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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( His only obsession)
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Two


“Must I really wear this?” Fannie asked as Camila dressed her up.

“It’s the way thieves dress. Don’t you watch movies?”Camila asked

“But am not a thief”Fannie corrected

“I know. You are just helping your cowardly friend from marrying someone she doesn’t love “Camila said as she gave Fannie the mask.

“It’s really necessary. Your identity must be protected” Camila added when Fannie gave her a look.

“Will this work? What if we fail?” Fannie asked a little uncertain.

“It will be a success and if we do fail. Then we move to plan B”Camila answered.

“I really don’t like the Plan B, so I will just hope that the plan A works “Fannie said

“It will. He won’t be back early. I called to confirm. Remember? “Camila said as she readjusted Fannie clothe.

“It’s time”Camila said as if preparing for battle.

“It is”Fannie replied nervously as she wished silently that it will go well.

It was late in the afternoon when she got into Alfred Clinton mansion. The town they lived is a small and friendly one. They were hardly any crimes committed and so people were carefree. Some even leave their doors unlock but Alfred Clinton certainly wouldn’t do that. He is still adjusting to the town rules but what they can be grateful for is that he has discarded his guards. At least with his guards out of the way. They can easily work on their plan.

Just as Camila had told her. There was a back door and she took out the spare key given to her by Camila. She opened the door and went in.

The house was luxurious and furnished with taste. If she had had enough time. She would looked around. She thought as she went to the room which was Alfred’s.

As soon as she was in. She began to search the drawers, the closet, under the bed. Every nook and cranny of the room but there was no sign of it.

Just then a painting on the wall caught her attention. Just like the movies, some safe are always located in the wall. Quickly she moved towards it. Bringing down the painting only to stop when she heard someone yell at her.

“Who the hell are you?” A man who she had no doubt to be Alfred Clinton stood by the door way starring at her.

“I asked you a question? Who the hell are you?”He yelled at her again and quickly she dropped the painting. Moving towards the window to open it.

She wasn’t thinking of her safety. The only thing she was thinking of was escaping. She was about to jump down from the second building when she was pulled back.

She tried to free herself only to be pulled roughly into her captor arms.

“Do you want to ki|| yourself?”Alfred yelled at her but Fannie wasn’t thinking straight. The only thing she wanted to do was to get out of his hold.

Freeing one of her arm from his hold. She punched him hard on the face and when he let her go. She began to run. She was almost at the door when he caught up to her.

He pushed her on the floor while he tried to peel the mask off her face. Fannie did her best to keep the mask in place but he was too strong.

“Your a girl?”He asked more surprised by this fact than by her being a thief.

She pushed him away, scrambling up wanting to escape again but he pulled her back.

“Where do you think you are going?”He asked

“Let go of me! I didn’t touch a thing. So let go!”She yelled trying to free herself but instead he carried her in his arms and dump her into the sofa.

He moved to the front door bolting it and he also walked to the back door doing the same thing.

“If you want to leave. You can, but the only way you will be accomplishing that is by jumping through the window. I doubt you would want to ki|| yourself by doing that?”He asked looking like the devil himself.

“I didn’t steal a thing. Just let me leave”She said and unknown to her, her unruffled look made her look so d@mn segzy. The way she tilted her lips and her blue glittering eyes made her look so lovely.

Alfred had to cough twice before focusing on the issue on ground and that is to know why she is here trying to steal from him.

“Now listen up. I have my engagement party to attend tonight and so I would like this to be brief as possible. Why did you come to steal and what were you trying to steal?” Alfred asked.

“Like I would tell you my real reason for trying to steal from you. You can dream on cause I won’t be saying anything” she said hotly.

“Then you leave me no choice. I will just have to call the police”He said as he took his phone.

On hearing the police being mentioned. Fannie stood up. Walking towards him, trying to stop him from calling the police.

All through the time they were plotting. They didn’t think about the police being involved and knowing that he was calling the police just for them to meddle in this got her scared.

“No don’t! Don’t call the police”She said as she stood in front of him trying to take his phone which he had had to stretch his hand up to stop her from taking it.

If the situation had been another time. Alfred would have laughed at the way she was trying to take the phone from him but it was different and a serious situation at that, Alfred thought as he moved away from her.

“So I shouldn’t call the police? Are you ready to talk?” He asked.

“It’s not that simple”She said as she sat on the sofa again.

“Would it be simple when I get the police here?”He asked and she looked at him. Scared for a while.

“It’s not something I can talk about. Why don’t we do this. Lend me your phone so I can make a call”She said quickly.

“Why should I?”

“You need to know who send me and I will only talk if I get to speak to that person”She said hoping he would take the bait and do as she says.

He stared at her for a long time and stared at his phone. He threw the phone at her and she caught it. Glad that he had taken the bait.

“Am only giving you five minutes and also put your conversation on speaker. I have to listen to it “While he kept on talking. Fannie had searched for Camila number to quickly message her.

“We move to Plan B. Have been caught” As soon as she finished typing. She delete all traces of the message being sent and sat still starring at him.

“Wont you call?”He asked and she shaked her head.

“I won’t! I don’t want to call”She said knowing that they had plan B to fall on. He won’t be able to do anything to her. Fannie thought happily.

“Are you messing with me?”He asked

“Does it look like i am?”She returned with a question.

“Fine then. Since you won’t talk then I will just have to call the police”He said as he dialled the number.

“Before doing that! I would like to ask you if you have seen me before?”She said wanting to buy time.

“I doubt it”He replied starring at her.

“So you haven’t seen me from somewhere?”She asked and he nodded.

“Am someone who recognise people face. If I have seen you before. I will certainly remember”He replied and she nodded.

He began the call to the police and quickly she stood up running towards him to take the phone but he managed to hold her back.

“Don’t call them”She said trying to make him stop. If the police arrive before them. Then she is screwed. She thought as she tried to get the phone away from him.

“Fine then! I will talk. I will tell you the whole truth”She said and he stopped to stare at her.

“You think this is a joke right?”He asked

“It’s…’s not that…’s….it’s just that…”she stopped when she heard the sound of a car.

She smiled while he stared at her, confused. Quickly she wrapped her arms around him.

“What are you doing? Let go!”He yelled at her.

“Too late”Fannie replied as the door opened and Camila, along with her parents walked in.

Seems like she had used her key to get into the apartment.

Fannie moved out of Alfred arms and stared at the people who just arrived.

“What’s going on here?”Camila father asked

“What do you mean by what’s going on? There is nothing…..”

“That’s a lie! I know for a fact that you are cheating on me”Camila said cutting Alfred shut as she cried into her father arms.

“What nonsense are you spewing?”Alfred asked starring at the three of them.

“Camila told us you were cheating on her but we didn’t believe and she told us to come here to confirm and it turns out that it’s true. Cheating on her with her best friend!”Camila mother said

Fannie took hold of Alfred hand and though he stared at her, surprised by her action. She began to speak.

“Am sorry Camila. I wanted to tell you about it but I didn’t have the chance to do so. Alfred and I love each other. Am sorry you had to find out this way” Fannie lied starring at Alfred who was now dumbfounded by the whole thing.

“See mom! I can’t go ahead with this marriage. I just can’t”Camila said as she ran out of the house.

“This marriage is over. I will return everything we have accepted from you. Just don’t show us your face again”John yelled at him.

“And you! Don’t ever come back to the house. I should have known you had a devious plot in mind. You two suit each other” Camila mother added as she went after her family.

As soon as the door was shut. Fannie pulled her hand out of his.

“Am sorry it had to turn out this way but this was the only option we had”Fannie said the first thing that came into her head.

Alfred who was now furious, threw his phone on the floor and pushed Fannie to the wall, looming over her.

“What game are you playing? Talk or I swear I will make you”He thr_@tened. Knowing that he was very angry. She began to spill the whole thing.

“I was sent by Camila to steal the engagement ring. She told me that without the ring. You wouldn’t marry her and so we planned all this to steal it but then you caught me and so we had to move to plan B”

“And the plan B is this little fiasco that happened a while ago?”Alfred asked and she nodded

“The plan B was for me to claim to be your lover and for it to look like we are both having an affair so that when Camila parents arrive they will get angry and stop the wedding. I didn’t want to do all this but I had to do it because Camila is my friend”

“She didn’t want to get married to you. She is scared of you and decided to plan this and now you know the truth. You can’t hold me responsible for anything. I didn’t steal the ring and I was only helping my best friend” She said quickly.

“If you think you aren’t responsible then you are wrong!”He said looking very angry. More than angry.

“You made a fool out of me. You and Camila plotted this just to make me look like a fool. Camila manage to get out of it but you won’t”He said having a devishly grin on his face.

“Wha ……what do you mean?”Fannie asked not having thought of the repercussion of her action.

“You! my dear little thief will pay the price of making a fool out of me”He added and Fannie gulped down an imaginary spit even as she shivered in fear.

To be continued✌️✌️✌️

Now let’s make something clear. Camila never liked Alfred, all she wanted was to get out of the marriage and that is why she had Fannie help her. So there is no way that Camila will later fall for Alfred. Camila part in this story is only to bring Fannie and Alfred together.

Hope you all understand now???

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