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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( His only obsession)
Written by Gbemi
Chapter one

“Your hot dog is ready miss”The attendant said to Fannie who quickly went to the counter to get their ready made hot dog.

Heading back to the table, she handed one to Camila before seating herself at the empty seat.

“Cheers”They both said as they touched their hot dog together before eating.

“We have to hurry with this. You know this isn’t in our schedule”Fannie said as she bit into her hot dog.

“I know but this is the only time we get to spend together. So let’s cherish it before heading back to the house”Camila replied.

It was the night of Camila engagement party and they were both out to get some things needed for the party.

Fannie as the maid and Camila as the daughter of the boss.

Fannie had just been ten when her parents passed away and she was brought back to Hansley town to live.

Her grandmother had been a worker in the Campbell mansion and though Camila mother didn’t like the idea of her living in the mansion, she agreed because Fannie grandmother had been a long time worker of theirs.

She was always treated like the granddaughter of the maid by the Campbell, well except for Camila who was the only child of the Campbell family.

Camila who grew up to be loved and lavished with things by her parents got close to Fannie and have been friend with her ever since.

Their bond is something that can never be broken. They have been friends since they met Eleven years ago and will always be friends.

She still can’t believe that time has passed so fast and Camila who had been a little girl is now getting married. Just that thought alone made Fannie excited for her best friend.

“It’s best that we go and get the dress you need for the engagement party tonight and head home. You might be the boss daughter but am just a maid who lives by the salary given to me by your mom”Fannie said joking a little.

“Don’t worry. Even if you are fired. I will support you always”Camila replied.

It has always been a joke they shared together and still eating the hot dog. The two girls stepped out of the restaurant heading to the boutique where Camila engagement gown was being made.

Heads turned their way as they walked by but Fannie knew that she wasn’t the attraction. It was Camila beauty which drew men to stare and women to envy.

Fannie had never envied Camila beauty and also for the good things she has but instead Fannie have always been grateful to have someone like her around.

Just then a car drove past them and Camila quickly turned away, like she was trying to hide from something.

Fannie recognised the car to be the one of her Fiance. Though she hasn’t been introduced to Camila fiance. Fannie knew that he always drove that kind of car. After all he is one of the biggest rich men in town.

Fannie knew that because she did a check on him. Alfred Clinton. Heir to the Clinton empire and a handsome bachelor whom every girl wish to be married to is Camila fiance. Her best friend truly is lucky. Fannie thought as she stared at Camila.

“Is something wrong?”Fannie asked as she saw Camila looking nervous.

“What’s wrong?” Camila asked trying to feign ignorance.

“You went all pale when you saw your fiance car pass by. You should have given him a wave or something. You know I haven’t been introduced to him yet. I have to access him to know if he will make you happy”Fannie said jokingly not noticing her friend sudden behaviour.

“Don’t worry. You will meet him soon. I will introduce you to him at the engagement party tonight. Now let’s go get my dress”Camila said. Quickly changing the subject.

While they carried the parcel of the things they brought to Camila room. They walked past her parents room and the shattering of glass inside the room stopped them from going further.

“I still can’t do this! I can’t give out Camila like that” John Campbell. Camila father said.

“You have no choice in this. Camila is the only way we can get rid of this bankruptcy “Fiona Campbell, Camila mother retorted.

“But it’s cold blooded. How can he ask for our daughter just so he can help us?” They heard John Campbell saying again.

“What did you expect? He is a business man and he would want something in return for helping us and that something is Camila. So stop with your bantering and let’s go ahead with this engagement. Camila would be getting married into a rich family. She would never lack for anything and Alfred has promised us that he will take care of Camila.”Fiona said angrily.

“Don’t we have another option?”John asked his wife uncertainly.

“Camila marriage to Alfred Clinton is our only hope now. Just agree to it love. Everything set for the engagement tonight” Fiona said trying to get her husband to agree.

“Fine then. If this will be a benefit for us and for Camila. Then I will just have to agree to it”

On hearing her father decision. Camila walked the distance to her room with Fannie trailing behind her. She threw the gown for the engagement on the floor and began to step on it in anger.

“What are you doing Camila?”Fannie said as she quickly pulled Camila while she picked the dress up.

“I h@ťě them both. Why would they decide my life for me? Why would they make me go through a marriage I don’t want!”Camila said looking very angry.

“Let’s say your parents are wrong in deciding for you but don’t you want to get married. I thought you were happy about it?”Fannie asked

“Then you thought wrong. I never wanted this marriage. I don’t want it. I don’t want to get married”Camila yelled as she knelt on the floor, crying.

Quickly Fannie went to her. Hugging her sobbing form while trying to calm her down.

“Alfred Clinton terrifies me Fannie. I don’t like him and I don’t even love him but mom forces me to act like a loving wife to be. I h@ťě my parents but I h@ťě Alfred Clinton more for wanting to marry a girl who doesn’t feel the same way for him”Camila said with a lot of anger.

“If you really h@ťě it. Why not just run away?”Fannie suggested.

“I don’t have enough courage to do that. You know how scared I get because of my mom. I don’t even have enough courage to tell them that I don’t want this marriage. Am such a loser right ?” Camila asked

“You are not a loser. I never thought of you as one and I never will. We just have to think of a way to get you out of this marriage”Fannie said and Camila who had been looking down suddenly sat up. Having crooked up an idea.

“I have an idea Fannie”She said looking excited


“The ring! The engagement ring. We just have to steal it” Camila said quickly.

“Steal? What do you mean and how will that stop the wedding?” Fannie asked.

“Alfred once told me that the engagement ring is their family heirloom. All the bride in their family have always used it and that it wouldn’t be an exception with me”Camila said looking excited the more she talked.

“I asked him what would happen if he were to lose the ring and he made it clear to me that he wouldn’t get married without it. So you see! If the ring were to be lost or stolen then I won’t have to get married to him”She added.

“That’s great but the ring is still in his possession. Who would try to steal it from Alfred Clinton?” Fannie asked.

“Who else if not you”Camila’s reply was so sudden that it got Fannie quiet for a while.

“You must be joking”Fannie shrieked out.

“He isn’t home right now because he is out doing some business in the city. All you have to do is to help me steal the ring”Camila said.

“You want me to sneak into your fiance house and steal the ring?” Fannie asked double shocked by Camila request.

“Yes. You are my last hope. I don’t want this marriage and the only way to stop it is by stealing the ring. It’s his family heirloom and he won’t marry without it. Fannie please help me steal the ring and stop this marriage from happening” Camila begged.

Fannie stood thinking. She knew that if she doesn’t help Camila then she would be forced to marry someone she doesn’t love.

She just have to get into his house and take the ring. Fannie knew it was a hard task but if it’s going to help her friend then she is willing to do it.

“Fine then. How do we go about it?” Fannie asked as they both began to plan.

Alfred Clinton got into his house feeling worn out. He has been working hard ever since he went into the city and all he wanted to do now was to get some rest before the engagement party . Just thinking about the party caused his head to hurt some more.

He threw his suit and bag on the sofa and took the stairs which led to his room. He was about opening the door when he heard a sound coming from inside.

He stood putting his ear to the door trying to listen to the sound. He could hear the closet being shut and open, like someone was rustling through his stuff. Is there a thief in there? He thought as he opened the door only to see someone trying to bring down the painting he had used to cover the safe in the wall. The safe where he had kept the engagement ring for the wedding.

“Who the hell are you?”He asked making the thief aware of his presence.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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