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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 3

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? ♠️ BLACK_ACE ♠️ ?

♠️ Chapter 3 & 4 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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Here inside the secret organization of the Prime X force, the leaders converge and discuss about their targets that were taken out and the terrible demise of their assets. Mr. Clement who was much more aggrieved and pissed than the others showed his displeasure by condemning the one individual responsible.

Clement ➡ This is outrageous! Absolutely inhuman and cruel beyond understanding. 3 assets dead and disposed off like trash! Each of them are assets worth millions of naira and now they’re all gone!.. GONE! CAN YOU IMAGINE?.
I’m sure we all know who’s responsible for this… Asset X. She’s responsible and nothing is being done. WHY?? She’s a wild card, a loose cannon, a 5 foot mentally disabled female animal that looks like a woman. She belongs in a cage…. blah, blah, blah…..

As Clement kept on raving and cursing, One of the men interrupted him and gave his own opinion about the whole matter. The man’s name is Dr. Chidi Ezekiel and he’s the chief scientist and the brains of the organization. Although he’s not the boss, his very position makes him a force to reckon with.

Chidi ➡ Alright that’s enough. I won’t sit here and listen to you talk trash about my pet . Black Ace is the best and ultimate weapon for this organization and so far she hasn’t disappointed not even for once. Her mental state might be a bit unstable but she has managed to produce excellent results.

Clement ➡ Just listen to the mad scientist. Just because your little super human experiment worked, doesn’t mean you can defend your Frankenstein. She may be the best and effective asset we’ve ever had but look at the mess she’s made both in the past and present. She’s an unpredictable ki||ing machine, you can never know when she’s going to snap. Remember the time when we hired therapist to help her out with her mental disorder! How many of them did she ki||??.. 15!! The last one we hired was the only one that managed to scale through. She may be invisible but she’s a wild tiger that must be put down or someday She’ll all come for our heads.

Chidi ➡ Every great creation encounters obstacles or flaws at the beginning. Black Ace is miracle. Of all the 60 test subjects that survived my experiment, only she was the only one that survived and throughout the years of her training and missions, she has exceeded my expectations far beyond my imagination. You claim that she’s a wild card and an animal but don’t forget ; every wild beast can be tamed and we have her very own kryptonite.

Clement ➡ The Therapist???

Chidi ➡ Of course. Ever since that gentleman came, Black Ace has been less erratic and more calm. That’s why we’ve kept the therapist alive this long. The brilliant man has been able to detect what triggers Black ace’s ki||er mode.

Clement ➡ Which is?

Chidi ➡ She h@ťěs the word ” Crazy”. Anyone that calls her that word or any word relating to that word is as good as dead. Unfortunately for our dead assets, that’s what led to their demise.

Clement ➡ This is crazy! Absolutely crazy!

Chidi ➡ I told you from the beginning that pairing her up with the other assets was a big mistake but you never listened. Black Ace works better alone. Teamwork doesn’t work for her.

Clement ➡ Hmph!! Talk all you want bur that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a very dangerous individual and speaking of Kryptonite, what happens if that therapist is gone? How can she be controlled? We need to find a way to keep her in check without her going berserk. There’s too much at stake to be worrying about this crazy b–tch.
I would like the King to say something about this matter.

Sitting comfortably in his own chair while listening to his subordinates arguing between themselves, The King soon intervenes in the matter and gives his own opinion.
The King is the head of the Prime X force organization and one of the most powerful men in the political underworld. The identity of the King is unknown, nobody knows his background or even his name, the only fact known about him is that he’s stupidly rich, powerful and dangerous. Using his position and the support of some crooked politicians , The king decided to open the Prime X Force organization to get rid of any political rival or anyone that posed a thr_@t and using his wealth, He hires lots of contract ki||ers or train people to become lethal weapons for eliminating his targets.

King ➡ I’ve heard you Clement and I agree with one on one thing. Black Ace needs to be kept in check. But I also agree with our genius doctor here. Asset X is the best asset this organization has ever had and besides she did us a favor. Those assets would have been ki||ed by the end of the day once their usefulness has run it’s course.

Clement ➡ But sir, you know very well that she’s mentally unstable and with her years of combat training and extraordinary ski||s as a ki||er she’s also a thr_@t to this organization as well. What happens it she decides to turn against us?

Chidi ➡ Such a thing will never happen!

Clement ➡ You may be a genius but you’re very stupid! Always expect the unexpected and we have to have a counter measure in case such things happen.

King ➡ I agree with you Clement and if anything like this should happen. She will be put down. She may be an ultimate weapon but she’s no match for this organization.

Clement ➡ In that case, might I suggest a full surveillance on her so as to inspect her movements.

Chidi ➡ This is highly unnecessary. Black Ace stays here in this building at all times. She has everything she needs to keep her busy. The only time she gets to go out is only on missions.

King ➡ I agree with our Chief scientist. There’s no need for a surveillance. Besides there’s nothing she does in here that we can’t see or hear.

Clement ➡ But sir..

King ➡ That would be enough Mr. Clement. Now let’s move to important matters. Our objectives and goals are getting closer and closer. We need more people to support our cause. We can’t initiate our plans if we don’t get everything ready. So I want everyone to hasten things up. Some of our friends in the Govt wants this to be strictly off the books. So we’re going to do things just like we’ve always done. No mistakes will be tolerated. Is that understood?

All ➡ Yes sir.

King ➡ Good now, you’re all dismissed.


Sighs! What an exciting life I’m living and the best of it is that, there’s no consequences and no responsibility. It may seem unbelievable to some people but in my case, it’s the truth. Being alive means enjoying oneself to the fullest and there’s no better way to live than to really get on the edge. Everyone has this something in their life that makes them feel alive. Well in my case, there are 2 things that make me feel alive, The first one is ki||ing.
There’s nothing that drives me wild with ecstasy than when I’m sent on a mission to eliminate specific targets. The thrill of ki||ing people doesn’t just come from taking them out, it’s the faces they make as I choke the life out of them. It’s really funny to see the doomed look on their faces after they’re dead, I would laugh for hours unstop. Throughout my life, ki||ing is the only thing I’ve known. I could vividly remember how my ki||ing mania started and it was back when I was a little girl.
Back when I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to play with the boys, the girls were not that exciting but the boys were just too much. Seeing the joy in their faces as they played roughly pumped my heart with so much thrill that I couldn’t barely control myself but when I tried to join the boys refused and they began to bully me. After so many days of bullying and insults, I decided that I’ve had enough. One afternoon, the boys were playing with sticks and I decided to join by force and as usual the boys refused and began to bully me again. One of the boys who thought he was smart boldly came forward and began to poke me violently with his pointed stick thr_@tening to take out my eyes. As if that wasn’t enough the boy started to call me crazy and that was when I snapped. I swiped his stick forcefully and drove the stick into his own eyes right in from of friends. They all froze with fear as they saw what happened even I stood with shock as I noticed the boy wasn’t moving. In that moment, the rest of the boys came after me trying to hurt me but just like their dead friend, I ki||ed them all in that very spot.
After the bloody massacre , I stood silently in the middle of dead bodies itching my body endlessly. I wanted to call for help but the people hanging around the place took to their heels shouting the word ” Witch”. I had no idea what I did at the moment but instead of me to feel afraid or scared, I began to laugh as I stared at the faces of the boys I just ki||ed, I laughed so hard that I fell on the ground rolling on the blood stained sand. After that, I couldn’t remember what happened next but that was my origin story.
Some may ask and wonder where my parents are but that’s just another funny thing. I’ve never knew or met them and in fact I spent my early childhood at an orphanage home with heartless and cruel caretakers. The orphanage was the first place I made my first ki||. The only person I consider a fatherly figure was King. He was the one that took care of me and made me to become what I am. He gave me all I wanted in life but that also came with a price.

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