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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ He’s heartless, she’s stubborn}
Episode 09
By Chidimma M.
Sapphire opened her eyes and found herself on the floor.
What I’m doing here? She thought.
Memories of what her father told her last night came back into her mind. She still can’t believe someone she calls her father did this to her. Is it because of money? Or is it because she’s not his biological daughter?
Nevertheless, she stood up from the ground and went upstairs with a gloomy look on her face.
Sapphire took a quick shower and then dressed into something more comfortable. She did some makeup in order to hide the dark circles that formed beneath her eyes but that didn’t hide the fact that she was shattered.
When she was done with her bath, she went downstairs. She saw her family having breakfast while chatting.
“Saph, come and join us. Your breakfast will get cold” Rudolph said and pulled out a chair for her.
Sapphire looked at the chair without speaking or moving. She glared at Fabian and without a word, she walked out of the house.
Maude and Rudolph were surprised by her actions but Fabian simply sighed.
“Love, did you see the way she looked at you? What is happening between the two of you?” Maude asked.
Fabian placed his spoon and cleaned his mouth then began telling them everything that transpired last night….
Derek was seen sitting on his bed shirtless as he bandaged his right hand. No one needs to tell you that he was punching the walls.That’s the only thing he does in order to vent his anger.
Last night, his godforsaken father called him and told him he’s getting married today or else….
You can imagine his reaction when he heard that.
When Derek finished bandaging his hand, he stood up from the bed and brought out the dresses he was gonna wear.
He wore his black suit and then his shoes. A maid came and helped him dress his hair. When he was done, he picked up his suitcase and walked out of the room.
A cab dropped Sapphire by the beach. She turned and spotted Louis standing by the sea shore as the breeze disheveled his hair.
Yes, she accepted the fact that she will get married to someone she’s never seen before but she’ll make that marriage the worst marriage ever. She’ll become the most stubborn, rude, disrespectful wife someone could ever dream of getting married to.
“Sapphire…” Louis called as he walked towards her with a smile on his lips. Sadly, the smile won’t last longer.
Louis held her waist and kissed her forehead.
“Missed you” He Said.
Sapphire smiled but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. She was still looking for a way to break the news to him.
Louis noticed her mood and his brows furrowed in concern.
“Anything wrong? Are you sick or something?” Louis asked and cupped her cheek.
Sapphire closed her eyes, fighting back her tears. She’s tired of crying, of being so weak. From now, she’ll toughen up!
She looked up at him with red eyes and unshed tears.
“It breaks my heart to say this to you but, I’m breaking up with you. I urge you to move on and forget about me. Just know that you’ll forever remain in my heart” Sapphire said.
Louis froze…
“What?” He Exclaimed in disbelief.
He looked into her eyes, hoping that it was some kind of joke but no. Her facial expression says it is seriously true!
“Why?…” That was the only words that left his mouth.
Sapphire removed his hand that held her cheek.
“I’m getting married. This is a goodbye Louis” She said and stood on her toes then pressed her lips on his before running away.
Louis stood on the same spot, unable to run after her. The news was so much heavy that it made her knees weak.
Sapphire sat down on the ground, under a tree as she finally let out her tears. This hurts so d@mn much.
Louis knees gave up and he kept down with his head down. Tears could be seen falling on the soil.
Sapphire stood up and wiped her tears then stopped a cab which drove her back home.
When she arrived home, her mother and brother looked at her in pity. Guess Fabian already told them.
“Sapphire, it’s for your own good” Maude said.
Sapphire laughed dryly…
“Mom, don’t meddle in this affair. It’s between dad and I” She snapped at Maude which made her keep quiet.
Today, she was supposed to go to work but she doubt she can hardly concentrate so she decided to stay at home. Probably is the last time she’s staying in this house since she’s getting married in some hours.
She marched upstairs…
“She’s really shattered and angry” Rudolph said.
“It’s for her own good” Maude said.
Sapphire fell slump on the bed. She brought out her phone and saw it was on silent mode.
She saw about 13 missed calls from Louis and 6 unread messages. Tears pooled her eyes again but she blinked it back.
The best option was to ignore him for some while. Maybe with that, he’ll forget about her but she doubt if she’ll ever forget about him. He’s her first love after all.
The door to her room swung open. She looked up only to see Fabian. Right now, he is the most annoying face she’s ever seen.
“Get ready, we’re leaving for the court in 30 minutes” Fabian said buy Sapphire simply ignored.
He looked at her for some minutes and then sighed before closing back her door.
Sapphire threw the pillow at the door and then her hands threw down everything that was found in her room. She scattered it all up.
When she got tired, she sat down on the floor and cried again….
Fabian was already dressed, waiting for Sapphire to come down now.
Minutes later, Sapphire came down stairs. She was dressed into something simple but it still looked good on her. Apart from her gloomy face, she looked beautiful!
“Let’s go” He said and opened the door for her to walk out. Sapphire walked out without even sparing him a glance.
They both entered the car and drove off.
Fabian parked his car and they got down. Sapphire stared at the building in front of them.
“Let’s enter. They’re waiting for us” Fabian said and began walking.
Sapphire looked round her. She could see some couples who had their marriage certificate at hand. They looked happy and in love. Whereas her, she’s getting married to someone she’s never seen or met. Life is so unfair!
She then walked into the building, following Fabian. They walked into a hall and saw some people lined up.
Sapphire watched as she saw Fabian walk up to a man and they shook hands. Maybe he’s the one she’s getting married to,,,how gross!
Fabian signalled Sapphire to come closer which she reluctantly did in order to avoid creating a scene.
“Wow, she’s more beautiful in real than in photo” Santiago said.
Sapphire looked round her, acting totally unconcern with what they were saying.
“Nice meeting you Sapphire. I’m Santiago Bernardo” Santiago said and stretched her hands for a handshake.
The name Bernardo rang something in her mind but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was.
“Nice meeting you too” Sapphire said without accepting his handshake.
That hurt Santiago’s pride but he kept a passive expression.
Sapphire looked away. She can’t believe she’s getting married to this old man in front of her. He’s old enough to be her father or even Grandfather!
Santiago looked at his phone in anxiousness.
“Derek, where are you. If dare not show your face here you’re gonna hear from me” Santiago said inwardly.
He has been calling him but he kept ignoring his calls.
Sapphire walked up to a seat and then sat down on it…
“Hey” She heard a voice.
Sapphire looked up only to see a female. She waved at her.
“Hi” Sapphire replied.
“I couldn’t help but notice you with Mr Santiago Bernardo. You’re pretty” The female said.
“Thanks. He’s my future husband, I think so” Sapphire said boringly.
“What? You’re so lucky! That man is the father of one of the most richest person in the US” The lady said and sat down beside her.
So he has a son? Great!! Sapphire said inwardly and rolled her eyes.
“That’s good for him” Sapphire replied unconcerned.
“My name is Jos�.” The lady said and stretched her hand to Sapphire.
“Sapphire, nice meeting you” Sapphire replied and welcomed her handshake.
“I’m here with my husband. We just got married minutes ago” Jos� said.
“As for me I’m getting married in some minutes” Sapphire replied.
They began discussing and Sapphire found out that she’s from Paris but recently moved into the US with her husband. That explains her French accent. They’re almost age mates just that she’s 23 and Jos� is 24.
A man walked up to them with some files in his hands.
“That’s my husband coming” She said and stood up.
“See you around Sapphire” She said and walked away with the man with their hands intertwined.
Now, it was Sapphire turn. She stood up and walked up to the two men. Santiago looked more stressed than before.
“I guess he isn’t coming” Santiago said.
Who isn’t coming? Sapphire asked inwardly.
Almost immediately, murmurs could be heard in the halls as the sound of shoes could be heard.
Omg, it’s really him!! He’s more handsome in real than on TV
Oh geez!! He’s too gorgeous. Is he a god?!
Sapphire was confused at where all these commotion where coming from. She turned back only to see a man was approaching. He looked like he was either in his late 20s or early 30s.
Nevertheless the less, he looked so handsome and that dangerous aura which surrounded him make him look like a god! How can a mere mortal be this handsome?!
Sapphire was caught by surprise as he fixed his gaze on her. He scanned her from head to toe with his cold eyes that made Sapphire shiver. He really is intimidating!
Derek stopped in front of Sapphire. He looked down at her like she was some insignificant insect. Is she the woman she will get married to? The woman that his father is thr_@tening him to marry?
How useless He thought.
He diverted his gaze to his father.
“Let’s get this thing over with. I have way more important thing to do than this $h|t” He said and walked in.
Fabian and Santiago entered and Sapphire walked in too.
They were given two seats. Derek says down on one. Sapphire gasped in surprise. She was getting married to the son??
She rolled her eyes. That changes nothing to her. She’s still getting married out of her own will.
She reluctantly took a seat beside him. The mayor came and then sat down opposite them with a table separating them.
The mayor began explaining to them some rules in marriage. When he was done with his Preaching, he placed a paper in front of them.
Derek and Sapphire looked at the paper contemplating on what to do. This is something that will change their lives.
Derek sighed and took the pen them signed on it and placed the pen back on the table.
Everyone looked at Sapphire.
I’m sorry Louis She said inwardly and signed the papers too.
Fabian smirked triumphantly. Plan A accomplished, next step is plan B.
“Congratulations Mr and Mrs Bernardo, you’re officially husband and wife” The mayor said.
“Wh@ťěver” Derek said and stood up then left.
Sapphire looked at him as he walked away.

� Chi L�ve

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