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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 42

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AUTHOR:- Sadiq Infinity {Capri Leo}

Chapter 42 :- Death of a loved one.


WARNING:- This story contains contents that is not appropriate for anyone under 18. Also do not copy this story without Author’s permission.


{ DAVE }

It’s been 4 days since Elizabeth and I made it out of Clement’s house alive and so far everything has been normal. It wasn’t easy bouncing back from that kind of experience but we managed to forget what happened and moved on.
24hrs after our escape, Elizabeth went to the organization to report what went down at Clement’s place. Although we made it out alive, Elizabeth wasn’t happy that Clement didn’t die by her hands but as usual, she was livelier than ever. For the past couple of days, Elizabeth and I spent our time in the house resting. Nothing felt more better than that, there was no disturbance or anything that would interrupt our time. Most of the things we did was just lie together on the couch exchanging romantic talks and then cuddle ourselves in bed kissing and caressing each other. No s-x was involved.
During these past couple of days that we’ve spent all I could think of was how to build a future with Elizabeth. Despite her flaws, I love her dearly and deeply. I understand the danger I’m getting myself in but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. Elizabeth is loyal to me than those monsters in the organization and I’m sure she’ll run away with me if I ask her to but in order to ensure that, I have to show her that she means the world to me and I made arrangements to show her that.

So presently, here I was in the jewelry shop one afternoon checking out some engagement rings. Every last one of them looked nice and expensive plus they almost look kind of alike. Any one of this rings would look nice on Elizabeth’s finger but I was looking for something unique and expensive. I want something that will totally blow her mind away, something that will make her really happy. Assassin or not, she deserves to live happily cause she wasn’t given a choice to live on. She deserves a better life and I’m willing to do wh@ťěver it takes to give her one.
As I looked at the rings steadily one by one, I began to imagine what life would be like if Elizabeth became my wife. She’d make a lovely wife cause she has some excellent qualities that a man looks for in a wife. However there might be a slight downsize to that cause considering the fact she’s deeply rooted in her assassin lifestyle, it’s going to be a hell of a time trying to adjust her ways.
While I was busy looking at the rings, the jewel owner stood over me glaring at me suspiciously. I noticed his unflinching gaze so I decided to make haste in my decisions.

Jewel owner ➡ Can I help you sir?

Dave ➡ Yes, I’m having a hard time choosing the perfect ring for my woman.

Jewel owner ➡ Oh, you want to propose to her?

Dave ➡ Yes, as soon as possible.

Jewel owner ➡ Tell me, what’s she like?

Dave ➡ For starters, She’s very beautiful and gorgeous. She’s also a piece of work. It’s hard to keep her in line but I don’t mind. She’s like a raging tiger at most times but she has this beautiful spark of an angel. I love every bit of her.

Jewel owner ➡ I see. She’s quite something huh?

Dave ➡ Absolutely.

Jewel owner ➡ Hmm, excuse me for a moment. I’ll be right back.

To be honest, I had no idea what came over the man but I decided to wait and see what he was up to. Few seconds later, the Jewel owner returned with a small black box in his hands and placed it before me. As soon as he opened the box, my mind was blown away cause the engagement rings inside the box looked more fancier and attractive than the ones on display.

Dave ➡ This rings are amazing.

Jewel owner ➡ They are. We keep this ones for our special customers but in your case, I’ll make an exception.

Dave ➡ Why?

Jewel owner ➡ Well, I’ve seen men come here choosing rings anyhow and leave within minutes. They lack taste and patience. Men who lack taste and patience never choose good partners and their marriage never lasts but you my friend are different. I’ve been watching you for an hour now and after I’ve heard your description of your lady, I knew she was worth it. Whoever this lady of yours is, I hope that your union brings you blessing.

Dave ➡ Amen.

Jewel owner ➡ Alright now. Go ahead and choose the one you want.

Dave ➡ I can’t. They all look lovely.

Jewel owner ➡ Well then, should I choose for you?.

Dave ➡ Of course.

In that moment, the Jewel owner chose a silver ring with a sky blue emerald on it. The emerald shined beautifully like star. The ring also has a small french writing on it, I had no idea what it means but I bet it meant something romantic. After observing the ring for a while, I decided to buy it and believe me, it was very expensive. Still, no matter the expense, no price was too high for a gem such as Elizabeth. After making payments for the ring, I left the store and went to purchase some passports.
Later that day around the evening, I returned home finally where I met Elizabeth weeping on the couch, she was crying like a little girl and I couldn’t help but wonder what was wrong with her. After removing my shoes and dropping the food packs I had in my hands, I rushed to her side and laid my hands on her consoling her.

Dave ➡ Babe, what’s wrong?

Elizabeth ➡ I tried to cook for you but.. I…I..I…messes up.

Dave ➡ Is that all? You don’t have to go through all that trouble. I bought some food.

Elizabeth ➡ But I wanted to surprise you. What kind of girlfriend am I if I can’t cook?

Dave ➡ Oh baby. Relax, I can teach you how to cook. There’s no need for you to be sad. Come on, wipe your tears.

Elizabeth sat up and wiped her tears, the mascara which she wore were ruined by her tears, however she looked so cute in her current state. After wiping her eyes, Elizabeth served the food I brought on a tray and we both ate together. As we were eating, I noticed that Elizabeth was quiet and calmer than usual. She had this slightly disturbed look on her face plus she was nervously avoiding my gaze.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth.

Elizabeth ➡ Huh?

Dave ➡ Is something wrong?

Elizabeth ➡ No.. Not at all. Why do you ask?

Dave ➡ You look a little bit off.

Elizabeth ➡ I’m fine.

Suddenly in that moment, I remembered the ring that I bought this afternoon. I wanted to propose to her but then I decided to wait until tomorrow and surprise her but still I decided to make a move and keep her in suspense.

Dave ➡ Hey, I have a surprise for you.

Elizabeth ➡ What is it?.

Dave ➡ Well, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

Elizabeth ➡ Just tell me already.

Dave ➡ Relax, it’s very special. You’re going to be amazed.

Elizabeth ➡ I hope so cause if it’s not. I’ll $h00t you.

Dave ➡ (laughs) No, you won’t.



Being with Dave during this past couple of weeks had changed my life. For starters, the voice in my head were no longer speaking to me. It may sound crazy but I hear voices talking to me whenever I’m alone, I don’t know why this voices are talking to me but whenever they do, they just say things to me that really burns me up, sometimes when people are talking, I can’t tell who’s talking and who’s not . Secondly, our bond was getting stronger than ever. I’ve never thought in my life I’d be romantically attached with anyone considering the kind of person I am and the life I live, I thought I would unwanted for the rest of my life until Dave came along. His presence filled the dark lonely hole I was trapped in plus his company provided some kind of comfort that I’ve never felt before in my life.
The future is uncertain and nobody knows tomorrow but if there’s anything that I wish for is to be with Dave forever. He’s like a warm comfortable mattress of joy and bliss that I can rest on peacefully. I don’t care what i have to do to keep him by my side always and if anyone tries to take him away from me, there will be definitely a hell to pay.
So presently somewhere in the quiet spots of Millennium park, Here I was with Dave holding hands as we walked steadily side by side. Dave said something about a surprise last night and since then, I’ve been itching to know what the surprise is.
After walking around for a while, Dave and I stopped and sat on a grassy spot closely to each other. He wrapped his right hand around my waist and placed his left on my thighs staring romantically into my eyes. I spent lots of time with Dave but I’ve never seen him like this.

Elizabeth ➡ Is something wrong? You’ve been acting weird since we left the house. Should I be worried cause I have my gun right here?

Dave ➡ You brought a gun?

Elizabeth ➡ Yes. See, it’s wrapped around my thighs. Anything strange happens, it’s boom, boom.

Dave ➡ There’s no need for guns and you shouldn’t be worried.

Elizabeth ➡ So Why are we here?

Dave ➡ I brought us here to talk about our future.

Elizabeth ➡ Future!?….. Are you seeing someone?

Dave ➡ What! No! God forbid, No! Why would I do that when I have you? Listen, what I’m trying to say is that, I love you and I want us to be together.

Elizabeth ➡ Awwn! Me too.

Dave ➡ Well, there is one problem.

Elizabeth ➡ What problem?

Dave ➡ Elizabeth, you know what the problem is.

Elizabeth ➡ But baby, it’s okay. We’ve been seeing each other without the organization knowing. Let’s just keep doing what we do.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth, it won’t work. It’s only going to be a matter of time before they find out and if they do, it’s either they ki|| me or take you away to some place where I’ll never see you again. We’re in a very dangerous situation.

Elizabeth ➡ So you’re saying we should split?

Dave ➡ (sighs) No, I can’t leave with myself if that happens. I swore to myself that I’ll make your life better and that’s what I’m going to do.

Elizabeth ➡ What do you suggest we do then?

Dave ➡ Let’s run away. You and me together.

Elizabeth ➡ WHAT!? Are you for real?

Dave ➡ I’m serious. Let’s run away to some place where nobody can ever find us. We can start a new life, just you and me. We can make preparations for departure, passports, new identities, everything. Let’s just go and never look back. What do you say?

Elizabeth ➡ Baby, I’m scared. This is a bad idea. I fear for you life.

Dave ➡ Elizabeth, everything is going to be okay. All you have to do is accept my proposal. We have enough money to start anew.

Elizabeth ➡ I don’t know. You’ll have to show me how serious you are or I’m not going anywhere.

In that moment, Dave moved away and went on one knee in front of me bringing out something from his pocket. Before my very eyes, he revealed a beautiful ring box and opened it. To be honest, I didn’t know how to react to the situation but my heart was beating incredibly fast. The ring that Dave showed me was really beautiful and shiny. It was pretty obvious that this was an expensive ring. After displaying the ring, Dave stared at me in the eyes and proposed to me.

Dave ➡ I wish I could shower you with all the romantic words but I’m just going to go straight to the point! Elizabeth, will you marry me? I promise to do my best to make you happy.

Elizabeth ➡ Will you let me ki|| people?

Dave ➡ Only if they try to harm you.

Elizabeth ➡ Hmmm, okay yes. I’ll marry you.

No words could describe the excited look on Dave’s face as I accepted his proposal. He carefully inserted the ring in my finger and then kissed me lovingly. I don’t like where this is going cause if King finds out about us, Dave’s demise is assured but if he’s willing to risk all just to be with me, then I’m fully ready to do the same. I know life won’t be exciting anymore but as long as I am with Dave, I’m sure everything is going to be alright or so I thought.
After the kiss, Dave stood on his feet and stretched out his hand for me to grab but before I could do that, the unexpected happened. Just as I was about to grab Dave’s hand, a bullet pierced Dave’s chest instantly and before I could react, another bullet landed on his shoulder. In that moment my heart stopped as I saw Dave falling backwards, I had to stay still for a second to process what was going on before I could reach out to help him.
For the first time in my life, I was frightened and scared as I saw blood staining Dave’s white shirt pretty fast. His pulse was getting fainter and slower plus his body was getting cold. I had no idea what to do cause my mind was scrambled.
Just as I was about to panic, Dave slowly held my left hand and smiled. His face was getting pale and sweat was gathering on his forehead. I was hoping he would say something but sadly his body became stiff and his heartbeat had stopped. Within a matter of seconds, the love of my life was dead in my arms.



Feeling agitated and devastated by the misfortune that had befallen her fiancee, Elizabeth screams out loud angrily as tears of agony drops from her eyes. For someone that was used to ki||ing people for fun, Elizabeth couldn’t stomach the fact that Dave was taken away from her. She had so much looked forward to the better life Dave had planned for the both of them but now all of that was taken away from her in a blink of eye.
Suddenly as Elizabeth looks around the park, she notices a stranger from the distance quickly changing into a different set of outfit. She sees a sniper case behind his back and gasps as she realizes that he’s the ki||er. In that moment, Elizabeth pulls out her gun and races through the park with incredible speed as she chases the stranger. Meanwhile, Douglas who was trying to make a quick getaway turns around as he hears people wailing with fright. His eyes widen with shock as he sees Elizabeth heading towards his direction. As the mercenary tries to run, Elizabeth fires her gun at him several times taking out his left ear and planting a bullet behind his left leg. Realizing that Elizabeth was out of bullets, Douglas pulls out a pistol trying to $h00t Elizabeth but he was soon intercepted by her. Kicking the gun away from Douglas’s hand, Elizabeth uses her deadly martial art ski||s beating the hell out of the guy. Douglas tries to keep up but he was no match for the super enhanced assassin before him. Seeing that he was about to lose, Douglas brings out a small but extremely sharp knife to cut Elizabeth but thanks to her quick reflexes, She seizes the knife and stabs him 30 times all over his body in 15seconds.
As Douglas succumbs to his fatal injuries, Elizabeth grabs him and raises him high over her head and then suddenly drops him on her right knee cracking his spine. Douglas’s agonizing screams echoed the entire park sending fear and distress into the hearts of those that stuck around to watch the brutalizing display.
Before she could finish off her victim, Elizabeth presses her foot on Douglas’s head which balanced on a small rock staring down on him viciously. She then uses the knife in her hands and pins it deep inside Douglas’s back.

Douglas ➡ (screams painfully) ARRRGGGHHH!!!

Elizabeth ➡ Tell me! Who sent you? WHO SENT YOU??. ANSWER ME!! (presses knife)

Douglas ➡ Go….to….hell…. you….crazy..

Before Douglas could finish his statement, Elizabeth raises her foot and brings it down with all her might cracking Douglas’s head on the rock. As blood gushes from the guy’s head, Elizabeth bends down and grabs his phone as it rings. Without hesitation, Elizabeth answers the phone but then keeps quiet to hear who’s voice was on the phone.

King ➡ Hello Douglas! I saw your message. Your money will be ready tomorrow. Thanks to you, Black Ace will be free from that damned therapist. I hope she hasn’t seen you…… Hello Douglas, are you there?

Shocked by the voice she just heard, Elizabeth drops the phone on the ground and stands still for a while. What she had feared had happened and now she knew the person behind Dave’s death. In that moment, Elizabeth starts to laugh cynically kicking the cracked head of Douglas. She walks around in circles scratching her head and body wildly for a while then stops staring at her hand which was covered in Dave’s blood.

Elizabeth ➡ OH, it’s about to get down. KING, you’re so DEAD (laughs).


Final Episode ➡ Bitter End.

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