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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Falling For You… )


By, Summer Gold R.






There was total silence after he said that,just Mariana staring at him without saying a word. She finally looked away and took the glass,she sipped from the wine

Leonard turned to her

“You won’t reply me?” He asked and Mariana faced him again

“No I won’t” she muttered

“Why?” Leonard asked

“Because,that sounds like… You won’t bring sluts home again but you’re gonna f-__-k them somewhere else” Mariana said and also faced him

Leonard sighed and began pouring himself another glass

“Your silence,means you can’t stop f-__-king around” She added

“That’s gonna be hard” Leonard muttered and started drinking again

“Even if you get married?” Mariana asked

“Married?” Leonard scoffed

“You don’t want to get married?” Mariana’s eyes widened

“Why do you think mom forced me to get engaged?” Leonard asked

“Because you don’t want to get married,why?” Mariana asked

Leonard sighed

“It’s complicated”he mumbled

“Hey,it’s not complicated. It’s just because you haven’t fell in love……”

“Says who??” Leonard cut in and she stopped

“So,you once had a girlfriend?” Mariana asked

Leonard was quiet

“Can we just talk about something else?” He said,almost stuttering that Mariana wondered why

‘Did the girl broke his heart and he’s scared of falling in love again?’ She thought,staring into his sad eyes,he didn’t stop drinking

“You will get drunk if you keep drinking in that pace” She said and Leonard faced her

“You don’t have to care,I’m used to it. I drink every time I find it hard to sleep,but tonight seems to be the worst” He said and Mariana raised her brows

“You find it hard to sleep? Why? You have nightmares?” She asked

“A scary one,I deserve it though,like the nickname you gave me,I’m a total Jerk,I guess that’s my punishment for being one. So don’t worry about it either” he smiled handsomely but Mariana was already lost in thought

‘Why does he have so much secrets?? And why is everything so complicated? Did something happened to him in the past?’ She kept thinking

Leonard gulped down the last content in his glass before diving into the pool

“Ouch!” Mariana gasped as the water splashes all over her

“Sorry” Leonard muttered

“It’s okay” Mariana muttered,watching him swim while she played with the water using her legs.

Leonard brought out his head from the water and his hair dropped all over his face,he used his finger to wipe it backward in a segzy way

‘He’s hot’ Mariana said inwardly,staring at his wet red lips down to his bare chest.

Leonard smirked and swam closer

“Mind coming in?” He asked

“No!!” Mariana immediately shifted back

“What is the problem?” Leonard raised his brows

“Actually……I have fears of water” Mariana muttered

“What seriously?? Aquaphobia??” Leonard asked and she nodded slowly

“Wow,it’s been seven years since I see someone who has that” Leonard said

“Really? Who was the first?” Mariana asked

“Just….someone you don’t know.” Leonard muttered and she could sworn she saw how his eyes changed to total sadness again

He forced out a smile

“I think it’s better to overcome the fear than keeping it to yourself” He said

“I’ve tried,but nothing is working. I can’t even use the bathtub,I will feel like I’ve seen death in an unusual way,it’s scary” Mariana said

Leonard stared at her for a while before swimming backward

Mariana kept watching him and she almost felt like joining him but she wouldn’t dare for her own life.


“Thanks for the wine” Mariana said when they finally left the poolside

“I feel better talking to you” Leonard muttered

“Then,anytime you have the nightmares,you can come and we will talk just like this” Mariana said,almost regretting that she said it

‘Am I being too forward?’ She bite her lips

“It happens every night,Will you be able to wake up every night?” Leonard asked

“Every night?” Mariana asked immediately and Leonard nodded

“You must be scared of sleeping” Mariana muttered

“I’m even scared of my own bed” Leonard chuckled and Mariana gave him a worried look

“Don’t worry,I’m fine. Goodnight” He winked before going his own way

Mariana sighed

“It must be so scary for him alone” She mumbled worriedly as she entered her room

“Wait…..why am I even worried?? What if he changes tomorrow? He sounded drunk to talk to me for such a long time” She said and fell on the bed

“But I don’t want him to change tomorrow” She sighed and groaned thinking about their moments at the pool

‘That jerk is quite fun to be with’ She thought and used her sleep mask,falling asleep immediately



Ricardo was leaning on the car waiting for Dior to come out,they planned to eat breakfast together at a restaurant.

Dior finally showed you and she waved from the entrance

Ricardo checked his wrist watch

“You are fine minutes late” He said when she got to him

“I’m sorry” Dior smiled

“You deserve five kisses… punishment” He added and Dior frowned

“Will you act serious just once?” She scoffed and Ricardo chuckled

“It’s funny how you take everything I say as a joke” he said and opened the door for her

“You can’t possibly kiss me” Dior scoffed

“Says who? I’m dying to taste your lips……..”

“Shut up,it’s not even funny” Dior roll her eyes

“Okay boss” Ricardo chuckled

She entered and he closed the door back before entering through the driver side.

Soon,he was out of the compound.

They got to the restaurant In no time,Dior immediately looked around

“Don’t worry,I booked the whole restaurant so no fans” Ricardo said and Dior faced him

“Whoa,you should be awarded as the best in spending unnecessarily” She said before going out of the car

“Unnecessarily? Seriously? That’s all she have to say? Gosh,this bestie stuff is f-__-king things up” Ricardo mumbled before getting down

They walked into the restaurant and immediately Dior’s eyes widened when she saw Jace

“Jace!” She called and Jace turned too

Ricardo roll his eyes and went to sit down

“Wow,you work here?” Dior asked Jace

“Welcome to our Restaurant….” The manager was still saying when she gasped

“Dior!!!! Ricardo!! My favorite models!!!” She screamed and immediately brought out a book

“Autograph Please!!!” She gushed happily

“Oh,thanks for being a fan” Dior smiled and immediately signed so she could talk to Jace again

The manager walked to Ricardo who was lost staring at Dior and Jace

“Autograph please” The manager smiled

Ricardo signed it and groaned

“Gosh,seriously Dior! We are here to eat and not discuss!” He yelled

Jace and Dior faced him

“Ricardo,you’re shouting…..”

“I told you I booked all seats and nobody is here” Ricardo said

“Go to him,it’s good to see you here though” Jace smiled

“You won’t get our orders?” Ricardo asked coldly

“I was about to….”

“You should have asked first before you start a conversation” Ricardo snapped and Dior tapped him but he rolled his eyes

“I’m sorry” Jace apologized

“Hey new boy,do your job perfectly! They are important customers as you can see” The manager yelled

“I’m sorry” Jace apologized again

“But….it was my fault” Dior muttered sadly

“Here” Jace gave them both the menu

They ordered for the same food and he walked away

“Ricard,that was mean” Dior said

“Really?Just because you’re crushing on him doesn’t mean you have to neglect the fact that we came here together……”

“Then you should have spoke to me directly,not him. He did nothing wrong,I’m the one at fault here” Dior said

Ricardo fold his fist under the table

“I’m sorry” Dior muttered

“I guess I overreacted” Ricardo muttered and Dior touched his hair

“You really did,but I’m sorry okay?” She said and Ricardo smiled

“Fine” He winked

Jace and another waitress brought their order

“Enjoy” The waitress said excitedly,while touching her hair as she stared at Ricardo

“Thanks” Dior smiled at Jace and Jace smiled back which made Ricardo lost his appetite immediately

He took the wine and gulped everything down

Jace and the waitress already left

“How….did you met him?” He asked

“Oh Jace,I’ve seen him once at school but I couldn’t talk to him” Dior smiled but Ricardo only kept a straight face

“And then,I met him again at a mall. That was how we became friends,He’s cute right?” Dior grinned

Ricardo roll his eyes and poured himself another glass

“Are you okay?” Dior asked

“I was okay before we came here” He replied

“Are you suddenly feeling somehow?” Dior asked and touched his head

Ricardo pulled her hand down

“Eat up,I lost my appetite” He muttered

“Huh?” Dior asked

“Eat up Dior” Ricardo said and continue drinking


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