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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Falling For You… )

Genre: College Romance

Tags: Dramas,Couples,Action,Hatreds,S£x,Deaths,Love Triangles,Rivalry,Unrequited Love,Jealousy,Music,Murders,Secrets,Revenge,Celebrities,Bullying,,Tragedy,Secrets

By, Summer Gold R.



Leonardo Briggs,that’s his name. A very popular artist with millions of fans

He’s a vocalist,rapper and also a dancer,He’s simply the most popular singer in the entertainment industry.

He’s got the perfect figure to call him,handsome,cute,hot and segzy all at a time.

His hot looks isn’t a waste,he’s a p**sy f-__-ker,a crazy play boy. He’s got countless girls around him ready to give him their bodies any f-__-king time he want it

He’s young
He’s rich
He’s a star

He’s the type who doesn’t believe in Marriage,He would always say he’s never going to get married

He detests marriage alot,no matter what. Marriage is completely out of it for him

But the plan got ruined when he was suddenly betrothed to a girl

Who is she??

And how will the playboy cope with the sudden situation

Find Out In This Novel



( Falling For You… )


By, Summer Gold R.








DECEMBER 30★7:30AM**

The airport was over filled with hundreds of people,some holding cameras,Large picture portrait of Leonardo Briggs,others with board with his name written in capital letters,others holding letters and gifts.

Leonardo Brigg have been out of New York for a month for an important business according to his management and his flight will arrive in the next thirty minutes,his fans are waiting patiently for his arrival,that is how much he’s loved. Some arrived earlier while others kept rushing in to make sure they aren’t late.

Murmurs could be heard from them,they just can’t wait to see their idol again.


“What the f-__-k Louis,why are driving like a snail?” Jeremy groaned,staring out of the car

“Oh calm down dude,Leonard’s management says he will arrive by eight and we still have about ten minutes more” Louis snapped as he finally packed the car

Jeremy ignored him and grab his camera

“You’re not even a reporter yet,what will you do once you become one?” Louis scoffed

“I love my job more than my life” Jeremy said and got down from the car

Louis also got down and they started walking in,Jeremy kept taking countless pictures even as they walked in

He’s a Student of Diamond University,most popular university in New York because most celebrities attend this school,including Leonard himself.

Jeremy is in the Mass Communication major and he’s the craziest one who takes a reporter’s job important than any other thing. Louis is his best friend,same major but he’s not as obsessed as Jeremy

They found their way among the crowd,the people kept yelling at them but Jeremy cared less,he had to stay in front for better headline right? He’s in charge of the school blog and he get fresh news every f-__-king day,he’s one of the most popular and craziest guys in school.

Minutes later,loud screams filled the air as Leonard finally appeared

? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!

? He’s here!!!!!!

Some of the fans started running almost rushing toward him but the bodyguards covered Leonard up immediately,

? Leonardo!!!!

? We love you!!!!

? Welcome home!!!!!

? You’re so handsome!!!

? Leonardo!!!

? He changed his hair style again,He’s so hot!!

Jeremy was busy taking videos and countless pictures at the same time,Louis was also busy.

Leonard kept waving with pretty smiles on his lips as the fans kept screaming his name,he managed to accept some gifts from fans and letters while his guards also took some

His fans kept running after him and screaming until he got to the car

A guard opened for him but Leonard turned to his fans

“I love you all,see you all tonight” he said and blew them a kiss

Some girls fainted on the spot while others kept screaming,he finally entered the car and his driver drove off followed by other cars

“Gosh,that was short and stressful” Louis groaned as they got in the car again

Jeremy was already busy posting the videos and pictures on the school blog


“Seriously? So fast?” Louis asked in shock when he got the notification on his phone

“I’m not called Jeremy Fast Finger for nothing” Jeremy said proudly and Louis laughed as he started the car

“The school will be resuming back soon…how can they tell us to resume on the second of January? That’s three days from now,Can’t we at least rest for two more weeks?” Louis faked a tear

“Who cares when the school resume?” Jeremy scoffed

“I know you enjoy going to school,but I don’t” Louis said

“That’s why you’re the last in class,I still wonder how you ended up as my friend” Jeremy said with no expression on his face

Louis laughed



Mariana was still sleeping soundly,the alarm could be seen on the floor as a result of her throwing it when the poor alarm started beeping.

She had the pillow over her head,all of a sudden the door burst open and Octavia rushed in like someone being chased

“Mari J!!!!!!!!!!!” She screamed

Mariana jumped out of bed immediately In fear

“Help!!!” She screamed as she rushed toward the door

She almost opened the door when she saw Octavia

“Oc….Octavia?” She called and Octavia started laughing

“Aren’t you running out anymore? Come on go out,sleepy head” Octavia kept laughing

Mariana immediately rushed toward her but Octavia took to her heels and they started running around the room as Mariana chased her.

She stopped when her heartbeat suddenly increased,she immediately rushed to the table and grabbed a bag,she ran out of the room and rushed into the bathroom,she locked the door before Octavia could follow her

“Mari J?” Octavia called as she knocked the door but got no response


“I’m fine Octavia” Mariana replied from the bathroom in a tiny voice but Octavia was restless until Mariana came out

“Are you okay?” Octavia asked

“Yes I’m fine” Mariana smiled and dropped the bag in her hand

“What is that?” Octavia asked

“It’s nothing,I just suddenly remembered that I used some face lotion which I should have cleaned off” Mariana replied

“Oh..okay” Octavia smiled

“So,why are you here?” Mariana asked

“Leonard is back!!” Octavia screamed and started dancing

Mariana roll her eyes and fell back on the bed

“So you spoiled my good sleep because of that? Should I just ki|| you?” She mumbled sleepily

“Oh come on Mari J,This is a great news. We need to prepare for tonight” Octavia said,joining Mariana on the bed

“What’s happening tonight?” Mariana asked

“Leonard’s concert of course,come on it’s gonna be a blast” Octavia said

“I’m not interested,I wanna sleep” Mariana pout

Octavia started shaking her

“Come on Bestie”

“I love you”

“Please go with me”

“Fine!!” Mariana screamed

“Yes!! I will help you with an outfit….” Octavia rushed to her closet

“I thought you said tonight.. This is just 9am Octavia please” Mariana groaned falling back on the bed but her ringing phone interrupted,she immediately smiled when she saw it.

It’s Royce,her boyfriend

“Hey Babe” She smiled

“Morning Sleeping beauty” Royce said and Mariana blushed

“You too,I dreamt about you” She muttered

“Seriously?” Royce chuckled


“What are you up to today?? Wanna go on a dinner date?” Royce asked

“Dinner date?” Mariana asked excitedly but immediately Octavia shook her head and grabbed the phone from her

“Hey Royce,forget about your girlfriend tonight,she’s mine!! You can have her tomorrow!” Octavia yelled

“Octavia!!” Mariana shouted and grabbed her phone from her,Octavia scoffed

“I’m sorry babe,she’s going crazy” Mariana said and Octavia gasped

“Are you going out with her tonight?” Royce asked

“Yeah,she want me to go with her to Leonard’s concert” Mariana muttered

“Then we can postpone our date till tomorrow” Royce said and Mariana smiled

“Thank you babe,I love you” she kissed her phone

“I love you more,I will call you later” Royce said and hanged up

Mariana faced Octavia with a frown

“Are you seriously so obsessed with Leonard? If you are, then why can’t you just leave me alone,I’m not his fan!” Mariana yelled

“Scold me all you want,we are going to that concert together” Octavia said stu

Mariana scoffed and got down from the bed

“Wait here,I’m gonna take my bath. I’m hungry,is aunt home?” She asked

“Nope,she was leaving the house when I came in. You know she’s always busy” Octavia chuckled and fell on the bed heavily

“Have you seen the Ɓîtçh’s last post? She’s really trying so hard” Octavia chuckled

“Who? Tessa?” Mariana asked,walking back to Octavia

She was watching a video of Tessa dancing

“She tried” Mariana said

“Tried you say? She’s trying her best to be like you” Octavia said and Mariana chuckled

Mariana is a dancer,same as Tessa. They are both popular dancers in Diamond University and every Friday there’s always a great performance at the school hall. Mariana dances with her crew while Tessa would also do the same.

They are both great dancers but Mariana is the most popular and also a better dancer than Tessa

Another thing,They are enemies. Crazy enemies who will never be seen together unless it’s an argument or fight. They h@ťě each other so much

“Well,everyone wanna be Mari J” Mariana smirked and started twerking

“Yes baby!! Give them!! f-__-k them!Shake that @zz!!,shake it baby,shake it!!!” Octavia screamed crazily

They both laughed before Mariana went into the bathroom



Leonard stepped down from the car with his manager,Collins and immediately he was covered up by reporters but his guards tried their best making sure non of them touch him

? Welcome back home Leonard,what do you have for your fans who have been waiting

? Just a word please

? How much should we expect from tonight’s concert?

Leonard said no word as he kept walking into the company,he was wearing sunglasses and was chewing a gum slowly in his mouth,he was looking so freaking hot as usual

He finally entered and the reporters stopped following.

“Aside the concert,what do I have for today?” He asked Collins without turning his face

“An interview but I already spoke to them so it’s postponed till tomorrow…just the concert” Collins replied and Leonard nodded

“Hey Buddy” A familia voice called as soon as Leonard entered

He turned to see Winter,an artist just like him,they are under the same company and also best friends along with two others,Ricardo and Dior who are popular models

“Hey” Leonard smiled as Winter hugged him

“Welcome back” she said

“Thank you,I’ve been trying to get Ricardo and Dior but fruitless” Leonard said

“Oh,they have a $h00t,so I guess they are busy” Winter replied

“I’m here to see the director,see you later” He winked at Winter before walking away.

He was about going into the director’s office when Angelo came out,that’s Leonard’s rival in the music industry

Even though Leonard doesn’t see him as a rival,Angelo wouldn’t stop taunting him. He’s also popular like Leonard but Leonard is more popular.

Their fans are not left out,Angelo’s fans and Leonard fans are always on each others neck on social media

“Welcome back, we missed you” Angelo said sarcastically and let out a fake smile which disappeared immediately it was out

Leonard ignored him completely and went into the office

“Leonard!!!” The Director called happily immediately



The hall was filled up with fans ready to have Leonard on stage,it’s his first concert since two months and they just can’t wait to see him perform again.

The hall was so freaking large with different floors,Octavia and Mariana are on the last floor where it’s really easy to see the stage clearly

“There are a lot of people,it’s my first time attending his concert,wow” Mariana muttered

“Of course,it’s one of the biggest stadium with the capacity of eighty thousand fans,the tickets was sold out In just a week,I was among the first to get it” Octavia said proudly

“I’m not surprised,you’re obsessed” Mariana scoffed and almost immediately loud screams filled the hall

Leonard was just called on stage

? Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!

? Leonard!!!!!!

? You’re so handsome!!!

? We love you!!!!

“I love you Leonard!!!” Octavia screamed beside Mariana and Mariana had to cover her ears

Her eyes were also on Leonard who hasn’t stopped smiling,he was putting a loose red designer shirt,leaving the first four buttons open showing his segzy chest,,his hair was styled so beautifully,he used eyes contact lens which look so f-__-king hot on him.

? Hey Lee-Nations!!!

He called and a more louder screams came up

? It’s so f-__-king good to be back home,I LOVE YOU ALL

He gave a flirty wink

? My heart!!!

? Gosh,He’s gonna be the end of me

“My poor heart” Octavia touched her chest

Mariana was quiet,all she could do was stare

Soon,the concert started fully

He sings,raps,dances. He’s just perfect in everything

He was performing the fourth song which seems to also be the last,this time all the fans sings along

Mariana seems to be the only one who doesn’t know the song but she couldn’t deny the fact that he’s just perfect and she’s never gonna blame Octavia for being obsessed with him.

“He’s a crazy flirt” she mumbled as she stared at his movement and expressions. He never stops his winks,tongue rolls,lips licking and each time he does that,his female fans would almost go nut

? If only there’s another word

? Another word better than LOVE

? You’re my world baby

? With you,everyone else isn’t important

By the time the concert ends,it’s was 10pm.

“f-__-k,my throat hurts” Octavia kept clearing her throat as they find their way out of the hall

“You should be the last person to complain Octavia,real fans shouldn’t complain,you were screaming from the beginning to the end” Mariana said

“Are you mocking me?” Octavia said in her lost voice and Mariana laughed out loudly

“Lost forever” She smirked

“I h@ťě you” Octavia roll her eyes

Suddenly,a loud noise started and they turned back

“It’s Leonard!!” Octavia screamed and immediately left Mariana’s side as she ran to take a closer look

Many other fans started running toward the direction too,bumping into Mariana unstoppably since she’s not moving and soon she fell on the floor,the fans didn’t stop running,some even almost matched her there that she find it hard to stand up.

All of a sudden,Mariana heard loud gasps and everywhere was silent,they all moved away from her

She was confused for a while before she looked up to see Leonard stretching his hand to her.

Her eyes widened and a soft gasp escape her lips

He was looking even hotter now that he’s closer,she totally forgot that she was on the ground until his Angelic voice came up

“Are you okay miss?” He asked and she nodded gently

“My hand is hurting” he let out his usual flirty smile

“Oh…..” Mariana immediately grabbed his hand and he pulled her up

? f-__-k I’m jealous

? I wish it’s me!!

? Someone should please push me too

? Awwwn

“Be careful” Leonard said softly and smiled one last time before leaving,the bodyguards followed him immediately

Mariana stood In a place,staring until Octavia moved closer

“Close your mouth Mari J,a fly is coming” Octavia whispers to her

“f-__-k you!!” Mariana yelled and Octavia laughed


“You just created news for everyone,the video is everywhere” Collins said beside Leonard in the car

“You know I don’t care about news,I can’t watch a fan suffering without doing anything” Leonard rolled his eyes before shoving a gum into his mouth

He suddenly faced Collins

“This is not the way to my house…..”

“Lady Briggs want you to come over” Collins replied

“You should have at least informed me,you know how mom is,she’s only going to talk about getting a girlfriend again,I’m not ready for that $h|t,f-__-k it” Leonard scoffed


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