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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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“Ma’am??” Camila called her attention back and she sighed out loud.

“Are you alright ma’am? You keep zoning out.” One of the president said.

They were in a meeting, they were about to launch their newest products.

“I’m fine.” She said but truth be told, she wasn’t fine at all.

Miguel has been acting strange for the past few days. He now keeps late night and leave very early in the morning. She hardly sees him.

It was more like he was avoiding her coz even weekend when he was supposed to be at home, he was always outside.

She couldn’t understand why the change in attitude, whenever she tries to talk to him, he comes up with an excuse and leaves… It was so frustrating that she was slowly losing her mind at the rate of it.

“Mrs Gonzàlez.” She jolted at the mention of her name.

She sighed for the umpteenth time that day.

“Let’s just reschedule this meeting.” She uttered and the board exchanged look.

“But ma’am…” He quickly went dumb when she sent him a glare.

“Camila, fix another day for this meeting, I’m out of here.” She announced and left.

She didn’t even go to her office, she just went straight home.

She was gonna confront him today, come what may!



Miguel was on his way back to the office. He was just coming back from the restaurant where he went to have lunch.

He didn’t go with Gael as he was very busy.

The ride back to his company was smooth as ‘Somebody to love’ by Justin Bieber was playing in the car.

He tilted his head, letting the song sank into his brain.

He suddenly halted his car abruptly, causing a loud screeching sound. He quickly raised his head which was about hitting the steering wheel.

He almost hit a small boy who entered the road from nowhere.

He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt before stepping down from the car.

The small boy already got up from the ground, he was now cleaning the dust on his uniform, backing Miguel.

It seemed he was a student of the nearby school and was just returning from it or was probably on his way home.

But who could have left a small boy of his age alone?

“Are you okay?” Miguel asked, with concern clearly written on his face.

The boy turned around and it happened to be Ricky.

Miguel gasped loudly at the familiarity. It looked like he was staring directly at Yolanda but it was the younger boy version.

“Who are you?” He asked immediately he got off the shock and Ricky frowned.

“What sort of question is that? You almost hit me with your d@mn car, rather than apologizing, you’re asking silly question… Who I am has nothing to do with you??” He said rudely, he looked very angry making Miguel wondered the reason.

“I’m sorry, are you okay… If you’re not, I can take you to the hospital…”

“I’m okay, you can leave. Your favour isn’t needed.” He rolled his eyes and started walking away.

Miguel blinked before running after him as if realizing something.

“Hey small boy!” He called and Ricky stopped abruptly turning to face him with an angry expression.


“Ricky!” His nanny voice yelled, preventing him from saying what he wanted to say.

Nanny Clara walked up to them tiredly, holding his backpack in her right hand.

“I remember asking you to wait for me, why did you leave? I got scared for a moment.” She said to Ricky.

“I didn’t go far, just decided to walk around a little bit before you’re out of school.” He said and Nanny Clara smiled.

“Still you shouldn’t have left, I only wanted to ask your teacher something… Who’s he?” She asked now noticing Miguel.

“He’s just some random guy who almost got me hit with his darn car.” Ricky rolled his eyes.


“No no ma’am, it was a mistake. I didn’t see him coming, swears.” He said.

“Hmmm, you didn’t see him coming… So you were tryna kíll my son, huh?” She asked, twisting his ears and he yelped.

“Ouch! Wait your son?” He asked and she let go off his ears, he began rubbing the ear which had turn red.

“You heard right… Rich young adult like you are always reckless drivers.” She scoffed and began walking away, holding Ricky’s hand.

“At least let me drop you off!” He shouted but they didn’t stop. They flagged down a cab which they got into and the driver drove off.

“Gosh! Such replica still amaze me, d@mn!” He exhaled before going back to his car.

He got in and drove off immediately.



Miguel got into the house, it was d@mn quiet and the living room was dark.

She must be fast asleep, he thought switching on the lights.

He began walking into their room when a voice stopped him dead on his track. He felt the ground should open up and swallow him.

“Welcome home Miguel Gonzàlez.” Yolanda said from the dinning room where she sat.

He slowly turned to see her. He gulped down nothing, staring at her.

“Where you sneaking into your own house?” She asked and he immediately shook his head.

“No no… I thought you were asleep so…”

“It’s alright, I prepared dinner.” She cut him off.

“Oh, I…” He itched the nape of his neck.

“I ain’t taking a no for an answer.” She told him sternly.

“Sure… I just wanted to refreshen up, I’ll be right back…” He rushed before climbing the stairs.

She smiled, waiting for him.


Miguel still hasn’t come down.

What’s keeping him? She thought looking at the covered dishes. She sighed before standing up to go check.

She climbed the stairs to their room.

“Mi-” The rest pronunciation sank in her mouth as she saw him laying on the bed.

Was he sleeping?

“Miguel.” She called walking to his side, she tapped him gently.

“Miguel.” She called again, tapping him and Miguel feigned a yawn.

“Lan- Landa? You’re still awake?” He asked with a yawn and she furrowed her brows.

“You were supposed to come downstairs to eat…” She said instead.

“Oh… I’m sorry, I’m feeling sleepy right now.” He yawned again and made to go back to bed but her next sentence stopped him.

“Are you really feeling sleepy or you’re just avoiding me?” She asked and his eyes dilated, he gulped down nothing.

“Avoid? Avoiding you? Why would I avoid you? It’s just that I’m tired from today’s work and I need to rest…”

“I’m not a kid which you can tell such lies. Ever since we arrive Mexico, your attitude changed. You are not the same Miguel which I knew in Hawaii which was always over me. These days, you keep avoiding my presence. You always arrive late, when I’ve gone to sleep while waiting for you… And you always leave very early before I can even see… If I manage to get a glimpse of you in the morning, you quickly scurry off! What’s up? Why did you change all of a sudden?!” She yelled, almost in tears.

“No Landa, you’re getting it all wrong. It’s just that I’ve been busy with wor…”

“Don’t tell me you’re also choosing your work over me!” She yelled, walking away from the bed side.

Miguel had to get down as well.


“I told you my life story because I was ready to move on, not for you to neglect me afterwards… What is my wrong?! Was it my fault that I was r#ped? Even if a thousand people were gonna take me unserious, I didn’t wanted you to.” She cried.

“No Landa, you’re getting it all wrong.”

“What wrong exactly?” She turned to him, looking him directly.

“The fact that you see me as a bad person hurts…”


“Can’t you see that I love you!!” She shouted and Miguel’s eyes widened.


“I love you Miguel!! So so much. Please stop this distant treatment.” She begged, pools of tears streaming down her cheeks.

“But it’s okay…” She said after a short silence.

“It’s okay if you don’t love me back. What do I expect anyway, since I’m a bad person. I’m the biggest misfortune ever, my life is even a mistake, you…”

He cut her off with a sudden kiss, stopping her from saying anymore rubbish.


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