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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Davina stared at the door in front of her with nervousness

She is at the hotel where Davis is staying, and also in front of his door

She had asked her secretary to get Davis’s number but his number wasn’t going through which is why she is at his hotel with the help of her secretary

Never in her life had she imagine that she will come to find Davis

But what can she do? Since her son wanted his dad, she had no choice but to compelled with his request especially when he’s unwell

She stared at the doorbell in front of her and sighed

She raised her hand to press the bell but her hand refused to move

“C’mon Davina, don’t be nervous, you are doing all this for Davis” she encourage herself in thought

She raised her hand again to press the doorbell but before she could do so, the door was open revealing Davis himself

” Davina?? Davis called in shock

Davina gulped down nothing not knowing how to start the conversation

“Are you here to see me? Davis asked happily

“Don’t think too much of yourself,am here because of Kleenex

“Kleenex? What happened to Kleenex?? He asked hurriedly in concern which surprised Davina

“He must really cared about Kleenex” she thought which made her icy heart melt

” He is sick_

” Sick? But how? He was fine yesterday”? Davis interrupted Davina’s words

” It’s all my fault” she said with a sigh confusing Davis

” But please can you follow me to the hospital,he insisted on seeing you”Davina begged

” You don’t need to beg me before I do that, Kleenex is my son and I mustn’t be told before I know what am supposed to do” he said and Davina was out of words

” Wait for me, I’ll get the car keys” he said and Davina nodded

Davina and Davis entered Kleenex’s ward and met him watching cartoons

He is staying in VIP ward for children so there’s a TV inside for him to watch

Kleenex was unaware of his parents presence as he was too engrossed in his movie

“Little warrior” Davis called to announce their presences

” Daddy!! Kleenex called happily with a wide smile on his face

Davina stared at her son’s face which looks more better than before and she let out a sigh of relief

“Little warrior how are you feeling now? Davis asked in concern as he sat on the chair beside his bed

“Less sick but much tired”Kleenex replied

“Sorry baby”

” Please don’t get sick again,it worries your mom and I a lot

” I won’t” Kleenex replied

“Huh! I’ll leave you two then,I need to ask the doctor about his health”

“Ok” the two chorused at once and Davina smile at Kleenex before leaving

Davis stared at Davina’s back with a farmiliar emotion on his face for some time before reminding himself that he is here for Kleenex

He turns to face Kleenex but he shriek back in fear as he saw the murderous glare his son was sending to him

“Li… Li…. little warrior,is something wrong? He asked with a nervous laugh

” I’ll just ask a question daddy and you must answer truthfully”

“What did you do to my mom in the past

” Why…Why.. the question? Davis stuttered nervously,he didn’t expect Kleenex to ask him this question

” You don’t need to know the reason, just answer my question” Kleenex said sternly

” Ok then,if you want me to answer your question then you must answer mine first” Davis smirk

Two can play the game as well” he thought

“Go ahead with your question” Kleenex replied

” What if your mom really insisted on marrying Roland, how did you plan on stopping the marriage? He asked

” It’s simple, have Roland abducted on the wedding day” Kleenex replied with a shrug of shoulder

“What!! Davis shouted in shock staring at his son with mouth open

“Yes” Kleenex replied seriously

” What if you found out that what I did to you mom is unforgivable? Davis asked

” Yours is the simplest, I’ll just have you imprisoned” Kleenex replied

” What?? You can’t do that to your dad!! Davis gasped

” Well nobody is above the law including my dad” he replied nonchantly

” Do I have a devil like a son* Davis wondered in thought staring at his son in horror

T. B. C

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