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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 18

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?(Story of the dark angel of lust)?

.?ON GOD ?


Zohar slowly broke the kiss and looked into my eyes

‘Are those rules and regulations really meant for me?’

‘I..i..i…w..wel…well they are’

‘Well , i can give up alcohol and smoking ,but i can’t promise not to have s*x with you ‘ he said as he kissed me ‘i will see you later ..bye ‘ he waved at me with a smirk on his face as he walked out of the room

I am not trying to hide my feelings but i do know that i want to sleep with him

But the problem is i feel like once that happens, then he will be back on his planet

And maybe i will be left all alone

‘Will you stop beating you stupid heart ‘ i scolded my own heart as i sat down on my bed and ran my hand through my hair

‘O.M.G ,really you guys got back together ‘Catherine asked with a big smile on her face

‘Yup …we are ….i am so happy ‘ i said

‘Well we have to celebrate this ,ummmm how about we go on a double date, you and Zohar, me and my boyfriend Scott ‘ Madison suggested

‘Yea , i told you about Kyle right, i have been hanging out with him recently am sure kyle and i wouldn’t mind joining you guys then it can be some kind of triple date ‘ Catherine added

‘Sounds like a good idea, I totally agree with you Catherine ‘Madison said

‘Yea…but it okay if Zohar doesn’t agree ,i mean he is a big time celebrity, so it cool if he doesn’t want to hang our with it us ‘Catherine said

‘Hey don’t you talk like that ,if Zohar doesn’t want to hang out with you guys then it is his loss…i mean you guys are the coolest people i know so hanging out with you would be fun’

‘Yeah you right, no doubt about that’ Madison said

‘Okay i will talk to Zohar about it tomorrow, then we can all meet up tomorrow night okay Scenabucci restaurant ‘

‘Ummmm,Scenabucci ,that quite fancy am in’ Madison said as we all laughed

They are right in some aspects

Zohar doesn’t really do well around humans so i wonder how he is going to act around so many people

What if he gets into some kind of argument with one of the boys and resort to Violence

Then what

But still my sisters want to hang out

Ummmm am sure he will behave himself

And am sure he will agree



‘No ‘ i repeated as i arched my brow

‘N.O’ Zohar said as he picked his jacket from his closet and walked out of the room

I visited his house this morning and when i asked him if he could hang out with my friends and i ,he simply said no

How rude

‘But Zohar will you just listen to me ‘i said trying to catch up with him

‘No i do not want to ‘he said as we got to the sitting room where kendall ,james and rocky were sitted

‘But Zohar …please’

‘No …am not doing it ‘

‘What going on?’kendall asked

‘Well i told Zohar over here to have a triple date…you know my sisters want us to hang out but he told me No’

Kendall looked at Zohar and said ‘why’d you tell her no’

‘What the f-__-k man,you know how am around a lot of people, it not like i can tolerate human anyway…and you know i can’t really comtrol my temper if someone annoys me i wouldn’t hesitate to send them to the hospital ‘

‘Can’t you just try to control your anger for one night ‘ i asked

‘Yea man ,can’t you ‘James asked

‘No ,i can’t ‘ he amswered as he picked an apple from the table and sat on his couch

‘It okay ,i know you do not care about me anyway ‘ i said in order to guilt trip

‘Phoebe seriously…now you guilt tripping me ‘Zohar said

‘No am not …it okay….i am fine….it not like i will go home and cry in my pillow ‘ i said as i faked tears while Zohar ran his hand through his hair in frustration like he h@ťěs seeing me cry

‘Hey phoebe do not cry ,if Zohar doesn’t want to be your date i will be your date ‘ Kendall said as he hugged me

‘What the f-__-k ‘Zohar said as he stood on his feet and walked towards us ‘okay that enough let go of her ‘

‘But i want to be her date ‘ Kendall said

‘Are you her boyfriend, move away please ‘ he said

‘Okay fine ‘ Kendall said as he moved away from me with a smile on his face

Never in my life did i think i will be friends with this
Extremely handsome guys

And one of them happens to be my boyfriend

Funny how life is

‘Okay fine i will go ‘ he muttered as he scratched the back of his head with his hand while the other hand was in his pocket

‘What did you say?….’

‘I said i will go…jeeez why do you have to make me repeat everything ‘

‘Really!’i exclaimed

‘Arshhhhhhh…so noisy ‘he muttered as he walked away while i smiled to myself and bit my lip

This is fun

‘Where is Zohar ‘Catherine asked

We were already in scenabucci with Catherine, Madison and their partners

Scott and kyle are also good looking and comfortable guys

But to be sincere i do not really like Kyle at all

Something about him is just off

I just hope Zohar doesn’t feel the same way about him

‘Forget it ,i do not think is coming anyway ‘Maddison said

‘He will be here just give him so minute ‘ I said

‘ i am here’ Zohar said as he sat next to me wearing sunshades and a hoodie

‘What with the sunshade and hoodie ‘ Kyle asked while Zohar looked at him and didn’t reply

‘Rude’ kyle scoffed

‘Kyle you Zohar is a big time celebrity not only here in America but all over the world …..if he is not wearing that his fans will devour him right this instant, that a disguise you know ‘Catherine explained

‘Yea ,it skipped my mind ,big time celebrity and super rich guy’ Kyle said as he dipped his fork in his salad

‘Hey you can remove the sunshade no one is watching’i whispered in his ear

He removed his sunshade and looked at me with his extremely beautiful eyes before saying ‘how long am i gonna stay here ‘

‘Maybe three hours’

‘Oh God ‘

‘Look Zohar,just please stay ‘

‘ am only staying here for you ,and am going to try and enjoy this place for you’

I smiled

‘Will you stop smiling like that,it way too beautiful to resist ‘ he whispered and i smiled even harder while blushing

‘You guys look like an happy couple ‘ Catherine said with a big geniune smile on her face

‘Yea we are’

‘Hey you should try this salad it taste really good ‘ i said

‘I never eat at a restaurant like this ‘

‘Comeon taste it ‘i said as i fed him with it

‘Not bad ‘he said

‘I got to admit, i never for once thought i will see you like this ,it really is an honor…no gay $h|t involved but am a big fan of your music ‘ Scott said

‘Thanks ‘ Zohar replied with a small grin on his facd

‘So when is your next comeback?’Scott asked

‘Well am not allowed to tell people that’ Zohar replied

‘Well i understand, it confidential’Scott said

‘I am not a fan of his music’ kyle said

‘What?’ I said

‘Do not take this as an offence but boys pop groups are lame ,and your music sometimes or should i say most time is like Major pains to my eardrums….i mean you a cool guy and all but personally if i was a girl and i was dating you ,i will consider you to be a looser just cause of your music not because of your personality ‘ Kyle gave his own opinion of the matter

Zohar clenches his fist under the table while i placed my hand on his fist and he looked into my eyes while i gave him a look that clearly means Calm down

‘It okay ,i mean am a big time celebrity and h@ťěrs like you is common ,it no big deal at all’

‘Waw ….’Kyle said as he continue eating while cat whispered something in his ear

I must say am happy and proud of Zohar

He gave him the reply he deserves

Personally i want to do mean stuffs to this guy
After eating and chatting for hours

‘I really want to drop you off at home ‘ Zohar said standing outside the restaurant with me

‘No, no need, i am cool okay …and beside Madison brought her car so it no big deal we will manage ‘

‘Okay fine then ‘

‘If you done with your love chat can we go home now ‘Madison said with a big smile on her face

She was obviously teasing me

‘Okay am coming ‘ i turned my face to Zohar ‘Good night ‘i wanted to walk away before Zohar grabbed my hand ,pulled me back and kissed me on the lips for about three seconds

‘Good night ‘he said with a very light smile on his face

‘Awnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?????……that is so cute she is blushing ‘ Madison and Catherine said together

‘Shut up you guys ‘i said trying to control myself

I looked at Zohar and waved at him one more time before i turned my back and walked away


I watched pheobe as she got into the car and smiled to myself

She is such a cutie

‘thank God those girls are finally gone ‘That assh*le called Kyle said as he stood next to me

He lit his cigarette and looked at me

‘I mean those girls, yes they are very attractive…but they are simple and boring most especially your girlfriend ‘

‘Oh …really ‘ i said trying to control my anger

‘Yea,all i want is to f-__-k Catherine a couple of times and after that she is a gonna ‘


‘Hey Madison please pull over, i left my purse in the res,let me get it ‘

‘Easy dear, i will turn this car around right now’ Madison said

‘Okay ‘


‘Ohhhhh i see’

‘And do not get me wrong, you a cool guy but i seriously do not like people like you but nevertheless i think the girl you dating right now just doesn’t worth your class …i mean look at yourself ‘

‘Ummm’ i clenched my fist trying to control my anger

Phoebe wouldn’t like it if i resort to violence

So I won’t

I will control myself

‘And come to think of it ,your girlfriend has a big @zz ,when you done with her ,can you pass her to me ,i wouldn’t mind tasting that sweet p**sy of hers ‘

Okay that does it

‘Oh really ‘ i asked with a smirk

‘Yes, i bet she is gonna be really tasty ‘

‘Hey wanna know what is tasty ‘


‘My fist ‘i said as i landed a heavy punch on his face making him fall on the ground

‘What the f-__-k man’he said with his bleeding mouth

‘You bastard ‘i said about to hit him again

‘Zohar ‘a voice i recognize to be pheobe’s called my name as i looked up

I let go of Kyle as i walked past her

‘That guy isn’t nothing but trash…stay away from him ‘i said to Catherine as i got into my car


How dare Zohar do that

After everything i told him

For goodness sake he has a career

This little action can ruin it if a paparazzi was around to see this

ThankGod he was wearing a disguise and no one recognized

But why did he do that

Wha tha……

‘Where is asked his brothers as i barged into his mansion ‘

‘Upstairs ‘ they all answered ar the same time

‘Okay ‘ i answered as i walked up the stairs and barged into his room

‘Hello ‘ Zohar asked sitted on his couch with his leg crossed and a magazine in his hand

The sun reflection on his face through the window makes him look absolutely beautiful

But this isn’t about his beauty

Today am way too upset to think about his beauty

‘Hey Phoebe…you look angry ‘ he sais still going through his magazine

‘Why did you do that?’i asked

‘Do what’

‘I told you violence is never the answer….i also do not like him but i did not beat him up just cause i di not like hun…why did you beat him up?’

‘I owe no one an explanation….’ he said as he stood on his feet and walked towards me
‘Fine will you apologize then’

‘I owe no one an apology ‘

‘Okay …fine ,since your anger always taking over ,here’s what i do not owe you ….a relationship ‘

‘It is over Zohar …i do not want to be with someone who settles everything with anger’

To be continued

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