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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Soon the police handcuffed him and began walking away ..but then one of the police turned to Angela ..

“ you are under arrest for conspiracy! You sheltered a terrorist,,and if not for the face that Rutherford promised to give money to anyone who finds him . You wouldn’t have bothered exposing him are also a thr_@t to the society…the police jibbed.

At that point it was the end of the road for her ..she wished she hadn’t expose him she wasn’t given anything and at the end she was also arrested! What a life

“ the female police handcuffed her as well and they were both taking away ..

“ how is my son ? Yuna asked.. impatiently..

“ he is fine now ,,thou he is still unconscious…we are sorry for misunderstanding you.. who knows what would have happened if you didn’t stop him from entering the operation room ..the doctor apologized but before he could finish his statement..Yuna was out of sight..

Michael struggled to free him self from the chains but his attempt seems fertile ..cos the more he struggles the more tighter the chain gets ..

“ what sort of rubbish is this ? What have i gotten myself into?

“ I never knew something as terrible as this is in this mansion !

Soon he could hear foot steps approaching..

“ oh God ! Who could that be ?

He wasn’t aware that they were back from the party ..cos he couldn’t even hear a single thing from the room,,, everywhere was dead silence. Coupled with the darkness..the darkness in the room was sending shivers down his spine ..

Suddenly a strong breeze blew across is face and it was followed by an enchanting voice..

“ you need help right ? The sweet enchanting voice asked …

He was lost trying to digest what just happened..he looked around for any sign of a person but he couldn’t see anyone..but still he knew that something was off about the breeze ..

“ who’s there ? Show yourself…he said with shaky voice..he was afraid..but deep down he was scared..

“ I don’t think you would want see me ! The voice jibbed moving around him in dark flame ..

“ then get lost if you don’t want to show your ugly face,! Michael chipped pissed off..

The figure appeared ,,it was a beautiful girl in her middle twenties.. Micheal’s mouth threw opened ..her beauty was something else ,, Michael was lost staring at her face ..

“ how about working with me ?

“ what do you mean ? Michael asked Confusedly ..

“ i free you help me finish Melody !

“ what! I can’t do that ! You openly asking me to ki|| my crush ? No I can’t do that !

“ then stay here and get caught…am off ..she jibbed and turned to leave…

“ why do you want me to ki|| her ? How do I do that ? Michael said cos he had no option..

“ why I want to ki|| her is non of your business.. about how to ki|| her,,you don’t have to worry about that …I can also tell you everything you want to know about the Rutherford’s,,just help me finish her ! The voice said smicking..

“okey! But …he couldn’t complete his statement when s hand started pushing the door ..

“ just close your eyes and you will find yourself in your room ..she said and he did ,,he opened his eyes and he was in his room ..

“ wow ! This is really amazing….I guess I should trust her on this …

Meanwhile back at the chamber ..

Immediately he left Rutherford walked in ..,,he perceived the demonic aura ….

“ seems someone is practicing black magic under my roof ..who could that be ? He thought looking around…

“ two can play the game I guess! He jibbed with a smick….


As usual Melody could be seen resting her head on Craig’s lap pressing her phone while craig was busy working on his laptop..

She’s been having this strange Feelings since a week ago.. she’s always weak ..and she’s been having low appetite for food which didn’t seem like her..she eats a lot but now….

Melody waved it off .. but then the annoying feeling came again,,she badly wanna pock ..

She jumped down from Craig’s lap running into the bathroom..she emptied everything on the toilet then craig came in .

Are you okey ? He asked looking worried ..

“ yes …my mouth is just tasting sour ..I think it maleria..I will go to the hospital tomorrow..

“ come with me ! Craig said pulling him out of the toilet.

To Be Continued

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