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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{His segzy Vixen}

Theme: Succumbing To Me.

Chapter 5🔥6


Gbemi Writes ✍️



Sarah got back to the teachers office feeling angry.

“Did some one made you angry?” Jennifer, another substitute teacher like her asked.

“It’s just that I….” She stop talking when people began to scream outside.

“What’s going on?” Sarah asked.

“They must probably be going crazy over them” Jennifer answered while confusing Sarah.

“Crazy over whom?” Sarah asked.

“Come take a look” Jennifer said as they both went to stand by the door way.

The female student were all screaming hard due to some student who were walking by.

And when she saw the three boys who were causing the noise, her eyes grew wide in shock.

“That kid! The one in the middle, who is he?” Sarah let out.

“He’s is Jerome Lewis. The son to the owner of this college and apart from being filthy rich, he’s also a ladies guy. Be careful to get him angry cause he tends to react back in a violent way” Jennifer answered as the three of them walk past them.

“And those two are his friends. Murphy and Zack, they are also filthy rich like him and are both ladies men. In short they are the star of the school and so If you want to work here for long, don’t mess with them” Jennifer advised.

“It’s time for your class, let me show you the way”

A while later, Sarah stood in front of one hundred and fifty students who are present in class and amongst them is Jerome and his friends.

He had his gaze trained on her while a mischievous smile curl his lips and choosing to ignore him, she began her introduction.

“As we all know, Professor Maxwell took a sick leave and that’s why am standing in front of you today. Am Sarah Gregory by name and….” Sarah stopped when the students began to laugh.

She knew they were making fun of her but that didn’t stop her from continuing her speech.

“Like I said, Am Sarah Gregory. Am an ordinary person who isn’t here to stand out, I do my best wherever I go. So you don’t have to show me any interest and I won’t need your help with any thing but if you don’t stick to the rules of my class, you get an F and we all know what that is right?” She said which got them groaning out in anger.

“Since we are done with the introduction, we might as well begin class” she added moving towards the board only for the door to barge open admitting two female students.

They didn’t even bother to say hello and walked like queens to an empty seat.

“And why are you both coming late?” Sarah ask only for them to ignore her.

Moving towards the two of them, she stood by their desk starring down at them.

“I just asked you a….”

“Quit asking us questions. You are just a substitute teacher and you should focus on your teaching and let us be” the girl dressed in chanel outfit said.

“You are right. Am only a substitute teacher but that doesn’t give you two the right to do wh@ťěver you want In my class” Sarah replied.

“Seems like you don’t know this but her father is the owner of luxury hotel. So if you don’t want to end up with out a job, it’s best you go back to your teaching” The second girl said.

“Like I said, I won’t take a $h|t from any student here and so I suggest you leave my class” Sarah said.

“Or what? What will you do if we don’t leave?” The chanel girl asked.

Crouching on the floor, Sarah pulled off the girl chanel heel.

“What are you doing?”

“This cost a lot right?” Sarah asked.

“More than the filthy dress you are wearing” the chanel girl replied.

Sarah threw the shoe out side of the class which got everyone gasping.

“Are you crazy!”

“Only to crazy students like you. If that shoe is as precious to you then I suggest you go take it” Sarah said.

“You Ɓîtçh! How dare you….Argh!” The second girl cried out when Sarah grabbed a handful of her hair.

“Just so you know, I thoroughly h@ťě disrespectful kids and so, if you don’t want to end up like your friend here. I suggest you leave too” Sarah said to the chanel girl who immediately pack up her things.

Walking in only one heel, she went out of the class while Sarah push her friend out with her.

“If you don’t want to be treated this way a second time, then do come to class early” she said before shutting the door on their face.

“Woah! The new teacher is f_cking awesome, don’t you think so? ” Murphy cried out beside Jerome whose gaze was focused on Sarah.

“I don’t. To me, she’s extraordinary” Jerome replied his gaze still on Sarah and he missed seeing the surprise look his friend gave him.

Later that day Sarah stood on the first floor starring at the rain which kept pouring non stop when she got a call.

“I totally forgot love. I will be there to pick you”

“I won’t be late. As we are talking, am about to board a taxi… Don’t leave Liam, am on my way” She said into the reciever.

“Okay, it’s a deal. I will help you buy it when I get there so don’t you dare leave” she said before ending the call.

“Arrrgh! what should I do. This rain won’t stop for a while, should I just run through it? But I will end up getting wet before reaching the main gate” Sarah said aloud wondering where she would get an umbrella.

“How I wish an umbrella to fall off the sky” she muttered and just like she wish for, am umbrella fell down in front of her.

“Huh! Did my wish really come true?” She said starring around her.

She picked up the umbrella and open it, she stood under the rain starring at the second floor but there was no one there.

“If this happens to be someone’s umbrella then am sorry, I really need to use it! Thanks!” She screamed out before running off.

Jerome who was hiding against the balcony wall stood up to see Sarah running off with his umbrella.

“She’s cute” he muttered as he remembered the things she said before running off with the umbrella.

And who the hell is Liam? He thought just as Murphy approach him.

“Ready to leave?” Murphy asked and that got him nodding in response.

“Where’s my umbrella?” Murphy said.

“I gave it out and we don’t need it since we will be taking my car” Jerome replied with a smile.

“But we will get wet before we get to your car” Murphy let out.

“Stop exaggerating, the car isn’t that far from where we are” Jerome said before walking off while Murphy wondered what he did to the umbrella.


“You called for me?” Amber ask as soon as she walk into Darren office.

“Yes. Thanks to Marcos, I got to know that you’ve been angry at me for not assigning you to any task” he began slowly.

“I didn’t really mean it….”

“Since you are well enough. You can go on this latest task” Marcos told her which got her grinning out in excitement.

“His name is James and he needs some one to protect his boss for a few weeks. Do you think you are up for it?” Darren asked.

“Yes sir. I promise not to let you down” Amber replied and a while later she left the agency heading to the restaurant where she will be meeting the man she’s meant to guard for a few weeks.

Since she will be working, there won’t be space to think about Roland.

For years now, she has manage to put him and every thing that happened behind her and she wont let it be a hindrance to her future.

As long as she doesn’t see him again then all will be fine, she thought as she went into the restaurant.

“Table six please” she said to the attendant and he left where he was standing to take her to a table where an unknown man was seated.

“Hello sir, Am Amber Reyes. Have been sent by my agency to be your body guard” she said putting on her brightest smile.

“Well the thing is that am not the one you will be protecting but….”

“Let me take it from here James. You can wait for me outside” Roland said which got James leaving.

“Why are you here?” Amber asked as she stared at him with anger some thing Roland noticed.

“Cause am the one you’ve been payed to protect” he replied with a smile on his face.

“Am sorry but the person I was told to meet here isn’t you and so it’s best that I take my leave” Amber said but he took hold of her hand.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been hostile to me ever since you heard my name. What did I do wrong?” He asked and her answer was to pull her hand out of his.

“I will talk to my boss and he will get you a new bodyguard cause I can’t work for you” she said instead and left the restaurant.

Roland went after her and stopped her outside the restaurant.

“You can’t leave like this. We’ve got to talk, you need to make it clear to me why you are suddenly being this way to me. I never did a thing to hurt….”

“I suggest you mind your words!” She replied fiercely.

“That’s it right? We’ve met in the past way before the accident and I stupidly did some thing wrong to you, right? Tell me exactly what it is so I can…”

“So you can do what? The deed has been done. I have nothing else to say to you” she said as she pulled her hand out of his for the second time before walking off.

As soon as she got to the agency, she went in to Darren office.

“I should what?”

“Please find a replacement. I can’t work for him” Amber pleaded.

“But why is that? Don’t you like…”

“He’s some one….I would rather not see for the rest of my life, so please assign some one else to it. Roxanne wouldn’t mind doing it, Marcos neither”

“I know it’s one of our rules to work with the people we’ve been assigned to but I can’t do this. I can’t be his guard” she said as a tear escape her eyes and that got Darren out of his seat.

“Fine then. If you don’t want to do it then it’s okay” he said pulling her into his arms and that got Amber bursting in tears.

“Am sorry. I really shouldn’t be doing this but I just can’t work for him” the sobbing Amber said while Darren held onto her.

A while later, Amber was heading to the locker room when some one pulled her by the arm giving her a punch on the face.

“You Ɓîtçh! How dare you. How dare you tell the director to pass your work to me. I never liked you when you came here and I still don’t like you!” Roxanne screamed at her.

Amber stood off the floor as she wipe off the blood from her lips.

“You act like an angel to make everyone treat you with care when you are nothing but a slut!” Roxanne yelled at her.

“I know am at fault for pushing my task to you and I deserve the punch but don’t go far Roxanne” Amber warned.

“Or what? What do you intend to do you stupid slut. Some times I wonder if you ever received home training from your parents” Roxanne said which got Amber giving her a kick.

“I told you not to go far!” Amber said as she knelt over Roxanne who quickly covered her face from being hit.

“Amber!” Marcos yelled as he and some of the guys he was with pulled the both of them apart.

“How dare you insult my parents! Who the hell do you think you are!” Amber yelled wanting to pull out of Marcos hold.

“You Ɓîtçh! Am going to ki|| you!” Roxanne said as she manage to free herself.

She walk towards Amber, ready to strike but some one took hold of her hand before she could do worse.

“Let go of me!” Roxanne yelled at Roland who held onto it tightly.

“That’s enough!” He said pushing Roxanne which got her staggering.

Taking hold of Amber hand, Roland pulled her out of the agency and it wasn’t until they were some where discreet that he let her go.

“Are you okay?” Roland ask starring at her injured lips.

When she didn’t answer, he move towards her only for her to do the same but away from him.

“Do you still intend to act this way to me? I saved you back there” Roland said trying to ease the tension.

“Did I ask you to? Did I ask you to save me!” She yelled at him, tears flooding her eyes again.

“Amber, I really didn’t come here to make you cry, so don’t….”

“Don’t make me laugh. Thanks to you I suffered a lot”

“Why don’t you make it clear to me. What exactly did I do wrong? Did I date and dump you in the past?”

“I have no intention of saying a thing to you. So just get lost” she said as she walk past him.

“But I really want to know. At least, I will be able to make it up to you if you tell me what my offense is” Roland demanded.

“I don’t need you to make it up to me. All I want is that you leave me alone! I mean it Roland, stay the hell away from me!” She yelled at him before walking off.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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