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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( His only obsession)
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Five

Fannie couldn’t believe it. In all her twenty two years, she have never thought that someone will be attracted to her. After all she had been a maid, a maid whose beauty was nothing compared to Camila.

Camila had always been the one the guys went after. Even when they had both been in highschool. Fannie had just been the one conveying love messages to Camila by the guys who were interested in her.

And now, here she is being kissed and proposed to by a guy who had almost marry Camila. A guy who turned out to be the most attractive man ever. A guy who shows concern for her. A guy who is a really good kisser.

Jolting back to reality, she moved away from him. Keeping a distance between them, while she stared at him.

He might have ask her to marry him and she is sure that he only asked her that on the rebound. He didn’t feel a thing for her and not wanting the wedding facade to end. He wants her to be his bride.

“Do you like me?”Fannie asked after staying quiet for a while.


“You can only talk of marriage to someone you like or love and I doubt if you feel any thing for me”She said

“That has got nothing to do with my proposal and .. .”

“Well to me it has got to do with it. You don’t feel a thing for me. Do you think the marriage will last?” She asked.

“It will. If we set our mind to it. I don’t believe in love Fannie. Those are just silly words”He replied.

“To you it might be silly but to me it’s something important. I can’t marry someone who doesn’t feel a thing for me. So I will pretend that this never happened and instead continue to be your hostage until you let me leave”She said in returned and turned heading to the beach house.

She didn’t make it far because he caught hold of her hand. Stopping her from going further.

“I just don’t propose to someone because I want to. I find you attractive Fannie. Am attracted to you and I know you feel the same with me”he said

“I don’t……”

“You do. You wouldn’t have responded to that kiss if you didn’t feel a thing. Instead of refusing my proposal, why don’t we do this instead. I will give you time to think about it. Who knows you might change your mind”He said.

“But I….”He stopped her words by kissing her again.

“No buts. Just think it through. Remember you are my hostage and you have to listen to me”He said as he took her hand in his and led her to the house.

Fannie felt a lot of sensations going through her at that particular moment. She is attracted to him. Have been, ever since she met him for the first time but would being attracted to each other be their only reason for marriage. She couldn’t think further when he opened the door and she saw how dirty and unkept the house was.

“I could have told my staff to clean it before our arrival but since you like doing stuff like this, I decided to let you do it. If you don’t want to do it, I can get the……”

“Don’t bother. Like you said. I like stuff like this and right now. I need to do something or my head will burst”She said as she walked into the house to begin her task of bringing the house back to life.

Fannie stood starring at the sea. It’s been two days since she has been here with Alfred. She has been given his proposal a lot of thought and though she was now sure of the attraction they feel for each other. She is still unsure of their marriage. Will it last? Will they be constant fight between them? What if his family doesn’t like her?

She didn’t know much about his family, she Only knew that he had an older sister who helps him run the company.

Will she like her? She thought as she picked up a stone to throw it into the water.

It was getting a bit cold, she was about to go back into the house to put on something warm when a coat was wrapped around her.

“You’ve been out here for a long time?”He said as he stood behind her. Hugging her close.

Fannie could feel those weird feelings caused only by him. For the past two days, she has been trying to keep her distance but with her all endeavours Alfred keeps on doing the opposite.

He uses every little excuse to touch her, his eyes is always on her all the time and lastly when she argues about something he win against her by kissing her.

To him, he might do it all the time but to her it makes her want more. More out of the relationship he is offering her.

“You are quiet? It’s so unusual”He said jokingly.

“That’s because am thinking”She replied.

“About what?”He asked.

“About us”She replied.

“What about us?”

“About your marriage proposal. Your right in saying am attracted to you but being attracted to each other isnt the only thing that can hold a marriage. I want to marry someone I can love and trust Alfred and besides am not sure if I will be accepted as your bride by your family. Am not someone of your social standing. So it’s better if you find some……” She couldn’t get to complete her words because he kissed her like always to keep her shut.

“What you said now just made me determined to make you my wife.”he tightened his hold on her.

“Other girls would have jumped at the offer. Camila parents had thrown their daughter to me just to write off their debts but you are different. I want you as my wife and you are right in saying that being attracted alone can’t make a marriage work but I will be the most best husband for you Fannie. Don’t refuse me”He urged, winning more points with the cute face he made.

“I will hold you to your word. If the marriage fails then we end it”She said giving in.

“So be it”He echoed as he gave her a hug. Having finally got her to agree.

“We have a lot of things to do but first I will like you to meet my sister. Just like you my parents are both gone but my sister have been like a mother to me. I would like her to meet you”He said as they both made their way back to the beach house.

“Are you sure? Dont you think we should wait for a while?” She asked.

“We are getting married soon. So it’s right that you meet her”He said.

A while later he parked his car in front of a luxurious restaurant. Fannie could tell because just the outside view spoke in Loud volumes.

“Are you still sure about this meeting? Am not dressed for this fancy restaurant”

“I like you just the way you are. You don’t have to be dressed to fit in a place and besides my sister doesn’t discriminate”He said as he got out of the car to open her’s.

Dressed in her worn out jeans and the only beautiful top she had. She walked hand in hand with Alfred into the restaurant.

They were led to a table which a lady who was dressed in a designer blue gown sat. On seeing them approached. She had a smile on her face even as she welcomed and hug Alfred but when she was introduced to Fannie. The smile disappeared and she stared at Fannie in a strange way before acknowledging her greeting.

“So tell me, Fannie. What sort of work do you do?” Tiffany Clinton asked as they devoured their steak.

“Well, I work as a maid but was recently fired”She said as she stared at Alfred who gave her a smile in return.

He had told her he didn’t care about her background. So if she wants things to be good between his sister and her then she had to be honest and tell her the truth.

“A maid?”She said looking at Alfred who nodded silently.

“And she is very good at her job”he added.

“Do you have somewhere you work now?”Tiffany asked

“She doesn’t and I intend it to be that way. I can support Fannie. So she doesn’t need to work”He returned.

They had never got to talk about her working again. She likes her job and will keep on working. She has never been dependent on anyone and she won’t start now. As soon as they were back home. She would make it clear to him.

She stared at Tiffany only to see the angry look on her face which she masked quickly with a smile

It was clear that Tiffany didn’t like her. She could tell by the angry look sent her way by Tiffany.

Alfred didn’t seem to notice the look his older sister sent her way. He must think that Tiffany accepts her.

Feeling suffocated with the atmosphere around her, she quickly excused herself, going to the ladies room.

Fannie stood starring at herself in the large mirror. What had she expect? A woman like Tiffany who was clothed in designer wears wouldn’t want her for her brother.

People like Camila were more accepted and she couldn’t blame Tiffany. If she had been in her shoes. She would also react that way.

She silently hoped that things will turn out well as she walked out of the ladies room. She was heading back to their table when she heard the conversation going on between the two siblings.

“She is nothing but a maid. How can you think of making her your bride? I thought that Camila Campbell was the one you are getting married to?” Tiffany said to Alfred.

“I was going to Marry Camila but things didn’t go as plan and I met Fannie. She stole my heart. She is the one I want to get married to”Alfred retorted.

Fannie knew he was just saying those words to convince his sister because she knew he didn’t love her. It was only attraction he felt towards her.

“You can’t be inlove with her! Just sleep with her and get her out of your life”Tiffany said cruelly.

“Stop this Tiffany! I respect Fannie and i won’t let you taint our relationship. I might have been like that in the past but it’s all in the past now. I only want Fannie”He retorted.

“Can’t you see that she is just a gold digger. That girl is up to no good. I can assure you of that”Tiffany persisted.

“I suggest we drop this conversation”Alfred retorted.

“I wonder what she used on you. This isn’t the you I know. You aren’t someone led by your emotions. So why now?”.

“Well am being led by one emotion now and that is love. I love Fannie and she will be my wife. I suggest you take sometime off work and try to find love. You will enjoy it as much as I do”He returned.

Not wanting to listen to any more of their conversation, she began to head back to the rest room when she collided with one of the waiter.

“Are you okay?”The waiter asked and she nodded.

“Please would you tell me where the back door is?”She asked and he showed her.

She left the restaurant feeling sad and hurt. She wasn’t hurt by Tiffany words because she knew part of what she said was true but what she didn’t like was what Alfred said.

He said he loved her and she knew that it wasn’t true that he just said it to convince his sister but somehow she wanted his words to be true. She now realised that the attraction she feels for him is love. She love Alfred but he is only attracted to her.

He had told her that he didn’t believe in love. Would he ever love her just as much as she do? She thought as she walked around.

It took a while before she decided on going back to the beach. She called for a taxi and gave him the address.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the house. Alfred got out looking angry.

“Where have you been? Do you know how worried have been?” He asked.

“Am sorry but I don’t have any change. Would you mind paying first?”She said giving him a smile. A forced one.

He payed the driver and as soon as the driver drove off. He pulled her into the house.

“Why did you leave without saying a word? It’s your first time in this place. You could have been lost “He said looking agitated.

“Am sorry. I decided to take a stroll and I lost track of time and besides. I don’t get lost easily”she said trying to sound cheerful.

“Why did you decide to take a stroll? Was my sister unpleasant or perhaps did you over hear our conversation?”He asked and she nodded.

“I heard her telling you that I wasn’t good for you and you shouldn’t have told her that you were inlove with me”Fannie said truthfully.

“Why? Why shouldn’t I say that?”He asked.

“You are only attracted to me. You said it yourself and there is a far line from Attraction and love”She replied.

“Attraction can also be love”He said

“And you don’t believe in love. I really don’t think this will go anywhere. Let’s just…..No!”She said as she moved away from him knowing he wanted to kiss her so she could stop talking.

“Am serious here Alfred”She said as he walked towards her and pulled her to him.

“And you think am not?”He asked as he moved a strand of hair from her face.

“Alfred let’s just stop this and try to……” She stopped as he kissed her shut.

“Alfred”She called out and he smiled.

“You will marry me cause you’ve agreed to do it and I won’t let you go Fannie. You are mine”He said as he lifted her into his arms taking her upstairs.

“Where are you taking me?”She asked

“You will marry me and if I have to make love to you to convince you then I will. Tonight will just be for you and me”He promised softly.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

Alfred is a real bad boy???

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