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Friday, October 18, 2024
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{ He’s heartless, she’s stubborn}
Episode 11
By Chidimma M.
Derek looked at the both of them, awaiting for an explanation. What is Louis doing here and why do they have shocked looks on their faces?
“Do you two know each other?” Derek asked.
“Yeah” Louis replied while looking at Sapphire.
He looked back at Derek.
“I came here to spend some time with you but it seems like you’re busy” Louis said while looking at Sapphire.
Derek sighed…
“Yeah, I’m kinda busy. Miss could you please leave us alone?” Derek said referring to Sapphire.
Sapphire looked at the two of them and then walked away. She began pacing to and fro in panic. What is Louis doing here? Upon all the men in this world, she had to get married to Louis’s brother! What kind of mess did she get herself into.
“Louis….” She said sadly as she now began realizing how much she misses him.
“Tell me brother, what do you have with that girl. I saw the way you two looked at each other” Derek said and sat down.
Louis sat down too. It was followed by some minutes of silence…
“She’s my ex” Louis said.
That really caught Derek by surprise. He was expecting something like they had one night stand or something but that they were in a relationship?!
“I see…” Derek said.
“She broke up with me just yesterday with the pretext that she’s getting married today. I tried looking for means to contact her but all attempts where in vain. Never knew you were the one she was getting married to.” Louis said.
That made Derek feel a little bit guilty. Well that’s really not a good thing to experience. He knows that because he felt the same way when Raquel got married to his father.
“Listen, it was dad who forced me to get married to her. I had nothing to do with this arranged marriage.” Derek said.
“Okay” Louis replied coldly…
He understands that it wasn’t Derek’s fault but still he still feels angry and hurt about it.
“Need to go right now” Louis said and stood up.
“Sure, take care bro” Derek said and hugged him.
“Thanks, you too” He replied and smiled faintly before walking out of the house.
Derek turned to go upstairs but stopped as he saw his so called wife standing at the stairs. They both stared at each other with no one talking.
Derek was completely gobsmacked with the fact that he got married to his brother’s lover. Sapphire was shocked that she got married to her lover’s brother. What a small world!
Without a word, Derek began climbing upstairs. He walked pass her and then went upstairs. Sapphire turned back and looked at him as he walked into his room.
She sighed and went to her room too. She went and took a bath then wore her nightie that ended at the middle of her thigh. She let her hair flow freely down to her waist before going to bed and then drifting off to sleep.
Sapphire groaned and mumbled some inaudible words as the alarm was ringing loudly. She picked it up and looked at it….
It was 6am and today is Wednesday. She had some work to go to work today.
She got down the bed, feeling a little bit more better. Sapphire dragged her feet to the bathroom while yawning loudly.
She brushed her teeth and also took her bath then wore a shirt with some jeans. Today, she decided to allow her hair flow freely.
Once done, she picked up her bag and went downstairs. Her stomach grumbled as she felt really hungry. Come to think of it, she literally ate nothing yesterday.
Sapphire walked into the kitchen and saw the maids cooking. She wanted to have some chicken salad, her favorite food.
“Good morning ma’am” The Maids greeted. Till now, they don’t know who she is but they kept acting like they know. None of them knows she’s Derek’s wife.
“Thanks, you guys can leave. I’ll make breakfast on my own” Sapphire said.
“But ma’am, its our…”
“I know it very well. I just want to make this breakfast on my own please?” She said and smiled.
“Okay” They chorused and walked out of the kitchen to attend to other things.
Sapphire began making herself some breakfast.
Derek on the other hand descended the stairs while buttoning his shirt. He was heading to the kitchen in order to tell the maids what he wanted to eat this morning.
He walked into the kitchen and saw her cooking.
“What are you doing here?” He said.
Sapphire turned to him and rolled her eyes. She doesn’t know why but his face is really annoying to her.
“I’m playing football…” She replied sarcastically.
“Don’t you see I’m cooking” She said and turned back to her cooking.
Derek was surprised. This is the first time a lady has talked back to him talk less of being rude to him..
Sapphire turned back to him…
“You wanna eat?” She said.
Derek smirked…
“No thank you. Anything that was cooked by you makes me sick” He replied.
That got Sapphire angry but she smiled…
“Okay” She replied while smiling. Derek looked at her suspiciously. He turned back and went to the dining room then took his seat.
Minutes later, the food was ready. Sapphire served herself the food and took it to the dining room. She sat down opposite him and began eating.
Derek looked at the food. It was really appetizing and he was really hungry. That made his salivate.
Sapphire chewed on her food while smiling. It was really good!
“Where’s my food?” Derek finally asked.
Sapphire continued eating her food till she was done. She then looked up at him.
“Which food? I only cooked for myself. Thought you said my food makes you sick so I didn’t cook yours in order not to make you sick. I relieved the workers from their duty today so no one is there to cook breakfast for you apart from me and since my food makes you sick then I guess you’ll go to work hungry” Sapphire said and stood up.
Derek looked at her in disbelief. If someone told her that this girl was very rude and mouthy then he could have refused but seeing her now…He’s beginning to think twice.
“Have to go to work now. Good bye my dear husband” She said and picked up her bag then walked out of the house.
Derek looked at her as she walked away. He still doesn’t know what to say to her.
I’ll get back at you stupid woman. And I’ll make sure to humiliate you He said inwardly and walked out of the house in anger. No one has dared disrespected him like that.
The cab stopped and Sapphire got down the car and mumbled a thank you to the driver before paying him.
She turned and made to enter the hospital but stopped as she saw Louis waiting for her in front of the hospital.
Louis turned and walked up to her. His face looked so dull. Well last night he couldn’t sleep due to what he heard.
Louis got back to his house after he went to visit Derek and then heard the devastating news he’s heard for a long time.
He walked into his house and saw Santiago sitting in the living room with Raquel while playing their lovey dovey.
Well Louis lives with his father and his wife. It’s Derek who decided to leave the house for the reason best known to everyone.
“Louis, you’re back!” He called happily as he puffed out smoke from the cigarette he was smoking.
“Yeah” He replied coldly.
Santiago turned to him. Louis was really cold and grumpy this evening.
“What’s wrong son? You’re really cold and distant. Are you sick or something?” Santiago asked.
“Do you expect me to feel better or happy when in find out that my ex is married to my brother. She broke up with me for Derek!” Louis said almost yelling.
Santiago was surprised. He never knew the girl was Louis girlfriend. If he knew then he wouldn’t have done what he did.
“I really did not know” Santiago said.
Louis hissed and went upstairs in anger. He opened a bottle of wine and drank away his sorrows.
_End of flashback_
Sapphire looked at Louis. She really wanted to forget about him but her heart doesn’t want to. Each time she sees him, she is reminded of all the beautiful moments they spent together and that really hurts so bad!
“Louis….” Sapphire called.
“Tell me Sapphire. Why did you do this to me? If you loved my brother you could Have told me instead of stabbing me in the Back” Louis said. Pain could me felt in his voice.
“No that’s not what happened” Sapphire said.
She began narrating all what transpired. How her father and announced her marriage to Derek and all what happened.
Louis was just gobsmacked. So it’s his father’s fault.
“But you should have told me” Louis said.
Sapphire fought back her tears.
“Do you really think it’s easy breaking up with the one I love so much? Talkless of standing there and explaining how they forced me to do something I don’t want to do? It hurts!” Sapphire said and almost screamed while saying the end.
Louis kinda felt pity for her. It really isn’t good.
“All I want right now is some space. I just want to get over it as soon as possible. Maybe this is just how unlucky I am. Excuse me” Sapphire said and made to walk pass him but Louis held her arm.
He turned to her and cupped her cheek.
“Tell me, do you still love me like before?” Louis asked.
Sapphire though for a while and then nodded as a drop of tear fell from her eyes. Louis found himself leaning closer…
As their lips where about to meet, Sapphire pushed him away and ran into the hospital.
Louis sighed in sadness…

� Chi L�ve

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