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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 6

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? ♠️ BLACK_ACE ♠️ ?

♠️ Chapter 6 & 7 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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Sitting comfortably in his leather Italian chair, King discusses privately with Clement, Dr. Chidi and 2 other men about a certain problem regarding a particular man and from the way the discussion was going, King was really in a foul mood.

King ➡ That northern b–stard dared to betray us, he even thr_@tens the organization and then spits on us . WHAT AN INSULT.

Clement ➡ I told you that we couldn’t trust Mallam Yusuf, now look at what has happened. I bet he’s doing this because of the loss of his friend Alhaji Gambo.

Chidi ➡ He’s been giving us the slip. We need to send him a strong message for him to realize who he’s dealing with.

Clement ➡ Why don’t we just ki|| him? He can’t be trusted now. He can be a problem for the organization.

Chidi ➡ That’s too drastic.

King ➡ I agree with Clement. Mallam Yusuf cannot be trusted anymore. He needs to be erased. Considering how far we’ve come with our plans, we cannot tolerate any slip ups or loose ends.

Chidi ➡ (sighs) You’re right. So who are we going to send to take care of Mallam Yusuf?

Before anyone could answer that question, the door instantly swings wide open with one of Clement’s men flying into the room, crashing down heavily on the center of meeting table. Shortly after that, Black ace appears into the room with a cunning laughter making a dry joke.

Elizabeth ➡ Sorry everyone.. I was just looking for a certain individual that came flying through here? Did anyone manage to see him? He hasn’t paid for his flight tickets ? (laughs)

Infuriated by the rude interruption, Clement lashes out at Black ace angrily but he was quickly silenced by the young lady after coming face to face with a loaded revolver, pointed between his eyes.


Elizabeth ➡ (pointing gun at Clement) Shut up you old fart! Unless that is you want me to fill your skull with lead.

Chidi ➡ Put the gun, Ace.

Elizabeth ➡ Should I?

Chidi ➡ Yes.

Elizabeth ➡ Well, he has to apologize.

Clement ➡ I will do no such thing.

Elizabeth ➡ Okay. Here goes.


With a quick aim and accuracy, Black ace pulls the trigger and $h00ts the right foot of Mr. Clement. The others watched calmly as the man rolled on the ground clutching onto his foot painfully.

Clement ➡ Arrgghhh, my leg.

Elizabeth ➡ You’re lucky that I didn’t pierce your brain.. Now apologize before I $h00t the other foot. Nice shoes by the way.

Clement ➡ As if I would..

King ➡ Clement.

Clement ➡ Sir??

King ➡ There’s no need for this useless bloodshed. Apologize to her.

Clement ➡ What?! But she’s..

King ➡ Just do it. Unless that if you want to be sitting on wheel chairs for several months.

Clement ➡ Uuummm.. Alright.. I’m sorry.

Elizabeth ➡ (laughing) What was that? I didn’t hear you.

Clement ➡ I said.. Ummm.. I’m sorry.

Elizabeth ➡ Apology accepted.. That wasn’t so hard abi? (Laughs)

Chidi ➡ Guards, take Mr. Clement to the medical center. He’s losing blood.

After Clement was carried away by his men, Elizabeth plants herself on his seat and stretches her legs on the table.

Chidi ➡ That’s enough lady. Hand over that gun. You’ve made quite a mess.

Elizabeth ➡ Uh-uh.. This revolver is mine.

King ➡ Elizabeth, what’s itching you now? I know you didn’t interrupt this meeting for nothing. What is it you want?

Elizabeth ➡ Let’s see… Freedom.

Chidi ➡ Freedom?

King ➡ Freedom! You want to leave this place?

Chidi ➡ No.. I don’t want to leave this place.. I like it here.

King ➡ Then explain yourself.

Elizabeth ➡ I’ve been here since when I was a kid and I only get to go out when I go on missions. So what I want is freedom to go out whenever I want. No restrictions, no limits.

King ➡ Is that it?

Elizabeth ➡ Sure. That’s it.

King ➡ Hmm…

Elizabeth ➡ Please daddy o. Don’t deny this for me.

King ➡ Alright. I will grant you your wish once you’ve completed this assignment.

Elizabeth ➡ What assignment?

King ➡ You’ll be going to Kano to exterminate a particular individual. His name is Mallam Yusuf Maigari . He’s a wealthy business tycoon that controls nearly half of the business firms in the state.

Elizabeth ➡ And?

King ➡ What and?

Elizabeth ➡ There’s always an ‘and’.

King ➡ You really know me that well huh?.. Well, there’s an ‘and’.. The man is related to one of the richest families in Kano, the Dantata family.

Elizabeth ➡ Ehn! So he swims in money? Well, he’ll be swimming in his own blood soon enough. When should I get started?

King ➡ Tomorrow. I want the target dead within 48 hours. Don’t disappoint.

Elizabeth ➡ Relax daddy. When have I ever disappoint you? (Laughs).. A headshot or a bullet to the chest?

King ➡ A headshot would be nice.

Elizabeth ➡ You know just what to say to a lady (laughs).. See you when I get back. Byyyyeee. (goes out)

Chidi ➡ That pet of ours is getting quite excited as of late. What do you think?

King ➡ I’ve noticed that too but I don’t think its a problem.

Chidi ➡ So once Mallam Yusuf is eliminated. What then?

King ➡ We initiate Project phantom.

Chidi ➡ What!? You can’t be serious. You’re going to go along with Clement’s offer? You know it’s not logical.

King ➡ This is not your concern. Things are getting out of control in this country and the govt needs to maintain balance.

Chidi ➡ That’s what the B H are for. They exist because of missions such as this.

King ➡ They are not good enough. These assets that we’ll dispatch will be much more effective than them. After all, they’re just outlaws of the society. Even if they fail, we’ll deny knowledge of their denied and nothing will be traced back to us.

Chidi ➡ Still, we’re not going to use that serum on them..

King ➡ Of course not. They’ll be dispatched just as they are. No need to boost them to super human level and besides we can’t take that risk. Having Black Ace is good enough for us, we don’t need any more of people like her. Once her usefulness is over, she will be neutralized and a replacement will be found in her stead.

Chidi ➡ But sir..

King ➡ LOOK DOCTOR! Your opinion isn’t needed. This is happening whether you like it or not. See to it that the assets are medical cleared and fit for duty. We have a country to put into balance.

Chidi ➡ As you wish sir but it I may ask. Why not use Black Ace instead of using this dangerous individuals?

King ➡ (laughs) Black Ace is our ace in the hole, our failsafe, our ki|| switch and our ultimate weapon. Her ski||s is required for only special assignments. Just in case we have any emergency, she’s the one to take care of it. Any questions?

Chidi ➡ No sir.

King ➡ Good. Carry on then.

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