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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Falling For You… )


By, Summer Gold R.






Mariana stayed in the room for more seconds before going out,the music was still blooming loudly in the whole mansion. She went downstairs

“Is that not Leonard’s hoodie on her!” A girl suddenly shouted and all eyes turned to her

“What’s happening??”

“How come my Leonard gave her his hoodie?!”

“Are they close?”

“I’ve never seen them together”

Mariana’s eyes caught with Leonard who was sitting alone and drinking,he didn’t even bother looking up as the murmurs were going on

Mariana ignored the stares too and went to get a drink for herself,Octavia and Charlotte came to her immediately

“Mariana,what is going on? Why are you wearing Leonard’s hoodie? Wait,don’t tell me he finally recognized you as the girl he once helped at his concert” Octavia said

“Really? He once helped you?” Charlotte asked

“That’s not it girls” Mariana muttered

“Then…..what’s going on?” Octavia asked

“I said I wanted to tell you something right?” She started and they nodded

“Actually……I….got betrothed to Leonard” Mariana said and they both gasped at the same time

“You got be….be…..trothed to him?” Octavia stammered

“I should have told you,but he wanted us to keep it a secret,since….he doesn’t like me” Mariana muttered

“He doesn’t like you and he gave you his hoodie?” Charlotte asked

“We just started talking recently trust me,,Octavia,those times you always asked me who made me sad,it was him not aunt Clara” Mariana said

“So,you’re engaged to Leonardo,I mean the almighty Leonardo Briggs?” Octavia asked and Mariana nodded

“And….you two live together?” Charlotte asked

“Yeah” Mariana asked

“Oh my gosh!!!! Tell us babe,how is he on bed? Or don’t tell me you two have not had segz yet,how about kissing…..”

“Not at all,we haven’t even hugged” Mariana rolled her eyes

“What?!! How come?? Don’t you dress segzily at home?” Octavia asked

“He doesn’t even look at me girls,I’m serious. He just started talking to me” Mariana said

“You’re hot Mariana,I’m sure he’s just pretending. Show off some skin and he would come bowing under you” Charlotte said

“Girls stop!” She shouted and they laughed

“Seriously,I wish I’m you right now. Like what the f-__-k? Living in the sane house with that Greek God?” Octavia blew air to herself with her hand

They stopped talking when Tessa and her friends came close

“So,how come you’re wearing Leonard’s hoodie? Did he f-__-ked you inside the bathroom and your blouse torn?” Bella asked

“That’s exactly what happened,I’m sure” Tessa roll her eyes

“Not everyone is like you,dumb bells” Octavia said

“Nope,it’s not complete without the letter T” Charlotte said

“THE DUMB BELLS” Octavia and Mariana smirked before walking away

“What just happened?” Daisy asked

“It’s all Jeremy’s fault,how dare he give us such a name!!” Tessa shouted and immediately walked away angrily

She found Jeremy and Louis together

“Come with me you idiot!” She yelled and grabbed his shirt before dragging him away

“Hey hey!” Jeremy threw her hand off and she staggered

Jeremy adjusted his shirt properly before looking at her

“So,you were saying?” He asked

“I’m saying you are not in any position to give us silly names,how dare you!!” Tessa yelled

“I don’t think you’re in any position either to talk to me,I don’t even know you miss,do I?” Jeremy asked and Tessa frowned

“You think this is funny?”

“So,the name really got you mad. That’s my happiness” he smiled and left her

Tessa fold her fist angrily,she turned to see Nico coming

“Nico” She smiled and immediately ran toward him but he ignored her totally and went straight to Mariana

“Hey Mari,I was searching for you,I didn’t know you came back downstairs” Nico said

“Oh thank you Nico” Mariana smiled,she looked up only to find Leonard staring at her

She turned back to Nico who almost traced her gaze

“Guys!!!! It’s Game Time!!!” Alexa shouted happily

“Gather up,gather up!! It’s gonna be fun tonight” She danced a silly dance that made everyone laugh

Everyone started gathering in the large living room

Jace left Dior’s side and immediately sat next to Delaney who scoffed out immediately

“Now I am visible” She said

“I’m sorry” Jace pecked her cheek

“Seriously? You two are really dating?” Octavia asked

“She’s my twin sister” Jace replied and everyone gasped

Daisy was the most shocked

“So you mean,you two have been pretending not to know each other?” Charlotte asked

“It was my idea” Delaney muttered

“Wow,I can’t believe this. So Daisy has been bullying her crush’s twinie?” Mary said and everyone laughed

“Wow,so Daisy is crushing on Jace?” Octavia laughed

“Never,my brother can never date someone like her!” Delaney said and shot Daisy a glare

Daisy stood up and ran out of the house

“Babe!” Bella followed her

“DB…dumb bells are out. We are left with T” Jeremy said and everyone laughed

Nico and Mariana were sitting together,Dior looked around for Ricardo to sit with him but he was busy chatting happily with two girls by his sides,she rolled her eyes and joined Octavia and Charlotte.

Leonard came into the living room,he sat down on the only empty couch and Winter immediately joined Him,Mariana Scoffed

“What happened?” Nico asked

She almost answered but Royce suddenly sat down beside her two,

She turned and glared at him

“Come here” Nico grabbed her hand and she stood up

She went to Nico’s left hand Side

“Seriously dude,what’s your problem? I’m trying to talk to her here” Royce snapped at Nico

“She’s not ready to talk to you,what’s your problem too?” Nico snapped back and all eyes fell on them

“Isn’t he Mariana’s boyfriend??…”

“Not anymore!” Nico and Mariana shouted at once

“Whoa!!!” Everyone muttered

“So,are you two dating?” Louis asked Nico and Mariana

“Yes we are” Nico said before Mariana could reply and she let out a gasp

“That’s not true you liar!” Royce grabbed Nico’s collar and Mariana immediately went between them before throwing an heavy slap on Royce’s face

“I told you already to stay away from me!!!” She yelled angrily and started walking out

“Babe!” Royce ran after her

Winter glanced at Leonard to see his reaction but he wasn’t even looking up,he was on his phone. She let out a secret smile but still the hoodie is giving her some concern

“That was some dramas,why don’t we just go to the game??” Jeremy asked

“So,here’s the list of games….” Jeremy grabbed it From Alexa before she even started

“Jeremy!” She shouted

“Give it to someone who knows the job better baby” Jeremy winked

“Seriously,are you two dating?” Jace asked

“No!!” Alexa and Jeremy shouted

“You two don’t have to shout” Tessa roll her eyes

“This is my house” Alexa smiled

“Sorry my bad” Tessa also smiled but then scoff

“Here’s the games….First on the list,Twenty one questions” Jeremy smiled and everyone started murmuring

“Then,there’s going to be a dance challenge”

“Yeah,there’s gonna be a gift for the winner” Alexa smiled

? Awwn,can’t wait

“Next….Pictures…gosh I love that” Jeremy grinned

“Video games for the guys!!” He shouted

“Wow really. This will be the only fun there” Jace said immediately

“Seriously me too,what the h*ll is dance challenge?” Louis scoffed and they laughed

“Just because you don’t know how to dance doesn’t mean others can’t,” Winter roll her eyes

“For the girls….Wait,you’re having a bikini…party???” Jeremy’s eyes widened

“Yes,while you guys are playing the video games….”

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