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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(? Fire and ice…?)

By: Diamond Zayne ✍?




“I’ve always wished to go to a college far away from home, to make friends who care for me and love me. I wanted attention, since I couldn’t get it at home, I could at school right??” She sniffed, looking at Miguel who was listening attentively.

“And I did, I got to school… It was really fun… I made a friends, three actually, we moved in group, did everything in group, I was really happy with this friendship, we loved ourselves so freaking much. Everything was going fine until he came.” She paused and looked at Miguel who gave her a questioning look.

“Who came??” He asked and she sighed before replying.

“He. Nico Harper, that’s his name. He was every lady’s dream man. He was handsome, rich, popular and a playboy in MP (that was the name of her college.) Girls would do anything to get him, they don’t mind getting f-__-ked and dumped by him. They always flirt around like bees to honeycomb. I was also crushing on him but he was a playboy and I wasn’t the type to stoop so low to flirt with him, so I tried to keep my feelings in check, but it was d@mn difficult as we were both in the same major and it got worst when he suddenly picked interest in me.” She said and paused to look at Miguel’s expression, it was unreadable so she continued.

“One day, he walked up to me and informed me of his interest in me. He wanted to be my girlfriend but I turned him down immediately, I was scared of heartbreak, I don’t wanna experience it… I told my friends about it and they immediately shunned me against it. But Nico was hell bent on having me. To show that he had changed, he stopped flirting with girls, he stopped his playboy habits… He looked liked he had truly repented and I fell for it. I agreed to become his girlfriend even when my friends warned me against it… I was so much into his false love that I distanced myself from my friends who had always been there for me.”

“I never got time for them, we drifted apart but I didn’t care, I was contended with the love he showered me and I was slowly going astray without knowing. One day, Nico declared his intention of wanting to get intimate with me, I quickly turned it down… I was still a virgin, I didn’t wanna lose my virginity then… I tried to persuade him, if I was to lose my virginity, it should be on our last day in college and he agreed. He seemed happy with it, but little did I know that he had a different plan.” She stopped to look at Miguel, curiosity could clearly be seen in his eyes.

“My birthday was approaching soon, I was happy, I was gonna celebrate it with him… He promised to make it memorable but I never knew he meant something else. My birthday came and we booked an hotel in which the party held…”

“What happened next?” Miguel asked.

“I was drvgged…”

She could hear low and incoherent voice in her sleep.

“I’ll get under pants tonight and I’ll disvirgin her, you just watch and see, I’ll win this bet then you will give me your brand new Bugatti.” He said, on the phone.

“Nah, she’s still asleep… You know there’s no fun in having s£x with a sleeping doll, I’ll wait for her to wake up.”

She tilted her head trying to process the words, the voice was familiar, no doubt it was Nico’s voice.

He… He made a bet to disflower her??

She suddenly felt his presence, like he sat on the bed… He began caressing her face.

“Wake up my sweetheart.” He whispered into her ears and she shifted on the bed, still closing her eyes.

“I know you’re awake.” He said but she didn’t make to get up.

She began hearing him unbuckling the bed, she gasped, sitting up immediately, that was when she saw that she was in a room… A hotel room.

“Wh-what are you doing Nico?” She stuttered.

“Isn’t it obvious, I want to make love to you.” He smirked and she quickly got down from the bed, adjusting her glasses on her nose.

“No… I thought we agreed on our last day in college?” She asked as she tried to run out of the room.

“d@mn last day in college!” He yelled and grabbed her back, pulling her tightly to himself.

“Please, don’t do this Nico, help!” She yelled as he kissed her neck forcefully.

His hands moved to her back and he began unzipping her gown.

“No!! Please!” She begged and tried to push him but his hold was d@mn yoo strong.

“Shut up!” He yelled, frightening her.

Her eyes glistened with tears that it became hard for her to see with her glasses.

She kept struggling with him and he pushed her on the bed. “Please.” She whimpered as he joined her on the bed.

“Don’t act like a novice Yoyo, you love me right?? Then let me have you just this once.” He said but she shook her head..

“Please Nico, I’m not ready.” She said and immediately got down from the bed but he caught her before she could try to run.

“You’re not going anywhere, you’re mine!!” He yelled, pushing her back on the bed.

He began kissing her violently. She managed to break the kiss and bit him hard on his chest.

He screamed in pain and let her go. She quickly got down from the bed and began running to the door.

It was locked but the key was there, so she just twisted it backwards, before she could open it, Nico dragged her from behind and pushed her roughly.

She fell, hitting her head in the cupboard which she held for support.

“Bítch! You’re not going anywhere until you satisfy me!” He roared and came for her but she was already furious.

Her eyes met with the glassy flower vase on the cupboard and she held it. Immediately Nico turned her to face him, she smashed the vase on his head.

And blood filled everywhere.

She gasped, covering her mouth with her palms as he slumped on the floor, bleeding seriously.

“N.oo, no… Ni…ni..Nico…” She stuttered in fear, her hands shaking vigorously.

“Nico…” She called kneeling in front of him. Her shaking hands moved to his lifeless body, she touched his hand feeling his pulse and her eyes widened immediately.

“No no no no no…” She rushed, her heart palpitating with intense fear.

“Yo-yo-you can’t be de…ad.” She stammered.

Just then the door squeaked open.

“Ni… Ahh!” The intruder gasped loudly and Yolanda raised her head to see who it was…


Nico’s best friend, the clingy one that have always h@ťěd her. She seemed to have a crush on Nico or something.

“Holy Molly! Nico!!!” She screamed as she saw him in pool of his own blood, the shattered vase still on the door.

“Nico!!” She rushed to him.

“What did you do to him?!!” She yelled at Yolanda as she crouched in front of him.

“I… Didn’t… I didn’t do anything, he… He tried to r@pe me…” She said with trembled lips.

But Bella wasn’t listening, she placed her ears on his chest feeling his heartbeat and her eyes widened immediately she realized he was deàd.

“You kílled him!!” She yelled and Yolanda immediately shook her head.

“No no no no no… I didn’t, he…”

“Shut up! You kílled him bítch!! d@mn you! Nico!!” She shook him vigorously.

“Nooo!!!! Nico!!!” She screamed, her eyes grew red in anger and she stood on her feet, walking to her.

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