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Friday, October 18, 2024
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BETWEEN THE PANES – Episode 35 & 36

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As Kelvin’s lips met mine, I felt a rush of conflicting emotions. Part of me wanted to push him away, to remind him of the pain he caused, but another part longed for his affection, craving the warmth of his embrace.

But as our lips lingered in that bittersweet moment, I realized that forgiveness was a journey, not a destination. It would take time to heal the wounds Kelvin’s betrayal had inflicted, but perhaps, with patience and understanding, we could rebuild what was broken.

Pulling away slightly, I looked into Kelvin’s eyes, searching for sincerity amidst the turmoil of emotions. And in that moment, I saw a glimmer of regret, a silent plea for redemption.

“Kelvin,” I began, my voice trembling with uncertainty, “I want to believe you. I want to trust that your feelings are genuine, but…”

“But you’re not sure if you can,” he finished for me, his gaze filled with understanding.

Nodding slowly, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, knowing that Kelvin acknowledged the depth of my pain. It was a small step, but it gave me hope that perhaps, together, we could navigate the complexities of love and forgiveness.

“I need time,” I whispered, my voice barely audible above the hum of the classroom.

“Take all the time you need,” Kelvin replied, his voice soft with sincerity.

And as we sat there, amidst the quiet chaos of our emotions, I realized that love wasn’t always easy, but it was worth fighting for. And with that realization, a flicker of hope ignited within me, lighting the way forward on the path to healing and reconciliation.

I hugged Kelvin goodbye before going home, I really wanted Kelvin back but I don’t know. What if he breaks my heart again.

I came down from my car to see Atlas standing at the front of my house. I couldn’t help but wonder what he was doing there.

I smiled when my gaze met with his.

” Hii” I said and then stood in front of him.

” Hey” He said. Atlas wasn’t smiling even when I was smiling.

” what’s wrong?” I asked clueslessly.

” wait let me understand this” he said and I nodded.

” I saw you kissing Kelvin today, I thought you broke up” He said making me wonder why he cares about the fact that I and Kelvin kissed.

“Why were you watching?” I blurted out, unable to suppress my curiosity.

Atlas hesitated for a moment before meeting my gaze. “I wasn’t trying to spy on you, Timi. I just happened to see it,” he explained, his voice soft but firm.

I chewed on my lip, trying to process his words. It felt unnerving to know that Atlas had witnessed such an intimate moment, yet I couldn’t shake off the guilt that gnawed at me.

As we stood there in silence, I couldn’t help but wonder why Atlas was so invested in my love life.

Feeling a mix of discomfort and curiosity, I decided to address the elephant in the room. “Why does it matter to you?” I asked, my voice tinged with uncertainty, patiently waiting for his replies.

“I care for you,” Atlas stated, his words catching me off guard. Shock momentarily froze me, but a warm sensation spread through me at his unexpected confession.

I wanted to smile, to bask in the comfort of his care, but before I could, he added, “As a friend. You are like my best friend now, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

The warmth evaporated, replaced by a sudden chill. His clarification extinguished any hope that had lighten to life within me. My smile fell, My heart sinking as I realized the limitations of their relationship, all I needed was Kelvin right?

My heart sank as Atlas clarified his words, reaffirming our friendship. While I admired and valued our bond, I hadn’t yet considered the possibility of deeper feelings for him. However, his declaration of friendship served as a stark reminder of the boundaries between us, leaving me uncertain about my own emotions.

As Atlas spoke of his genuine concern for my well-being, my mind raced, grappling with conflicting emotions. I appreciated his friendship and support, yet couldn’t shake the lingering doubt about the nature of our relationship. Was there potential for something more between us, or was I simply overthinking our connection?

With a heavy heart, I forced a smile, concealing the turmoil swirling within me. I nodded in acknowledgment of Atlas’s words, but my thoughts remained clouded by uncertainty. In that moment, I realized that my feelings for Atlas were more complicated than I had initially thought. I needed time to process my emotions and navigate the complexities of our friendship.


Atlas couldn’t shake off the image of Kelvin kissing Timi from his mind. It stung more than he cared to admit. Just yesterday, he had been there for her, comforting her as she cried over Kelvin’s betrayal. And now, to see her in Kelvin’s arms again, it felt like a punch to the gut.

As he watched them, a surge of conflicting emotions washed over him. On one hand, he felt hurt and betrayed. He had been foolish to think that Timi would forget about Kelvin so easily, especially after everything she had been through. But on the other hand, he couldn’t deny the twinge of jealousy that gnawed at him.

Despite his best efforts to push his feelings aside, Atlas couldn’t deny that he was growing increasingly fond of Timi with each passing day. Every moment they spent together only served to deepen his affection for her. And now, seeing her with Kelvin, it felt like a cruel reminder of the one thing he couldn’t have.

But as much as it pained him, Atlas knew that he couldn’t force Timi to feel the same way about him. All he could do was be there for her, as he always had been, and hope that one day she would see him in a different light. Until then, he would continue to cherish their friendship and silently nurse the little flicker of hope that burned within him.

Atlas couldn’t shake the resentment he felt towards Kelvin. After witnessing Kelvin’s betrayal and seeing Timi hurt by his actions, Atlas couldn’t help but feel a sense of anger towards him. It was clear to him that Kelvin had hurt Timi deeply, and Atlas couldn’t shake the feeling that Kelvin was still planning to cause her more pain.

Sighing heavily, Atlas lay on his bed, feeling a mix of frustration and helplessness. Despite his efforts to push his feelings aside, he couldn’t stop thinking about Timi. The memory of her lips against his lingered in his mind, taunting him with what could have been.

He knew he needed to put himself back together and move on, but it wouldn’t be easy. The feelings he had developed for Timi had grown stronger with each passing day, and now, faced with the reality of her relationship with Kelvin, Atlas knew he had to find a way to let go. But letting go of someone he cared about so deeply was going to be one of the hardest things he had ever done.


“You can’t twerk well,” Timi teased, laughing at Atlas’s attempt to shake his bum.

“What?” Atlas asked, feigning frustration.

“This is how you twerk,” she said, showing him a video of a girl twerking. Atlas playfully rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you show me how to do it?” he smirked.

“No, never,” she replied firmly.

“Why? Are you afraid of shaking your @zz for me?” Atlas teased, laughing at Timi’s irritated expression.

“You’re disgusting,” she retorted, dropping her phone.

“You’re funny,” he chuckled before taking a seat.

“So, what’s up with you and your boyfriend?” he asked, prompting a smile from Timi.

“He’s even nicer, and guess what? I have a new friend,” Timi said happily.

“Yeah, I noticed,” Atlas acknowledged.

“She’s a talkative, though, but I like her,” Timi continued. Atlas nodded in agreement.

“Maybe since I’m single and she’s also single, we can link up,” Atlas suggested, causing Timi’s smile to falter.

“How do you know she’ll be interested?” Timi asked skeptically.

“Let’s see. Just tell her, ‘Atlas wants to be your friend.’ You know, baby steps,” he proposed.

Timi wasn’t impressed by the idea at all. She couldn’t imagine Jane dating Atlas, and she didn’t want that either.

“If you want to talk to her, maybe you should do it yourself,” Timi said curtly, walking out of his room.

Atlas stood there, speechless, wondering why Timi was so annoyed.

“What’s wrong with her?” he murmured to himself.

To be continued…

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