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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BEYOND FAIRYTALE – Episode 13 & 14

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(Pure love)

THEME: In his lyrics


By Maya (J.A)



•{Project partner}•


Holly didn’t move, knowing it’s too late abd the spoon will get her and injure her, but Tom blocked her instead as he pulled her to his self and the spoon end up hitting his back.

He let out a low groan in pain.

Mrs Donald hand flew to her mouth as she realize what she has just done again.

“Mom, I think you need to rest alone” Tom finally speak up as he walk up stair still holding Holly.

He grab his car key and walk down stairs.

“We will be back when you have deal with your temper” he said and storm with Holly.

He ignite his car and drove off.

Mrs Donald just grit her teeth and crashed on the sofa angrily.

“How can she be so annoying and stubborn?“ She asked and threw a mini pillow across the sitting room.

“Please, just stop,”

“Please its hurt”

“You are hurting me” Mae cried as Bryna drills into her crazily.

“Just shut the f-__-k up” he said and slammed into her honey pot so hard making her let out a crazy scream.

He closed his eyes and held her hips as he grit his teeth and continue his crazy th-ru_st, while Mae couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Soon he finally vum and pull out.

This is the third round, so he is tired already, he just lay beside her while Mae pass out immediately.

He stare at her and rolled his eye ball.

“Hey get up and leave my room” he said tapping her but she is really down.

Her hair sprawled all over her face making her look hot as f-__-k.

He quickly look away before he becomes hard again.

He just drag the duvet and cover her chest as he left for the the bathroom.

“Um, mom,Bryce’s idea was really good, we sold a lot today” Catty grinned as she walk in with Bryce.

Bryce and Catty paused as their eyes landed on his mom standing with a lady in the kitchen chatting cheerfully.

“You have a loving brother, who will always cook for you, I think you should invite him over next time,I need to advice him” Miss Mona cooed.

“He need to let you do some work, you will get married someday and he won’t be there to help you, a woman has two training her whole life time, western training and home training and I am going to teach you home training my child” Miss Mona added and Holly blushed as she washes the dirty dishes while Miss Mona make dinner.

Bryce couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Is that really Holly? He asked and Catty nod as they approach the two.

“Mom?“ he called and Miss Mona turn to see Catty and Bryce staring at her in awe.

“Hey you two are back, your friend have been keeping me busy,” she smiled and Holly giggled.

“Hey” Holly said and waved at Catty who returned it immediately smiling happily.

“Trust be lovelies, I ask you two not to keep friends but this one is a sweetheart, I really like her” she said while Holly blushed heavily.

“But mom, she is supposed to be at home, its late” Bryce scoffed.

“So?, she is going to eat dinner and you will walk her out and make she get home safely before coming back home” Miss Mona added and Bryce felt like smashing Holly right there.

“Guess what?, ye dinner is ready,just go freshen up and come join us at the dining” she added and walk into the kitchen dragging Holly with her.

Catty just chuckled watching them

“And why are you laughing?“ he asked coldly.

“Nothing” Catty said and run inside.

“God, what do I do?“ He cried and palmed his face.

He just walk inside too.

Few minutes later, he step out in a short and free black polo.

He met his mom and Holly arranging the dining as they chat happily.

Catty was already with them, they sat down on the dinning while Catty brought out five pack of ice cream out.

“Here mom, we saved this for us mom, though we sold everything, Bryce surely no how to make ice cream” Catty jibbed and Miss Mona smiled at Bryce.

Holly ate happily with them, if only her family can be like this, not yelling at her all the time for not treating Bryan this way or that way.

Her mom don’t even teach her anything important, she just wish miss Mona can be her mom.

They finished eating and Catty cleared the dining.

“Do you want to stay a little more?“ Miss Mona asked.

“No, I think my big brother might be worried about me” she said and Miss Mona nod.

“Great then, Bryce see her off” Miss Mona said and Bryce stare at his mom in awe.

Did this girl charm his mom or what?, if only she know she had different intention with him.

As his mom best, not ready to disobey her for once, he just nod and walk to her as they both walk out with her waving Catty good bye and winking at each other.

Bryce brows creased as he saw them winked at each other.

Has Catty joined her too?, are they real friend now?

Holly walk behind him smiling happily.

Few walks away from their hand, she tried taking his hand but he snatch it away from her.

“What is your aim in my life huh?“ He asked angrily.

“Your heart” she replied as they both stand to face each other, she raised her head to meet his gaze.

“You have a fiancee, why do you still want me” he half yelled and step back.

Holly wasn’t surprise to hear that from him, of course everyone in the school would have known that now, all thanks to that stupid Miss Delila.

“Yeah, he is my fiancee,but I know what I want, just be mine Bryce, that all I ask for, its not too much right?“ She asked and take a step forward closing the gap in between them.

“I think you are crazy” he replied.

“Am not, you can’t reject me Bryce, I don’t wanna get heartbroken, I don’t wanna taste it, so am running from Bryan already, you have two choices Bryce and you can’t run from them” she said keeping a wicked smile on her face.

“Why do you think o can’t break your heart?“ he asked and she kept mute

“And they are?“ Bryce asked.

“Be mine and we will be fine or you get expelled from that school, not just that, you will get haunted, not by me though but I know what am saying” she said and wear her hoodie cap as she dip her hand in her hoodie’s pocket.

Bryce just watch her perplexed, like is this really happening, how can a lady be doing all this?.

“I get you are speechless, see you in school tomorrow, I hope you make the right choice, good night love” she said and tried pecking him but he moved back immediately.

“Don’t be too holy, you got a bad boy look and I like bad guys okay” she said and stop a coming cab as she left.

“Why me,” Bryce muttered and slowly rubbed his temples before turning around to head home.

“Are you sure, she is misbehaving cause of him?“ Mr Vincent asked and Delila nod.

“Are you really sure, cause I know Holly can be stubborn sometimes, you should get me three strong proof, I don’t want to hurt him out of the blues” Mr Vincent said and pat Delilah’s hair.

“Dad are you judging me now?, holly beat me up cause i confronted her about him “ She pouted.

“Hey princess, don’t cry, I will handle him okay” he said and kissed her forehead.

“Thank daddy” she giggled and Mr Vincent nod.


“hey, so what’s my reply?“ Holly asked standing behind Bryce.

Bryce closed his eyes in anger and frustratedly close the novel he was reading in anger.

If not that touching her will cost him and his family a lot , he did have get rid of her by beating the héll out of her.

He can’t tell her no, what if I he is truly expelled, his poor mom might get heart attack.

What if anyone truly come after him,his family will be in trouble too.

But if he still accept to date her and he get into trouble for dating a billionaire’s betrothed and a billionaire’s daughter.

“What if I still get into trouble, when your dad or fiancee find out?“ He asked and a satisfying smirk appeared on her face.

“You will be okay I promise, I will protect, I promise” she said and raised her five fingers high.

“Okay, I, I,” Bryce stuttered and paused.

Like the heck, how can he be saying ‘I accept to be yours’ to a girl, she is suppose to be saying it to him.

But he has never has feeling for any lady, maybe he should really try this one out.

“Come on say it” Holly squeaked.

“I accept to be yours” he said and Holly mouth open in joy.

“But” he quickly caught her off.

“There is a conditions” he said and keep his usual cold face.

“Yes what is it?“she asked.

“No kissing, no hugs, two step distance” he said and her brows creased.

“Common” she said and move closer to him.

“But I want to kiss you now” she said and stand on her toes as she set her mouth in a kissing shape.

Bryce blink his eyes rapidly as he watch her struggles to reach his neck region, she is so small.

This girl is so naughty.

Hope he is not making a mistake, cause if she continues like this she might wake his demonic naughty side too.

“Hey” said and pushed her away lightly.

“Come on, kiss your girlfriend, I need it” she said running after him, luckily for them, they are the only one in the library.

The bell rang for the next subject and she smiled and stop running after him

“off to the class, pray we shouldn’t be alone cause I might rapé you” she grinned and walk out leaving Bryce wide eyes.

Is she really a girl?

He picked his bag and walk out hastily so he won’t get there late.

He met the teacher already left while student rush out to the notice board.

👥”he only came to give us information”

👥”i hope I get to he with my crush”

Bryce quickly walk out to check for his name on the notice board.

Its a project stuff, so on the notice board is you and your project partners name.

Delila and Tom.

Tom frowned as he saw Delila is his partner, jeez he hope she don’t end up seducing him, he was wishing it will be Catty.

“Oh my we are partners” she squeaked and hugged his arms

Shane and Jerry.

Shane scoffed and look at jerry who kept winking at him chewing gum.

Catty and Bryan.

Bryan let out a mean smile as he saw his Catty is his partner, Catty gulped down heavily seeing Bryan is her partner, hope he don’t do anything bad to her.

Bryce frowned seeing his sister as Bryan’s partner but his jaw dropped when he saw his partner.

He is so doomed!.

He can’t be alone with that girl or she might rapé him

“Hey Patty?“ she said touching his arms even after his warnings.

He just feel like bursting into tears!!.

~~~T B C~~~

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