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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Grandma!! Kleenex shouted jumping into Mrs Klein arms happily

“My cheeky grandson” Mrs Klein kissed his cheek and he giggled

“Good morning Mrs Klein” Roland greeted as he walked in with Davina beside him

Davina received a message from her mom asking her to come home for lunch with Kleenex, since Roland happens to be around when she received the text,he decided to tag along and also to break the news of their marriage

” Hey Roland” it’s so nice to see you again after a long time”Mrs Klein said with a smile and Kleenex rolled his eyes

” Same here Mrs Klein,you look more beautiful than the last time I saw you” Roland replied happily

“Stop making this old woman blush”Mrs Klein said with her face red

“Who told you that you are old? You are more beautiful and younger than your age” Roland complimented her with a smile

“Stop trying to sweet-talk my grandmother, she will never accept you! Kleenex butt in before Mrs Klein could say anything

” KLEENEX!! Davina called warningly

” Hmph!! Kleenex sneered

Mrs Klein who has been watching everything like a puzzle couldn’t help the question that left her mouth

“Is something going on? She asked staring at each of them

” Mom actually i_

” Mom is getting married to Roland! Kleenex caught in before Davina could finish her words

“WHAT!! GETTING MARRIED! Mrs Klein chorused with Mr Klein who was just coming out of his mini office when he heard this

“What is he saying Davina? Mr Klein face his daughter in question

“Yes Dad, Roland and I are getting married” Davina replied

“THAT WILL BE FUTURE IMPOSSIBLE TENSE AS LONG AS I AM ALIVE” Davis angry voice was heard from behind as he strolled in with Luke behind him

Color drained out of Davina’s face as she saw who it was

“Why is he here? She questioned in thought

“Daddy!!; Kleenex called happily jumping down from his grandmother’s hold before running to Davis who picked him up with delight

“How is daddy’s little warrior doing?? Davis asked staring at his smart son lovingly

” He is happily fighting daddy’s battle for him”Kleenex replied mischievously

“That’s so nice of him, now that daddy is back, the championship is ours and the losers can go to h*ll!! Davis said

“Yes a loser will always be a loser” Kleenex replied with a wide smile

It was evident on his face that he is happy to see his dad

“LONG TIME DAVIS GEFFEN” Roland greeted with a smile as he stands from his seat

“YEAH ROLAND BILLS” Davis said indifferently

” Seems like you know him Dad? Kleenex asked

“Yes I know him a lot, he is one of daddy business rival but too bad, he is always loosing to me” Davis replied with a hint of mockery staring at Roland who kept clenching and unclenching his fist

“Ouch! That must hurt a lot” Kleenex said with a grin

“You’ve been losing to dad all this while, aren’t you scared that you will also lose to him this time as well? Kleenex asked cheekily


“I Might be losing to him before but not this time, this time victory will be mine especially when it comes to the woman I love” Roland replied confidently

“Wow that’s such a nice come back” Davis chuckled

“But don’t you think you are being overconfident,I mean haven’t you heard the adage that says “ONCE A LOSER ALWAYS A LOSER”? Davis asked staring at Roland with a burning eyes

“YES DADDY IS ALWAYS RIGHT’ Kleenex jumped in

T. B. C

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