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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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BETROTHED TO A SEX FREAK – Episode 36 & 37

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A S£x
{his heartbeat}


Chapter 36&37

By, Annie B.


Shares. trust me lovelies it won’t hurt you ?


{Sadden moment}

“Tommy” Penelope and Laura exclaimed at same time
Penelope and Laura exchanged a meaningful glance

If they could still see well,Tommy is the one right in-front of them as there new lecturer

How could they hired a man like him as a new lecturer what will became of the school

“Good morning beautiful and Handsome maiden in Princeton college” Tommy voice echoed in the whole building as he spewed out gently

The whole Hall Roared again,They kept complemented him

Some girls were already crushing on him

Ava glared h@ťěfully at him from where she was sitting

She stood up and counted her step to the front,she folded her hands on her chest and throw Tommy a died glared before storming out of the Hall

Tommy also was staring at her a wide smile draw on his lips

Penelope used her eyes to traced Ava until she was out of sight

She badly wanna have a conversation with her but how will she start ?

Laura snapped her finger close to Penelope face which made her startled

She quickly face Laura and blinked her eyes

“Why are you staring at her like that”Laura asked

Penelope narrowed her eyes as if she was thinking about something

Maybe she should tell Laura about what Hudson told her or not

“It’s good to be a lecturer in this glamorous school” Tommy voice spewed again which make all his crusher cheek turned red

“As you all know am here this morning to give you guys a guild line of how to behave when we embark on our journey tomorrow”Tommy said using his eyes to searched the whole hall until his eyes landed on Penelope

He let out a smirk and magnets his eyes on her before continued his speech “We’re going to a country which non of us understand there language so it will be nice if we can all behave our self and followed all the rule am going to apply now” He said and bring out a jotter “the flight will be taken off as early as 7am tomorrow morning, that’s why we don’t fix any lecture today so you guys will be able to go prepare, the journey is 13hours 35 minutes I hope you get prepared for that, Our main goal for traveling to the country is to explore the whole Seoul…….”

Soon Tommy was done with his long narrative and excused him self

The student started murmuring in between them self

Ava stayed in empty class puffing out the smoke in her hand

Tommy of all people she prayed never to meet again

Ever since the day he told him she was carrying his baby they never got the chance to exchange conversation

Even tho the reply he gave her the day she told him about the pregnancy is still eating her up

Everything seem suffocated and exhausted

The more she remembered she was carrying a baby right now the more tears escaped her eyes

“Stop smoking it will affect your baby” Axel said from the back

He trot to her and snatched the cigarette away from her smashing it on the floor

Ava stared at him and more tears kept escaping her eyes

The only person she have right now was only the soul in front of her

He was the only one that cared about her,Even tho he knew about her disgusting behavior he still stand beside her

“How many time do I have to tell you that smoking is not good for you and your baby it will cos harm”Axel scolded wiping the tears in her eyes with his hand

Ava sniffed in back her tears and let out a smiled “I thought you said you will vacate school today so what happened”

“I just change my mind and beside if i am not here this is how you will be smoking and crying like a baby” Axel snapped

Ava smile widely and nodded her head “I can’t just get everything straight” she said sadly

“It’s okay everything will be alright” Axel consoled and pulled her into a tight hug

“Is there any improvement between you and Laura” she asked breaking the hug slowly

Axel shook his head telling her no

“I told you to give our relationship a distance she won’t come close to you if she knew we’re friend” Ava said and Axel look into her eyes

“ I can’t just help it” he said

“I know you truly like her” Ava said

“I’m too transparent”Axel smirk

“I can read you from far” Ava reply

“I will try my best” he smiled

“Do your best”she giggled

“Ava is pregnant for Tommy”Laura gushed out surprisedly

She happen to be passing by and Saw Axel entering the empty class

She followed him behind and listen to all the conversation between Axel and Ava

She quickly took to her heel so they won’t notice her presence

Golden oaks high*

“Your talent show result will be out tomorrow….the agency will sign some student who are worthy to debuted according to there talent, don’t be sad if your name is not among them..just know there is different time for people to be shine and your time will never strive beside you, so have hope and work hard” mr James made his statement

He just finished marking there register

“Your test result Is out if I call your name just come out for your script”He said and started calling out there name

Elena was in school today but there was cold between her and Skyler

They both never wave hi to each other since morning

Noah also was on site his gaze on Skyler a devil smirk drawing on his mouth every second

Mr James called out Jameson name and he went for his script, immediately he checked it a wide smile draw on his lips

He got full marks and that seems to be a happy thing for him

Skyler got her own script and was shocked when she saw 43 over 50

This will be the first time she will got a lowest score

Mary got 15 over 50

She stared at the script and a tears escaped her eyes

She angrily folded the script and throw it inside her school bag

Noah got 46 thanks to Skyler

He tapped the script twice and smiled

Soon mr James was done with his class and he left

Immediately he left Noah stood up and move to Skyler

He tap her table making her to tremble “baby I miss you” he said caressing her cheek

Skyler was staring into a space, tears filed her eyes and sadness was written on her face

Jameson was already boiling up with anger

Just seeing Jameson caressing Skyler cheek made his whole system to scarred

“What did you think you’re doing?” Skyler said coldly even tho she has no power to fight for her self right now cos she knew how crazy Noah could be when angry

“What did you think am doing? Caressing my babe’s body cos I miss it…. “ he said and take a soft breath “I can’t wait to taste your tight Pů$$¥ again” he added which made all the students to gasp

?they f-__-k already

?she is too cheap

?p@zzy distributor

The student kept saying bad stuff about her which made tears tread down her eyes

Jameson can’t take it anymore

He stood and move close to Noah landing him a heavy punch on his mouth

Noah landed on the floor and his lips was already pumping blood

“What the f-__-k” someone exclaimed loudly

Mary was only looking like a fool

Noah tried to stand up but kept falling down the punch seems to hit him hard

Jameson stared at Skyler one more time before dragging her out of the class

The whole class turn toward them and escort them with there eyes


Skyler rested her head on Jameson chest crying as much as he want while he was stroking her hair to the back gently

This will be the second time she will be crying on his chest and she felt so humiliated

She cried all she want and raised her head up staring straight into his eyes

She break the hug and move a step back “I’m sorry” she said

“It’s okay” Jameson replied and turn back to leave but Skyler held him back

“Why did you help me” she asked still holding his hand

Jameson turn back slowly “because we’re friend“He said and Skyler smile

“It’s good to have you around”Skyler said and he nodded his head

“Are you free tonight?” Skyler asked and Jameson gave her a questioning look “I don’t know maybe we can hang out” she added

“Will be kinda busy tonight in shop” Jameson said

“ i can come over right?” She smiled

“If you wish” he said and turn back to leave but stopped when he saw Mary passing by

Ever since the day they both have misunderstandings they haven’t talk to each other

Mary look at his side and smile

“Hi”she waved to him

Jameson run to him leavings Skyler alone

Skyler bite her lower lips watching Jameson running to mary hurt her she turn back and run away

“How are you doing”Jameson ask happily when he got to her

“Am good and you” mary replied holding Justin jacket to herself

She didn’t got the chance to return the jacket yesterday so she planned to return it today

“About that day…am sorry for talking rashly”Jameson said and she smile

“It’s okay I understand” she said and Jameson smiled

“Where are you heading to?” He asked staring at the jacket in her hand

“Wanna return this to the owner” she said raising the jacket up

“Ohhh…okay” he said and she nodded her head

“Will see later in class”she said

“Mary” Justin call from the front and mary raised her head up to see him waving at her

A broadly smile escaped her mouth and she slowly face Jameson “bye for now” she said and trot to Justin

Jameson stared at her back and shook his head”she replace me already”he chuckled and left

Mary walked to Justin she greeted him but rather Justin pulled her in to a warm hug, he hugged her for more then a minute before breaking the hug

Mary blinked her eyes repeatedly not understanding what he was up to

“You didn’t later show up yesterday” Justin said with a wide smile

Mary awkwardly nodded her head feeling shy already “something came up”she said and spread her hand to give him the jacket “am here to give you this” she said

Justin stared at the jacket, if he collected the jacket from her now he won’t have a excuse to give in other to meet her again “can you bring it later am busy practicing right now”he lied

“You can just keep it inside class when you’re done then you went for it” mary said

That lie seems not to be strong enough”the weather is too cold…just wore it you can return it later” Justin said and collected the jacket from her, he spread it and wore it for her

“Maincore bar I will be there by 8pm you can return it by then” he smirk and run off not waiting for her to say a word

Mary stared at him trying to understand what he was trying to do “why do I feel like he wanted to see me again “ she smiled and hug the jacket more tightly to her self before leaving the place

“Maincore bar 8pm” Lisa smirk from her hidden place

“I guess Alice is not in need of a visitor” Penelope groan out tiredly

They planned to visit her but non of them know her house only Lolly knows her place and she was no where to be found

Laura was only looking like a fool her mind wasn’t near

She lost in thought about what she heard earlier

If she could still remember Ava is pregnant and Tommy was responsible for it

And the psycho she met at the party also like her for real

But all seems to be darkness

A love at first sight. Is that even possible ?

Penelope study her face and she noticed she wasn’t near she tap her shoulder and she startled
“What are you thinking”she asked her hand on her shoulder

“Nothing”Laura snapped

“Penelope”Fransisco called from the back

Penelope look at him and gave him a questioning face”yes” she said

“Can we meet up tonight…I want to tell you something”Francisco asked if nothing stop him tonight he will definitely tell Penelope about how he felt

Penelope awkwardly shook her head “yes hope everything is good?” She said and he nodded his head

“Okay I will go first” he said and trot to his car driving away instantly

Penelope direct her gaze back to Laura who was still standing with no expression on her face “Are you going to stand there till daylight” she slapped her @zz

“Ohhh let go”Laura said walking to where she parked her car

Penelope followed her but stopped when her phone rang

She looked at the screen the call was from no caller Id

She swapped the green button and put it on her left ear

“Been a while”the caller said

The voice sounds familiar but she can’t recognize who owns the voice “please who is this”she requested

“It’s your father in-law,Mason” the voice said and a gasp escape her mouth

She removed the phone from her ear and checked the number before putting it on her ear again”how are you doing sir” she asked

“Been good…can you give me an hour of your time?…I have something to discuss with you”Mason said


Alice checked her swollen face on the mirror in-front of her

Her eyes has been expanded due to the endless crying

She has locked her self up for the past three days and no one seems to notice

She was an orphan who was managing and securing her future with part time job

The screen of her sleeping with Wesley kept displaying on her head

The way he th-ru_sted deeper inside her,the pain she felt then, her past life and even her present life mix together giving her a sleepless night

She cleaned her eyes and stood up moving to her closet

She bring out a skimpy gown dropping it on the bed

She walk to her wardrobe and bring out her make up box

She went to the bathroom and take a shower within five minute she was done

She cleaned her self up and wore her underwear putting on the skimpy gown

She apply some heavy make up on her face and put on a long earring

She checked her self up in the mirror and a sad smile escaped her mouth

“Let me just waist my self since no one care” she said and walked to the bed bringing up her pouch she checked inside and a satisfactory smile escaped her mouth

She has enough money to spend tonight since she collected her salary four days ago

She walk to the express and grabbed a taxi

The taxi man drove for a view minutes before he reach where she call for him

Alice payed and find her way inside the club

The club was so busy a lot of people dancing to the rhythm of the music while some where only sitting down

The colored light taken turn after each other make the vibe to be more crazy

She walk to the stool in front of the bar man

She sat down dropping her pouch

She took one of the alcohol cup and gulp it down

“That is… “

“I will pay for it” the man tried to talk but she cut him up

“One whiskey please” she said and the bar man nodded his head

The bar man want to the shelf and bring out her order, he opened it and poured it into a glass

Alice took the glass cup of alcohol and drank it all

Dropping the cup on the table she poured herself another round drinking it again

She drank till her body became sore, her face started seeing double signifying she can’t drink more

Wesley who has been sitting beside her since morning kept looking at her

It was not his thing to come to a local bar to drink but everything seem suffocated and he felt like changing environment that’s why he decided to come to the local bar

He has already saw her since she entered the bar but choose to ignored and even if he decided to talk to her what will he say

He narrow his eyes and face the front sipping the alcohol infront of him slowly

Alice felt the huge to pee that’s when she shifted her head to the side and saw Wesley

He was sitting closely to her

She squeezed her face together not believing what she saw, she rub her eyes with one of her fingers but she was still seeing the same thing

Wesley also was staring at her with his keen eyes expecting her to do the worst

Alice count two step like a drunker Sharma

She pointed a finger to him and said “you”

Wesley wasn’t replying her

“You dare to show your face after what you have done to me” she said dramatically shaking to front and back as if she want to fall down

Wesley shock his head and grabbed the alcohol in front of him, he gulped it down and stood up to leave but Alice blocked him “Where are you going” she said standing stool in front of him

Without talking Wesley pushed her away making her to fall down heavily

Her heavy body make a scrap sound on the floor which make Wesley to turned back

He walked to her and bend down to her level

“Hey” he call using his finger to tapped her head but she wasn’t answering

“I think she collapsed” the attendant man who happened to be looking at them said

“You think so?” Wesley asked facing the attendant man

The attendant man nodded his head and Wesley direct his gaze back to Alice

The gown she wore is already draw up making all her laps to show

Wesley slowly draw her gown down

“Did you have a room here?” Wesley asked facing the attendant man

Penelope came down from the taxi

She was just coming from Mason place and It was getting dark already

What Mason told her earlier was still playing on her head

Hudson loose his mum on his birthday day

He celebrated his birthday and his mum’s death anniversary same day that most have been sad for him

How could he cope, will he be happy on his birthday or sad about his mum’s death

It must have been tough for him

Ever since his mum’s death he never celebrated his birthday and never attended his mum anniversary

“But how did he want me to bring him to his mum anniversary?” She thought

Mason pleaded Penelope to make sure Hudson attended his mother death anniversary which will soon take place in five days to come

Penelope got to the house and pressed the door pin she entered and Saw Hudson inside the sitting room

He was sitting down on the floor different type of alcohol was in front of him

He has emptied more then three bottles

Penelope glared at him pitiful, the way she saw him right now showed how sad he was

She trot close to him and bend in-front of him

“Drinking again?” She said and snatched the bottle away from him

Hudson stared at her for a moments before pulling her into a tight hug “I ki||ed her” he wishpered inside her ear

Penelope wrapped her hand on her back and shook her head”No you don’t ki|| her so stop blaming yourself”she said caressing his back slowly

Hudson cried more then two minutes before I he sniffed in the remaining tears

He brake the hug and stared straight into her eyes “did you know who am talking about?” He asked

Penelope nodded her and said “yes your dad told me already”she said and sat beside him you don’t have to resent yourself, you have to cheer up so your mum will be happy”She console him

“But I cos her death, hadn’t been I haven’t force her to get me a gift on my birthday she could have still be alive” Hudson cried out


“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you Hudson Happy birthday to you”

Mason and the little Skyler sing happy birthday song for Hudson

He cut the cake in front of him

“Brother this is my gift”Skyker said handing a small box to Hudson

He collected it and a gasp escaped his mouth when he opened it

It was a ring which was blinking in different colors

“You’re the best”Hudson said and pulled her into a tight hug

“Are you not curious to know my own gift?”Mason asked

Hudson break the hug and stared at his dad

“What did you want to gift me dad”he said spreading his hand to his father

“It’s a vacation to Singapore,you and Skyler will take the first flight tomorrow morning”Mason said and Hudson jumped on him

“Yes dad you’re the best” he said chocking Mason

“Am home”Tiffany said coming inside the sitting room

She was a reporter and she barely have time for the family

She do care about her family but time won’t allowed her to explore more with them

“I hope am not late birthday boy”Tiffany said hugging Hudson tightly but he wasn’t returning the hug

“This is past Ten and you’re just coming home”Mason scolded his wife

“I’m sorry honey work was so exotic”Tiffany said and trot to Mason he peck his cheek and sat beside him

“Mum where is my gift”Hudson pouted his mouth out sadly

“Ohhh I forget, will get you a gift tomorrow”Tiffany apologize

“Mum that’s what you told me on my birthday and now you’re giving the same excuse to Hudson”Skyler said

“Mum this will be my second birthday that you will not get me a gift…try to act like a real mother for once”Hudson said angrily

“Watch what you say Hudson”Mason said

“Dad he is saying the truth…All our friend in school used to bragged about how there mum used to gifted them on there birth”Skyker replied

Tiffany glared at Hudson and Skyler,it’s true it’s really hard for her to behave as a real mother to them but she use to act as a mother to them when she got the chance

She sniffed in her tears and grabbed her pouch”mum will go buy you a present now”She said and move close to Hudson,she run her finger inside his hair playfully and storm out of the house

“Mum will get you a present”Skyker giggled happily and Hudson nodded his head smiling

“Dad mum will get me a beautiful gift”Hudson said smiling

Mason stared at the both of them and a smiled draw on his mouth

After an hours an emergency call beep on Mason phone and he picked the call

?”this is from Dimotivite hospital”the voice said

“How can I help” Mason replied

“Mrs Masson Tiffany passed away exactly 11:55pm… an accident occurs 30 minutes Ago Mrs Mason Tiffany was included” We did our best but it was out of control….she was able to give her last statement before she stopped breathing…you can come for it in Dimotivite Hospital” the person made his statement and hung up

Mason was already in tears,he quickly sprang up and took his jacket

“Dad what happened”Hudson asked when he saw the tears in Mason eyes

“It’s nothing will be back soon”he said and left

The next morning Skyker and Hudson was hugging each other falling asleep on the couch

Mason opened the door which made The two to open up there eyes

“Dad” Skyker called

“What’s wrong dad where is mum” Hudson asked

“Your mum..Your mum is dead” Mason break the sad news in tears

“Dad what are you talking about”Hudson said and rushed to the door to checked maybe Tiffany was there but she was no where to be find

“Where is mum dad”Skyker asked already in tears

“Am sorry”Mason said and went to sat beside Skyker

Hudson butt landed on the floor

If he hasn’t force his mum to buy him a gift she would have still be alive

He cry till his eyes became swelled up


Penelope shook her head “no it wasn’t your stop blaming yourself” she said and pulled her into another hug

His head resting on her Břě@šť, she pet his head gently putting him into a sleep like a baby

“When are you going to give me your answer”Hudson said raising his head up

He stared into her eyes expecting a positive answer from her

Penelope straight her face as if thinking about something “will tell you tomorrow” she said

“Tomorrow?”he repeated and she nodded her head

“Come let go prepared for tomorrow trip”Penelope said standing up

“Hudson also stand up”will you sleep with me tonight am kinda scared to sleep alone” he said

Penelope give it a thought for a second and nodded her head”okay let go” she said

And they both went in the elevator



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