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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BETROTHED TO A SEX FREAK – Episode 62 & 63

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A S£x
{his heartbeat}


Chapter 62&63

By, Annie B.


Shares. trust me lovelies it won’t hurt you ?


<‼️‼️Chapter not throughly edited beware of error ‼️>

<Backfired >

Colleen first squeezed her face as if he wasn’t seeing well, She took a step down in other to take a look at the soul in-front of her, is she dreaming? She pitching her cheek to confirm if she was dreaming or she was seeing the reality, her heart raised more then normal as she glared at his one and only son “Francisco”She called hot tears streaming down her cheek

“Mum”Fransisco repeated tears rolling down his cheeks

Vera walk to him and held his both cheeks with her hand his tears passing by her fingers “are you really Fransisco….are you my son?” Vera asked with her voice trembling

Fransisco nodded his head and pulled Colleen into his warm chest, he wrapped his hand on her back hugging her tightly as if hugging his girlfriend,his joy was no limit, the burden of not been able to see her mum for a century just broke

Vera returned the hug and weep on his chest since Fransisco was more taller then her, her head was only resting on his chest “I miss you my son”Vera said and Fransisco nodded his head

“I miss you too mum, I really do” Fransisco replied

Mary only stay on a sport trying to read the room but everything wasn’t cleared it’s just like a blurry illusion to her

Colleen broke the hug and held Fransisco both arms”why don’t you come in”she said and Fransisco nodded his head in agreement


They all sat on the ground a wooden table was placed in the middle

Colleen never let go of Fransisco hand, she held him firmly as if he would run away any moment

Justin also was with them, hearing a story to the half wasn’t his thing so he promise to stay and heard the whole story

Mary was already dying cos of curiosity so she cleared her throat gently and opened her mouth “mum…what’s happening”

Colleen stared at mary then laugh, if only she knew her one and only brother was the one seating infront of her “This is Fransisco, my beloved son… your older brother” Colleen said and directed her gaze back to Fransisco “Fransisco… this is your sister”Colleen added

Fransisco and Mary magnet there eyes together trying to read each other motion, tears has already slipped Down mary eye, if she could understand what Colleen just said, his brother was the one setting right infront of her, the man that save her just some weeks ago, she swallowed her tears and cleaned the tears in her cheek” brother” she called with her tiny voice which is hardly heard in the room

“Huh” Fransisco said then direct his gaze back to Colleen “mum…how come? When did you have her?” Fransisco asked and Colleen smile

“I gave birth to her when I left your father…honestly I never knew I was pregnant when I was with your father, it’s when I left him I knew that and I don’t know how to tell him since he was badly angry at me”Colleen explained

“Don’t you like me?…have been waiting for this day”Mary said cos now the look Fransisco was giving her look as if he was irritated by her sight

“No…I’m happy to have you”Fransisco said then used his right hand to pushed her for a hug

He hug her tightly inhaling her body spray, Mary smiled and returned the hug by wrapping Her hands on his back

They hug like two minutes, the intension of breaking the hug was not planned for them but Justin cleared his throat which made them to break the hug

Fransisco free mary and face Justin, he throw him a died look before facing Colleen “mum…but what cos the fight between you and dad…I mean he never explain anything to me” he said

Colleen expression changed immediately, she stared at the ground sadly as the memory of years ago flew on her head

Fransisco noticed her and he gently held her hand “mum”he called and Colleen looked up

Colleen breath down heavily and face mary before directing her gaze back to Fransisco “your father accuse me of sleeping with his friend”Colleen said and Fransisco open his mouth in awe

“But why?….he f-__-king have another wife too, so why the hell did he want to take control over you….I h@ťě him for that…I h@ťě him”Fransisco said angrily clinching his top and lower lips together

“What did you mean by he has another wife”Colleen asked trying to get What Fransisco said

“But knew her,she has been living with us before your break up with dad”Fransisco replied

“Did you mean Elizabeth?”Colleen asked and Fransisco nodded his head

Colleen smile and tap Fransisco shoulder twice “your dad wasn’t in relationship with Elizabeth…she just help her…I don’t know how to put this…but Whitney and Elizabeth never have anything together”she said and Fransisco looked shocked

“What did you mean by that?” Fransisco asked

“I mean…Elizabeth was just an innocent who badly need help and your father has a soft heart his heart got melted easily, When Elizabeth told him about her life style your father decided to help her and he told me before he took the action and I accept since Elizabeth was also a good lady, the news of your father dating Elizabeth was only rumors, your father purposely don’t tell you cos if he tell you…you might decided to Tell the reporter which might later ruined his plan”Colleen explained

Fransisco slowly turned his head to Colleen,he expand his eyes and then open his mouth “what you’re trying to tell me is that, that woman never have anything to do with My dad”Fransisco asked again and Colleen nodded her head

Fransisco rubbed his hand on his forehead as if he was regretting something”have really gone to far”He murmured

“What did you mean by that?”Colleen asked and Fransisco shrugged his shoulder “mum I miss you”Fransisco said and Colleen smile

“You don’t miss me”Mary said and Fransisco face her

“I miss you too cutie”Francisco smile and pulled mary into another tight hug

Justin cleared his close signifying he was still on seat

Fransisco break the hug and stared at him” what are you still doing here?” Fransisco asked and Justin shifted his @zz as if he was scared

“Huh”Justin said and picked his school bag ready to leave

“Don’t be mad”Colleen said to Fransisco before directing her face back to Justin “wait for Dinner”Colleen said and Justin nodded his happily

“Thank you mother in-la….”Justin swallowed his remain word

Mary stared at his doting boyfriend and smile softly


Isabella was seating beside Eleanor while Ava was seating beside Everrett

They’re all watching movie inside the sitting-room

Ava mind wasn’t on the screen at all,her mind was filled with her mum thought cos since she arrived at The trip Elizabeth haven’t come home

She started feeling restless but she was trying her best not to make it obvious

Soon they all heard the creak of the door and they directed there attention toward the door

Elizabeth opened the door with her eyes soaked with tears

Ever since she left Vera shop she was just driving around, she can’t just wrapped her head off her daughter

She just wish she will forgive her and accept her as her mother

Ava feel like jumping on her feet but she stay stool, staring at the face that gave birth to her

Elizabeth saw Ava and her mood brighten up a little bit at least she still have a daughter that remember her

Isabella squeezed her face trying to recall Elizabeth face but she couldn’t remember her from any where

She directed her gaze to Eleanor and Everrett and she could read there conflict face”dad,mum…who is she?”Isabella asked but no one reply her

Elizabeth walk to Ava and kneel infront of her,she held her cheek and stared straight into her eyes “my daughter”she called tears sipping down her cheek

“Who is this” Ava said pretending not to remember who Elizabeth was, she face Everrett “dad who is this”She added then face Eleanor “mum…who is this madam”

Elizabeth wanted to burst out laughing cos she could feel Ava was pulling Eleanor and Everrett leg “Ava..I’m your mum”Elizabeth said playing along with Ava

Everrett stood up and walk to them, he pulled Elizabeth away from Ava and held Ava hand “don’t touch my daughter”he said and Ava nearly throw up

“I told you before that I will make you cry” Eleanor said thinking Ava didn’t remember Elizabeth

“Mum”Isabella shouted shocking everyone “can you explain what’s going on” she added

“My adorable princess you don’t have to stress yourself” Eleanor said gently and Ava smile

“Let go of me”Ava said and yank Everett hand away, she walk closer to Isabella and landed her a dirty slap, shocking everyone again Isabella hold her red cheek and stood up in other to slap Ava back but Ava was to quick to held her hand ,Ava smile and throw her hand away and face Eleanor “old dame can you at least act like a real woman”Ava said and turned back to her mum

She count her step toward Elizabeth and pulled her into a tight hug “I miss you mum” Ava muttered

Eleanor and Everett widen there eyes trying to understand what’s happening

Everrett legs got weaken and he gently rest her back on the couch

“I miss you too my baby” Elizabeth replied stroking Ava hair to the back, she inhaled her body spray and it satisfied her want

They heard a knock on the door and they both departed the hug” I think they are here”Elizabeth said and went to open the door

Sergeant cole entered with his man behind him

Sergeant cole face Elizabeth and smile at Her and Elizabeth reply with a bowed

“Mr and Mrs Everett you’re under arrest for Murder, I will advice you to keep mute until you get to the station”Sergeant Cole said and signify his man to arrest them

“What did you mean by that”Eleanor said with a shaking voice

“What audacity do you have to barge in to my house and said all those gibberish…show me your warrant”Everett blunted

Sergeant cole smile and bring out a white paper which contain a typing, he showed it To Everrett for a second and wrapped it back inside his pocket

“Handcuff him”He commanded and his man quickly run to Everett and Eleanor and place the Handcuff on there hand

“Mum,dad…what’s happening..why are they putting that thing in your hand…can you explain…please just tell me something” Isabella yell out tears slipping down her cheek

“Stop shouting girl…you will soon join them”Ava said folding her hand on her chest

“What did you mean by that” Eleanor asked but Ava wasn’t answering her rather she smile

“Take them out”Sergeant Cole instructed and his man followed his command by pushing Eleanor and Everrett out

“Don’t miss your daughter too much, she will soon join you… I just wish they put her in same detention with you”Ava said waving her hand

The police pushed Everrett and Eleanor out and closed the door violently

“Ava…did you scheme this with this d@mn woman” Isabella said moving close to Ava

“d@mn?”Ava said angrily she tried to slap her again but Elizabeth stoped her by holding her hand

For some reason she feel sad for Isabella for having a bad parent like Everrett and Eleanor, she take a step closer to Her and pet her shoulder “I’m sorry “Elizabeth said and Ava hiss inwardly

“Don’t be sorry mum,she is a sniper like Her parent”Ava said and her phone beep, she checked the message and A smile curve her mouth “ I think they are here for you”Ava said and walk to the door

She opened the door, Alice and Wesley came in with three officer

The one who seems like there leader walk forward and bring out a paper which look like a warrant “Isabella Everrett you’re under arrest for assault, we’re arresting you with a warrant” the officer said and signal to the two officer to arrest Isabella

“What are you talking about? I never assault anyone…leave my hand”Isabella scream as the officer Handcuffed her two hand

“Ava I will ki|| you with my two hand”Isabella lament as the Officer dragged her out of the room

“Shut up fool”Ava teased and face Wesley and Alice “I guess you both can now have peace of mind”Ava said and Alice smile

“Thank you Ava I really appreciate”Wesley said and Ava nodded her head

“We will be on our way then”Wesley said and held Alice arms before dragging her out of the house

“Mum let make up tonight”Ava said and dragged Elizabeth to her room


Wesley and Alice was walking down the street since they followed the police car when they’re coming and the police has already left so they have to trek to the junction in other to grabbed a taxi

A grave silent invade between them as they count there legs fastly cos the weather has changed signifying rain will fall any moment

Just like they were thinking, the rain started falling heavily

Alice quickly bring out the small Umbrella from her bag and spread it, she gave it to Wesley to hold since he was far taller then her

Wesley collected the umbrella and they began there journey again

The silent between them was becoming more awkwardly so Wesley decided to break it

“Alice”Wesley called slowly and Alice raised her head up to stared at him

“Yes”She reply still staring at his handsome face, Wesley look down and there eyes met, Alice quickly blinked her eyes and stared at the ground

“I’m sorry”Wesley said but Alice wasn’t understanding the reason why he was sorry

“Why are you sorry?”She asked and Wesley cleared his throat

“I don’t know… but I’m just sorry for everything have cause you”He said

“You don’t have to be sorry.. you’re only saying the truth… I’m just a random girl so I’m not expecting much from a gracious man like you”Alice said with a fake smile, deep down she truly have something for Wesley but she knew nothing good will come from it since Wesley only have hatred toward her

Wesley stop walking which made Alice also to stop moving her legs “what happened?”Alice asked staring at Wesley face

“Everything I said that night…in Korea… I don’t mean it” Wesley said with love sympathy draw on his

“Why are you bringing up that matter, have already forget about it”Alice said awkwardly

“I know it’s still hurting you but I really don’t mean it rather I mean the opposite”Wesley said and Alice looked shocked

“What did you mean?”Alice question

“I mean… I will like to spend each of my time with you”Wesley said but Alice wasn’t getting it straight

“I really don’t know what you’re trying to pull out”Alice said her cheek tuning into rosy pink

“I mean..”Wesley said and take a step closer to her “I mean can we.. can we…. Can we date..”he said and Alice hear became blurry

She blinked her eyes thrice before she could open her mouth to talk “Date?”She called again and Wesley nodded his head “Like I don’t get” She added

“Should I explain it in action probably you may quickly understand?”Wesley said and Alice became breathless

Wesley dropped the umbrella slowly allowing the heavy rain to wet there body

The umbrella landed at The floor right in Alice back

Wesley grabbed her tiny waist and dragged her more closer “I love you”Wesley said before landing his lips on her


The anniversary hall was filled with A lot of people wearing only black outfit

Mason was the happiest man on earth, his dream of luring his only son to her wife anniversary just come to past

Everytime he will still a glance at Hudson who was seating beside Penelope, he will smile in satisfactory with the thought of his new son behavior

Nowadays he never read any articles about his son being a Casanova and that only made his life more lighten

Soon the ceremony was over and everyone was already standing beside his or her car ready to leave the event

Jameson also followed Skyler and he was really happy to be there cos he will get to see her one and only loving and caring sister

Skyler run to Jameson and held his hand”let go”she said and Jameson laugh

They both walk outside

Immediately Skyler eyes landed on Hudson, he leave Jameson hand and run to Hudson whose back was resting on his car probably he was waiting for Penelope who just went inside the bathroom

Skyler run to Hudson and hug him wrapping her tiny hand on her back

Hudson smile and hug his little cute sister

Jameson squeezed his face as if he wasn’t satisfy with the way Hudson and Skyler are hugging each other

Penelope arrived at the scene and was surprised to see the lovely brother and sister hugging each other so tightly

“Sister”Jameson shouted from where he was standing and run To Penelope

“Oh..Jameson”Penelope called happily

Hudson and Skyler break the hug and stared at Penelope and Jameson who are Now hugging each other

Hudson felt a little bit jealous cos Jameson was squeezing Penelope to himself as if she will run away if he leave her

They shared a passionate hug for like two minute without breaking it which is already ki||ing Hudson inwardly So he intend to break the hug

He held Jameson hand and pushed him away from Penelope

“What are you doing”Jameson asked glaring at Hudson

“Did you want to choke her..can’t you see she find it hard to breath cos of your squeezing”Hudson said blinking his eyes

“But you also hug your sister and I didn’t say a thing so why won’t you allow me to hug my sister”Jameson said and pouted his lower lips out

Penelope stared at Jameson then directed her eyes to Hudson “wait…what’s happening? Penelope questions with a confusing look

Skyler cliche her teeth playfully and shook her head”can’t you see they’re jealous of each other”Skyler said and Hudson turned his head to her

“Why is he jealous?…wait are you two a thing?”Hudson asked with a questioning

“What thing”Jameson said

Hudson was about saying more but Mason arrival stop him

“I guess you’re all having a family meeting” Mason laugh and they all face him “why don’t you continue the conversation at home?”Mason added and face Hudson “today is your birthday..why don’t you celebrate it at my place have already prepared everything”Mason finished his statement

Hudson squeezed his face and wiggle his head in denied “I don’t think we will be joining you cos our classmates are coming to celebrate with us”Hudson said and dragged Penelope by her shoulder moving her closer to himself

“We can just tell them that the location is changed”Penelope said, she knew what her dear husband was up too, he just wanted to spend the whole day being alone with her

“Can we really do that”Hudson said giving Penelope a look

Penelope ignored his look and nodded her head “yes we can really do it”



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