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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BLACK ACE – Episode 16

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♠️ Chapter 16 / 17 ♠️

Written ✍ #Sadiq_Infinity {Capri Leo}

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Considering how things have turned between him and the organization, Clement decides to seek for backup and support from his wealthy colleagues by rallying them behind his back.
One particular night, Clement summons his colleagues to his secret hideout where he seeks refuge and among his colleagues are ;-

Chief Ekwueme okene

Prof. Ibrahim tukur

Dr. Ezekiel nelson

Prince Haruna of Ilorin

Mr. Smith Ebele.

Alhaji Umar Sulaiman.

As soon as all these men arrive at the hideout, Clement receives them warmly and leads them all to an empty room where a big table and custom made chairs awaits them and as soon as everyone takes their seat, Clements goes straight to the point.

Clement ➡ Good evening gentlemen, I hope you all had a great day and I thank you for sparing some time for this meeting.

Ibrahim ➡ Enough of the pleasantries Clement, don’t tell me that I gave up an intimate moment with my new bride listen to you shower us with pleasantries.

Umar ➡ Kai Mallam calm down. The man was just showing us some respect.

Ekwueme ➡ Continue clement.

Clement ➡ Yes as I was saying.. The reason why I called you all here is because our lives are at stake. We all have a big bullseye ? pinned on our backs.

Immediately Clement says that, everyone stares at him sternly for some seconds until one of them confronts him about the statement he made.

Haruna ➡ What are you talking about Clement?

Clement ➡ Well, some of you that don’t know what’s going on, We’ve been targeted by an organization .

Ezekiel ➡ What organization?

Ekwueme ➡ It’s a secret organization created by some sectors in the govt. Their job is to assassinate anyone that tends to be a thorn in their side.

Ezekiel ➡ So!? What makes us their targets? We haven’t done anything wrong.

Clement ➡ It doesn’t matter. I just received an info from a very reliable source that there’s a bounty on all our heads.

Smith ➡ This is sickening.

Clement ➡ Indeed it is. That is why I’ve called you all here for us to work together and deal with this people.

Umar ➡ How can we fight this organization!?

Haruna ➡ Why do they want us dead in the first place?

Clement ➡ Good question. We’re all mafias. We play dirty behind the scenes and reap the fruits of someone’s hardwork. You all know what I’m talking about. This organization however is created to wipe the competition out and that includes us, they too play dirty but they want to take control over everything. We can’t allow that to happen. We’ve all made it this far to let some organization push us aside. We need to make a stand and I have the resources to do so. Join me so that we can cast this people out and let them know who they’re dealing with.

Smith ➡ It’s a good plan. So what do you need?

Clement ➡ All I want is your loyalty and a little of your monetary resources. I have a group of professional mercenaries that can handle this situation for us.

Haruna ➡ Good, just let us know what you need and we’ll pass it along.

Clement ➡ Sure thing but before you all go, I’d like you to have some mercenaries of mine to give you security just in case.

Ibrahim ➡ That’s very thoughtful of you, Clement. We owe you one.

Clement ➡ Don’t bother, besides what are friends for?



Ekwueme ➡ Clement, that was awful of you. I can’t believe you dragged our friends into this mess of yours.

Clement ➡ Don’t worry. They’re my pawns. I want to use them to keep the organization distracted so that I can find the right opportunity to flee out of the country.

Ekwueme ➡ Flee!? You’re leaving this place?

Clement ➡ Of course.. I can’t guarantee that I’ll overcome the organization but just in case, I have to flee.

Ekwueme ➡ What’s stopping you now?

Clement ➡ Too much surveillance. There are eyes everywhere and I’m sure that madcap b–tch is waiting to put a bullet in my head. I need to leave discreetly but until then, I’ll be staying here in my hideout.

Ekwueme ➡ I must say I didn’t expect this from you. You caused this mess and now you’re pulling everyone in it. What kind of a man are you?

Clement ➡ Don’t talk to me like that, Ekwueme! We may be friends but I won’t be disrespected.

Ekwueme ➡ In that case, sort this mess out. The only reason why I’m standing by you is because we’re friends but if you continue to act this way I’m afraid our friendship will be null and void. I’ll be going now.

Struck by his friend’s words, Clement sits uncomfortably and stares at Ekwueme as he leaves the room and shortly after his departure, Douglas appears into the room and sits next to Clement whistling merrily.

Clement ➡ Will you stop that infernal whistling?

Douglas ➡ I overheard you little chat with that friend of yours.. I think he should be eliminated.

Clement ➡ WHAT!? He’s my friend!

Douglas ➡ For how long? What makes you sure he’ll continue to be your friend once things get intense. He cannot be trusted.

Clement ➡ What makes you say that?

Douglas ➡ He’s the only one that knows about your schemes, the other’s don’t. If things get messy, he’ll definitely sell you out. It’s time to act now.

Clement ➡ So you’re saying I should ki|| him?

Douglas ➡ Not you. I’ll do it myself. Just give the order.

Clement ➡ God forgive me.. Make it quick and painless. Don’t let him suffer.

Douglas ➡ Don’t worry, he won’t.

Clement ➡ Before you go, I’d like us to send a message to those b–stards, let’s shake things up.

Douglas ➡ You want us to make some noise?

Clement ➡ Yes.. I’ve already given you the coordinates of the location I want you to attack.

Douglas ➡ Alright sir.

Clement ➡ And while you’re at it, create a little disaster amongst the public as a distraction to keep the law enforcement agencies busy.

Douglas ➡ We’ll handle it sir, just sit and keep your eyes glued to the screen. It’s going to be a massacre.

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