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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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😾 Don’t copy or repost ee

Or you will meet crazy soon 😾

👻 No ghosting I will ban you ehn this is a new
story 👻

Written by:Charlotte 💋

Chapter 19👶20



*Outside the hospital*

“Master the test results are out.” A subordinate
said rushing his words.

Jakes immediately rushed into the hospital.

“What do they say?” He asked.

“You and the kids are related but not as father
and child. But as uncle and niece/nephew.” The
doctor said breaking out in a cold sweat.

“What?!” Jakes shouted.

^Does this mean that the kid’s are James’s no
wonder he came back at the same time as her.^
Jakes thought sadly.

He walked out of the doctors office gloomily.

“Take them back.” He ordered.

“Master! Miss Johnson was hospitalized.” The
guard said urgently.

“Don’t tell me about that Nelly Johnson
anymore.” He said.

“I mean Erica Johnson. Apparently she jumped
down the stairs in her house under the influence
of anger, helplessness and sorrow!” The guard

“Where?!” Jakes said his eyes turning sad.

“In this hospital operation room :5.” The guard

° the door of operation room 5 °

“Young Master. The kids were taken by Jakes
Hunt who is heading this way after hearing
about the incident.” The guard reported.

^he hurt her^. Eric thought angrily.

After awhile Jakes walked in but before he
could retaliate he was pushed to the wall by a
figure that had a 40% resemblance to Erica.

“How dare you?!” Eric shouted punching his
face twice.

Of course Jakes immediately kicked him in the
gr*n causing for him to take a few steps back.

“Ahh!” Eric shouted in pain.

“Who the f*çk are you?!” Jakes shouted holding
him by the throat.

“I am gonna be your h€ll!” Eric shouted.

Jakes immediately understood who it was.

“Big brother?” Jakes said in a questioning tone.

“Don’t call me that no more! You hurt my little
sister you narcissist idiot!” Eric shouted through
gritted teeth.

Jakes immediately retracted his hand and
looked down at the floor.

Before Eric could continue cursing him and his
ancestors the operating room’s door opened.

” how is she? Is she feeling better is she
awake?” Eric asked stopping the curses at the
tip of his tongue.

“The patient is fine. But she might not be able to
walk for at least five months to a year. ” the
doctor said.

“What?” James asked.

“The patient hit her legs too hard on the stairs
causing a few bones to get fractured which
caused her to be temporarily crippled. And her
left hand is also damaged. Her neck was
twisted a bit but it will only take a month to
repair. It might take her at least a year to
recover. But she has to visit the hospital at least
twice a month the nurse will give you the
schedule. The patient will wake up at least after
two-three days.” The doctor reported.

“Ok, give the schedule to me I might take her
back to Brazil so it won’t be a long schedule
maybe for that three days.” Eric said.

“Ok sir. Can I ask your relationship to the
patient?” The doctor asked.

” I am her elder triplet brother. ” Eric said.

“The patient might experience some memory
loss when she wakes up. But her memory was
not damaged.” The doctor reported and walked

“See what you have done?Are you satisfied now
leave!” Eric ordered taking the kids in his arms.

Jakes looked regretfully at them before turning
around and leaving sadly.

“Uncle did we hurt that uncle? Is that why he
wants to hurt mummy?” Aura asked.

“No sweetheart. Something’s are just meant to
happen.” Eric sighed kissing her forehead.

*Next day*

*Johnson’s Mansion*

“Master!” The guard shouted barely catching his

“What is it?!” Father Johnson asked his eyes
turning cold.

“The first Miss tried to commit suicide after
Jakes Hunt took her children. Right now she is
in the hospital with a man who claims to be his
triplet brother taking care of her and the kids.
There’s also a guy named Noah both from
Brazil. They say they are gonna take the first
Miss back to Brazil. The first Miss is
experiencing a memory loss.” the guard said in
an urgent tone.

Nelly who heard the news smirked.

^so you can be driven away so quickly and fast.
^ she thought.

“Dad why don’t we go get sister back from the
hospital? Sister is experiencing memory loss
those two men might hurt her.” Nelly said
pretending to be a caring younger sister.

“Take us to the hospital now!” Father Johnson

Mother Johnson smiled.

^ finally a chance to turn that Ɓîtçh into my
slave. How dare she be so smug.^ she sneered.

*The airport*

“Young Master. The Johnson’s are headed for
the hospital. ” a guard said.

“Good tell Eric to let them take care of her for
the next two days. I wanna play.” Noah smirked.

“Yes young master.” The guard bowed.

*The Hunt Mansion*

“Do you think something tragic happened?”
Mother Hunt asked.

Jakes had returned last night with a long face.
He was particularly cold to James at the dinner
table and hadn’t said a single word since

“No. Thus seems more like someone hurt him
was it that woman whom he had been following
around lately?” Father hunt asked.

“Probably. We can’t be sure.” Mother Hunt said.”
But this is also good. Thus way we also avoid
the tragedy that is to follow if he marries. ”

“It’s not really good haven’t you noticed that he
is particularly cold to James? Do you want an
ongoing war to happen between the two
siblings? We were already lucky that they
weren’t fighting for the company. Now you want
them to fight over a woman?” Father Hunt

“It’s not like that.” Mother Hunt quickly denied.
“But that’s much better than a marriage.”

“But they both cause conflict in the family. I
think it’s ok as long as the kids are happy. The
tragedy is not so big that our child can’t fall in
love!” Father Hunt said decisively walking up the

*At the hospital*

“Young master. The master is back he heard
that the Johnson’s are ok their way hear so he
asked of you to let them take care of the young
mistress for the next two days.” The guard said.

“Not on…” he couldn’t finish the words ‘my
watch’ when he suddenly thought. ^is big
brother UpTo something?^

“Alright I will let them be.” Eric smiled.

A few minutes later…

Three figures rushed into their ward all holding
Erica’s different limbs.

“Oh my child.” Mother Johnson cried hugging
her left arm.

“Sister! Please wake up!” Nelly cried.

“Daughter.” Father Johnson said I’m a flat tone.

^what a great show.^ Eric thought trying hard
not to separate them by force.

They continued their dramatic show of

“I will let you take care of my little sister for now.
” Eric said standing up.

“Wait! Why did you deceive the doctors?! How
dare you claim to be her relative?!” Nelly
shouted looking like a sweet younger sister.

“At the time of the accident I had no choice but
to sign as her brother. Because I don’t know any
of her family members. So I waited until you
came so you can take the best care of her. I just
took it that since she calls me big brother. It was
no issue.” He explained in detail.

“But triplet’s don’t you think that’s too
outrageous?!” Mother Johnson asked.

“I can’t be his big brother. We are of the same
age.” He pouted walking away.

The family of three glanced at him before their
cold gazes looked at Erica.

None of them noticed the camera at the side of
the bed.

*40 minutes later*

After father Johnson left. Mother Johnson and
Nelly immediately took out a whip and lashed at
the unconscious Erica furiously almost to the
point of ki||ing her.

“B!tch ! B!tch! B!tch! B!tch! B!tch!” Nelly shouted
as she continuously whipped her.

She remembered all those scenes at the
wedding her eyes turning red with anger.

*At a hotel*

Eric couldn’t beat to watch as his sister was
whipped continuously his hands shaking.

“Relax. They will pay. They will pay more than
what they give.” Noah said in a calm tone. But
his eyes revealed the deep anger he was holding

These people dared to whip his younger sister?
The one he had never dared to scold or hit with
his own hands.

While they were whipping her mother Johnson
suddenly took out a needle and pressed it into
her drip.

“What the…” Eric couldn’t complete his sentence
when Noah covered his mouth and listened
attentively to what Mother Johnson was saying.

“This drip will increase the level of pain she will
feel during her recovery. The only thing that can
cure her is a rare herb called the net if flowers.
{All herbs are made up}.” She smirked slowly.

The two siblings glanced at each other and then
nodded at the guards behind them to go apply
this drug to her drip tonight.

“Little sister. Please endure.” Noah whispered in
a voice only he could hear.

*Hunt Mansion*

James strutted into Jakes’s room and sat by the
bed glancing at him.

“Ok, Jakes I am so sorry. But what did I do? I
can try to fix it. Just stop giving me the cold
shoulder please!” James said.

“You did nothing! Absolutely nothing!” Jakes

^ except for f°cking my woman!^ he thought.

“Stop shouting at me and explain I am tired of
your stupid mood swings. “James finally
shouted in anger.

“Why the h€ll dud you f*çk my woman?! My
woman! Is this the reason why you had to go to
Cape Town for the past 4 years!” Jakes shouted

“I didn’t f*çk nobody I swear Jakes I am still a
virgin we can even go check!” James shouted.

“Then why am I her kids Uncle instead of the
father?!” Jakes shouted.

“How am I supposed to know?! They are many
complications with hospitals recently and mist
results can’t be trusted big brother just don’t tell
me you are angry because of this trivial matter! I
went to Cape Town as Master E’s youngest
disciple to learn. I barely even met the master
and stayed on my computer with him tutoring
me non-stop until I finally thought I could beat
you in computer. And could probably come to
work at the company as Master E’s youngest
disciple!” James shouted rushing out of the
room. ” I can’t believe you right now! How can
you suspect your own brother without
investigating! You dumb person. Being led by
the nose by a woman and now you keep
doubting everyone. If I knew it was thus dumb I
would never have come.”

He complained all the way out of the room and
into his own room he was still complaining.

This convinced Jakes that James knew nothing
about this and was just angered by him.

“So if that’s true then…then… the kids are
probably mine but why did I come out as their
uncle? Was the hospital not paying much
attention to results and someone tempered with
them? I am so gonna deal with that hospital!
Wait what about Erica? How is she?”

He said all this while rushing out.

𝐓 𝐁 𝐂 ♡

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