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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ANGEL – Episode 14

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?(Story of the dark angel of lust)?

.?ON GOD ?


It been two weeks since pheobe and Zohar departed and pheobe couldn’t resist the fact that she misses him a lot

She keeps asking herself why she misses him so much despit the fact that he has never been nice to her

He has always been a meanie and he also makes her do stuffs that she isn’t contented with but it quite strange how her heart skips a beat whenever she vfdvnremembers his name
Get 0 was not quite sure of what she feels for Zohar but one thing she is sure of is the fact that she misses him a lot


you okay ‘ Madison asked as she handed over a cup of coffee to me
I moved to her house two weeks ago because i did not want Zohar looking for me

‘I see you getting better now after the break up’ Madison said

‘It not exactly a break up Maddie, we just needed space from each other that all. Who knows we might get back together very soon i said as i took a sip of my coffee ‘

‘Well i hope you guys get back together ‘ My sister Catherine said as she walked towards me

She arrived from Paris three days ago and the excuse i gave her and Madison was that Zohar and i are currently on a break that why i moved to Madison’s house so i wouldn’t think about him too much

Even though Madison and Catherine can’t stand each other, they still try their best to get along for me

And i haven’t even told her about Zack’s sickness ,i feel like telling her about his sickness will some how expose the secret between Zohar and i

The only excuse i gave her was that he is in a hostel in L.A

Which is pretty far from here

Although she has made plans of visiting him before she goes back to Paris

But i will make sure i block all plans of visit

No matter what
oh here is an idea?, I heard there is a new bar in that hotel down town, how about we go visit that place… You know just we girls, have fun and hang out with each other’ Maddie suggested with a broad smile on her face

‘well that great, why not, come on pheobe let go’ Catherine added

‘no, I really do not think I am in the mood to do that, maybe some other day’

‘no excuses phoebe , we are going okay and it is final’ Madison said as she stood on her feet and walked away

‘yea get ready’ Catherine added as she also walked away
This girls are impossible

Really impossible

I walked into the bar and after spending an hour I got bored

While Catherine and Madison were partying I refused to join them

I am still looking as beautiful as Zohar made me

I refuse to go back to my old Phoebe

The ugly phoebe

I actually like the way I look now

Pretty and s£xy

A lot of guys walked up to me asking me to dance with them but I turned them down flats

Unable to stand them anymore I stood on my Feet and walked out of the club

I stood at the pool side staring at the big water that was surrounded by white light bulbs that lit up the pool water

It was dark and there were stars in the sky

I really miss Zohar

Aren’t I supposed to be afraid of him

I Mean i just found his true self

He is not human

Why am I missing him instead of hating him

Why am I such a confused being
. But he did save me

He saved my life twice

‘hey pretty’ a guy greeted as he walks towards me

‘wassup pretty angel’ another guy said as he walked towards me

‘wanna dance’ another guy added

I was surrounded by three guys asking me frivolous questions

‘excuse me please’ I said as I wanted to walk away but they held my arm and yanked me back making me fall on the floor

‘come on pretty girl, we just want to have Fun’ they said

I looked around and there was no one in the pool side

It was pretty dark and silence ? here and I do not think anyone will hear me if I scream

‘see I do not want any trouble just let me go’ I said as I stood on my feet

‘get her’ one of the guys said as the other one stretched his hand to grab my arm

‘what going on here’ a voice asked

A voice I recognize pretty well

A voice I sort of miss

‘Zohar’ I said as I turned to my side

‘who the hell are you’ one of the guy asked

‘boss, this is that super famous celebrity that girls love, what his name qhar, he is in the group black Angel’ another guy said

‘who cares get him out of here’ he said as one of them walked towards Zohar and held him by his shirt

‘whoa, whoa, whoa, easy man, easy… You see we both want the same thing… I also want to have my way with her but the thing is you gonna let me have my way with her first, if you do that I will give each of you one hundred thousand dollars’ he said as the guy slowly let go of him

What the heck is Zohar doing

How dare he
‘You will really give us a hundred thousand bucks each if we allow you have your way with her first’

‘you have my word’ he said

‘Zohar are you crazy’ I shouted but he payed no attention to me instead he focused on the guy

‘well, let do this men, we get free p***y and a hundred thousand bucks, guess today is our luck day’ Their boss said

‘well come on let do this’ they said as they walked towards me while I crawled backwards

Zohar bent in a squat in front of me and I know am suppose to be hating right now but being so cheap

But staring at his face was making my heart skip a beat

I should have known this guy wasn’t human

He is way too beautiful to be one

‘Do not worry baby, it not going to hurt….’ he said as he smirked at me

‘Zohar please I beg you, please do not do this to me’ I pleaded as tears rolls down my eyes

“what choice do i have, I have to go back home no matter what ‘

‘ Zohar please… ‘I pleaded while crying prefousely

Zohar looked at me with so much lust in his eyes as he stretched his hand to touch but he withrew his hand ‘ before we have our way with her, why don’t you three have your way with those guys ‘ Zohar said as he turned his face to three huge tall looking guys

Zohar stood on his feet and looked at the huge guys ‘Skeezy, feisty and fatty… Please take out the trash’ he ordered

‘Yes sir’ they chorused as they walked towards the huge guys and picked them up like a piece of paper

‘make sure you beat the life out of them’ he ordered

‘yes sir’ they said as they walked away with the three guys who were pleading and trying to get themselves free from the huge guys clutches

After the huge guys and the rapist were no where in sight, Zohar looked at me and stretched his hand

I looked at him for awhile before I took his hand and he pulled me up immediately

‘long time no s………’

I did not allow him finish his sentence before I punched him really hard in his face

‘arggghhhhhhb’ I groaned in pain because punching him felt like I punched the wall and that really hurts

I feel like my hand is broken

“you no girl has ever done what you just did, but I will let it go, since you special and beside you already got your punishment ‘

” f_ck you Zohar’ I cursed ? as I closed my eyes ? and held my hand in pains

‘why did you do that anyway’ he asked as he gently grabbed my broken fist ?

‘because you scared the butt out of me’ I replied

‘you really think I will be so cheap to have my way with you here, in a public place, with a group of guys’ he said ‘you should also know i do not share what is mine anyway’ he looked at me and smiled lightly before focusing on my fist ?

‘did you just smile?’ I have to admit he looks like a real angel with his smile my heart almost stopped beating when he did that

He looked at me with his same cold expression and answered ‘No’

‘you totally just smiled’

“why did you run Away?” he asked as he let go of my hand and surprisingly it doesn’t hurt any more

He was obviously trying to change the topic

Embarrassed cause he just smiled

‘I did not run away, I just wanted to be alone’

‘so you did not miss me’ he asked

“why should I? ‘ I said as I look away

‘ Really, why don’t you look me in the eye and say that ‘ he Said as he moved close to me while I nervously moved back my cheeks already turning pink’ of all places you could hide in, you chose your friend’s place, do you seriously think i wouldn’t know you were there ‘

“if you did, why didn’t you come and force me to come back into your life’

‘number 1 you never for once left my life and number 2 you said you needed space, so what choice do I have….I never force people to do stuffs’

‘you forced me to do wh@ťěver am doing with you’

‘I payed you, it a different thing’

‘jerk’ I muttered

‘so do you miss me or not’ he asked

‘I told you I do not’

‘really’ he said as he took another step towards me while I walked back again

‘no, I do not’ I said trying my best to avoid eye contact

My lips was turning bright pink and that was really embarrassing

‘really, you do not ‘ he asked as he bit his lower lip and took another step towards me

Biting his lower lip

He is totally seducing me

And it is totally working

Biting his lips just want to make me jump on him and kiss the life out of him

‘no i do…. Arghhhhhh’ I screamed as I took another step backward almost falling into the pool but Zohar grabbed me by the waist preventing that from happening

My hands were on his broad chest and our face was so close together

I started feeling awkward looking at him straight in the eyes so I turned to the side

“look at me ‘he said in form of a whisper while I hesitantly looked at him straight in the eyes trying to act as if I am not bothered by him at all

He slowly moved his lip closer to mine while I was trying to control my heart beat

I closed my eyes as I couldn’t wait to feel his lip on mine

But why am I suddenly feeling like this towards him

‘you know i wish I can kiss your pretty lips right now’ he said as I slowly opened my eyes

Only half my leg was standing on a normal ground while the other half was in the pool side

If Zohar let go of me I will fall in the pool immediately

He slowly moved his from my waist to my back while the other one went to my face

‘I really want to bite that lip’ he said as he ran his thumb over my lips ?
He moved his lip closer to mine and gently rubbed his lips against mine giving me tingles in my tummy

‘but since you do not miss me this is what you deserve’ he said as he let go of me and I fell into the pool water

I swam back to the surface and saw Zohar

‘bye sweetheart’ he said as he raised on his feet and walked away

‘ ZOHAR!!!…. COME BACK HERE YOU JERK’ I shouted but he payed no attention to me instead he kept on walking

I dipped my hand into the water, removed my shoe from my leg and threw it at him but he bent down while the shoe flew over his head and he rised on his feet and walked away

‘f-__-k YOU ZOHAR’ I shouted but he didn’t reply as he finally walked away from my sight

‘I h@ťě that guy so much ‘ I muttered as I blushed to myself

You fool are you seriously blushing for that rude thing

I scolded

T. B. C

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