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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 25

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♠️ Chapter 25 / 26 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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May a thousand curses be upon that murderous b-tch.

Ever since our last encounter at the mall, I’ve been more determined to find her. Not only was i humiliated and bullied by that maniac, she had also spit on my dignity and honour. Any person would have heeded that b-tches warning but not me, I won’t rest until she’s behind bars. One thing is certain, if she’s allowed to roam free she’ll be a walking nightmare and nobody will be safe.
Mike later found out about what I went through that night and he had been more attentive towards me than ever. The poor darling never liked the nature of my work and he didn’t hide it from me. He had begged me constantly promising to do anything to make me quit my job but I refused.
People might say I have a death wish but it’s not like that, my behavior isn’t something that uprooted overnight. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been known to stand on my word ; nothing could stop or make me give up once I’m onto something. I always stand on what I believe in and I always finish what I started.

There has been alot going on lately and it seems that the city is getting worse every day . Crime has elevated and death tolls have been rising. The police department has been quite busy bursting their backs to solve the cases but still nothing came out of it. Our new superior officer, Mr. Chinedu prince isn’t performing his duties the way he’s supposed to and for some reason he doesn’t even care.
I’ve seen incompetent people way better than this self centered boss of ours. From his looks, I can tell he’s one of those uppity individuals that manage to get their jobs through connections. I would have loved to challenge the idiot but I didn’t ; the guy may not know his job but he sure doesn’t bother anyone.
It’s been 3 days since that incident at the mall and things have been quite boring. Mike is currently busy with his work and I have nothing much to do. So one afternoon, I decided to go to the hospital and visit Garba and by the time I got there, I saw him talking with some of his family members. I had to wait for them to leave before we could chat.

Ijeoma ➡ Afternoon Garba.

Garba ➡ Ije.. It’s been a while.

Ijeoma ➡ Yes it has. I see you’re looking better.

Garba ➡ Yes, Thanks of Allah, I’ll be out of here in a month.

Ijeoma ➡ Good, I sure missed you company, partner. It would be like old times again.

Garba kept quiet at that moment. He was silent for a while before he looked at me and drop the unexpected news.

Garba ➡ I’m quitting the force, Ije.

Ijeoma ➡ What!? Why?

Garba ➡ I’m sorry but it’s for the best. I nearly died Ije. Death had almost taken me away. I can’t do this no more.

Ijeoma ➡ You can’t be serious? Don’t forget you aren’t the only one who was there that day. Lots of our colleagues died but you survived and you’re quitting because you don’t want to die. I’m disappointed in you.

Garba ➡ HEY!! Look around you. Can’t you see what’s going on? The city is on fire and everyone is afraid. I have a feeling that a $h|t storm is coming and I won’t be caught up in that. I have a life to live and so do you.

Ijeoma ➡ You swore an oath to protect lives of people in this country. You bounded by that oath.

Garba ➡ I’m bound to nothing. This country is beyond saving. Nothing we do is going to change anything. We’ve been fighting crimes for years and what’s the result of our hardwork? More crimes and more suffering. I’m done, Ije. I’m done. It’s time you think about your future. You have someone that loves you, don’t waste your life cause it’s not worth it.

Garba’s words made me feel weak all over. As much as I h@ťě to admit it the man was right, he was right about everything. I wasn’t expecting this from him but after what he went through, I can’t blame him if he decided to quit. Well, it seems that I’ll be working alone from on.

Ijeoma ➡ So this is it, huh?

Garba ➡ Yes..

Ijeoma ➡ So which job are you going after now?

Garba ➡ Textile business. I have a cousin in Kano who’s willing to help me out with some cash to run my thing.

Ijeoma ➡ Hmm, I wish you luck Garba. Just let me know when you’re leaving so that I can come say my goodbyes.

Garba ➡ Don’t be ridiculous Ije. This isn’t the end. We can still contact each other.

Ijeoma ➡ Yes you’re right.

In that moment, my phone rang out unexpectedly cutting my discussion with Garba short. As I checked the call, I realize that it was Diana that was calling, so I answered her call.

Ijeoma ➡ Hello.. Diana.

Diana ➡ Meet me at the house now. Don’t be late.

After that statement, Diana ended the call leaving me in a state of bewilderment. Not for once has she ever called like that, or perhaps she was in some kind of trouble. I didn’t waste time to think about it cause shortly after the call ended, I took my leave but not before I bade Garba goodbye.

Minutes later, I arrived home and met Diana and Mike inside the living room. Mike had returned early from work and was surprised by his sister’s visit cause she calls ahead to let him know that she was coming.

Ijeoma ➡ Babe, you’re back?

Mike ➡ Yes, I finished work early. How’s your day?

Ijeoma ➡ Same old, same old.

Diana ➡ Have a seat Ijeoma, I don’t have time to waste.

Mike ➡ What’s going on?

Diana ➡ Can you give us some privacy? I want to show something confidential to your fiancee here.

Mike ➡ Is my presence a problem?

Diana ➡ Let’s just say what I’m about to show your future wife is meant for her eyes only.

Mike ➡ Hmm, na you sabi. I’ll be upstairs in the bedroom.

After Mike’s departure, Diana brought out her leather briefcase ? and brought out a black file placing it on the table. Once she had drop her case, she took the file and stared into my eyes coldly.

Diana ➡ What I’m about to show you is highly classified and a death ticket to anyone that’s not authorized to have this. I would like you to know that the information you’re about to hear must never be shared with anyone, not even my brother and wh@ťěver happens do not trace it back to me. We never met in this room and we never talked about this. Is this clear?

Ijeoma ➡ S-sure but.. Why all this talk?

Diana ➡ You wanted ro find out who’s behind all this ki||ings and I have but this information came at a price and that price is confidentiality. If this news get out into the public, anyone that knows about this file will be gutted like pigs and that includes you and me. So be careful not to open your mouth about this.

I’ve know Diana for years but I’ve never seen her this serious like the way she is now. Wh@ťěver that’s in this file must be a really big deal.

Ijeoma ➡ I won’t.

Diana ➡ Good.. Here goes.

As soon as Diana opened the file, I came face to face with the picture of that maniac b-tch. I stood up instantly staring at the picture with contempt and my reactions startled Diana a little.

Diana ➡ Ijeoma.. What’s wrong?

Ijeoma ➡ It’s her.

Diana ➡ Who?

Ijeoma ➡ The one that attacked us in the police station.. It’s her. We even crossed paths days ago in the mall. I barely made out alive.

Diana ➡ Jesus Christ!!! Well if I were you, I’d better stay out of her way.

Ijeoma ➡ Do you have any idea what she’s done? I can’t let her..

Diana ➡ IJEOMA!!! Don’t be stupid. If only you knew who you’re dealing with, you wouldn’t be saying nonsense. It’s better you tangle with a shark than to tangle with the lady.

Ijeoma ➡ Who is she?

Diana ➡ Her name is Elizabeth, she has no parents, no family, no body. She’s alone. She was raised in an orphanage but was taken away by the Govt for an experiment that will turn her into a super assassin, an ultimate weapon for ki||ing. Out of hundreds of children that underwent the experiment, she’s the only one that survived.

Ijeoma ➡ God!! Experiment on children? Since when is Nigeria that advanced to be doing such a thing.

Diana ➡ My friend, the world is advancing faster than you think. Ordinary people like you have no idea what’s going on in this world.

Ijeoma ➡ So are you saying the experiment affected her mind? Was she brainwashed?

Diana ➡ Not exactly. According to this files, Elizabeth has been suffering from mental disorder since her childhood and her instinct to ki|| is an old habit from when she was a kid. During her stay in the orphanage, she ki||ed a group of boys singlehandedly.

Ijeoma ➡ Jesus Christ!! She’s a monster.

Diana ➡ No.. She’s the devil herself. Those govt fools made a mistake by using a mental subject for their experiment. They’ve created a monster. The experiment gave that b-tch super human abilities that made her a very formidable and nearly indestructible foe.

Ijeoma ➡ No wonder I couldn’t beat her. What else do you have on her?

Diana ➡ Well, she goes by the name of Black ace and..

Ijeoma ➡ WAIT! Black Ace? I’ve heard of that name. So it’s her? She’s the one. She needs to be put down. She’s too dangerous. There has to be someway she can be brought down.

Diana ➡ Well, I doubt if she has any weaknesses but she does have a soft spot for her therapist.

Ijeoma ➡ Therapist!? How can that heartless devil have any soft spot for anyone?

Diana ➡ Well believe it or not, she does. The guy’s name is Dave and out of the many therapist that were ki||ed by her, he’s the only one that has managed to reel her in. Here’s his picture, the guy’s quite good looking.

Ijeoma ➡ Unbelievable!? This guy!!

Diana ➡ You’ve met him!?

Ijeoma ➡ He’s the reason why that b-tch nearly wiped us out. I even met him at the mall. This guy is the key to trapping that b-tch, we can use him to get her. Do you have any info on him?

Diana ➡ Nothing. He’s not that much of a deal to be bothered with but I’ve managed to do some digging and I found out he had a relationship with one Kemi. She lives in games village estate.

Ijeoma ➡ It seems I’ll go pay her a visit. We need to use wh@ťěver chance we have to lure that b-tch to our trap and take her out. She needs to be apprehended before she ki||s again.

Diana ➡ I’m afraid that has already happened.

Ijeoma ➡ What do you mean?

Diana ➡ Umar suleiman, a wealthy business tycoon was ki||ed 20 hours ago. His private jet crashed somewhere around the thick vegetation of Jos.

Ijeoma ➡ How did you know that she ki||ed this man.

Diana ➡ Mr. Clement one of the top govt officials works in the organization that experimented on Black ace. He betrayed the organization and is own running his own thing. He’s also responsible for the deaths happening in Abuja and in order to have allies, he consulted his colleagues which are now dead. I believe you’ve seen their faces in the news (points at pictures)

Ijeoma ➡ Lord! So she ki||ed all these men. We’ve been trying to solve their mysterious deaths but with no luck.

Diana ➡ Well, there’s one last target and that’s Ibrahim Tukur. He’s her last target and he’ll be giving a public speech in one of the centres here in Abuja.

Ijeoma ➡ This is good opportunity. I’ll attend the seminar with some backup. This time around I’ll surely nail her.

Diana ➡ Just becareful.

Ijeoma ➡ I will. In the meantime, what’s the name of the centre that the prof will be going to?

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