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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Falling For You… )


By, Summer Gold R.







Mariana was laying on the bed tiredly,she just finished arranging her stuffs.

“I still can’t believe Aunt would do this,seriously? How is this different from being sold??” Mariana mumbled

It was evening already and she was quite hungry,she was still thinking of what to eat when she heard some sound at the door.

“What’s that?” She asked herself and stood up

She walked toward the door and opened,a cat with a fur as white as snow was staring back at her

“Meow…” Came the sound from it

“Wow” Mariana muttered staring at the cute cat with blue eyes

“Cutie” She called and immediately carried the cat in her hands. She was about turning back when another one appeared but this time,it’s got a tiger-like fur

“Wow,another one?? So that jerk also love cats?” Mariana grinned as she also carried the second cat before closing the door

“I wonder what he named you two,let’s be best friends okay?” Mariana rub their smooth furs as she fed them with the cheese she was eating

“So cute” She chuckled when the white one climbed on her laps

“Sometimes,cats are better than humans” She said and laughed at her own jokes

After the cats finished the cheesecake,they walked toward the door

“You want to leave? Well yeah me too” Mariana got up and opened the door for the cats and the white one went out first

“Blue?” Leonard called and then the second one follow

“Loki” He called again and carried the two cats

Mariana came out next and their eyes met

“I thought we planned to stay away from each other” Leonard said

“They are…..”

“Including everything that is mine” Leonard cut her off before going downstairs

“Seriously?” Mariana scoffed and went back in,she closed the door loudly and stood akimbo

“Is he crazy?? Is he nut?,gosh” She kept pacing while roughing her hair

“I feel like strangling him” She groaned

She walked to her window and she saw him getting into the car

“Where is he going? Not like I care though” She hissed and fell back on the bed

She ordered for pizza before dialing Royce’s number but he still won’t answer

“Is he kidding me?” Mariana scoffed out loudly

“f-__-k I’m stuck”

Octavia’s call came on her phone,she ignored it

“I’m not ready for her questions” She muttered.



Leonard removed his mask and cap when he entered the private lounge,Ricardo was already there drinking alone.

“Why here of all places? I had to dress crazily so I won’t get recognized” Leonard scoffed and took a seat beside Ricardo

“It was the same for me,you know I don’t like suffering all alone. What are friends for?” He smirked and Leonard shot him a glare

“I always feel like ki||ing you,too bad” He murmured and pour himself the whiskey

“So,how was the engagement?” Ricardo asked

“Stop talking as if it’s that important okay? It’s nothing to me” Leonard roll his eyes

“Seriously? Where’s your ring?” Ricardo teased

“How the h*ll will I f-__-k with a ring on my finger?” Leonard asked and Ricardo laughed

“You shouldn’t be f-__-king anymore,you’re engaged”

“Against my wish…but don’t worry. My so called girlfriend has a boyfriend” Leonard said,sipping from the glass

“Wow,that’s crazy. A boyfriend?” Ricardo asked

“Isn’t that a great news? I will just look for a way to tell mom and she wouldn’t have a choice than to cancel the $h|t she dragged me in. But I’m sure her aunt knew she’s got a boyfriend” Leonard scoffed

“How does she look like? Pretty? Hot? segzy?” Ricardo grinned

“You think I had the time to check her out? Maybe in the future but I don’t even know what her body looks like” Leonardo said and Ricardo laughed again

“Seriously,I can’t wait to see her in school tomorrow,just do me favour by pointing at her for me” Ricardo pleaded

Leonard ignored him and kept on drinking



Mariana adjusted her hair properly as she walked through the hall way while murmuring angrily

She had to take a taxi to school again because Leonard already warned the drivers and guards never to allow her take any of the cars.

“Is he for real? Never knew a celebrity could be as wicked as he is,celebrity my foot” Mariana said and hissed

? Hey Mari J

? Hi

Few students waves at her as she walked and she replied them with her cute smile

“Bestie!” Octavia called from the back and ran to her


“Not now Octavia,seriously I’m not in the mood” Mariana roll her eyes

“Who made you mad? Just tell me and I won’t think twice to dry her B-__-bs,if it’s a guy….his Ďïčk is in trouble” Octavia said dramatically and Mariana chuckled

“My wish” She scoffed

“So who made you mad? Is it your aunt again?” Octavia asked

“Yeah,but don’t worry. My mood got brightened thanks to you” Mariana smiled

They got to the lecture hall and walked into Tessa and her two dogs as usual

“How sweet would it be if you’re not blind” Daisy said

“And how great would it be if you’re not senseless and dumb? Get the f-__-k out of our way before I fry your one hundred MB brain” Octavia hissed and pushed them out of the way

Mariana chuckled and smirked at Tessa before following Octavia

“One…hundred MB?” Daisy stammered unbelievably

Bella chuckled and Tessa glared at her angrily which made her stop

They also walked into the hall

Tessa smiled when her eyes landed on Nico

“My sweet crush,see you girls later” She said and immediately started walking toward Nico who was sitting alone.

“He’s gonna snub her” Bella said

“Don’t worry,he wouldn’t have a choice soon” Daisy smiled and they also found somewhere to sit

Tessa joined Nico and he looked up with his usual cold face

“I don’t want anyone here” he said coldly

“Well,this is a school Nico” Tessa replied

He roll his eyes at him and made to stand up but Tessa immediately grabbed his arm

“I’m standing up,don’t leave please” She said

Nico glared at her hand and she released him,she smiled at him and got up

She returned to her friends

“Seriously he’s too harsh but I love him” Tessa muttered,staring at Nico

“Just give up,he annoys me” Bella scoffed

“Just looking at him alone…my pu$$y is on fire” Tessa said and Daisy laughed

Royce came into the hall with Finn and August,his eyes fell on Mariana and he didn’t waste time before going to sit beside her

Nico took a glance at them for just a second before turning back to the book in front of him

“Hey babe” Royce pecked Mariana’s cheek

“Babe indeed,you totally ignored my call throughout yesterday and you didn’t bother calling me back” Mariana snapped and rolled her eyes

“I’m sorry,my phone was with August and I couldn’t call when I finally got it back,it was late” Royce explained

“Seriously? How come your phone was with him?” Mariana asked

“Don’t worry about that,I’m sorry okay?”

“Fine,but I’m still angry” Mariana muttered

“What do you want?” Royce asked

“Take me out after school,I want ice cream” Mariana said cutely

“Should I just buy you the whole shop?” Royce asked and Mariana chuckled before pecking his lips

Octavia cleared her throat as the lecturer walked In and they immediately broke the kiss

“Morning” Miss Evelyn,the Phonetics Professor greeted

“Morning Miss” Some students answered while other ignored

“I’m so happy to see your faces again,and trust me. This session is gonna be so interesting” Prof Evelyn smiled

She was interrupted by Delaney who entered the class

Almost immediately,everyone burst into laughter.

“Gosh,that same shoes again” Tessa spoke up and the students laughed again as they stared at Delaney’s tattered sneakers

She’s known as the only student who is on a scholarship,students bully her alot but she’s used to it

“Good morning prof” Delaney greeted

“Have you eaten? I’ve got some hotdog here” Tessa raised the hotdog up and the class laughed again

Delaney’s head was buried on the floor as she walked to take a seat

“Let’s focus please” Prof Evelyn said but then was interrupted again

Mary and Charlotte came in

“Holy Mary!!!!” The students chanted immediately

“Jesus is the only way Fams” Mary said and waved

She’s called holy Mary because of her crazy belief. She’s always in her long baggy skirt and covered top,her hair in bun,never seen with makeup and her Catholic scapular necklace always around her neck

Charlotte on the other hand is a tomboy,she’s actually a crazy one because one could mistake her for a boy at times

“A crazy Christian and a tomboy…such crazy people in our major” Daisy shook her head and Charlotte gave her the middle finger before walking to sit down,bouncing like an actual guy

“I guess I can now start” Prof Evelyn finally said and the hall became silent


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