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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{My priceless wifey, romantic hubby}
Episode 21
By Chidimma M.
“Lunch is ready!!” Sapphire exclaimed as she walked into the dining room.
She began dressing the table. Derek just stared at her as she did so… Sapphire tugged her hair behind her ear and glanced at Derek.
“Hey, will you quite staring at me like that? I’m right here, I won’t run okay?” Sapphire said and winked.
Derek placed his hand on the table.
“I know, I just can’t believe how lucky I am” Derek replied…
Sapphire giggled and placed his plate in front of him then kissed his forehead.
“You better start believing” She whispered and sat down beside him.
She served herself and also dished him the food and began eating hungrily.
“Slow down, you’re gonna choke” Derek said but she ignored him and kept eating like a lion who have been starved for days.
“I’m hungry” She mumbled.
“You ate this morning. Geez, you’re just acting like a pregnant woman. ” Derek said.
She swallowed and hit shoulder…
“Don’t joke like that!” She said and continued eating…
Derek smirked and dig in. He ate slowly and elegantly.
“I’m full!!” Sapphire exclaimed as she rubbed her belly.
Derek cleaned his mouth and stood up then stretched his hand for her to take. She took it and stood up.
“You eat like a pig. Just look at you” Derek said and used his thumb to clean her lips. Sapphire just stared at him… Till now, his sweet side was still strange to her…
“Here, all done. Come let me show you some pictures of my mother.” Derek said and led the way upstairs.
He opened the door to his room and she walked in before he followed. He sat down on the floor then opened the last drawer before he brought out some photos.
He tapped a place in between his leg, signalling her to come and sit down. She walked up to him and sat down in between his legs, leaning her back against his chest.
Derek untied the rope binding the photos together and he began watching them.
“Here’s s pic taken on my birthday. Louis smashed the whole cake all over my face… We laughed alot on that day. Of course my mom was still alive by then” He said.
“You guys look cute and happy” Sapphire complimented.
“Thanks” He continued watching the different pictures. He stopped on a picture and frowned.
“Who’s she?” Sapphire asked.
“Raquel. My ex” Derek said.
Sapphire nodded staring at the picture. She has to admit that she’s pretty. Way more prettier than her…
Derek brought out the picture and tore it into pieces. Sapphire simply looked at him as he did so.
“I have to forget about my past. I don’t even know what her picture is doing here” Derek said as he sensed his anger rising.
Sapphire simply looked at him in silence.
“What did she do?” She asked.
Derek looked at her…
“She broke up with me and then got married to my father so now she’s my step mother. Crazy right” Derek said and chuckled. Now that he thinks of it, its kinda funny.
“Really crazy! I mean who’ll leave such a cute and dashing man like you just to get married to an old man like your dad. I swear I almost cried on the day I was brought to the court to sign the marriage papers. I thought I was going to get married to him” Sapphire blurted which made Derek burst into laughter..
“So you admit that I’m cute and dashing” Derek said with a smirk on his face.
Sapphire rolled her eyes…
“Yeah, you are. But don’t let that get into your head” Sapphire said.
He smiled and kissed her lips…
“If my woman says I’m cute then I’m happy. Now let’s continue where we stopped.” He said and looked back at the photos.
He finally brought out his mother’s photo.
“Here’s my mother” Derek said and Sapphire gasped in surprise. She took the photo from him.
“She’s….your mother?” Sapphire asked.
“Yeah. She beautiful right?” Derek replied.
“You said she’s dead?” Sapphire asked in surprise.
“Yeah…why that face?” Derek said and ached his brows…
“This woman. I know her, I’ve seen her” Sapphire said which shocked Derek.
“You saw her??” Derek asked in shock.
“Yeah, I still recognize those eyes.” Sapphire said.
“It was back in my university days in Canada. My school gave us tasks in which we had to do as our final test. My own test was that I help a lady who has been in the asylum for years now. She’s the lady…I got to know her and we became close, she’s really kind. Unfortunately one day, they stopped me from seeing her. Up till date I don’t know why they stopped me. I never had the opportunity to know her name” Sapphire narrated.
Derek looked at the photo and Sapphire saw a glint of hope flash across his eyes.
“What if you’re still alive?” Derek said referring to the photo he had in his hand.
He looked at Sapphire who had her gaze fixed on him all along…
“I need to verify if she’s my mother. Let’s travel to Canada” Derek said.
“I’m cool with it but when?” She asked.
“In two days.” Derek replied and looked at the photo. All that filled his heart at that time was hope. If her mother is still alive then all the questions he kept asking to himself will be answered.
He looked back at Sapphire and smiled before hugging her from behind since she was sitting in between his laps.
“Thanks for tho piece of hope” He said….
“Come, let’s do something else” He said and she stood up before he stood too.
“What should we do?” Sapphire asked.
“Well I don’t know, you decide”
Sapphire held her chin as she thought do a while. She smiled as an idea came into her mind.
“How about we go to the zoo.” She said.
“Alright.” He said. Sapphire walked out of his room heading to hers.
She took a warm bath and then put on a white shirt with a pink zipper hoodie and a white bum short with some sneakers.
She tied her hair in a ponytail and then wore a shades making her look like a highschool teenager.
Sapphire then walked out of her room heading downstairs only to meet Derek in all his handsomeness.
He was dressed in white shirt with black leather jackets and black jeans. He looked up at her and smiled.
“You look hot” He said.
“Thanks” She replied and walked downstairs up to him. He tugged her hair behind her ear.
“Honestly, I prefer your real name to Sapphire. Celina is another word for heavenly and heavenly is usually attributed to the sky which has blue color just like your eyes” Derek said which made get blush.
“Come on, let’s go Lina” He said and held her hand before walking out of the house.
The maids all looked at them in surprise. To them, seeing their Master like this is s miracle.
“Take out this mess” Louis said and walked out of the room. Some men walked in and picked up Giselle corpse.
He walked out of the small house located outskirt of the town before boarding his car driving off.
He will never for give his brother for such a betrayal and that his stupid father, he has some explanation to make to him.
Well he was ready to quite to unclean life for Sapphire. He was willing to abandon this life and then start back a holy life but Sapphire chose his brother over him!!
First was his mother who always cherished Derek, even the people around always praised Derek and always told him to take example from him. And now the love his life chose Derek again over him. This one, he won’t let it slide away.
He had two goals in which he vowed to fulfill. The first one I finding the person who ki||ed his mother. Yes, he knows it wasn’t Derek who ki||ed her. The second goal is to find that god d@mn girl who’s posing as thr_@t to his organization. Now the third and new goal is to make Sapphire his by all what it takes.
With a demonic look on his face, he drove into Santiago’s house and parked the car.
He got down the car and slammed the door closed before matching into the house.
“Dad!!!” He yelled.
Santiago thought to him with a brow ached.
“Why scream my name like a lunatic?” Santiago asked
“It’s your fault. You know how much I love that girl but still you refuse to make Derek divorce her now look! They’re falling for each other” Louis yelled in rage.
“What’s happening here” Raquel said while coming downstairs.
“Shut up woman!!” Louis snapped and looked back at Santiago.
“Look, calm down. I know what I’m doing, that girl is like a pawn which I’ll use to manipulate Derek when the Time comes.” Santiago said.
Louis laughed dryly…
“What of me? Listen, I don’t Care to know why you need to manipulate Derek but just know that I’m taking back Sapphire by all means and I don’t Care about your f-__-king plans” He said and walked upstairs.
Santiago sighed…
“That kid. He’s slowly turning to a monster” Santiago said.
“What’s happening?” Raquel asked.
“Nothing that serious” Santiago lied. Well Raquel knows nothing.
� Chi L�ve

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