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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( His only obsession)
Written by Gbemi
Chapter Fourteen

“Why aren’t you saying anything”Alfred asked starring at her.

Just to know the truth. He had made Chris drunk and had began to quiz him just to get something from him. Something which he did successfully.

Getting to know that she had left him just because she was sick made him h@ťě himself. Just thinking of all the years she had to endure going through chemotherapy after her womb had been removed made him result to alcohol too.

“Will you let me sit up?”She asked and he moved away from her while she sat up.

“Who told you about it?”She asked.

“Chris did though I fed him a whole lot of alcohol before suceeding in getting him to talk “He said.

“I didn’t want you to find out. I would have preferred it if you keep on believing that I left after taking your money”

“Why? You could have told me and we could have done something about it. You matter most to me”He said taking hold of her hands.

“I thought the same thing back then too but your sister made me see reality”She said and that got his whole attention.

“My sister? What did Tiffany say to you?”He asked waiting for a reply.

She stood up and went to stand in front of the window.

“On the day I went to the hospital. Your sister came to see me and……..”

“I need to talk to you”Tiffany said as she stood by the doorway.

“Sure. Please come in”Fannie said as she ushered her into the beach house.

“What would you like to have? You just name it and i will……”

“I didn’t come here to have anything. I came to discuss something very important”Tiffany replied cutting her off as she took her seat.

“If it’s about Alfred and me then I will tell you now that it’s only a waste of time because I love Alfred and am not about to lose him. You should try to give us a chance. I promise to make him happy and though am not worthy of being your brother wife. I can assure you of one thing, I will try to make him happy “Fannie had said

“Really? You really are selfish. How can you consider staying with him after what happened today?”Tiffany questioned.

“What happened?”Fannie asked a bit puzzled.

“I got these report today. I had someone tailing you and he succeeded in bringing this to me” she said throwing a sheet at her.

“This was meant to be confidential”Fannie said starring at the sheet on the table.

“Nothing can be kept confidential under my watch. Now what do you say? Should we start talking about this or do you want to see Alfred life ruined because of you?”Tiffany asked.

“I don’t want his life ruined because of this”She said as the tears she had been holding back all day began to pour.

“Then let’s have a proper discussion” Tiffany offered.

“I know you have cancer. Uterine cancer (stomach cancer) to be precise. Am sure that your doctor must have told you what you have to do “Tiffany asked and Fannie nodded.

“My womb has to be removed before I can begin my chemotherapy”She replied.

“And once your womb is gone. There is no way you can give Alfred a child. Do you want him to live the rest of his life without having a child?” Tiffany asked.

“I certainly don’t want that for him but we can come to a solution . Once I let him know about it. Alfred will stand by me and……”

“And what? He will resort to adopting a child just because you can’t give him one?” Tiffany asked shutting Fannie up.

“Alfred loves kids. He always talk about how he plans on having a whole lot of them and if you stay with him. His dream will never come true”Tiffany began.

“So am I to leave him?”Fannie asked.

“Yes you are. Alfred wouldn’t want you to leave because he loves you but you should leave. If you really love Alfred you will leave to make him happy. He is the male heir of our family and he needs to have kids for our family line to continue”Tiffany said

“But you are only thinking of the kids he might have in future. You aren’t thinking about his happiness”Fannie said.

“I am thinking about his happiness and that is why am telling you this Fannie. I know that you am just being meddlesome but this mean a whole lot to me. I love Alfred just like you love him and I want the best for him”

“So am not the best for him”Fannie said sadly.

“I don’t mean it that way Fannie. Will you come with me. I have to take you somewhere”Tiffany said suddenly.

“Where?”She asked.

“Some place that Alfred frequent”She replied as she stood up.

Already dressed, Fannie left with Tiffany and though it took a while the car stopped in front of a building.

“Where is this?”Fannie asked as they both got out of the room.

“A orphanage home” Tiffany replied.

“Alfred and i support different orphanage home and this is one of them. When I don’t have time he comes here to play with the kids”Tiffany added as they both walk into the orphanage home.

On seeing her the little kids came running and after greeting and promising them lots of snacks. Tiffany toured her around the place.

“This place is where we come to unwind. Our parents hardly had our time and so Alfred and I practically had to grow up alone. We made lot of friends here and it was here that he made a vow to always be the there for any of the child he gives birth to “Tiffany said as they stood under a tree.

“He might tell you that it doesn’t matter but he will be sad not having a child of his own. He will sometimes regret it and you will also regret marrying him too. Do you want that? Do you want to condemn the two of you to the life of misery for the rest of your life?”Tiffany asked.

Fannie didn’t know what to say to her. Tiffany wants her to leave Alfred but she doesn’t want that. She thought as she quickly excused herself, heading to the rest room..

She took her time in the rest room trying to think about what she should do.

Tiffany wants her to leave because she knows that Alfred will never let her leave and choose to condemn himself to never be a father.

But Alfred has to know the truth no matter what. She has to tell him about her sickness and leave the decision in his hands.

Having made her decision. She left the rest room only to see Alfred coming in. He hadn’t noticed her yet. She was about to call him when a little boy run towards him. Claiming his attention.

She watched how he carried the boy into his arms. Telling him stuff which got him giggling before entering a room with the boy still in his arms.

She went to the room he went in only to hear his conversation with someone.

“Matthew always await your arrival”the stranger said

“And am always prepared to give him a wall hug”Alfred replied.

“You will certainly make a great father Alfred”the stranger said again.

“I hope so and I think that will be happening soon”Alfred said happily.

“Don’t tell me you are getting married?”

“Yes. That’s what I came to tell you. Have found a very lovely lady. She is everything have always hoped for. She completes me just as I complete her. I want to get married to her as soon as possible” he said and on hearing that, Fannie choked back the tears that thr_@tened and left before he could see her there.

She made it back to where Tiffany was and after urging her to leave the orphanage home with her. Fannie gave her her answer.

“I will leave just like you want me to”Fannie said sadly.

“Thank you Fannie. I know it must be a hard decision for you but I really hope that you are happy” Tiffany said as she brought out her cheque book. Writing a sum of money in it before giving it to Fannie.

“I can’t take this Tiffany”Fannie said as she tried to give her back but Tiffany rejected it.

“You need it. You will need the money to use in taking care of yourself and also we have to make Alfred believe that you left him because you received a huge amount from me. It’s either that or he wouldn’t believe me”Tiffany said and Fannie could only nod in acceptance.

She was leaving the man she love so he could be with someone who can complete him and who will also be able to give him a child. She had nothing to lose if she lied to him just so he would h@ťě her instead of finding out that she is a failure.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

This is how Tiffany part in all this went ???

So what do you think ???

Who do you think is at fault between Fannie, Alfred and Tiffany???

Comment your thought ??

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