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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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They arrived at her office and Miguel took a seat.

“So how can I help you??” She asked.

“You seem to know alot about your boss.” He started and she froze.

“Me?? How? I mean… I only know her as a boss.” She said, trying her best not to stutter.

Miguel arched his brows at her behavior, he was finding it weird. There was something off about her.

“I didn’t expect you to know more than an employee.” He said and she muttered an ‘oh.’

“So what do you wanna know??” She asked.

“What you know about her??” He replied and she creased her brows.

“I… I…” Processing what he meant she started.

“Well, my boss… She’s a very cold, grumpy, rude, arrogant, selfish, hot temperamental… Mention any attitude of a mean person, that’s who she is. She h@ťěs men alot, with all her gut… I wonder why she is getting married when she h@ťěs men, hmph!! Such an unpredictable lady! But people do say something happened, that led to her being a misandrist but ion care… She’s just too off and weird for my liking, hmph!” She frowned and Miguel stared weirdly at her.

Something was just so off about this girl.

“If you h@ťě her so much, why don’t you resign… You can’t be working with someone you h@ťě so much, it doesn’t work that way.” Marianna gulped down nervously.

“I don’t wanna leave, I love my job.” She said avoiding his gaze.

“For how long have you been working here??” He questioned.

“Three months.” She replied and he curled his tongue in his lips, staring at her.


She walked in immediately, looking very furious. She flung her bag on the couch before slumping on the couch.

“Yes I’m getting married!…”

“…I’m getting married so come off with your obsession…”

“…I only see you as a friend, and I’ll be glad we remain like that, don’t ruin our friendship…”

“… I can’t give the love you want from me… I don’t love you.”

“Arghhh!!” She screamed frustratedly as she remembered his words.

She has always loved him more than a friend and he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t love her back, it’s so heartbreaking.

Despite him being a playboy, she tried to overlook that hoping that one day she’d have him all to herself but no…

He is getting married! He’s f_cking getting married!!

She pushed down the glassy center table on her front and it shattered into piece.

“Arghh!! Why?!!!” She cried throwing away the pillows on the couch. In no time objects were flying around the sitting room, making crashing sound as they hit the wall and fall to the ground.

Hearing the noise, Mrs García had to rush downstairs. Seeing the state the sitting room was in she gasped.

“Romina.” She dragged her name as she climbed down the stairs walking towards her.

“Why can’t he love me!!! I love him! He should too!!” She cried, still scattering the things in the sitting room.

“Romina! Romina! What’s wrong? tell me.” She inquired, turning Romina to face her.

Now looking at them, one could see the striking resemblance between the mother and daughter.

The thick full eyebrows, her cute small nose and her plump pink lips which looked like that of her mom, except for her chocolate brown eyes. She apparently took that from her dad but unfortunately he is late.

Her mom looked very young. A middle aged, probably.

“Mom…” She called tearily, hugging her very tight.

“Baby… What’s wrong? Why are you crying.” Mrs García asked, stroking her hair.

She cried continuously.

“What is it baby? You’re making me panic… What happened??” She asked, impatiently.

“Mom… Miguel.” She cried again.

‘Miguel?’ She creased her brows, disengaging the hug.

“What did Miguel do this time?” Mrs García asked.

“He… He… He is getting… Married.” She mumbled in between hiccups.

“What?!!” She screamed and Romina burst into another round of tears.

“It’s okay. That’s enough now… Sit down… Tsk, this place is a mess, let’s go to your room.” She suggested, seeing the state of the living room.

The whole place was in a serious mess, the TV plasma has been destroyed. Some shattered pieces of glass laid on the couch.

They got to her room and Romina explained everything that happened in the office to her mom.

How Miguel talked back at her when she went to confirm he was really getting married.

“He’s not mine mom, he can never be. He told me to my face that he can never love me. It hurts.” She cried.

“Who said he can’t be yours?” Mr García scoffed and Romina had to look up to her.


“Have you done anything about it?” She asked and Romina stared at her, obviously confused.

“You do not say over until it is over. I have a plan.” Her mom smirked and she arched her brows.

Her smirk only grew wider. She has always wanted Miguel for her daughter, she wanted to be among the Gonzàlez’s, she wanna be their in-law, she wanna feel that awesome privilege of being among the top richest in Mexico.

To achieve that she has always run matchmaking on her daughter with Miguel and she wouldn’t let some intruder come ruin everything…

Everything she laboured for years. Never!!

Even if it meant eliminating the person from the surface of earth, then she was ready to do it… That’s how much her greed to be famous is.


“Wow, that was a spectacular performance Miss Yolanda.” The manager complimented smiling widely.

She scoffed before walking away.

“Thanks Sir, don’t mind her, you should know her already by now.” Camila apologized on her behalf.

“I know, despite that I tolerate her cold behavior because she is a very good model… I wish she will change.” Mr Cole, the director said.

“She sure will, I know that.” She assured.

“I hope so. Anyway, I’ll take my leave now… Thanks for the performance.” He said.

“Always welcome.” She replied and he smiled before walking away.

She was done changing into her actual dress and was now looking for Camila, she wanted to go now.

She was walking when she bumped into someone or the person bumped into her.

She pushed him off almost immediately. “If you no longer need your eyes you should give it to a bat, it will be very grateful other than acting like the blind bat itself.” She bawled before attempting to walk away but he held her back.

“Hey, that was rude… I only did that to get your attention, you caught…” He couldn’t complete his sentence as a dumbfounding slap shut him up.

“Don’t you dare touch me with that stinky hand of yours you son of a bítch.” His eyes widened at that insult.

She started walking away but she stopped, she turned to him and said.

“I will forever catch your attention but you should never try to grab mine.” She warned sternly before. flipping her hair backwards and cat walking away.

Fernando stood there with mouth agape. No woman has ever got the chance to touch him talk more of slapping him but she did.

Just who the hell is this model and how there she slap him??

Fernando Pérez!!


“What the f_ck are you doing?? She’s getting out of my sight in no time and you ain’t doing anything!! Tell me if you ain’t interested in doing this again and I’ll do it my way!!” She yelled out, frustratedly.

“Don’t you dare shout at me, Bella!!”

“Of course I will. I did my own part of the deal, so while on earth are you f_cking delaying the whole plans?!! Two months ultimatum was what we agreed but I’ve been here for three months!!” She complained.

“I said we’re gonna do it so while the f_ck are you disturbing??” The man sassed.

“Oh you’re gonna do it when she gets married right??” She retorted.

“Married?? Is Landa getting married?” The man asked obviously surprised.

“No… She’s getting divorced.” She sneered.

“You berra kíll her or I’ll do it on my own. End Yolanda Adams or I do it without your help. Do wh@ťěver you can but Yolanda Adams must díe…” Her eyes widened when she heard a gasp behind her.

She didn’t hear when the door turned open.

She slowly turned around to see the person and she gasped immediately. Her throat went dry and her heart jumped out of her chest went to her stomach to stay.

Did the person hear anything?? That was the only question that rang on her head as she stared at the intruder who was gaping in shock.

It was obvious the person heard everything.

E choke abi e no choke ???

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