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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ My Mysterious lover…}

Theme ; Living with the Rutherford’s..



Quincy’s eyes widerned at the sight in front of her ..

“ WTF !! She exclaimed,,her mom and siblings rushed in to see what made her shout ..

“ what’s up with you? Why were you shouting? Gray asked worriedly..

“ a snake ,,,am sure i saw a snake right here,,,’ she said pointing at a particular direction..

“ then where is the snake ?? Or has it suddenly grew wings and flew away ? Tina asked having doubt about it …

“ and even if the snake developed wings .we would have seen it flying away cos we were standing by the door… Arabella complained..

“ gawd !! I was very sure I saw a white tiny snake over there … Quincy persistently agued..

“ please enough of this snake stuff ,,,are you trying to say that the snake disappeared or something? Gray asked getting fed up with her behaviour…

“ maybe you are seeing things.. it’s a sigh of maleria happens to me sometimes when am having a feverish Heath..I normally see things that doesnt exist …. I believe you …I suggest you go take a rest prevent you from seeing things …who knows what you will see next if you continue standing there ,, Tina jibbed getting Quincy paranoid..

“ who knows the snake might have hidden somewhere …am hundred percent sure I saw it … Quincy said again not wanting to give up on the discussion..

“ one more word from you and am gonna slap you real hard …what do you plan on gaining by scaring us..? You better behave yourself..gray said angrily..

“ gosh I h@ťě you ! Arabella chipped angrily before storming off ..

She felt pained due to the fact that no one believed her ..and gray was still thr_@tening to slap her ..

“ imagine that kind of stuff…why is it that nobody wants to believe me,,they all thinks am lieing…gosh I h@ťě them ….she murmured not looking looking at where she was going to .. she didn’t even know when she bumped into a figure …

Behold it was the witch Carly…

“ are you blind ??? You saw me but still you intensionally bumped into me ,,,heck … everyone in this house annoys me…she fired at Carly .

“ mind the way you insult me ,,, besides you were the one who bumped into me but still you open your trashy mouth to yell at me …Carly jibbed with a smick…

“ did you just call my mouth trash ?? Quincy asked angrily…

“ yes ..what are you going to do about it,? don’t try to vent out your angers on me …. You should be sorry for yourself that no one believes you ….instead of finding a way to ki|| the snake you are here trying to let your vexination on me … stup*d thing …Carly jibbed at Quincy who was throwing deadly glares at her…

“ it’s high time you know your place in this house … remember you are nothing but a trash that was picked out from a trash can… So I didn’t see any reason you should open your mouth and spit at me … Quincy fired back angrily..

Out of annoyance Carly gave her a dirty slap across her face….

“ wait ! Did you just slapped me? Quincy asked boiling…

“ and am gonna do it w million times if you dare insult me ag….ain.

Carly couldn’t complete her statement when Quincy landed an eye blinding slap across her face.. before she could ulter a word she slapped her again sending her to the floor ..

Quincy pounced angrily on her throwing heavy punches on her face ,,,her belly kicking her furiously…

Before Princeton separated them ,. pulling her away from Carly …

“ what’s going on here … Sofia who was just walking in asked..

“ advise her to stay away from me …cos the next time she crosses my part …am gonna ki|| her… Quincy thr_@tened hitting her foot on the floor before storming off..

“ are you okey ? Princeton asked helping her up ..

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