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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{My priceless wifey, romantic hubby}
Episode 27
By Chidimma M.
“Love, could you please pass me some butter?” Celina asked as she munched on her sandwich.
“Sure, here” Derek said and gave it to her.
Kyra looked at them as the three of them had their breakfast. There’s something different about this morning…
Once they were done with their breakfast, Celina went to clean the dishes…
“Mom, you know we’re going back to the US tomorrow right?” Derek said.
“Yeah and honestly I’m nervous and also scared.” Kyra said.
“Don’t worry mom, I will protect you with all my strength.” Derek replied…
Kyra sighed…
“How I wish I could hold my Louis tight in my arms but unfortunately I still have to hide so I can’t reveal myself to him” Kyra said.
“I’ve always wanted to ask. How did you and Celina meet?” Kyra asked.
Derek smiled and then narrated all the story to her..
“My poor Louis, I hope he’s over it. So that stupid father of yours really thr_@tened you?” Kyra said in anger.
“Just let it be mom. I even thank him for doing so for if he didn’t, I wouldn’t have known who Celina was.” Derek replied.
“I heard someone call my name. What are you discussing on my name?” Celina asked as she walked in the living room.
“Nothing that serious..” Kyra replied.
Celina’s gaze met with that of Derek but she quickly diverted her gaze. She doesn’t know why but she’s suddenly feeling embarrassed.
“How about we go to the beach?” Derek asked..
“Wow that’s good. You two should go, I’m too old to be doing that” Kyra replied.
“Okay” Celina said and walked upstairs to their room.
She walked to her wardrobe in order to choose what to wear. Suddenly, arms lifted her up from the ground.
“Derek?” She said in surprise.
“Why are you now avoiding me? Don’t tell me you’re shy” Derek said with an amused smile on his lips.
Celina took in her lips and looked down. Derek placed her back on the ground and cupped her cheek then kissed her forehead.
“I love you. Always remember that” Derek said with a smile on his lips.
Celina looked up at him and smiled back too. She walked to the wardrobe in order to finish packing her things.
Derek almost laughed as he watched her walking style.
“Are you sure you’re gonna make it to the beach. Your walking steps are kinda funny” Derek said.
Celina turned and glared at him…
“And who’s fault is that?” Celina replied.
She finished packing her things and Derek packed his own too before they zipped up the bag.
Sapphire was seen standing beside the sea shore at the beach in deep thought. She tugged her hair behind her ear as the wind blew on it.
“What’s wrong Saph, you’ve been in deep thought since yesterday” Cameron asked as he hugged her from behind.
Sapphire sighed..
“Nothing, I just saw someone who reminded me a lot of my sister.” Sapphire replied and placed her head on his chest.
“Stop worrying yourself about your sister. I have faith and I know you guys will reunite trust me” Cameron said and kissed her shoulder.
“Thanks love” Sapphire replied and turned to face him.
“I think its time I go to the US. I have to know exactly what’s happening there” Sapphire said.
“Everywhere you go, I’ll follow you. There’s a plane leaving tomorrow for the US. How about we travel tomorrow?” Cameron suggested.
“That’s a good idea” Sapphire replied and smiled.
“Now, let’s have some fun one more time” Cameron said and smiled.
Sapphire nodded feeling abit relieved….
“Uhm excuse me…” A voice spoke from behind them.
They turned to see who it was and sapphire was caught by surprise.
“Is this space not occupied, can we install our umbrella here?” Celina asked. Derek was behind her, looking at the people passing by.
“Sure, go on” Cameron replies since Sapphire was too occupied staring at her.
Celina’s gaze locked with that of Sapphire. She began feeling slight headache which made her divert her gaze from Sapphire.
“I think I saw you yesterday.” Celina said.
“Yeah,,, Sapphire remember?” Sapphire said.
“Yeah” Celina replied. Something was missing in her mind and she tried to remember it but couldn’t.
Celina shrugged the thoughts away and began fixing the mat, umbrella and others…
“This is the girl I told you about” Sapphire whispered to Cameron who nodded. Now he understands why they were excessively staring at each other.
Once Celina was done she looked back at them.
“Nice meeting you two, I’m Derek Bernardo” Derek said and shook hands with Cameron.
“Thanks, it’s also nice meeting you. I’ve heard a lot about you… I’m Cameron Montes” Cameron replied…
“I’ve also heard about you too.” Derek said.
Celina and Sapphire stared boringly at them discussing about business. They both yawned at the same…
“Business freaks” They said at the same time which made them look at each other. They bursted into fits of Laughter.
Celina and Sapphire walked away to change into their bikinis. Once they were done, they walked back to the boys.
Derek and Cameron stared at Celina and Sapphire respectively…
Celina laid down on the mat on her tummy.
The two men walked away to Change too. Once they were done they walked Back to the ladies. The women couldn’t help but drool at them. Two celebrities at the beach, revealing their gorgeous abs. Isn’t God wonderful?
“Love, could you please help me rub some cream on my back?” Celina said as she saw derek approaching.
“Sure” He replied and removed the cream from the bag they bought. He undid Celina’s bra.
He squeezed it out of the tube and rubbed it against his palms before rubbing it on her back.
“Thanks…”Celina said as he messaged her back.
“I feel like undressing you right here” Derek blurted out.
“Derek! We’re outside for godsake. Geez, such a s*x freak!.” Celina said.
Derek chuckled and tied back her bra. He sat down beside her and brought out a book to read under the shades of the umbrella.
Cameron and Sapphire stood up and walked to the water in order to swim…
They didn’t see the time fly by till it was time to go back home. They all went and changed…
“Today was fun, thanks to you two” Sapphire said.
“Same here” Derek replied…
Celina suddenly hugged Sapphire…
“Goodbye Saph. Will miss you a lot” She said and released her then waved goodbye at her before leaving with Derek.
Sapphire stared at her leaving and a drop of tear fell from her eyes…
Derek and Celina reached home and went upstairs.
“I’m really tired! And hungry too” Celina exclaimed, stretching her arms…
Derek hugged her from behind and then kissed her neck, sucking on it.
“Here, just gave you a hickey” Derek said and winked then walked away.
Celina rushed to the mirror and gasped. Truly, the hickey was there! She glared at Derek who winked at her and then went into the bathroom.
Celina sighed and walked out of the room heading to the kitchen. She began cooking dinner since night was soon approaching.
Almost an hour later, she was done so she served the food on the dining table…
Kyra walked in the dining room, she was just fresh from bath.
Derek followed suit, dressed in another wear. They took their seats and ate dinner in silence…
Once they were done, Kyra bade them goodnight and then went into the her room inorder to pack her things.
Derek finished his dinner too and helped Celina cleaned the dishes. Once they were done, they walked to their room.
Celina went to have her bath while Derek began packing his things together with Celina’s own.
Minutes later, Celina walked out of the bathroom and met Derek on the bed. Well his things wasn’t so much so he quickly packed them.
Celina walked to a stool and then removed her towel and then kept it aside exposing her body. Derek’s eyes almost popped out at what she did.
Celina rubbed her cream on her body, completely unfazed with his gaze. Once she was done, she removed her P@ŋtîēṣ and wore it then wore her transparent nightie.
She walked to the bed with her B-__-bs dangling beneath her dress.
“Goodnight hubby” She said and smiled then laid down with her back turned against Derek.
That’s what you get for giving me a hickey She said inwardly and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep…
Derek looked at her back turned to him and swallowed hard. He was already rock hard like hell. Why did she do that?
Derek turned to sleep too but it was really tough to sleep in this his condition.
Celina turned and looked at him fidgeting…
Derek was startled when she came on top of him…
“I’m not feeling sleepy at all. What about you?” Celina said seductively, gently rubbing his d!ck.
Derek smirked…
“Me neither. Let’s get busy with something” Derek said and pulled her down, claiming her lips…
“Celina! Must you always take some long in getting dressed? Our things are already in the car.”
Celina rushed downstairs while fixing her hair properly.
“I’m good to go” She said and walked out of the house. She looked at it and smiled…
“I’ll miss this house a lot” Celina whispered.
“Don’t worry. We’ll come visit her one day” Derek said and held her hand.
Celina entered the car follow by Derek. Kyra was already inside. The driver the ignited the engine and drove off to the airport.
The travel was pretty smooth. It took them four to five hours to land in the US.
“Yeah, I’m back in the country” Derek said on the phone.
“Alright, welcome home bro” Louis said with his face hardened.
Derek smiled and hung up. He climbed down the stairs of the plane. Kyra followed behind. She smiled as the cool breeze disheveled her hair.
“I missed my country” She said.
Kyra entered the car, waiting for the couple to enter.
Celina was the last who descended the stairs of the plane.
Derek lent his hand which she took and fully came down…
“Now I know I’ve missed this place” Celina said. Derek kissed the back of her palm.
“Let’s go home” He said and turned to the car.
Suddenly, out if nowhere police cars drove and halted in front of him…
“Sorry to interrupt your beautiful moment Mr Bernardo but there’s an arrest warrant issues for you. You’re under arrest for smuggling and hiding drugs into your company.” The chief said.
Derek froze…

� Chi L�ve

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