you shouldn’t have said ,any guy would get upset ,especially when it a girl he loves ‘

‘Seriously, you supporting him, f-__-k you bro ‘

‘Wh@ťěver man’

So that was what made him so upset

This kyle was a jerk

Zohar’s anger is justified

And i broke up with him just cause of this jerk

‘I am gonna ki|| kyle today’ i said to Catherine as i entered the room’you jerk’

‘Hey ,Phoebe, you look upset’

‘I fought with my boyfriend yesterday, because of you’

‘What ‘Kyle said

I looked around and found an iron rod on the floor and picked it up ‘now am going to break all your legs ‘

‘What ‘

I hit the iron rod on his leg continously while he screamed in pains
He was lucky the iron wasn’t a strong one so it wouldn’t do any permanent damages to his leg


will just give him some scars
‘That enough ‘ the nurse and doctor said as they stopped me and dragged me out of the hospital

‘I will be back for you kyle ‘i said as they dragged me out of the room

‘Please take her away ,she is a wild animal just like her boyfriend ‘

‘I will show you a wild animal is ‘i said as i picked up the iron to attack him again but i was immediately stopped by the nurses who dragged me out of the hospital

‘Guess kyle was a jerk ‘ Catherine said to me outside the hospital

‘I know right and i fought with Zohar because of him’

‘I never knew you could get do violence, that so not the Phoebe i know, you not the type to attack people like that’

‘I just got so angry i had no choice…it like i couldn’t control that anger’

‘That was too much, you got so violence ‘

‘Well leave that,i need to apologize to Zohar …but let me call Kendall first’…i will see you later’ i said as I walked away

‘I just recieved a call from Phoebe, she is on her way here ‘ i said

‘Phoebe ,on her way here …but why ?’Rocky asked

‘To apologize, i think she knows the truth already ‘ i said

‘Well about time ‘ Zohar said as he sat on his couch

‘Well we still have to make her jealous…Charlotte i want you to sit next to Zohar and when that pretty lady walks in i want you to act like you about to kiss him’

‘Well that is no big deal’

Charlotte has been our only female friend before Phoebe arrived

And beside she works in our company so she knows a lot about us except our deepest secret’

‘I still think this is a bad idea ‘ Zohar said

‘Just keep quiet you do not know anything…. this plan is full proof ‘

‘And immature ‘ Zohar said

‘Yea ,that the point, the boys and i need to have some fun…so this is the best way to have fun’ i said ‘ come on guys let hide’ i said to the rest of the boys as we all went into hiding ‘


I walked into Zohar’s mansion only to see him sitted on the couch with a girl and they were too close for comfort

What the heck is going on

My brain went off when she moved a lips closer to kiss my Zohar


screamed so loud that i almost broke the glass in the house
‘You stinking cheat …am going to ki|| you today ‘ i said as i jumped on Zohar on the couch and started strangling him

‘Someone take this crazy woman away,she is going to ki|| me’he said trying to get me off him

His brothers arrived immediately and pulled me off him

‘Calm down pheobe ‘ Kendall said

‘Not until i ki|| Zohar’ i said as i wanted to attack Zohar again but the boys held unto me so tight

‘Calm down Phoebe, it was just a prank ‘ Kendall said

I looked around and i couldn’t find the girl that was about to kiss Zohar

‘I told you this was a bad idea ,she could have ki||ed me ‘Zohar said as he adjusted his shirt and crossed his leg ‘

‘Pheobe ,when did you get do violence…it so unlike you ‘ Kendall said

‘Am sorry, i was just so angry and i couldn’t control it’

‘Why are you here anyway ?’ Zohar asked

The other brothers sat down on the other couch while i was standing in front of Zohar

‘I came to apologize ‘ i said

‘So this days you apologize by strangling ‘

‘I told you am sorry ,and what was i suppose to do ,she was being so close to you and i didn’t like it at all’ i said while Zohar smirked

‘And boom you decided to strangle me’

‘I was in a state of dilemma ‘ i said

‘Well am not in the mood to accept your apology ‘

‘You arrogant guy’ i said as i walked towards him to attack him again but his brother held me back while Zohar ran away from his seat

‘Waw Zohar i can’t believe you scared of a girl’ Rocky said

‘I just do not want to hurt her ‘ Zohar said as he sat down on his couch and crossed his leg

‘Okay Zohar ,i am so sorry ‘

‘No you not’he said

‘If you accept my apology ,i will give you a kiss ‘ i said while he focused on me

‘I do not want your kiss’Zohar said

‘I want it ‘kendall said as he raised his hand

‘What ‘ Zohar replied

‘Me too ‘Rocky added

‘I do not mind her kiss ‘ Carlos said

‘Me too ‘james and the rest of the boys added

‘Infact let get to it right now ‘ Kendall said as he grabbed me by the wrist but Zohar held me by my second hand and yanked me back as he stood on his feet

‘What is wrong with you guys ‘ he said while the others couldn’t control their laughter ‘you know what pheobe, stay at least ten feet away from this guys …they really can’t be trusted when they around you’

‘You can’t blame us ,Phoebe is d@mn pretty’ rocky said with a smirk on his face making me blush

I looked at Zohar and said ‘i am so sorry ‘

‘Well it okay….i am also sorry for letting my anger get in the way all the time ‘he said scratching the back of his head with his left hand and looking around unable to look in my eyes

He always does that when he is embarrassed

‘Did Zohar just say the word sorry ‘Kendall said

‘I guess miracles does happens ‘ the boys said

‘Hey do not expect to hear that from me again okay ‘ he said to me as he looked away

‘Now you the shy one unable to look in my eyes ‘ i said

‘Says who ‘ he said as he looked in my eyes ‘shy my foot’

I smiled at him as i kissed him on the lips

I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes while Zohar for the first time in his entire life smiled softly at me

I swear his smile is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen as he pulled me close with the waist as we both engaged in a deep passionate kiss

‘Ashhhhh you guys should get a room ‘ the boys complained as they walked away giving us privacy but that didn’t stop our kiss at all


Our favorite couples are back together

But do you think Pheobe’s inability to control her anger is normal

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