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BLACK ACE – Episode 8

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? ♠️ BLACK_ACE ♠️ ?

♠️ Chapter 8 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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It’s been 5 years since I’ve been to Kano ; I could still remember the last time I was here and it was when I was helping Lily to exact her revenge.
The ancient city has changed a lot during this 5 years that it was hardly recognisable. After I was transported to one of the organization’s safehouse, I decided to go pay a little visit to my friend, Lily.
Ever since that night we parted ways, I have been wanting to contact Lily. I wanted to know what she’s been doing with her life whether she’s still an assassin or maybe she quit the ki||ing game and decided to live a normal life.
Finding her in a crowded and condensed city like Kano would be very hard but luckily for me, I was able to find to access her. Lily’s friend Hauwa has been quite famous , her beverage business has been booming through out this years and her product is very delicious. Somehow, she managed to expand the business and now she has so many branches in some parts of Nigeria.
As soon as I left the safe house, I went straight to the beverage branch here in Kano to ask her about Lily’s whereabouts . Getting to the branch was the easy part but the hard part was getting inside the building , the security guards won’t let me in and I didn’t what to cause a scene. The voices in my head was urging me to go berserk and unleash chaos but I restrained myself and quietly grabbed on of the unsuspected employees working there and took her clothes right after I knocked her out.
Immediately I was in the outfit, I was able to sneak inside the building without anyone noticing. What remained for me now was to find the office of main oga at the top which didn’t seem so hard. As soon as I got into the office, I saw the very person I came to see and she looked a bit chubby but also quite good looking.
Hauwa was in her seat checking some files when I walked in, she didn’t even notice my presence. She wore a black diamond embroidered abaya with a silk ash veil covering her hair and her neck. I was surprised to see how she had changed cause the last time I saw her she looked skinny.
After a while, She stopped what she was doing and reached out for her phone but in that moment, her eyes caught a glimpse of me.

Hauwa ➡ Hey! Who are you and when did you get in?

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Girl, look at you. You may be stuffed like a pig but you look good. Honest.

Hauwa ➡ See lady. I don’t have time for nonsense. Tell me who you are or I’ll call the guards.

Elizabeth ➡ Wait, you don’t recognize me?

Hauwa ➡ I’ve had enough of this nonsense. I’m calling the guards.

Elizabeth ➡ Trust me, they won’t do you any good.

Hauwa ➡ Oh really? and why is that?

Elizabeth ➡ Because of this. (Laughs) Checkmate b–tch.

I swiftly brought a pistol and pointed it at her direction, the Hausa lady froze in shock as soon as she saw the gun in my hand. Quietly, she dropped her phone and raised her hands slowly in the air begging me not to $h00t her. I admired what she did in that moment, it was very smart of her. She knew very well that she’s in hot soup and acting stupidly would devastating on her expense.

Hauwa ➡ (trembling) Please.. Don’t $h00t me. I’ll give you anything please. Don’t ki|| me. I have kids.

Elizabeth ➡ Dear lord! This is so cliche. Why does everyone bring that up? I have kids, I have this, I have that.. Bullshit!!

Hauwa ➡ I swear I have kids. Please I beg you don’t $h00t.

Elizabeth ➡ Relax jor! I’m not going to $h00t you. I just want you to help me out with something.

Hauwa ➡ Oh.. Okay.

Elizabeth ➡ Come on.. Drop your hands.

Hauwa did as I told her but she was still shaking with fear ; despite the AC in her office, her forehead was dripping with sweat.

Elizabeth ➡ Look, I’m looking for someone. Someone that you know very well.

Hauwa ➡ What’s the person’s name?

Elizabeth ➡ Lily…. your friend, the assassin.

Hauwa’s eyes opened widely as if she was in a cardiac arrest, She fixed her gaze on mine trying to figure out what my motive was.

Hauwa ➡ You want to know where Lily is?

Elizabeth ➡ Yes, I’d like to see her.

Hauwa ➡ I don’t know where she is.

Elizabeth ➡ You lying b–tch. I know you’re friends with her. Tell me where she is.

Hauwa ➡ I won’t tell you a d@mn thing! I’m guessing you’re here to ki|| her. I knew this day would come. After all the blood she’s spilled, I knew there was someone out there that will come for here.

Elizabeth ➡ Wow! So is she an assassin still?

Hauwa ➡ No.. She’s living a better life.

Elizabeth ➡ Hmm, Please don’t tell me she’s married?

Hauwa ➡ I won’t tell you a d@mn thing.

Elizabeth ➡ Don’t forget. I have a gun.

Hauwa ➡ Go ahead and $h00t. If I’m going to die, then that’s the will of God, not yours.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) d@mn! So you’re willing to lose your life for an assassin?

Hauwa ➡ No, for a friend and she’s not an assassin anymore. She’s living a straight and normal life.

Elizabeth ➡ Hmm, I must admit. I like your guts. Considering the world we live in, not everyone is loyal. But I’ll be honest with you, I’m not here to ki|| her. I just want to see her.

Hauwa ➡ I’m sorry I can’t trust you.

Elizabeth ➡ Well, that’s unfortunate… for you.

In that split moment, the door of the office opened and some kids rushed into the office and gathered around Hauwa. I gasped in shock as I saw the next person that entered the office, It was Lily.
Unlike her friend, Lily was still as fit as I last saw her but the tattoos on her body were all gone. She looked calm and at peace unlike her usual serious and grumpy look, her beauty was still intact not to mention her attractiveness. Her taste in clothes hadn’t changed either but unlike before her dressing was much more mature.

Elizabeth ➡ LILY!!

Lily ➡ Jesus Christ! Elizabeth.

Lily stood in shock as if she had seen a ghost but what shocked her even more was the gun in my hand.

Lily ➡ What’s going on here?… Hauwa, are you alright.?

Hauwa ➡ Yes…

Elizabeth ➡ Lily.. It’s so good to see you.

Lily ➡ Well, I’m not that thrilled to see you. Were you sent to ki|| me?

Elizabeth ➡ What!? No. I came to see you.

Lily ➡ With a loaded pistol?

Elizabeth ➡ Oh this? No.. I’m just using it to scare your friend. She’s so stubborn.

Hauwa ➡ Ke Lily, you know this lunatic?

Lily ➡ Oh lord..

Elizabeth ➡ What did you just call me?

Just as I was about to put a bullet in Hauwa’s body, Lily grabbed my arm and led me out of the office. She took me out of the building and straight to the parking lot where she parked her neat and flashy BMW 2 series.

Elizabeth ➡ Ow… Nice ride.

Lily ➡ Get in. We’re going for a drive.

Elizabeth ➡ Are you taking me on a date? ?

Lily ➡ In case you didn’t notice the ring on my finger. I’m married and I’m not into women. Get in.

After Lily and I got into her car ; she drove us out of the beverage company heading straight into the busy road. After driving around the city for some minutes, Lily decided to do Sherlock Holmes on me.

Lily ➡ Why are you here Elizabeth?.

Elizabeth ➡ To see you of course.

Lily ➡ Don’t play with me. I’m not joking.

Elizabeth ➡ I’m serious. Honest.

Lily ➡ Sigh! Look, I’ve changed. I’m not the same Lily you met 5 years ago. I’m living a peaceful life and I have a family now. In short, I’ve finally found happiness in my life.

Elizabeth ➡ That’s adorable. Congratulations. I’m glad that you did. (Laughs)

Lily ➡ Stop laughing! This isn’t funny.

Elizabeth ➡ Why are you being so mean?

Lily ➡ What do you expect? I haven’t seen you in 5 years and now that I do, I see you with a gun in hand.

Elizabeth ➡ I’m sorry, I meant no harm. I just came by to check on you.

Lily ➡ I appreciate that but I can’t be seen with you.

Elizabeth ➡ Why?

Lily ➡ Earlier this afternoon, I got a call from a friend telling me that there’s a detective coming to kano to ask questions about the organization. The same organization you used to work for.

Elizabeth ➡ So?

Lily ➡ My life is straight now and I don’t want anything questioning me about something I’m not involved in plus I don’t want to get caught up in any mess that would put me or my family in jeopardy. Enough is enough . It’s a good thing you left that organization but if I may ask how did you get out?

Elizabeth ➡ Uh.. I didn’t.

Lily ➡ Wait. You told me that you quit and that you were on the run.

Elizabeth ➡ I don’t remember telling you that.

Lily ➡ Well, I do. You wrote me a letter while I was hospitalised in Lagos telling me that you were being hunted. Are you telling me that I read a lie?

Elizabeth ➡ Maybe. ?

Lily ➡ Jesus. So you’re still working for the organization?

Elizabeth ➡ Yep ?

Lily ➡ And if I’m correct, you’re here to ki|| someone? ?

Elizabeth ➡ Yes ?

Lily ➡ God! I should have known.

Elizabeth ➡ Relax, it’s not you.

Lily ➡ I’m not worried about that. What I care about is my family.

Elizabeth ➡ They mean so much to you huh?

Lily ➡ They’re my everything. Considering what I did back years ago, I still can’t believe that God would bless me like this. I’ve been given a second chance in life and I don’t want to waste it.

Elizabeth ➡ Relax jor. Nobody’s coming after you.

Lily ➡ Hmph! I really wish I could believe that. Not a day goes by that I don’t look over my shoulders. I’ve pissed a lot of people and it’s hard if none of them doesn’t come after me.

Elizabeth ➡ You’re overreacting.

Lily ➡ No. I’m being logical. The circle of revenge and bloodshed doesn’t stop in one place, it circulates around and around. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone came to exact revenge on me, but I don’t want anyone to suffer because of my past mistakes especially my family.

Elizabeth ➡ How’s your Teddy?

Lily ➡ (Smiling) He’s good and he’s a good husband and great father. He’s so loving and caring. He always finds a way to please me however he can. I love him so much.

Elizabeth ➡ Awwn, do you guys have any kids?

Lily ➡ Yes. A boy named Roy and a girl named Leila.

Elizabeth ➡ You’re really lucky.

Lily ➡ Yeah. What about Dave? Is he still around?

Elizabeth ➡ He is. We made love last week.

Lily ➡ I’m not interested in hearing that. Listen, I’m going to give you a sound advice. Quit this organization, get off the grid and live a normal life.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Normal life? Oh please. Who needs it and besides I can’t quit this organization. They made me who I am, they gave me a life. a purpose.

Lily ➡ No, they turned you into a weapon and trust me, the time will come when you’re no longer of any use to them and believe me they will get rid of you.

Elizabeth ➡ You’re lying. They can’t ki|| me. They’re like family to me., they like me.

Lily ➡ Trust me, I’ve worked for 2 different people and I’ve done all their dirty work without question and do you know what happened, they stabbed me in the back and tried to ki|| me.
Your organization only care about you because you’re doing your work well and because you’re an asset they can’t lose just yet. Trust me when the time comes, just be prepared for the unexpected.

Elizabeth ➡ You know I’m not taking your advice seriously.

Lily ➡ I don’t care. Besides I’m doing this for old time sake. Nothing more.

In that moment, Lily stomped the brake stopping the car underneath a flyover bridge. I thought she was going to do something else but what she did next surprised me.

Lily ➡ Get out.

Elizabeth ➡ Why?

Lily ➡ I’m dropping you off here. This is where we part ways.

Elizabeth ➡ Why?

Lily ➡ I’m sorry Ace, but you’re a ticking time bomb. As long as you work for that organization, there’s no way we can keep in touch.

Elizabeth ➡ You’re shutting me out. You ungrateful b–tch. I came to your aid when you needed help.

Lily ➡ I appreciate that and all but things have changed, I have a family now and they’re the only things I have in this world. If anything were to happen to them, I wouldn’t know what to do with my life. I can’t let that happen. I’ve played this game before and I know the road it leads to. I’m sorry if you feel hurt but there’s a lot at stake and I can’t afford to lose everything.

At first, I was angry at Lily but after hearing what she said. I just couldn’t blame her. She was right, my presence around her could put her and her family at stake and considering the hell she’s been through, she deserves the happiness she’s basking in.

Elizabeth ➡ Alright then, If that’s how you want it. I’ll never bother you again, ever.. Good bye.

Lily ➡ Wait! Take this.

Elizabeth ➡ Is this your complimentary card?

Lily ➡ Yes.

Elizabeth ➡ It has your number on it.

Lily ➡ Yes.

Elizabeth ➡ But I thought…

Lily ➡ In case you quit that death cult of an organization, you can call me in case you need someplace to lay low. It’s a private number don’t give anybody.

Elizabeth ➡ Why are you doing this?

Lily ➡ I was given a second chance and you deserve one too. Despite your Gra-Gra, you’re a good person. Just consider this a payment for the help you gave me in the past.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughs) Thank you, I knew deep down you like me.

Lily ➡ Don’t make this sound too weird. I’m just paying back a debt.

Elizabeth ➡ Thanks. I will think over what you said but in the mean time, Can we share a hug?

Lily ➡ That won’t be necessary.

Elizabeth ➡ Come on, just this once.

Lily ➡ Okay, fine. Just this once.

After we hugged each other, I went out of the car and Lily drove away leaving me under the bridge. As soon as she was gone, I walked away blending into the crowds but before I could go far, I got a call from the organisation.

Elizabeth ➡ Yes?

King ➡ Why aren’t you in the safe house?

Elizabeth ➡ I wanted to get some fresh air.

King ➡ Well, you have work to do. Once you get back to the safehouse, You’ll see some files about your target. It contains everything about him. Your toys are also there.

Elizabeth ➡ Really? Which ones?

King ➡ All of them. Don’t cause any commotion. A silent execution is enough.

Elizabeth ➡ Oh don’t worry daddy, He won’t even see it coming. (Laughs)


Next episode ➡ Barking the wrong tree.

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