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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(When fire meets ice…?)

By: Diamond Zayne ✍️




“Ma’am… The cafeteria here isn’t in operation today.” Camila said.

“Why??” She asked, she was really hungry and they ain’t working.

“Ion know why ma’am, they didn’t open today.” She said.

“Then, find the nearest restaurant and get me my lunch.” She ordered.

“Okay.” Camila said and was about going out when Yolanda stopped her.

“I’m coming with you.” She said, she felt like eating outside today.

“Okay ma’am.” Camila nodded as she stood up and they both left the office.



Immediately she walked into the restaurant, screams filled the air.

? Whoa!!

? Isn’t that Yolanda Adams??

? Wow, I can’t believe I’m dinning in the same restaurant as the Mexican goddess.

? First time I’m seeing her… I must say, she looks more beautiful than in the magazines.

? Her Șëx¥ body for me.

She scoffed. “Whoa!! Who do we have here… Miss Yolanda, wow! Isn’t today my lucky day.” The manager blabbered, walking to her.

“VIP section.” Camila said, ignoring her blab.

She nodded. “Sure, come with me.” She said and they began walking to the section reserved for special customers.

Miguel was also in the VIP section with a business partner. Gael was also there.

He was the first to see Yolanda and he nudged at Miguel who was overly engrossed in the business he was discussing with the man.

He ignored him, then Gael had to whisper in his ears and immediately he raised his head to see Yolanda who was about sitting on the chair.

His looked a little bit surprised seeing her. ‘Why was he always seeing her wherever he goes.’

He thought as a smile splayed on his lips staring at her.

“Isn’t this destiny.” Gael whispered to him.

Mr Lopéz, the man he was talking to wondered why he stopped talking. Tracing his gaze, he found it on Yolanda and he muttered an oh.

“Mr Gonzàlez.” He called but Miguel didn’t reply.

The waitress brought their menu and they placed their order, then she left to get it.

Yolanda sat comfortably as she looked around while waiting for her order. Her eyes suddenly caught with Miguel’s who was staring intently at her, smiling sheepishly

She looked away immediately, but she could still feel his gaze on her, it was boring holes in her.

She shook her head. “I’ll be right back.” She told Camila before standing up and leaving.

Camila just nodded, who was she to question her boss.

Miguel seeing her leaving also stood up. “Where are you going Mr Gonzàlez, we ain’t done.” Mr Lopéz said.

“Continue with Gael.” He said walking away before he could utter another word.

Gael laughed before facing Mr Lopéz.

“So he was saying Mr Lopéz…”


She got into the elevator and inputed the floor number, the door was about closing when he placed his legs in between the small space… Stopping the door from closing. He used his both hands to open the door widely.

She frowned slightly seeing him, he had a smirk plastered on his face.

“What do you want??” She asked icily, as he got in.

“What does it look like?? I’m also going to third floor.” He said, inputing the floor number and the door closed.

She frowned, “You can always use another elevator.”

“I prefer to use this, gat a problem with that??” She rolled her eyes, sensing that he was about initiating a talk… She faced her front.

He kept staring at her side face which was in view and it was already making her uncomfortable.

First, she had to share an elevator with him, a guy and now he won’t stop staring.

Seriously?? The air was already becoming suffocating for her.

“Will you stop staring??” She sneered, not facing him.

“I can’t help but stare, you’re just too beautiful.” He said and she scoffed.

She turned swiftly, facing him… Her face emitting her usual cold gaze which doesn’t frighten him a bit.

She was about saying something when what happened next made her keep shut.

The elevator stop moving. It just stopped, like they were now in the air… The lift wasn’t going upwards neither was it coming down.

“Wh… What’s happening??… Why did the lift stop working??” She panicked, thick lines of worries could already be seen in her face.

“I don’t know.” He smiled and she glared.

Was this a time to smile, they were stuck and he was smiling… Fool.

She hastily walked to the door and began hitting it, trying to get the outsider’s attention.

“Anyone out there, help… The lift stopped working!” She shouted, hitting the door.

Miguel just kept smiling as he stared at her back view as if there was something amusing to smile about.

He was enchanted by her irresistible beauty.

“Help!!… What are you doing?? Do something… I need to get out of here.” She said, walking back to Miguel who didn’t even hear what she said.

“Are you even hearing me?? Do something…” She pleaded, her heart was pounding heavily in her chest.

It’s obvious that she was scared. Sweat has already form bead on her forehead. Her breath was beginning to hitch.

She rubbed her sweaty palms together, as she panicked. She cleaned the bead of sweats on her forehead, pacing about… Thinking of how to help herself as the guy with her wasn’t helping matters.

She suddenly stopped walking and started pressing her phone, trying to making a call across but she almost cried when she saw it had no signal.

“Darn it!” She cursed, throwing her phone away. She turn to see Miguel staring at her.

“If you are ready to die then say it.” She sassed.

“It’s obvious we’re stuck and I know the manager or whoever is in charge must have found out about the fault and they must be trying to fix it, so… While we wait, why don’t we do something fun, what do you think?” He asked, staring flirtatiously as he began walking close to her.

“Don’t come closer… Is anyone out there… Help… Darn it.” She cursed breathing hard, she was at the brink of tears right now.

The place was becoming suffocating for her… No air.

She turned to see Miguel standing right in front of her. “Get away.” Her back, pressed the door and Miguel smirked before placing his hands on the door, caging her in between.

She sniffed in his cologne.

‘Nice.’ She thought and almost slap herself knowing that she wasn’t supposed to think that.

He slowly began leaning closer. ‘What was he doing?’ she thought.

“You look beautiful.” He complimented and she shivered feeling his hot breath on her neck.

She doesn’t know why this guy was always making her impulsive.

“Get away.” She tried pushing but he was d@mn strong.

“Your hands are soft as well, keep touching my heart.” He whispered and she froze noticing her hands on his broad chest, one was at his heart side.

She tried removing it but Miguel held her hand tightly to his chest , he pulled her to himself by her waist and she gasped.

Third time she was in his arms and she wasn’t doing anything.

“Stay still and stare directly into my eyes and you will be at peace, forgetting that you’re in trouble.” He said and she stood still.

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