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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A S£x
{his heartbeat}


Chapter 2&3

By, Annie B.


Shares. trust me lovelies it won’t hurt you ?



(Hand in Marriage)

You turn my hotel to a slut base f-__-king around like a dog, I really made a mistake by giving birth to you

Mason said furiously, he was scolding Hudson who kept sleeping around, she f-__-k anyone neither rich or poor as long as you has a hole, Mason heard the rumors that his only son f-__-ked a maid inside his hotel yesterday

you know Word can quickly spread more then a legs, the rumors kept spreading non stop and that’s affecting the stock price, if Mason kept looking his son doing $h|t around he will sure ruin his image in no time
Hudson was sitting on the chair in his father home office, no matter what his father says he act less concern,no one can stop him from flexing

When will you stop with this disgraceful act of yours, you have to act like my son

Mason said infuriated, his only son doing $h|t all around the state is really a disgrace to him,he has try his possible best to stopped his sinful act but all seems to be failed

Dad, having segz is not a disgrace thing, it’s just flexing, you know that’s what I enjoy more

Hudson said not feeling regretful about his action, nothing is bad in having segz it’s just a normal thing, that’s what he do normally think

Really? That’s what you enjoy more? Did you know how you ruin my name because of your irritation act, did you know how you spoiled my image cause of your stupid behavior? I’m not here to argue with you, just know you’re getting Marry next week

Mason said with a puzzle face,he surely know he will disagree but he has prepared for the worst

What? Marry? To who, who is getting marry, I’m not a female child that you will just hand for marriage I’m a grown man so how the hell will you get me marry

Hudson yell out at the top of his voice, how the hell will his father get him married off,it’s not possible, he was just planning how to rock his life as a college student but what? Marry?to who ?

Either you like it or not you are getting marry to Isabella the daughter of Everett, I gave him a call earlier about the marriage and he said he will inform Isabella once she accepts the offer you will surely get marry, nothing can change that

Mason said irritated, truly nothing can stopped him from getting his only son marry, the disgraced he cause to him is enough at least if he got marry the act will reduced

Dad I’m not ready to marry,I’m just a young boy for that matter how the f-__-k did you want me to cope, I really don’t have the plan to get marry yet, please don’t bring this matter up

Hudson plead, he may be a tough son but nothing can be compared to when his father his angry, he surely know his father will get him married as he said

So you’re just young boy and you have f-__-k more then a dozens girl,even I, your father I can count the girl I slept with before marrying your mother but you, you f-__-k as much as you want not even cared about the reputation

Hudson gushed out, there is nothing that can really stopped him from getting his son marry

Dad please, please I will change I will really changed, I’m not ready for marriage

Hudson pleaded

What else did you want? You have everything under your name already, the Golden oaks high is will under your name and you have more then five credit card which never run down so what else did you want, I work with my ten fingers just to make sure you have a proper future but all you can pay me with is sleeping around like a dog, there is nothing that will make me change my says, nothing, you’re getting marry next week believe it or not

Hudson said before picking up his phone he dialed a number and after a second the person pick up

Froze all my son credit card

Mason said in his horse voice, he dropped the call instantly and magnet his eyes on Hudson whose eyes was already showing red

If you refuse to get married you’re no more my son and you will stop bearing my name all the property will under your name will be unwill, you don’t have any access to anything inside this building again including your cars

Mason said before storming out angrily, Hudson was already crying his green vain showing on his neck plainly, he already know his life has ended the moment his father make the call of frozen his account, how will he lives his life without spending money, no cars,all the property will under his name will be unwill how will he cope
The more he think about it the more it makes no sense

Golden oaks high*

Skyler walk inside the school compound classily as usual all eyes was on her,her beauty is ki||ing,she toss her hair segzily making sure the man peed on their pant,

?she is f-__-king segzy

?I’m jealous of her beauty

? her smile is ki||ing

The other students kept murmuring as she count her steps elegantly

You surely know how to get everyone on their ten tone
Elana said, she was actually Skyler best friend, her parent was also rich but not like Skyler Mason

What did you think, I’m good at everything, beautiful, segzy And also the top one student, you don’t expect them not to be jealous of me

Skyler reply, her gaze not moving from the front as she count her legs like an expect model

?Wow his a new student

?he his d@mn handsome

? please will you go out with me

? is he a model or what

The student started another topic as Jameson drove his bicycle inside the school,all eyes fall on him but he play blind, Skyler was also amused by his handsome face

Wow don’t you think he is kinda hot more then Noah

Elena said her gaze also on Jameson

Noah was actually the most handsome guy in Golden oaks high, he was the type of hot temper and can go crazy if angry, he bullied anyone,a lot of girl was crushing on him and he enjoy it when everyone is crawling on there kneels cause of him

Taaa, don’t compared Noah to him,Noah is handsome more then him

Skyler said, she surely know Jameson is far way prettier then Noah but her self dispel will not let her accept

Ohhhh, Dumping bag

Skyler said running to an average girl who was putting on a white round glass, the girl was already shaking as she hold her bag tightly to her self
Skyler stay in front of the her not allowing her to move,Elena also move close to her crossing her hands on her chest

Why are you shaking dumping bag no one is touching you

Elena said mockingly

Elena and Skyler was know for their bully behavior and they are both the boss of the school no one dare to meddle when bullying someone

Skyler off her school bag and throw it to the girl which she quickly catched
Elena also off her bag and throw it to her

Meet me inside class

Skyler said and leave
Elena also followed her leaving the girl to carry the bag
Skyler sit comfortably on her chair inside the class,two girl massaging her both legs while another one was giving her slight massage on her shoulder plus her back

Skyler close her eyes enjoying everything they are doing to her

She suddenly opened her eyes
She said in command tone and the girl helping her to massage stopped immediately

Hey dumping bag, quickly go get me crunchy corn chips

She said facing the girl she reverse to earlier as dumping bag

My name is not dumping bag, my name is marry

The girl reply before standing up she move close to Skyler so she can collect the money for the chips but rather Skyler throw her a dirt slap making her landed on the floor

You dare to tell me what to call you, who give you the audacity to talk back to me

Skyler yell out angry
It was not her first time beating someone infront of everyone so they all are not surprised rather they all hiding there face so she won’t see them

Skyler stand up from her sit and bend down to the girl, she tap her forehead three time before saying

You, you’re nothing but a dumping bag so never in your life correct me of the name to call you

She said before hitting her legs with hers and sat down again

?Noah is coming

?ohh he is getting more handsome every day

?did you see the guy at the gate earlier, he is more prettier then him

?you will forever be my crush

?just a night with you

The girls keep murmuring as Noah count his step inside the class with his crew

He was holding a ball on his shoulder supporting it with his one hand, his hair was dripping wet, his pink lips shining, he won’t cease to show his side dimples to everyone to see

Immediately he entered the class everywhere became silent, no one want to be the top of the topic
He walk to his sit and sat down proudly, his eyes on Skyler, Skyler also was giving her segzy face

Actually they both started dating yesterday

Good morning class

Mr Jonson greet from the front
He was actually their home room teacher, Jameson what with him with his unsolved face as usual

Good morning sir

The student reply chorusly

?is he not the guy at the gate from earlier

?wow so he is actually in our class

?I bet Noah will really h@ťě him

?he is f-__-king handsome

The noise began again but Mr Jonson shut them up

He is your new classmates I hope you can all welcome him with your warm clap

Mr Jonson said laughing

Yes welcome mr handsome

One of them said and they all burst out laughing as same time clapping,Elena tried to clap but the h@ťěful glance Skyler throw to her make her stopped,Noah and his crew were not also clapping

Can you introduce your self

Mr Jonson said facing Jameson

Hi, My name is Jameson

He said simply

Wow I like the way you talk

Can you be my friend

They compliment him but that doesn’t change his face expression

You can sit at that empty chair

Mr Jameson said pointing to an empty chair beside Noah


He said bowing down his head

He walk toward the chair and sat down properly
Noah was already throwing him a died glare but Jameson wasn’t even noticing him

You’re not having my subject today so I will just mark the attendance

Mr Jonson said and started marking the attendance

Are you sure you really want to Mary Hudson

Mr Everett asked for the optimum time but Isabella was only nodding her head happily, She has been crushing on Hudson for the past five years now, tho Hudson usually f-__-ked her when they were in high school but she want more then that, she want to be pronounced to the whole world that she is Hudson fiancé and now her dream is about to come to past
She will get married to Hudson soon

Wow, I can’t wait for my daughter to be call Isabella Wyatt , Wow my daughter will be the fiancé of the most billionaire in the whole Florida

Eleanor said, she was really happy to the moon, her daughter will actually be Hudson wife in no time,she can’t just wait to start bragging about it

Wow, my sister will marry to the most Handsome segz freak, I mean I’m happy for you sister, last last I will smell peace in this house, but sister please make sure you don’t act unlawful to mr Mason so he won’t throw your luggage outside

Ava said mockingly, he was sitting beside his father while Isabella was sitting beside her mother

Who said you should interfere to this matter, who call you,fool

Eleanor yell at Ava

Old woman, please don’t call me a fool again, stop acting toxic after all your daughter will be engaged to a male dog

Ava said, she was actually happy that her sister is getting marry but not because of anything but because she will stop seeing her face all around the house

What of you female dog, you’re no different from him, so why talking as if you’re different

Isabella said zooming her eyes to Ava

Sister stop zooming your eyes like that, your eyeball might actually come out of your skin, yes I know he was actually like me and that’s why I’m happy for you after all you later marry someone like your sister

Ava said before standing up

Dad I’m meeting a friend
She said before facing Eleanor
Old lady, don’t forget to send me the invitation to your daughter’s wedding, I will need like,hun, like dozen of it you know I have a lot of friends to invite, you will right? At least try acting like a real mother

Ava said before storming out of the house

I’m sure she is going to f-__-k again

Isabella said using her eyes to trace Ava until she was out of sight

If you said you’re interested in the marriage I will give Masson a call

Mr Everett said before leaving the sitting room leaving the daughter and mother

Yes, mum I’m going to marry Hudson

Isabella said pecking her mum’s cheek

I’m also happy my daughter, gosh I can’t wait to brag about it

Eleanor said holding her cheek

Me too mum

Isabella said hugging her tightly
So you’re actually getting marry to Isabella, Wow I can’t believe this

Wesley said, he was inside his car with Hudson who was busy thinking of how to ruin the marriage

I can’t really believe dad is doing this to me, I just don’t know why he insists on getting me marry

Hudson said, he has actually try to convince his dad but he will never listen

Even if he want to get you marry he shouldn’t be Isabella, I mean you have already f-__-k this girl countless time.

Wesley said
You get what I’m trying to tell that old man but he won’t listen, Isabella p***sy is already tasteless to me, I’m tired of f-__-king her Pů$$¥

Hudson gushed out tiredly

I guess your college life won’t go as you plan

Wesley said Jokingly

Gosh, everything look so unreal, I’m tired of it already

Hudson said hitting the car glass hardly

Bro please don’t break any part on my baby I just got it three days ago

Wesley said revering to his car

Do I even care

Hudson said still hitting the glass annoyingly

What, what’s going on

Wesley said when his car suddenly stopped working

Did your new car stop working cause I slap it or what ?

Hudson said not understanding the reason why his car stopped working

I don’t know

Wesley reply coming down from the car

I thought you brought it three days ago so what the hell is happening

Hudson said angrily, he was still sitting inside the car

I really don’t know what’s wrong

Wesley said checking all through the car but he don’t know what to do

Just call your mechanic stop wasting my time

Hudson said and Wesley nodded his head bringing out his phone

Why is that car parking infront of our shop

Penelope said facing Laura,they close a minute ago but they are both at the shop eating the remaining left over noodles

The guy in that black cloth looks like a kidnapper

Laura said pointing to Wesley

You think so? Maybe we should confront them

Penelope said,she was about going out when her boyfriend call her, she pick up her phone happily

Tommy is really driving you craze already

Laura said shaking her head, she bring up another fork of noodles eating all it in once the noodles full her mouth not allowing her talk to much

My friend I guess you will have to confront them all alone I have to pick this call

Penelope said before rushing to the back of the store

She is really psycho

Laura said goofily

She step outside and move close to Wesley still holding the fork she was using to eat noodles

Are you planning to kidnap someone

Laura said which make Wesley to turn to her

What are you?

Wesley asked moving back cause Laura appearance was scaring

Me, I’m here to teach you some lesson, so answer my question what are you doing here

Laura said moving close to Wesley

I’m here cause my car break down and have already called the mechanic

Wesley said in fear

Ohh, so you already kidnapped a grown man

Laura said when her eyes catch with Hudson who has already close his eyes in frustration

She move to his side and tap her shoulder twice, Hudson open his eyes and was scared of seen Laura, the noodles ingredient has already stain all her mouth her hair look untidy and she looks homeless

Don’t be scared I’m here to help you, that man kidnapped you right ?

Laura asked trying to touch him again but he slap her hand off

Get your dirt hand off me, who the hell are you ?

Hudson yell out

What? Dirt? Hell? Bros I’m here to help you stop doing like a fool

Laura fire back

And who the f-__-k tell you I need a help

Hudson reply shouting

The way Laura is really doing now she can really beat the both guy up, Wesley quickly entered the car, he start it and luckily the car started he immediately zoom off leaving Laura

You mother f-__-ker, I hope I get to see you again so I can teach you some lesson fool

Laura yell out

Why are you yelling

Penelope said coming outside she just done talking to her boyfriend

They are both mad, and they just turn me to a fool

Laura said still tracing the car with her eyes

Let go in, I’m feeling cold

Penelope said dragging Laura inside


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