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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ He’s heartless, she’s stubborn}
Episode 15
By Chidimma M.
Sapphire sat down on the couch as she pressed her phone. Derek went upstairs to change and it’s been 15 minutes she’s waiting for him.
“Come on, stop wasting time. You’re not a woman” Sapphire groaned.
“Quit nagging I’m coming” Derek said as he came downstairs. He was dressed in a sky blue T-shirt with some jeans and he put on a casket with some shades making him look completely different from his usual outfit.
“Wow, you look different” Sapphire said staring at him.
Derek looked at her and smirked.
“Just say I look cute instead of beating round the bush” He replied.
Sapphire rolled her eyes and walked out of the house. Derek followed behind.
“Ma’am, your car is ready” Emile said as he opened the car door for them.
Derek looked at him in suspicion…
“Who’s he?” He asked.
Sapphire turned to him. She explained what happened to her last night and hpw her life can probably be in danger right now. She also told him that it was her father who sent him to her.
“How come you never told me this earlier” Derek asked.
“I fell asleep before you came back. How was I supposed to let you know” Sapphire argued.
“Okay, fine. You can do wh@ťěver you want I don’t care” Derek said and entered the car.
“Why must he be so cold” Sapphire mumbled and entered too.
Emile closed the door and entered the driver’s seat before driving off to the prescribed destination.
? ? ? ?
“This place is so cool!!” Sapphire gushed as she looked round the area.
There were lots of activities going on. The big carousel, the spinning wheel, some men spitting fire from their mouth as some dribbled with fire sticks with many more activities.
Children were seen playing here and there running round the place while their parents watch them. Some adults were seen with their hands intertwined as the watched the fireworks.
“Omg, the fireworks!” Sapphire gushed as walked away in order to take a better view of the fireworks.
She stared at them with wide dreamy eyes as a smile crept up her lips.
Derek stood where he was as he watched her. His eyes traveled to the right and he was confused as to why the bodyguard was wiping off his tears.
Once the fireworks were done, Sapphire turned back to Derek and walked up to him.
“The last time I stepped foot in here was with my mother.” Derek said.
“Your mother? How come I’ve never heard nor seen her?” Sapphire asked.
It was followed by a short silence…
“She died” He replied.
“Oh sorry about that” Sapphire said.
“If you want we can go back home if you don’t feel comfortable staying here” Sapphire said.
“No, since we’re already here let’s move on” Derek said and began walking in…
Emile discreetly followed behind in case she was attacked by the enemies.
“Look! A fortune teller, let’s go!” Sapphire said and held Derek’s hand then pulled him towards a stand.
They stopped in front of the stand. All this while, Derek kept staring at his hand she held. Sapphire quickly released him and looked away.
“How may I help you?” An old woman spoke.
Sapphire threw some coins inside a box and took a seat.
“I want a tarot card reading” She said.
“Do you want me to tell you about your relationship or your future” The woman asked with a smile on her lips.
Sapphire looked at Derek and then back at the woman.
“Future” She replied.
The woman shuffle the cards and then cut it into three parts.
“Pick any three cards of your choice” The woman said.
Sapphire picked out three cards and gave it to the woman.
The woman turned the first card and smiled.
“The first card says you’ll love someone a kind of love you’ve never felt before and that love will give you strength to overcome any obstacles”
Sapphire frowned. Is it Louis??
The woman then turned the second card.
“This one says your life long dream will be accomplished” The woman said.
Sapphire smiled. What could that be?
A frown settled on the face of the woman as she saw the last card. She looked up at Sapphire.
“The last one screams danger. Alot of lives will be lost but the destiny relies in your hands. Are you ready to do the right thing?” The woman said.
That confused Sapphire and also scared her. What could that be? Whose life will be lost?
“Alright, thanks” She said and stood up then went away.
“Don’t tell me you believe what that woman said?” Derek asked.
“Well, I don’t know” She replied. She shrugged the thought off her mind.
“So where next shall we go?” Derek asked.
Sapphire thought for a while and then smiled as an idea came into her.
“Let’s go to the ghost train rider” She said.
They walked up to an area and paid the man for one round before entering and sitting down on the mini train that were decorated with scary designs.
The train began moving and at some point a skeleton will pop out of nowhere. Derek stared at it boringly while Sapphire screamed her lungs out.
“What’s the point of telling me to come here when all you’ll do is shatter my ear drum with your screams” Derek said.
“Uhm…” Derek said as he saw they were about to enter a dark alley. His mind went to her phobia.
He pulled her closer to him and then closed her eyes with his palm before she could notice where they are going.
“Derek, what are you..” Sapphire said as she was caught by surprise.
“Just stay still will you?”Derek said as they entered the dark alley.
Sapphire stayed still. She felt kinda safe being in his arms and his cologne was really soothing to her.
Once the train finished passing through the dark alley, he opened her eyes and released her.
Sapphire shifted away from him and what followed was an awkward silence.
“Tell me what do you usually see when you’re in your phobia state?” Derek asked.
Sapphire thought for a while trying to remember what it was.
“Well I can’t remember clearly but all I know is that when I’m in a dark area, I feel suffocated like that walls were closing up on me. Equally, some strange memories keeps coming. All I can remember is that it’s really painful” Sapphire said.
Derek looked at her as she explained. This is the first time he’s seeing someone having that kind of problem.
The train stopped and Derek got down the mini train. He lend his hand to Sapphire who took and he helped her get down.
“Also, I’m suffering from memory lost” Sapphire said as they began walking.
“For real?” Derek said and she nodded.
“My parents adopted me when I 5 or 6. They said I knew nothing. My name, my family, I knew nothing of them. Its them who gave me the name Sapphire due to my blue eyes and since then they’re the only family I know” Sapphire said.
“That must have been harsh” Derek said.
“We have almost similar background” Derek said.
They saw a bench and then sat down on it.
“I was around 9 back then when it happened. We were me, my mom, dad and Louis. I always loved staying my mother. One day I went out to see she was dead, stabbed by a knife. Since I was the only one there with her, I was blamed for her murder. I lost my mom, lost my friends and I grew up to be a lone wolf ” Derek narrated. Sadness could be felt in his tone even though he masks his feelings.
Sapphire felt pity for him. It must be really hard going through a lot of such things.
“Sorry about that” She said.
“I’m used to this life” Derek replied.
What followed was silence. And idea came into Sapphire inorder to change the atmosphere.
“Let’s go get some ice cream?” Sapphire said and stood up then went to get some ice cream.
“Which flavor do you want?” Sapphire said to Derek who was sitting on the bench.
“Chocolate” He said.
She bought two ice cream and handed one to Derek and sat down beside him as she ate hers.
“Strawberry was my mother’s favorite flavor” Derek said as he saw Sapphire licking on the strawberry ice cream.
“I love strawberries too” Sapphire replied.
He smiled shortly then began eating his. Sapphire froze… Did he just smile? The almighty Derek smiled?!
“You should smile more often” Sapphire said. Derek looked at her and then smiled secretly before concentrating back on his cone.
Emile smiled where he stood.
That’s perfect. I pray you fall for each other. He’ll better protect you than I ever could have done Emile thought.
His gaze traveled and then landed on someone. It was Louis… He was standing at a safe distance as he stared at Derek and Sapphire. Sadness could be seen on his face as he turned and walked away.
“Let’s go home” Derek said.
“Wanna stay longer” Sapphire whined and pouted.
“I’m getting sick of this place. It’s almost 5pm. Let’s go home” Derek said.
“No. Your house is so boring” She said firmly and crossed her hand.
Derek sighed and stood up. He walked away and entered the car. Emile entered too.
“Start the car” He ordered and Emile complied. The car began driving off.
“Hey, wait for me!!!” Sapphire screamed and began running after the car.
The car stopped and Sapphire caught up with it while breathing heavily. Derek opened the car and smirked at her.
“Thought you said you’ll stay little longer” Derek said mockingly.
Sapphire glared at him before entering the car. The car began driving off…

� Chi L�ve

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