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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Bella and Daisy sat down on the bed edge staring at Tessa who has been moody since last night

“So you mean Jeremy recorded everything?” Daisy asked and Tessa nodded

“But how? You should have been more careful Tessa,you know how crazy Jeremy can be,what if he expose you…..”

“He’s not going to,as far as I do wh@ťěver he says” Tessa muttered

“Wh@ťěver he says,like what? Don’t tell me he’s gonna f-__-k you” Bella said

“That would have been better but he rejected it,so I don’t know what he’s planning right now” Tessa groaned

Daisy wanted to talk but was interrupted by the buzz on Tessa’s phone,she took the phone and opened the message

*ONE PIZZA BOX,IN TEN MINUTES,ONE SECOND LATE AND THERE WILL BE PROBLEM* Tessa sprang up as she read the message from Jeremy

“What’s wrong?” Daisy asked but Tessa ignored the question and dropped her phone before rushing to her closet

Daisy and Bella exchanged glances and took Tessa’s phone

“What?!!!” They both screamed

“He’s trying to blackmail you,He’s gonna turn you into his maid,is he crazy?!” Bella shouted

“I know what he’s doing,but I don’t have a choice okay? I can’t risk being expelled from school when I hardly have two years left. I’m going to do wh@ťěver he wants” Tessa said as she finished dressing up,she took her phone and her eyes widened

“Seven minutes,f-__-k Jeremy!!!” She screamed and rushed out of the house

“This is crazy” Daisy muttered

Tessa immediately ordered a box of pizza,thank goodness he already sent his home address,she ordered the pizza to his house and entered the car,driving down the street roughly.

She was five minutes late by the time she arrived in front of Jeremy’s house,at that same moment the delivery guy got there. She immediately rushed out of the car

“The delivery is for me” She said

“Oh….here” The guy gave her the pizza box and rode off.

She immediately entered the house and pressed the door alarm countless times before the door opened,revealing Jeremy who has a watch in his hand

“Seven minutes late” He raised it up

“I’m sorry,I was…..”

“If you are going to continue messing up,then you know what that means,should I just…”

“No!!! Please don’t….I promise to become more active from now” She pleaded And Jeremy rolled his eyes

“Good” He muttered and Tessa handed the pizza box to him

He took it from her and dropped the money on her palm

“I already paid for it” Tessa said and he scoffed

“I don’t need your money” He closed the door on her face before she could say more

He got to the living room and dropped the pizza box on the table in front of Louis

“You can have it” he said

“Seriously,don’t tell me you don’t want the pizza and only made her stress herself for nothing” Louis said

“You got it” Jeremy said and sat down

“Gosh you’re unbelievable…”

“I’m just getting started” Jeremy smirked

“But can I at least listen to the recording?” Louis asked and Jeremy laughed

“Who said I have it?” He asked and Louis’s eyes grew wide


“I only heard them but I was too shock to even record anything,I lied to that dummy and she believed me,you think I’m gonna keep her secret if I have the evidence? You should know me Louis” Jeremy smirked

“Whoa!! Dude you’re mad” Louis said

“Just watch me” Jeremy muttered

“But,have you talked to Alexa?” Louis asked and Jeremy shook his head

“She ignored my text and wouldn’t answer my calls,I’m going to talk to her in school tomorrow” Jeremy muttered




Ricardo sighed for the umpteenth time,he was in the game room but different memories filled his mind at that moment



Those words kept ringing in his head

“f-__-k Ricardo stop being extra”he groaned and shook his head trying to concentrate on the video game but the words kept ringing and ringing.

“Gosh!!!” He threw the control away and walked out of the game room

‘Should I just asked Leonard about her family members??” He muttered as he grabbed a wine from the cellar

“But there’s no how I won’t be able to recognize her right?” He thought again

“I’m going crazy” He hit his head on the table.

But why does he see everything about her in Mariana? Is it just a coincidence??

“She said her parents are dead” he mumbled and groaned,but somehow he feel really connected to her no matter how long he think about it.

He gulped down the wine in the glass and sighed out




The guy sat down on the seat right in front of a laptop,he looked like a total bad boy,hot and segzy is not enough to describe how handsome he is but his eyes seems dark and his face look so cold and mean,He was scrolling through the laptop when something caught his attention


His eyes became Even darker and he fold his fist as he read more about the news.

Almost immediately,his phone started ringing and he answered through the airpod

“Boss,did you check the mail I sent??” The voice asked


“What should I do??” The voice asked

“ki|| her” he said coldly

“Done boss,I know everything about her whereabout” The voice said and hanged up

“How dare you think of getting a girlfriend?? How dare you!!!!!” He shouted and hit his fist on the table angrily

He took his phone and began writing a text.




Leonard was just getting back home after going out to clear his head a little,he was about going upstairs when a message came on his phone and he checked immediately.


Leonard’s eyes widened immediately and the phone almost dropped from his hand with the way his hands are shaking.

“Rianna” He muttered and immediately rushed out of the house

“Where are you going……”

“Get the f-__-k away!!!” Leonard yelled at the guards and got into the car,driving out roughly

He immediately dialed Ricardo’s number but he didn’t answer the call,he doesn’t Even have Mariana’s contact yet

“f-__-k me” He pursed his lips and continue trying Ricardo’s number but got no response

He didn’t know when a tear dropped from his eyes

“I’m f-__-king screwed” He mumbled


Mariana walked out of the supermarket,she went to get some junk food just down the street. She started walking back home,her phone in her hand

But suddenly,she started having some strange feelings. She stopped and looked back and the shadow came into view,her eyes widened and immediately she started walking faster,the steps grew faster too,she began running this time but them she tripped over a stone and she fell flat on the floor.

“Ahh!” She winced but it was cut short when the masked guy stood right in front of her,he was holding a gun in his hand and slowly he pointed the gun to her head

Her heart started racing immediately and she shook her head in fears


It was followed by a gunshot.


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