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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 9🔥10


Gbemi Writes ✍️



Amber left the maid quarters around twelve in the midnight due to her growling stomach.

It’s not that she hasn’t eaten, she ate so much but she keeps getting hungry.

And the reason why she’s going to the main house is to steal some of the mint ice cream she saw in the fridge earlier.

She had overheard the maids talking about it and the last thing she heard them say was that they were going to throw it away.

She only hope that they’ve not done that. She got to kitchen and luckily for her there was no one there.

Moving towards the fridge, she saw the mint ice cream waiting just for her to eat it and so she took it out of the fridge and began munching on it when the kitchen lights turned on.

Amber sat still on her spot wondering who had caught her.

“When I saw you sneaking into the main house, I wondered what could have brought you here and I guessed correctly” on hearing the deep male voice she knew who it was.

She felt glad that she hadn’t been caught by the head house keeper and also by the madam herself but she h@ťěs the fact that it’s the boss son himself who caught her since she has been doing her best to avoid him ever since his arrival a week ago.

Wiping her lips, she got off her seat and turn to him with a smile on her face.

“Am just feeling a bit hungry and since the mint ice cream is meant to be thrown away, I decided to eat it. Am sorry” she said as she gave a bow only for her to hit her head on the table.

“Arrrghh!” She exclaimed as she held onto her fore head.

“You really are one funny little thief” Roland said as he went towards her, pulling her hand away, he inspected her head.

Amber stood starring up at him in silence, feeling giddy and a bit weird due to his nearness.

“Why have you been avoiding me for the past one week?” He asked as he stared down at her.


“You’ve been ignoring me and I don’t like it” he said which got her moving out of his hold.

“Am not ignoring….” She stop talking when she saw the knowing look he gave her.

“Well it’s just that I felt scared. You are the son of the madam and I had spoken down at you and also….I just didn’t want to get my mom in trouble” she answered truthfully.

“Am not that cruel as to get your mom fired. So stop thinking that whenever you see me and don’t ignore me again” he said as he push back a strand of loose hair.

“I don’t intend to tell anyone about you taking the ice cream and in return give me your number” he said.

Amber did as he said and immediately he called her to confirm if it’s her number or not.

“Make sure you save mine . Good night” he said before leaving the kitchen.

Unknown to Amber, a smile escape her lips and she couldn’t help but to think him cute.


Late for school, Amber rushed out of the gate preparing to race to the bus station when a car horn beside her earned her attention.

The wind screen was lowered and it revealed Roland in the car.

He was also dress in the same uniform as her and he look way too cool in it.

“Get in” he ordered and though she was reluctant at first, she ended up getting into the car with him.

“Since we are both attending the same school, I thought I could give you a ride” he said as the driver drove them off.

“You don’t have to, I could have taken the bus” she replied softly.

“Why? Does the thought of sharing a ride with me displeases you that much?”

“No! It isn’t that. It’s just that….your mom wouldn’t like it if she knows about this” She said.

“My mom hardly interfere in my life and she has no right to tell me who I wish to take with me to school so stop worrying about her and enjoy the ride instead” he said but Amber couldn’t do that.

She kept wondering what his mom will do when he suddenly pulled her towards him.

“I told you to stop worrying, so just relax and enjoy the ride. I had to wake up early just to wait here for you” he admitted.

“Why? Why would you do that for me?” Amber asked softly and he shrugged.

“Maybe it’s due to it being my first time in an unknown school or maybe… I just want to spend more time with you, Rose” he answered truthfully.

On hearing that, Amber heart’s skip a bit and quickly she moved out of his arms.

“Rose?” She said as she change the subject.

“I don’t like Amberose and neither do I like Amber and so, am going to call you Rose ” he answered softly.

Later that day, As Amber left the school premises. She hope that Roland would have left but on getting to the main entrance she saw him waiting for her while being admired by most of the female students who walk by.

Pretending not to see him, she kept going but got stopped when she felt his hand on her arm.

“Where are you going? The car is here” he said.

“I don’t think it’s right if I go back with you. You already gave me a ride in the morning which is enough”

“Are you distancing yourself from me?” Roland asked.

“It’s not that, I just don’t want any gossip to spread. The students are all talking about you and if I…..”

“It’s okay. I get it, I won’t cause any more trouble for you ” he said as he turn to leave only for him to turn back to her again.

Pulling her text book from her hold, he went to the car and the driver drove him off.


Amber stood at the kitchen wondering how she’s going to get her text book from him.

Though he seem a bit angry when she refused to go home with him earlier, it didn’t warrant him taking her text book.

Is this some kind of punishment from him cause if it is, he’s really gonna get her in trouble since she needs the text book to finish her group assignment.

She was still thinking of ways to get her text book when he came into the kitchen.

Ignoring the greeting from the other maids, he took hold of her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen.

“Where are we going?” Amber asked but he ignored her and took her up stairs.

Ever since she got to the mansion with her mom, she’s never been upstairs.

To her the second floor of the mansion have always been forbidden but thanks to Roland she got the chance to see it.

“Roland” she called wanting to pull away but Instead he bent and scoop her into his arms in one swift move.

The startled Amber stayed in his arms until he got into his room where he set her down before shutting the door.

“I shouldn’t be here” Amber said wanting to leave but he stood in her path.

“Seems like your text book doesn’t mean a thing to you ?” He said softly.

“It does but I can’t be here with you. To you, this second floor is where your room is but to me, the second floor is a place a no name maid like me should be” she told him in return.

“Have told you that I don’t care about what my mom thinks, am old enough to handle my life”

“You are old enough like you say but as long as you are her son, you won’t be able to live the way you want. Have watch enough drama to know the fate of rich heirs like you” Amber countered.

“What do you think my fate is then?” He asked as he cross his arms over his chest.

“You might be able to do what you want now but your future is in your mother’s hand. You will end up doing what she wants and thats by being wh@ťěver she wants you to be and marrying whoever she wants you to” Amber replied.

“So, your thoughts about my fate is all due to the dramas you’ve been watching right?” He asked which got her looking away from him.

“To you it might sound ridiculous but to me, it’s what I believe in. Every rich heir go through it ” she said as she went to pick up her text book which was on the table.

“If you have nothing else to say to me, it’s best that I leave” she said as she walk past Roland.

“Am not done talking to you” he said taking hold of her hand and at the same time, he tripped on some thing which got them both falling on the bed.

Roland fell on the bed while Amber was on top of him.

For a while, she stayed there starring down at him while her heart began to race.

She was about to get off of him when he turned her over with him on top of her now.

“Am not like those rich heirs in dramas. I am me and like I said, I don’t care about what my mom thinks. She might have given birth to me but that doesn’t give her a right to rule my life and neither does it gives her the right to meddle with my love life” Roland said as he stared at lips lustfully.

And surprisingly, he bent towards her and gave her a kiss.

Amber was shocked at first but when she regained control, she pushed away from him.

“What are you doing?” She muttered as she felt her heart beating fast.

Instead of giving a reply, he held both of her cheeks and kissed her again and this time Amber didn’t push him away.

She let him explore her lips, she has often wondered how her first kiss will take place, never would she have thought of this.

She was about wrapping her arms around him when she heard a knock on the door.

Immediately, they both pulled away from each other.

“Dinner is ready young boss. Should I bring it in?” The intruder said.

“No! Come back in an hour” Roland said and when he was sure that the maid had left, he turn to stare at Amber who sat with her back to him.

“Rose I….”

“Don’t! I should never have come here” she said as she stood up but he caught hold of her hand.

“Why won’t you let me speak? Is it because you know how I feel about you” he said and slowly she turn to stare at him.

“Feel about me?” The confused Amber said out slowly.

“I don’t know how it happen but am in love with you, Rose” he admitted.

“It must be a surprise to you but I really mean it when I say that I…”

“Stop it Roland! Just stop it” she said as she pulled her hand out of his before running out of his room.

A while later, she layed on her bed fínģƐŕing her lips while thinking about Roland’s confession.

She still can’t believe that he’s in love with her or could he just be playing with her? She thought as she tried to get some sleep.

She left home quite early that day and did her best to ignore him at school, luckily for her. He isn’t in the same class which made it quite difficult to see each other but as soon as she got out of the school premises, she saw him waiting for her.

She chose to ignore him but he got to her before she could make it far and forcefully pulled her into the car.

“This is kidnapping!” Amber said as soon as they were in the car.

“Stop exaggerating. I only want to talk and make you see that we both are…”

“It wouldn’t work Roland. You and I wouldn’t work” she said and that got him pulling over.

“Why wouldn’t it? Why condemn us both to nothing when you haven’t even given it a try.?” He yelled at her.

“What’s there to give a try? We are nothing to each other now and we won’t ever be. So, I suggest you stop with this and….”

“d@mn it Rose! I said I love you. How do you expect me to get rid of my feelings?” He asked in anger.

“You will just have to cause I don’t feel the same way you do” she replied hotly.

“Look me in the eyes and say that again” he demanded and Amber found it hard to do it since she got to understand her feeling too.

She’s also in love with Roland but their relationship is doomed to be.

“You also feel some thing for me right?” He said and that got her starring at him.

“What if I do, it won’t solve a thing. We are poles apart Roland and your…” She was prevented from saying more when he kissed her.

“Have told you that I won’t let my mom rule my life. So, trust me and stay by my side” he said when they ended the kiss.

“Am scared Roland. I don’t want to lose you and neither do I want to cause harm on my mom cause your mother will surely take it out on her”

“Don’t worry, I wont let her achieve that, I promise you” he vowed as he held her to himself while she snuggle close to him.

The two youngsters stayed in each other arms, safe in their little world. Little did they know what was awaiting them….

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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