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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Melody emptied everything in her mouth then flushed it before washing her hands …

She turned to leave but then she bumped into Carly who was standing at the door glearing at her ..

“ what’s up with the glearing? Melody jibbed raising a brow at her ..

Carly didn’t ulter a word she just stood there speechlessly glearing at her ..

“ if you have nothing meaningful to say to me can you please excuse me ? Melody jibbed walking past her

But then she said something that made Melody halt on her spot ..

“ do you think no one is aware of what is going on in this mansion?

Melody turned to look at her ,,

“ what do you mean ? How is that my concern or what has that gotten to do with me ? Melody jibbed with an eye roll ..

“ oh come on! Don’t try to play a fast one on me ‘ you and I knows that you are aware of what am saying,,so why the pretence ? You better drop the pretence! Carly jibbed with a smick ..

“ I still don’t understand where you’re driving at. be specific and tell me what ever trash you want to say ! Melody chipped rudely.

Her guts was getting Carly really annoyed..

“ since you don’t understand,,then let me tell you ..

“ speak and stop wasting my precious time ,,u
I have many things to do apart from standing here and exchanging words with you! ..

“ do you think am not aware of what is going on between craig and you ? You can hide it from me ? You can hide it from the Rutherford’s but not me ,,my eyes is in every corner so I always have my eyes on everything you do ! Carly jibbed boastfully ..

“ is that why you stopped me ? Is that all you have to say ,,or you still have more in your trashy better spit it out now cos you won’t have the opportunity to,,,next time.. Melody chipped rudely..

“ am also aware of the fact that you are pregnant! SHe dropped the bombshell,, immediately Melody’s heart jumped into her mouth..

“ No !it better not be true ,,,I can’t be pregnant right ?it was just once ,,so how can I be pregnant? Melody thought holding her chest that was already beating rapidly..

“you are shocked right? You never knew I would find out ..or you are shocked for the fact that you are pregnant !!!

Melody remained silent..she was speechless at that point..

“ this is just the beginning..I will make sure I let the Rutherford’s know of your secret affairs with craig and your unwanted pregnancy! Just wait till am done with you ! Low life Ɓîtçh !Carly spat angrily before storming out of the restroom leaving Melody speechless..

“ it hasn’t been verified yet right ? I can’t believe it untill I confirm from the doctor! She thought worriedly walking out of the restroom.


Melody waited patiently for the doctor to come give her the test results..

She came for a pregnancy test ..thou she hasn’t informed craig of what Carly told her ..but could it be true ? She wondered..

“ will craig accept the pregnancy? What if he denies it ?dear lord ! Please have mercy on me . …

Soon the doctor came out and she hurriedly ran to meet her ..

“ congrats miss ! You are a month and two weeks gone ! The doctor said and her eyes widerned.

“ there is a mistake somewhere! I can’t be pregnant,,no ! Melody said not wanting to believe her eyes ..

“ if you don’t trust the result you can go to another hospital for a check ! Excuse me ! The doctor excused her self and left ..

Melody grabbed her bag and ran out ..

Yuna who was coming back from were she went to get food for Sean saw her .

“ what’s she doing here ? She thought..Then an idea popped into her head …

“ i think I should go ask the doctor,,she thought walking after the doctor…

Melody got home and dropped the result on the bed then entered into the restroom,,

Immediately she entered the bathroom a female figure walked into the room and picked it from the bed were she kept it.

“ this is enough prove for me to get a down ! The female figure smicked mischievously before sneaking out of the room..

To Be Continued…

Wahala ?

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